Peter Carnley Anglican Community School in Wellard, Western Australia, Australia | Public school
Peter Carnley Anglican Community School
Locality: Wellard, Western Australia, Australia
Address: 386 Wellard Road 6170 Wellard, WA, Australia
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24.01.2022 On Tuesday 8 September the students from Kindergarten to Year 1 celebrated Week 8 of the Term with their fortnightly assembly in the Calista Campus auditorium. Read on... #pcacslife #petercarnleyacs #pcacselc
24.01.2022 #pcacslife #merrychristmas #happynewyear
23.01.2022 On Tuesday 25 August the Year 12 students spent some time with the Year 2 students in preparation for their Valedictory events in Term 4. Read on... #pcacslife #petercarnleyacs #classof2020 #pcacsclassof2020
22.01.2022 NO WASTE NOVEMBER Sewing Workshop with Mrs Pokroy On Monday the No Waste November focus was repairing things that are broken, instead of throwing them away. Yesterday, students learnt how to sew buttons onto pieces of cloth developing the idea that clothing can be fixed rather than thrown into the bin. #pcacslife #NoWasteNovember
22.01.2022 Shoes are polished, hair is immaculate, tie is straight and smiles are bright. School Photo Day 2020 at the Wellard Campus with Fotoworks. :) #pcacslife #petercarnleyacs #fotoworks Fotoworks
22.01.2022 NO WASTE NOVEMBER NUDE FOOD FRIDAY! Congratulations to Chloe O'Neill from Year 2R for having zero waste in her lunch box this Friday and winning the prize draw! #pcacslife #NoWasteNovember
21.01.2022 The Year 8 STEM students have been presented with a challenge to build test and engineer a water-powered vehicle to travel the length of the Middle School basketball courts. Key elements of the design brief included using recycled materials from the students' green waste bin and to minimise cost in the construction. Ideas ranged from pressurized vessels using air, chemical reactions and even a hydrogen cell to produce a combustible gas (hydrogen) to provide thrust upon ignition. #pcacslife #year8science #stematpcacs #stem
21.01.2022 ACC CROSS COUNTRY CARNIVAL 2021 #acccrosscountry #pcacslife #pcacssport
20.01.2022 On Thursday 10 September the Kindergarten to Year 1 students ventured over to the Wellard campus to take part in the 2020 Tabloid Sports. Read on... #pcacslife #petercarnleyacs #Calista #tabloidsports
18.01.2022 Today, the Junior School students took part in the first of a two-day Interhouse Athletics Carnival at Wellard Oval. Read on... #pcacslife #pcacsjuniorschool #petercarnleyacs #pcacssport
18.01.2022 Day 4 of Science Week saw students interacting with a variety of animals and insects in the undercover area during the lunch break. Read on... #pcacslife #petercarnleyacs #scienceweek2020
18.01.2022 TEAMWORK MAKES THE DREAM WORK!! Our talented Year 1 artists have demonstrated excellent teamwork in Term 3 by carefully planning and taking turns to work on their highly creative and original large-scale Abstract Class Canvas! Look out for some of the amazing Junior School artwork in the upcoming Arts & Technologies Exhibition in Weeks 9 and 10! #pcacslife #pcacsart #futureartists #pcacsartsandtechnologiesweek
17.01.2022 On behalf of the PCACS community, we wish all of the Class of 2020 the best of luck as they receive their final ATAR results. This is a nerve racking time for all students, as they wait to see what courses and universities they have been accepted into for 2021. We wish you all the best of luck! #pcacslife #atarresults2020 #pcacsclassof2020
17.01.2022 On Thursday 3 September, the Senior School gathered in the Keith Lindbeck Centre to listen to the Year 11 students who are running for Prefect positions in 2021. Read on... #pcacslife #petercarnleyacs #pcacsleaders2021 #leadership #pcacsseniorschool
17.01.2022 The 2020 Crosiers are going to be distributed in the next few days to Senior School students. (All eldest in the family will receive a copy). Additionally, for students from the Class of 2020, your Crosier is available to be collected from the School Reception Monday-Friday 8.30am to 3.30pm. #pcacslife #crosier2020 #classof2020 #pcacsclassof2020
16.01.2022 Last week the Year 6 students posed for their final group photo as a Primary School student. This is always a very special part of their transition year as 2020 has been focused on preparing them for Secondary School in 2021. 55 students commence that journey today as they take part in the Voyager Programme Activities Day. #pcacslife #voyager2021 #voyagerprogramme2021
