Petition to Support Food Stall Holders at Markets and Events in Tasmania | Other
Petition to Support Food Stall Holders at Markets and Events in Tasmania
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25.01.2022 you know it's been TWO years since we started this petition? So last week I called Stuart Clues who is the Red Tape Reduction Coordinator to ask for an update. The Food Act 2003 has been amended to be approved by parliament early November 2015. Apparently, this should be all over and done with in the next 6 weeks, which means, one licence for the whole state and only a notification to attend other council areas, that's a win yes?? Cheers Susanne Dobrowski :)
19.01.2022 heads up people! and Harvest Link Tasmania Farm Gate Market Harvest Launceston and everyone supporting this petition, can you please share like crazy over the weekend and try to boost a bit more support, as, I have to print off the petition on Monday, send off and it's being tabled next Wednesday for urgent amendment !! do it do it do it!! the more signatures the better the result! Thanks Susanne (who is just a little bit determined to get this done)
18.01.2022 I met Lara Giddings today, she bought one of my brownies, then Misty from Harvest Launceston reminded me (as I am so tired at the mo I forgot to 'bend her ear') to go and talk to her about the Petition to Support Food Stall Holders at Markets and Events in Tasmania so I did, interesting to know that the petition has been tabled and 'noted' - this actually means not a lot, that nothing will be done until March (apparently that's when the election will be) However, after another conversation with Adam Brooks this afternoon, nothing will be done at all unless the Bill itself is tabled. Oh yes, I WILL find away of pushing this amendment to the Food Act though. Bee in my bonnet now.
18.01.2022 remember this? 13th November 2013, someone please explain to me what government actually do?
15.01.2022 YES! The Bill was passed through the lower house this afternoon, and as painful as that may sound we are now on the home run. Next we have the upper house to get through in a few weeks, then it goes to the governor for royal assent... and then... ITS LAW! Adam Brooks says by the end of December, but I am hoping it happens sooner than that. But what an awesome outcome! So, in the meantime, we will be celebrating at Harvest Launceston, on Saturday, come and say hello and support all those fabulous farmers and producers that this amendment will benefit. Cheers Susanne, Modo Mio Naked
14.01.2022 Just in case you didn't see the news, that's a WIN folks!
12.01.2022 well, a little bit of an update, today I spoke with THE red tape reduction coordinator Stuart Clues who I have now forwarded all the information sent to Adam Brooks in 2013 - currently we're not high on the priority list, but we are on the list that says the State gov think that amending the Food Act 2003 is a great idea, however, no one has contacted Stuart from our industry to help him understand what impact current food licencing has on food vendors/producers who attend markets/events (who are not in a van that is) So, I am asking if anyone out there would care to submit their experiences also? I have a phone meeting with Stuart tomorrow morning, so would really love to get some additional input from you. Thanks Susanne Dobrowski. Modo Mio Naked my email address is [email protected]
06.01.2022 We need something like this, - it's already up and running in Victoria ONE licence for the whole state.
06.01.2022 Quick update folks, the amendment to the food act is now sitting on the health ministers desk for attention, no idea how long that will take, but as I started this in October 2013 I would think it may take another six months! As this is a non contentious issue there is absolutely no reason they wont sign off on it which will make our lives easier for sure! Thanks Susanne
05.01.2022 Please sign and share we have one more day until I need to print off and send off to be tabled on Wednesday. Thanks everyone for your support, hopefully we're on the home run now. Susanne
05.01.2022 righto, I've been far too quiet on here, only 2 more days to go and I'll know who my prime target is to get some rapid change done to the Food safety Act! Yes the petition got 'noted and tabled and registered on the Hansard but nothing else. Time to rattle some cages next week!
02.01.2022 waiting waiting......
02.01.2022 waiting, waiting, WAITING! I cant believe its taken from October 2013 and still we are waiting for an answer, it's simply not good enough!
01.01.2022 we have success!! whoo hoooo! Our petition was tabled and listed yesterday in State parliament, which means its on the Hansard - this means it's been flagged up as urgent to the Minister (Michelle O’Byrne is Minister for Health).