Petersen Rd NHW in Morayfield, Queensland, Australia | Community organisation
Petersen Rd NHW
Locality: Morayfield, Queensland, Australia
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25.01.2022 Good Neighbourhood ABC's - G is for Groups How you feel about your neighbourhood often comes down to how connected you are. Groups offer a way to meet and soci...alize with other locals and help you build a network of support where you live: Of course we think you should join your local Neighbourhood Watch group Check out local Facebook groups to stay up to date without leaving home Your local library usually knows about lots of groups in the area If you can't find a group that's right for you, start one of your own. To see who else is interested you could do a letterbox drop, make a post about it on local noticeboards or use the power of social media to help. There are lots of ways to feel more connected to your community. Try one of them today!
25.01.2022 For your information
24.01.2022 Another way to support Australian produce...?
23.01.2022 N is for... NEIGHBOUR! * Please sing to the tune of Shallow, from a Star is Born Do you know them well?... Know your neighbours in this modern world? Or do you need help? Try a wave or maybe give a yell. Community, It's the thing that we all need, Longing for it, We can help, Just join Neighbourhood Watch NT.
23.01.2022 Applies in EVERY state
22.01.2022 If anyone has LOST a set of keys, contact Leah Fenwick
22.01.2022 A-Z of Community Safety K is for... Kindness! Kindness is free, and it doesn't take much to show some kindness in your community. ... Be kind this weekend - hold open the door for someone, wave to a neighbour, take treats to a friend
22.01.2022 Can the Ambulance, Fire or Police find your house in an emergency? Make your house number large, clear and visible from the street at night. This is easily by painting the number on the curb in front of your house using reflective paint. While you're at it check your neighbours too! . Good neighbours look out for each other.
21.01.2022 MYTH BUSTER! Myth: Neighbourhood Watch is about spying on your neighbours. *gasp! Fact: We are an organisation focused on raising awareness of safety strategies... and resources, connecting neighbourhoods to create safer communities and educating the community on how they can help reduce opportunistic crime. What Neighbourhood Watch or community safety myth would you like us to bust?
20.01.2022 The man and two girls, aged 9 and 5, reported missing from Nambour on Tuesday, September 22, have been located safe and well. Thanks for the shares!
19.01.2022 Its National Child Protection Week: a time to come together and prioritise keeping kids safe. Tomorrow, at 10am AEST, children aged 4 to 7 across the country ...will take part in Australias Biggest Child Safety Lesson, learning about secrets and surprises. The lesson reinforces that children can talk about anything. Dont miss this child safety event! Register at ABCSL is proudly supported by Queensland Government and BOQ Maroochydore
18.01.2022 Good Neighbourhood ABC's - D is for Door Your front door says a lot about your home, especially to criminals. Make sure you're sending the right message with th...e following tips: Upgrade your front door lock hardware to include a longer, heavy-duty strike plate and install using long screws, through the door frame and into the wall studs for extra strength. If the front door's looking a little shabby, freshen it up with a coat of paint to make your place look well cared for. If your front door includes glass panels, reduce the risk of a break-in with security film installed on the panels. The film holds the glass together even if it's broken, making forced entry more difficult. Always keep the door locked, even when you're home. Let's close the door on crime.
18.01.2022 A-Z of Community Safety M is for... Mailbox! - lock your mailbox to avoid your personal information being stolen - have a friend or neighbour check your mailbox if you are away to avoid advertising your absence from home
18.01.2022 Good Neighbourhood ABC's - H is for Helping Hand Great neighbourhoods become that way because the people who live there look out for each other: Mow your nei...ghbour's front lawn when you're doing your own. Call a neighbour who's doing lockdown alone and check in on them. When you're going to the grocery store, see if there's anything you can pick up for your neighbour. Smile and wave hello whenever you see someone from your neighbourhood. Every little thing helps someone
17.01.2022 Good Neighbourhood ABC's - M is for Maintenance Criminals like an easy target, plain and simple. Make your home less attractive to the bad guys with these maint...enance tips: Keep trees and shrubs around your home well-trimmed so they don't provide any easy hiding places. Install sturdy deadbolt locks to all external doors and make sure you use a brand with durable deadbolt strike plate and long anchor screws. Install motion-sensor lights around your home to light up any dark spots that may provide a good hiding place. If you want to really scare thieves away before they get into your home, install a video doorbell with two-way voice capabilities + notifications whenever anyone is near the front door. You can see who's at the door and tell them to go away without even being at home. Install key locks on the windows or at the very least, cut dowel rods to fit each window so they don't provide easy entry. A little preventative maintenance can increase your home security and stop your home becoming a target for thieves.