16.01.2022 Last Friday 14 August saw the first Kwinana School Sport Association Interschool competition take place for 2020. As an association all the schools took a moment to appreciate how far we had come and how thankful we all were to be able to participate in an Interschool Carnival. A team of 40 runners did PCACS proud both on and off the track with excellent sportsmanship, behaviour and cross country running on display from all students who represented the school. It was a privi...lege to be able to come together and represent team PCACS Power against fierce competition. The day saw some stand out performances from students who finished in the top 3: Abigail Yeah Year 4 2nd Place Girl Liam Potter Year 4 2nd Place Boy Lucy Pepper Year 6 3rd Place Girl Zayde Kingston Year 6 1st Place Boy Joshua Hobbins Year 6 3rd Place Boy A special mention goes to Zayde who broke the previous track record of 8 minutes and 35 seconds held by PCACS student Lucas Dorant. The new time to beat over the 2.5km track is now 8 minutes and 27 seconds. A day of consistent placing in the top 10 saw PCACS named as the winners of the 2020 KSSA Cross Country Carnival. I would like to thank the parents and friends who came and supported our runners and for all the training session drop offs and pickups. I would also like to thank Mr Morris, Mrs Watts and Yara Roaen for their help on the day. Many staff from other schools made comment of Yaras exceptional behaviour and the professional way she went about her role on the day. PCACS 991 St Vincents 946 Bertram 927 Calista 756 Wellard 682 Leda 681 Orelia 539 North Parmelia 500 Medina 402 Mrs Rhiannon Chapman JUNIOR SCHOOL PHYSICAL EDUCATION TEACHER #pcacslife #petercarnleyacs #kssacrosscountry2020
16.01.2022 At PCACS all students are presented with opportunities to practise and improve their leadership skills. This Wednesday 9 September saw some amazing Year 5 students present their speeches for Junior School Boy Captain and Junior School Girl Captain positions in 2021. Read on... #pcacslife #petercarnleyacs #pcacsleadership #pcacsjuniorschool
16.01.2022 For working parents, holiday programs are essential. The Extend Squad provides fantastic experiences for PCACS students so parents can continue to work knowing their children are safe, inspired and having unforgettable adventures. Thank you to 'Extend' for offering this support and valuable service to our families. Click on their link for more information: #pcacslife #extend
16.01.2022 Today, 55 students participated in the Voyager Programme Activities Day, a day where students were immersed in collaboration, creativity and mental agility activities and exercises. Read on... #pcacslife #voyagerprogramme2021 #voyager2021
15.01.2022 The PCACS Scuba Club have been completing their pre-course training in the classroom each Friday after school. The group have learned many essential skills that will ensure they are ready for their PADI Open Water Scuba Diving course which they will be completing at the end of Week 7. During their pre-course training, the group have become familiar with scuba equipment, underwater sign-language, the effects of pressure, and safe diving practices.... Students have gradually equipped themselves with a basic diving kit and are now in the process of commencing their online theory assessments. The group of ten students are extremely excited about the new adventures that await them, and cannot wait to get into the water to practice their new skills and knowledge. #pcacslife #pcacsscubaclub
15.01.2022 R U OK? Inspire and empower everyone to meaningfully connect with the people around them and start a conversation with anyone who may be struggling with life. You dont need to be an expert to reach out - just a good friend and a great listener. Use these four steps and have a conversation that could change a life:... 1. Ask R U OK? 2. Listen 3. Encourage action 4. Check in Tomorrow PCACS students will actively participate in a variety of R U OK? DAY wellness activities - a day primarily focussed on students emotional, physical, social and mental health. Students are encouraged to accessorise their sports uniform with anything yellow. This not only raises a conscious awareness of the R U OK? message, but also encourages students to get into the spirit of the day designed especially for them. #pcacslife #petercarnleyacs #ruokday #ruok
