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Phatt Baby

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25.01.2022 Why is good gut health so important when yr told that we have un-explained infertility..

21.01.2022 Super excited to be launching my PH@TT Baby businessSuper excited to be launching my PH@TT Baby business

21.01.2022 Today I would like to share my story with you , yes its a sad story of a lady who had 10 miscarragies and one stillborn daughter ... Victoria Danielle she was born at 31 weeks I had never felt as sad in my life.. This could be yr story because we get so excited about our new little life growing inside us , never thinking it could happen to you ... But it did the unthinkable .. And then a friend who knows about health from the inside ask if they can help you .. as im desprate yes pls, getting our gut healthy makes for a beautiful egg and sperm so healthy infact you can feel the embro attch wow this is it we are pregnant ..

18.01.2022 Hi ladies on yr IVF Journey i have a question for you !! If you had the means to ask someone who has been through IVF and came out with a healthy baba what would you like to ask them ? #inferilitygut#health#infertilitysucks#

15.01.2022 What are you doing for yr gut health.. ask me how to get yr gut in a healthy condition so you can achieve yr dream.. #guthealth#inferilitysucks#thebrain#andguthealth#

15.01.2022 After 10 miscarriages and one still born I new I had to do something more than relying just on IVF, so after doing my research on what happens on the inside of the body I discovered the connection between , the brain , intestines and gut health .. What I found out was no miracle they are all connected so if yr gut health is out this may be the reason for your Infertility .. I know amazing , unbelievable right but true . With this information I took action and started to get o...ut guts healthy , we took 8 core products took the month off for IVF we did everything to be healthy on the inside , no smoking , drinking , no coffee and no tap water .. It worked one month after we were pregnant yes it was a very nervous time .. And then the unthinkable happened I had lost a huge blood clot I immediately called my obstetrician at this stage we were 12 weeks I was frantic could not think straight he said don't worry Lynne it will be ok , so the next morning we went for our ultrasound our little man was fine a huge relief , we went on to have a little man we called him Luke he is our everything so blessed.. Now I'm not telling you this for the sake of it I want you to be parents we all have the right to be a family , from me to you I wish you all baby dust but don't just leave it to chance get the inside healthy. Let me help you pm me if you want to know more ..

15.01.2022 If you want help with yr IVF Journey from me .. I had my son after 10 miscarriages and one stillborn daughter only after I set about getting my gut healthy I can give each and everyone of you advice if you would like.

14.01.2022 What is the connection between good gut health and infertility? Ask me #infertilityand#guthealth#gohand#inhand#

13.01.2022 We go on a huge Journey to Have a baby , we put our bodies through whatever it takes , we smile along the way and do as we are told after all the doctors know more than us but what are we doing for our brain ? Do you know if you get yr GUT healthy this in turn tells yr brain Im healthy in there and this could be the cause of our infertility ?

13.01.2022 fertility and Gut health a powerful duo

12.01.2022 I have a question for all women who are starting IVF If there was one thing you could of asked before you started your journey on IVF what would you have asked ? The # 1 question I had after losing my Daughter was how am I looking after my insides I did my homework and found out that if I have a healthy GUT I have a healthy brain and that's all there is two it Why because the GUT and Brain work together..

12.01.2022 After trying for 10 years 10 miscarriages and one stillborn only after we got our gut healthy our food and drinking right we had our dream baby boy.. You can get yr GUT HEALTHY by taking 8 core supplements and watching what you eat and drink .. #inferitilityandgut#healthgo#handinhand#giveyrgut#andbrainthe#fooditneeds#

11.01.2022 Sick of the distress sick of trying month after month ... with the same results all the time when is it our turn when are we going to tell the world we are pregnant #goodgut#health#iseverything#ifyrtrying#

07.01.2022 Pls ladies read this it may help you .. #badguthealth#andinfertility#gohandinhand#

07.01.2022 I have started this new group ! the aim is to help couples going through Infertility or IVF .. Why because we went through the same thing I really want to talk about what you need as a couple so lets get started ! Tell me what you would like to see and talk about.

06.01.2022 Hi ladies on there IVF journey if there was anything you would like to ask an IVF patient who came out with a healthy bubba ... what would you like to ask them

05.01.2022 Dont ever give up on yr baby dreams

04.01.2022 Never stop trying.. #guthealth#andinfertility#gohandinhand#

03.01.2022 Im on a mission to help YOU

03.01.2022 Did you know that it may be yr bad GUT HEALTH causing yr Infertility comment if you feel the same wayDid you know that it may be yr bad GUT HEALTH causing yr Infertility comment if you feel the same way

03.01.2022 I would love to help you! Have you been turned away from IVF because you are too heavy? Would you like to lose weight fast so you can get started? The PH@TT program offers fast results but more importantly, you will be taking supplements that are safe during pregnancy. Improve your gut health, lose weight and prepare your body for pregnancy. To find out more, check out my website:

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