16.01.2022 Good Neighbourhood ABC's - O is for Others Are you the kind of neighbour you would want? . Many of us were taught as children to treat others as we would like t...o be treated and nowhere is this truer than in the complex relationships one finds within a neighbourhood. It all starts with us: Keep loud music, power tools and barking dogs to a minimum. Keep clear of the neighbour's driveway when parking on the street. Get rid of rubbish from around your yard and house. Take out the bins or bring them back in for the neighbours once in a while. Wave and say hello when you see each other outside. The neighbourhood you want starts at YOUR front door. Scott Webb via Unsplash
15.01.2022 Planning a trip, now that borders are beginning to re-open? . DON'T broadcast your holiday plans on social media. . DO arrange with a neighbour to collect ...your mail while you're away. . Be smart. Stay safe. Have a great trip! See more
15.01.2022 More choice, no lines and delivery right to the front door - it's no wonder so many of us are heading online to tick 'Christmas shopping' off the list this year.... Here are a few tips to keep your financial & personal information safe and secure while you shop: Shop with names you know and trust. Most brick & mortar retailers have an online presence and sites like Amazon stock just about everything so. there's plenty of choices. If you're receiving emails about online sales, check the web address of the site you're being sent to. It could look like a brand you know but if it ends with anything other than a .com or you could be shopping from a scam website. Look out for misspellings of trusted brand name websites for the same reason. Sales on these sites look legitimate but you could be unwittingly giving our your personal and financial details. Always shop only with sites that begin with HTTPS, as opposed to HTTP. The 'S' means the site has encryption installed and will protect your credit card and other information. Shopping online is safe and easy as long as you know what to look for
15.01.2022 What do the public think. And play nice. There is no known cases in the Moreton Bay Area so this is just a recommendation
15.01.2022 *** AMBER ALERT - PLEASE SHARE *** Have you seen this girl? Police are looking for 11-year-old Laine-Ella Hyland who was last seen leaving her Main Beach home o...n August 18. Queensland Poice: Police are seeking urgent community assistance to locate a missing 11-year-old Gold Coast girl, Laine-Ella Hyland (pictured). The girl was subject to a previous media release after she was seen leaving her Main Beach home at 8.30pm on Tuesday, August 18. Laine-Ella was last seen at a Southport address on Thursday, August 24 and has not been heard or seen since. Police hold serious concerns for her welfare. The girl is described as Caucasian, around 150cm in height, of slim build with shoulder length blonde hair, and blue eyes. She was last seen wearing a grey coloured hoodie and black shorts. #7NEWS
14.01.2022 LEST WE FORGET. 10.45 at the memorial at the Community Centre
14.01.2022 A-Z of Community Safety R is for... Recognise, React, Report (The Three R's) The Three R's help children to react faster to an unsafe situation. ... Recognise, React, Report - Recognise an unsafe situation - React by getting away from the danger or from the situation, making noise or running and finding a safe place or person - Report to a parent, family member or trusted adult, they may also need to report to Police on 000 or 131444
13.01.2022 Good Neighbourhood ABC's - L is for Loneliness If the last few months have taught us anything it's the power of human connection. With many state borders still ...closed, there are lots of people cut off from family and loved ones and experiencing loneliness as a result. Help a lonely neighbour by: Leaving a lovely note in their letterbox. Just knowing there's a friendly face close by can really help. Ask for their advice. Everyone likes to feel needed but many people won't admit they're lonely or ask for help. Let them know when virtual community events or activities are happening and offer to help with setting up their phone or computer so they can participate. Start an old-fashioned letter writing trend in your neighbourhood. Ask about their life and interests: get to know each other. There's nothing better than receiving 'happy mail' in your letterbox to brighten your day! Invite them to join your Neighbourhood Watch group and make new friends. A smile and a chat, whether in-person over the fence or via handwritten notes, goes a long way to easing loneliness.