14.01.2022 The weather has warmed up and the Kindies are taking full advantage of the water play area in their playground. They enjoy making muddy puddles and filling buckets of water to pour down the water slope. It is wonderful to witness their joy as they interact with one another, and their shrieks of delight whenever there is an unexpected splash! #pcacslife #pcacskindy #pcacscalistacampus
13.01.2022 Science Week 2020 concluded today at PCACS with staff and students getting into the spirit and dressing up in the Ocean theme or in the colour blue! Read on... #pcacslife #petercarnleyacs #scienceweek2020
13.01.2022 Today, following the Junior School Chapel, students from Year 3-6 had the opportunity to vote for who they believe would best fill the roles for Year 6 Service Captains in 2021. All four Houses gathered together as the nervous Year 5 candidates delivered their speeches. Congratulations to each candidate for putting themselves forward for such an important leadership role in the Junior School. #pcacslife #petercarnleyacs #servicelearning
12.01.2022 Congratulations to Year 12 student Faith Clowry and our School for being featured in the ASC News this month. Faith recently spoke on behalf of students at ASC Schools at the launch of the ASC Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) in July this year. She spoke about what it meant to her as a proud Aboriginal woman, and her enthusiasm for further education in our Schools. See Page 4 for the full article in the online edition at the link below: #pcacslife #culturaldiversity #petercarnleyacs
12.01.2022 Science Week continued today with students and staff gathering down on the School oval for an amazing display of rocket launching. Read on... #pcacslife #petercarnleyacs #scienceweek2020
10.01.2022 On Wednesday 26 August, the Junior School celebrated another fortnight of outstanding achievements with a number of students being recognised for Learner Strengths in the classroom. Read on... #pcacslife #petercarnleyacs
09.01.2022 To coincide with what would have been the 100th Birthday of HRH Duke of Edinburgh on June 10 we would value your support to promote Wear your Duke of Ed Badge... Day. We ask Award Holders to proudly wear their badge and post a pic (#award challenge 100), during the week of June 7th or on Thursday 10th. #awardchallenge100 #dukeofedaus See more
08.01.2022 PCACS community, Arts Week is nearly here! Come along next Friday evening and enjoy the showcase of Arts and Technologies connections, creativity and innovations. #pcacslife #petercarnleyacs #pcacsartsweek2020 #connections
07.01.2022 TIDES Coordinator Technology-Innovation-Design-Enterprise-Sustainability Peter Carnley Anglican Community School has opened up a new full time Curriculum leadership position commencing in 2021. ... Teachers aspiring to lead the implementation of a world-class multi-disciplinary educational initiative in a dynamic and growing K-12 school are encouraged to apply. For full details, go to the employment section of our School website:
07.01.2022 The Exhibition space in the Keith Lindbeck Centre is currently being set up for TONIGHTS Arts and Technologies Exhibition, Picnic and Music Evening. Come along around 4.15pm and enjoy a picnic with your family with the formal exhibition kicking off at 5.00pm. #pcacslife #artsandtechnologies
07.01.2022 In Week 8, Year 2 and Year 4 students participated in swimming lessons at State Swim Kwinana. Learning to swim provides students with the opportunity to improve their coordination, balance, and posture, as well as prepare for the summer months ahead. Next week, Year 1 and Year 6 will be enjoying their lessons, followed by Pre Primary, Year 3, and Year 5 in Week 6 of Term 4. All students are reminded to ensure they are prepared with the following named items:... I like swimming lessons because its really fun. Cooper, Year 4 I like swimming lessons because you learn new skills. Lily, Year 4 I like swimming lessons because you get to practise all the strokes. You also get to play some games. Chelsey, Year 4 I love swimming with my friends. Oge, Year 2 In swimming lessons, I am learning to hug the kickboard like a teddy bear and do breaststroke legs. Jade, Year 2 In swimming lessons, I have been learning to do backstroke and kicking. Kento, Year 2 #pcacslife #petercarnleyacs #stateswim #pcacsjuniorschool
