Petrichor Wines | Other
Petrichor Wines
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24.01.2022 More from the Biodynamic field day. Biodynamic preparations 502 -Yarrow, 503 - Chamomile, 504 - Nettle, 505 - Oak Bark, 506 - Dandelion & 507 - Valerian being prepped to be added to the compost. #biodynamicfarming #biodynamicwines #tasmania #coalrivervalley #winetasmania #wine #pinotnoir #syrah #shiraz #gamay #grünerveltliner #grunerveltliner #hobart @ Tea Tree, Tasmania, Australia
22.01.2022 I just picked up these beautiful flowers from @farmgateflowerstasmania Bec is now bundling our Pinot Noir with your Mother's Day floral orders and in fact, any other floral orders. I love that Bec only stocks in season and only Tassie flowers. Get your orders in! #farmgateflowerstasmania #mothersday #tasmania #flowers #pinotnoir #wine
20.01.2022 Thanks for having us @merriworthwines, great weather for picking #V21 Pinot Noir D2V5! The girls were great on the snips, as in they did no damage to themselves and were a big help. Long day for us and a long day for our little people who just go with the cream sure helps though. #vintage2021 #tasmania #pinotnoir #thankskids
15.01.2022 A great day with the Bio Dynamic Tas group. Finished the mega compost, making it a windrow with the addition of the bd preps. Next onto stirring the 500 with some fragrant fermented thistle tea thrown in. With a little help from some friends the vineyard is biodynamically prepped for spring. Thanks to everyone that came along, you packed it with good energy. #biodynamics #biodynamicstas #biodynamicvineyard #tasmania #steiner #teatree @ Tea Tree, Tasmania, Australia
15.01.2022 It was our annual Biodymanics Preps day, on an absolutely gorgeous day at Mountain River. BD prep 505 saw me putting the ground oak bark into the skull of a cow. Brings calcium into the soil in the way of living limestone and combats fungal diseases. Made BD prep 503, chammomile sausages, assimilating calcium and stabilising nitrogen. ... The main activity was the BD500 prep, with 500 cow horns stuffed with cow manure. All these preps get buried and over winter and let the cosmic astral influences work down into the soil where they are buried. Then in November they are dug up and what you get is sweet smelling and highly collodial gold! An awesome day with the most interesting people, such a great and diverse BD TAS community we have here.
09.01.2022 A great competition from Tasmanian Multiple Birth Association. Who wants to win a $100 voucher from Vermey’s Quality Meats in Sandy Bay and a bottle of OUR wine! If you've got twins, triplets or quads, you'll appreciate how a good bottle of wine, along with some quality products from Vermey's can transform some of those more challenging parenting days. Good luck!
08.01.2022 Early evening packing action. Getting the 2019 Lake Barrington Pinot Noir out of the apple crates to make way for vintage21. Miniscule amount made, just 129 bottles and oh so good. Pretty good helpers, got paid with being allowed to scooter like maniacs for half an hour! #pinotnoir #tasmanianwine #willinghelpers #tasmania
06.01.2022 Well #V21 is done and dusted! Gorgeous fruit from @merriworthwines. From smoothie to pressed juice, it's an intense time. Children were awesome (mostly) for being orphaned a lot of the time. Vintage is a good physical and mental workout. Now back to more labelling and waxing bottles.... #winemakingfun #pinotnoir #tasmania #vintage2021
05.01.2022 Ah, hand labelling, such fun! Once we got the machine going it was smooth sailing...950 times. 2019 Petrichor Pinot Noir done. Good to have the family involved...even if it's just building forts. #petrichorwines #handlabelling #tasmania #pinotnoir
04.01.2022 Finding interesting and beneficial plants in the vineyard. Clover and red clover are welcome with their power packed nitogen abilities, different flowers add to the overall biodiversity, mushrooms are a healthy soil signal and mullein. A herb with beautiful fragrant yellow flowers. The leaves, flowers and roots can all be used medicinally. The leaves are good dried and made into a tea, said to be good for coughs and flu, couldn't come at a better time. #mullein #biodiversity #biodynamics #vineyardbiodiversity #vineyard @ Tea Tree, Tasmania, Australia