12.01.2022 It's National Road Safety Week; the perfect time to remind you: Stay off the mobile phone while driving. Let's all get where we're going, safely!
12.01.2022 Welcome to Words of Wisdom Wednesday Today's words of wisdom: You cannot love your brother across the world if you do not love your neighbour across the street.
11.01.2022 A-Z of Community Safety O is for... Online Safety! Our top tips for keeping yourself safe online: ... 1. Create strong and unique passwords to keep your information safe. Avoid using passwords which contain easy to guess information such as your name, childrens names or dates of birth. 2. Be click smart. Be wary of clicking on suspect links or providing personal information online. 3. If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Be aware of scams and report them to Scamwatch. 4. Be cautious of sharing too much information online, particularly surrounding identifying information, being away from your home for an extended period or your location. 5. When online shopping, or visiting websites for online banking, ensure the site is secure - you can identify secure sites by looking for a padlock icon in the URL bar and an address that starts with https (the S stands for secure) rather than simply http.
10.01.2022 A-Z of Community Safety L is for... Lock up! Please, just do it.
09.01.2022 There are many reasons to get involved with Neighbourhood Watch. . Protecting what's most important to you is one of the best
09.01.2022 Register your home or business CCTV cameras with Queensland Police Service. For more information or to register go to
09.01.2022 A-Z of Community Safety Q is for... Quick reporting The Police Assistance Line, 131 444, is a 24-hour reporting tool for any crime or suspicious activity. ... Reporting quickly could help Police to make an arrest or build a case, even if you think the information you have isn't important, it could be the final piece of the puzzle!
08.01.2022 Storm safety isn't just about what you do to prepare before it hits, but what you do after. Follow these tips for a safe clean-up: Don't use unfamiliar equip...ment without experienced supervision and always wear appropriate safety gear, e.g. safety glasses, covered shoes, earplugs etc. If you're cleaning up fallen trees after a storm, make sure there are no downed power lines before you start work. If there's flooding in your home make sure the electricity is turned off before you enter the house. If you've lost power and you're running a generator, place it at least 7 metres from the house. Never operate a generator in an enclosed area like a shed or garage. See more
08.01.2022 Good Neighbourhood ABC's - E is for Emergency Plan It's no secret - if you make a plan, you'll fare better in an emergency than if you wing it. Get your plan in shape with these tips: Know what the risks are, in your area, e.g. are you in a bushfire zone, a landslide zone, a cyclone-prone area etc. Kowing the specific risks helps you make a more detailed plan. No matter what emergency you're planning for, make sure you have enough food and clean drinking water to last several days, for each member of the family. Run some drills for each type of emergency you're planning for so that each member of the family knows what to do. For more information on how to make emergency plans, visit your state SES website, rural fire service website, or state government website for information and assistance. Plan. Practice. Protect.
08.01.2022 Getting out & about is a treat, for sure. . But it's no fun when it ends with your valuables being stolen. . So keep your bags zipped up and close by.... @iam_os via Unsplash
08.01.2022 It's National Scam Week! Here are our top five tips to protect yourself from scammers 1. Limit what personal information you share about... yourself online, including on social media. 2. Avoid clicking on links in emails or messages, even if it appears to have come from a legitimate source. 3. To visit a website or log into an account, type the address into the browser yourself. 4. Use strong passwords for your accounts and internet network, and never share them with others. 5. Shred any sensitive documents you no longer need.
08.01.2022 Overgrown trees and shrubs make great hiding places for criminals. Keep your home and garden well-maintained to send the message that your home is not an easy Trim plantings to below window height. Keep lawn mowed. Check all outdoor lights to ensure working order and replace or repair as necessary. Lock away items that could be used to help gain entry to your home, e.g. ladders, tools, stackable chairs etc.
07.01.2022 A-Z of Community Safety I is for... Important contacts Store important contacts in your phone for quick use in emergency situations.
06.01.2022 Good Neighbourhood ABC's - C is for Car Car theft is most often a crime of opportunity so let's not give the criminals a free pass: Lock up every time you the car, even when you're at home. Don't leave valuables on show. Store them out of sight or take them with you. Never leave your garage remote in the car. If the car's stolen you're offering easy access to the inside of your house as well. Close and lock the garage door too! Be smart. Stay safe.