07.01.2022 PCACS EXPLORERS - A STUDENT EXPERIENCE! Next Wednesday 26 August 2020
05.01.2022 On Wednesday 9 September, Year 3T kicked off the Week 8 Assembly with an informative presentation on the 3 states of Matter: Solids, Liquids and Gases. Dressed in lab coats, caps and sunglasses, they performed a rap to get their information across! Read on... #pcacslife #petercarnleyacs #pcacsjuniorschool
05.01.2022 Today the Year 2 and Year 4 students participated in a virtual reality incursion focussing on Australias Indigenous culture. The Pamagirri Aboriginal group transported the students in a full 360-degree view to the Far North Queensland rainforest. The workshop also included interactive educational games about bush tucker and hunting, as well as an incredible CGI video about the Dreamtime. #pcacslife #petercarnleyacs
04.01.2022 Welcome back to our Chaplain Rev Kim, who returned to work this week after recovering from an operation. Rev Kim has been sorely missed by students and staff across both campuses! Welcome back Rev Kim! #pcacslife #revkim #petercarnleyacs
04.01.2022 R U OK? DAY at PCACS. #pcacslife #petercarnleyacs #RUOK #ruokday #ruokeveryday
04.01.2022 PCACS Community, Just a reminder to come and visit the Keith Lindbeck Centre this Friday evening at 5.00pm for the annual Arts and Technologies Exhibition, Picnic and Music evening. Click on the invite for full details. #pcacslife
04.01.2022 On Wednesday 2 September, The Most Reverend Kay Goldsworthy AO, Archbishop of Perth visited both the PCACS Wellard and Calista campuses. Read on... #pcacslife #archbishop @AnglicanArchbishopPerth #AnglicanArchbishopPerth
03.01.2022 On Friday 28 August, Students from the Year 11 ATAR Health Studies worked with the Junior School classes from Years 2-5 during the last 2 periods of the day. Read on... #pcacslife #actbelongcommit @actbelongcommit
01.01.2022 SCUBA Club is coming to PCACS and starts in Term 4, 2020. It will run as part of Senior School Co Curricular and will continue in 2021 and beyond. PCACS have established a partnership with local diving academy SCUBANAUTICS and our students will obtain their PADI qualification at the end of November. The academy are also putting together some elite programmes in 2021, including Advanced Scuba, Open Water Rescue, Underwater Photography and more. A PADI qualification is for life..., recognisable internationally and can be used to hire gear and join dive expeditions anywhere in the world. For more information, please contact Mrs Aneta Ward: [email protected] #pcacslife #pcacsscubaclub
01.01.2022 This week is Reconciliation Week. The 2021 theme is 'More than a word. Reconciliation takes action.' I am very proud to share with you a project we have been working on for several months. Year 9 student Jeremy Clowry has designed an artwork that has provided the inspiration for the design of a new staff shirt. The shirt is being sent today for manufacture, ready for NAIDOC Week. Jeremy’s artwork will also be used to design a badge for each student in recognition of our comm...itment to reconciliation. I thank both Jeremy and Mr Cam Allen for bringing this design to fruition. We were also honoured to join the City of Kwinana Reconciliation Week Flag raising event earlier this week. Our student representative assisted with the flag raising and enjoyed hearing from the speakers including Lynn Coomer, Citizen of the Year. Ms Felicity House - Principal #pcacslife #pcacscommunity #reconcilationweek2021 #ReconciliationWeek #morethanaword
01.01.2022 The Associated & Catholic Colleges of WA F Division Athletics Carnival live from Athletics Stadium. Check out the PCACS team LIVE action:
01.01.2022 YEAR 8 2021 - VOYAGER PROGRAMME SPOTS AVAILABLE! We currently have a few spots left for the Year 8 Voyager Programme for 2021 in the areas of Maths and English. This is an opportunity for any current Year 7 students who wish to extend their learning in Year 8 next year. Please email our Director of Curriculum Mr Ross Dods for information about the application process: [email protected]... #pcacslife #voyagerprogramme2021 #pcacsvoyager
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