PhilFit, Perth | Sport & recreation
PhilFit, Perth
Phone: +61 451 410 904
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25.01.2022 Back day: 5 sets 10-12reps Deadlifts (of course) 4 sets (continuous) 10-12reps DB Rows... 4 sets 10reps Lat Pull Downs 4 sets 12reps Cable Rows 3 sets failure Wide Grip Chin Ups (I use a loop band for assistance). #philfit #philgreat #backday #illbeback #backworkout #back #healthandfitness #healthylifestyle #workout #workoutideas #upsidedowntriangle #life #apexpredator #training #wings #deadlifts #rows #exercisemotivation #exercise #chinups #gymlife #gymrat #strongwomen #girlswholift #musclemania #muscle #personaltrainer #maylands #maylandsperth #perth See more
24.01.2022 Nothing like a good stretch after training legs ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #philfit #philgreat #yoga #bikram #stretching #stretches #chilltime #metime #catchup #client #clientselfie #beforeandafter #bikramyoga #hotyoga #hothothot #dying #exercise #weightloss #bodybuilding #training #mindbodysoul #strongwomen #gymrat #doyouevenlift #personaltrainer #maylands #maylandsperth #perth
24.01.2022 Gooooo wildcats!!! Woohooo so much fun!! Thanks a million @dashwizz had the best time!!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #philfit #philgreat #wildcats #perthwildcats #basketball #nbl2018 #sports #livesports #minions #fun #game #exercise #fitness #ballislife #balling #lovinglife #perth #perthisok #perthlife @ RAC Arena
23.01.2022 Back in the gym today! Struggled with these rack chins today! 5 days off killed me! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~... #philfit #philgreat #backday #backinthegym #backworkojt #backexercises #rackchins #killer #ozzyday #strayaday #gym #workout #exercise #routine #girlswholift #doyouevenlift #strongwomen #couplegoals #coupleswhotraintogether #muscles #bodybuilding #weightloss #gymrat #gymlife #squats #backbaby #maylands #maylandsperth #perth #personaltrainer See more
23.01.2022 I always try to incorporate a single side exercise into my routines for symmetrical results seated single arm cable rows #philfit #philgreat #singlearmrows #single #takemystronghand #doyouevenlift #backday #backdayisthebestday #monday #mondaymorning #routine #doyouevenlift #healthandfitness #strongwomen #girlswithmuscle #girlswholift #musclemania #strength #weights #cables #gymlife #gymrat #exercise #health #fitness #consistencyiskey #motivation #personaltrainer #maylands #perth
23.01.2022 2 minute round Ab set for you: 30 seconds starfish 30 seconds scissors 30 seconds flutter kicks 30 seconds plank ... Complete 3 rounds! #philfit #philgreat #abworkout #abs #absofsteel #sixpack #6pack #6packabs #absolutelyfabulous #girlswholift #strongwomen #muscle #musclemania #highintensityintervaltraining #consistency #doyouevenlift #personaltrainer #highintensitytraining #highintensity #trainhard #gohardorgohome #homeworkout #workoutideas #workout #strength #weightloss #maylands #maylandsperth #perth See more
22.01.2022 Skinning the cat top bloke! Increase shoulder mobility Increase core strength ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #philfit #philgreat #skinthecat #core #corestrength #shouldermobility #shoulder #strength #muscle #topbloke #musclemania #bodybuilding #calesthenics #abs #shredded #workout #exercise #motivation #dedication #effort #trainhard #tanked #workoutideas #health #weightloss #consistencyiskey #personaltrainer #maylands #maylandsperth #perth
21.01.2022 This weeks easy salad spinach cos lettuce grape tomatoes sun dried tomatoes ... feta cucumber pepitas sunflower seeds Dressed in balsamic glaze ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #philfit #philgreat #salad #food #healthyfood #healthy #foodie #lunch #foodporn #instafood #vegan #healthylifestyle #vegetarian #summer #yummy #dinner #healthyeating #vegetables #delicious #foodphotography #plantbased #veganfood #cleaneating #diet #fitness #foodstagram #perth #maylandsperth #maylands #personaltrainer See more
20.01.2022 Beautiful evening for a ride! maybe a tad windy though..... #philfit #philgreat #theyseemeridin #ridingdirty #riding #ride #bike #bikeride #cycle #cycling #roadbike #bikelife #bikey #riverride #river #eastperth #perthisok #summer #fitness #exercise #cardio #fit #weightloss #nutrition #healthandfitness #personaltrainer #perth #maylands #maylandsperth
20.01.2022 We love this country ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (Especially all the public holidays!) #philfit #philgreat #australia #ozzy #ozzyday #ausday #maaate #celebratinglife #jumpingforjoy #ozzyozzyozzy #welovethiscountry #welovethiscity #perthisok #perth #perthcity #southperthforeshore #southperth #fireworks #australiaday #straya #strayamate #immigrants #love #amazingplace #couplegoals #goals #personaltrainer
19.01.2022 Give this stretch a go! Feels great! @holisticali #philfit #philgreat #yoga #stretch #stretches #stretching #poser #poses #pose #yogapose #strengthen #flexibility #workoutideas #homeworkout #workout #workoutmotivation #yogachallenge #fitness #health #healthandwellness #healthandfitness #bodybuilding #musclemania #mindfulness #mindbodysoul #personaltrainer #maylands #maylandsperth #perth