05.01.2022 Good Neighbourhood ABC's - A is for animals. As much as we love our pets, the neighbours may not appreciate unannounced visits from them, so please: Check gates and fences are in good repair and will do the job of keeping Rex in the yard. Walk and play with your dog regularly to ensure they aren't bored and barking when you're out. Keep cats indoors to protect local wildlife and the neighbour's yard. See more
04.01.2022 Good Neighbourhood ABC's - B is for The Boys (and girls) in Blue. Don't wait until something's wrong to get to know your local Police Department. Work together... to reduce crime in your area: If there are issues in your neighbourhood, let the local police know. If you see suspicious activity, report it. Attend community events and make a point of introducing yourself to the local police. Get to know who's looking after your neighbourhood.
04.01.2022 A-Z of Safety G is for... Going away? Complete the Absentee Advice Form. The Absentee Advice Form advises NT Police, Fire and Emergency services of your absenc...e. The form provides details on who to contact in the event of an emergency at your premises. Where is the first place you will be jetting off to after Covid restrictions lift?
04.01.2022 Most of us have a ton of personal and financial info stored on our smartphone. . If the phone is stolen it's not just annoying; it can lead to home break-ins o...r even identity theft if that personal information is accessed. . To prevent this, make sure you have remote wipe capabilities set up for your phone so you can erase everything on it. . Every phone is different so refer to your manufacturer's website for directions on how to do this for your specific phone. See more
03.01.2022 A-Z of Community Safety P is for... Park for Prevention. - Park in a well-lit area to increase the risk that others will detect thieves ... - Park with your boot to a wall or next to other vehicles - When parking on the road turn wheels into the gutter - When parking in car parks turn wheels towards car parked next to your vehicle
02.01.2022 A-Z of Community Safety H is for... Hey There Neighbour! Your neighbours can be your number one crime prevention tool, and knowing your neighbours can help imp...rove your sense of community Don't know your neighbours? Use our Hey There Neighbour cards to introduce yourself!
01.01.2022 AGM for August Postponed Until further noticeAGM for August Postponed Until further notice
01.01.2022 Good Neighbourhood ABC's - F is for Front Yard How your house looks from the street speaks volumes. Overgrown trees and shrubs make your home look neglected and... make great hiding places for criminals. Keep your home and garden well-maintained to send the message that your home is not an easy target: Trim plantings to below window height. Keep lawn mowed. Check all outdoor lights to ensure working order and replace or repair as necessary. Lock away items that could be used to help gain entry to your home, e.g. ladders, tools, stackable chairs etc.
01.01.2022 2020 has been such a challenging year, we have been asking each other "R U Ok?" on most days! Today is a reminder that sometimes all it takes is a conversation to help someone feel not so alone #ruok #AreTheyTripleOK #mentalhealth #firstresponders
01.01.2022 We will never forget Daniel Today we ask you to put on you red t-shirt, remember Daniel, and continue our work. Together we can make a difference. #KeepingKidsSafe #wearrededucatedonate
01.01.2022 Good Neighbourhood ABC's - P is for Pedestrian Keeping the roads in our neighbourhood safe is everyone's responsibility. Whether you're a pedestrian or a driver..., what you do when you're on the road matters. Tips for pedestrians: Stay off your phone and look around you when you're crossing the street. Use the zebra crossing or cross at the lights where possible. If none of those is available, at least find a place to cross that doesn't require you to step out from behind a parked vehicle. When walking along the road, make sure you're on the right-hand side of the street so you can see oncoming traffic. Tips for drivers: Slow down around schools, crossings and any areas where you expect pedestrians. Drive extra carefully at dusk, after dark or during bad weather, when pedestrians will be more difficult to see. Always give way to pedestrians, no matter if they're on a crossing or not. The neighbourhood you want starts at YOUR front door. @davegoudreau via Unsplash
01.01.2022 Great neighbourhoods are built one neighbour at a time, one act of kindness at a time, one helping hand at a time. . What will you do today, that will leave your neighbourhood better than it was yesterday?
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