18.01.2022 My peanut butter protein bowl earth protein (vanilla) green fusion maca powder glutamine ... peanut butter BLEND Toppings: banana coconut chia seeds almonds #philfit #philgreat #smoothiebowl #proteinbowl #smoothiebowl #healthyrecipes #nutrition #protein #healthandwellness #bodybuilding #peanutbutter #banana #proteinshake @bulknutrients #simplelife #diet #weightloss #fatloss #burnfat #liquiddiet #fitness #exercise #lifesyle #consistencyiskey #strongwomen #girlswholift #doyouevenlift #personaltrainer #maylandsperth #maylands #perth @ Maylands, Western Australia, Australia See more
17.01.2022 Swopping the gym for a beautiful run by the river this morning steady state fasted cardio #philfit #philgreat #views #river #riverrun #gym #gymlife #gymrat #outdoors #goals #life #ozzy #morning #morningmotivation #gettingitdone #cardio #hiit #steadystate #steadystatecardio #fastedcardio #workout #exercise #summeriscoming #summer #getfit #doyouevenlift #personaltrainer #maylandsperth #maylands #perth
17.01.2022 Love a good Caesar! how do you make yours?? #philfit #philgreat #salad #salads #saladrecipe #caesarsalad #caesar #nutrition #food #mealprep #mealprepideas #recipes #foodideas #veggies #healthyrecipes #healthyfood #healthandfitness #mindovermunch #wellness #balance #mindbodysoul #consistencyiskey #doyouevenlift #dedication #ifitfitsyourmacros #foodlover #personaltrainer #maylands #maylandsperth #perth
16.01.2022 And rest days are very important! Make sure you listen to your body if you’re a fitness freak and take your rest day every week! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #philfit #philgreat #restdays #banksy #banksyart #rest #mindbodysoul #fitnessmotivation #fitnessfreak #mindfulness #nevergiveup #healthandfitness #bodybuilding #cleaneating #womenwholift #squats #healthylifestyle #strongwomen #musclemania #muscle #trainhard #strength #strengthandconditioning #mondaymotivation #inspirationalquotes #personaltrainer #maylands #maylandsperth #perth #perthlife
16.01.2022 Jingle bells Barbell curls Flexing all the waaay Oh what fun it is to play in a gym that lets us slaaay ... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #philfit #philgreat #flexing #whenyourgirlfriendhasbiggerbicepsthanyou #couplegoals #couple #goals #myman #muscles #musclemania #christmas #santa #mrandmrsclaus #gymlife #bodybuilding #armday #guns #doyouevenlift #workout #girlswholift #strongwomen #gymrat #biceps #weightloss #strength #squats #personaltrainer #maylands #maylandsperth #perth @ The Rise See more
16.01.2022 Post gym chilling Perfect weather for a good read by the beach ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #philfit #philgreat #postworkout #postgym #gym #gymlife #being #powerofnow #beingpresent #beach #schoolholidays #summer #summerloving #beachvibes #lovinglife #bookday #holiday #backday #girlswholift #strongwomen #mindfulness #citybeach #perth #perthisok #maylands #personaltrainer #maylandsperth #muscle #weightloss #mindbodysoul
14.01.2022 Have a little think before you demolish that entire bag! I know how easily it happens! try eating mindfully @thefitnesschef_ #philfit #philgreat #chocolate #calories #mindful #mindfulness #mindfuleating #meditation #fuel #think #consistency #foodforthought #bingeeating #mindovermunch #mindovermatter #fitness #health #nutrition #exercise #weightloss #doyouevenlift #ifitfitsyourmacros #diet #squats #healthylifestyle #healthandfitness #personaltrainer #maylands #maylandsperth #perth
12.01.2022 This little dude helping with stretches this morning! Did you know? Morning stretches help to increase blood flow/circulation get nutrients to your muscles ... combat fatigue assist fertility aid insomnia sufferers GET STRETCHING (and a pooch ) #philfit #philgreat #stretching #morningmotivation #morningstretch #fertility #circulation #insomnia #stretches #dogsofinstagram #dogstagram #exercise #fitness #weightloss #workout #workoutroutine #training #healthylifestyle #pooch #consistencyiskey #trainhard #healthandfitness #muscle #musclemania #strongwomen #personaltrainer #maylandsperth #maylands #perth See more
10.01.2022 And rest days are very important! Make sure you listen to your body if youre a fitness freak and take your rest day every week! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #philfit #philgreat #restdays #banksy #banksyart #rest #mindbodysoul #fitnessmotivation #fitnessfreak #mindfulness #nevergiveup #healthandfitness #bodybuilding #cleaneating #womenwholift #squats #healthylifestyle #strongwomen #musclemania #muscle #trainhard #strength #strengthandconditioning #mondaymotivation #inspirationalquotes #personaltrainer #maylands #maylandsperth #perth #perthlife
10.01.2022 Happy Halloween! #philfit #philgreat #happyhalloween #halloween #burpees #motivationalquotes #consistency #doyouevenlift #highintensityintervaltraining #personaltrainer #strongwomen #girlswholift #training #train #weightlifting #weightloss #cardio #muscle #musclemania #scary #fitness #healthandfitness #bodybuilding #shredded #shred #humpday #maylands #maylandsperth #perth
09.01.2022 Who loves their gym buddy? And her crazy end face! @candicefirth #philfit #philgreat #gymbuddy #buddy #shoulderworkout #shoulders #workout #doyouevenlift #friendswholift #friendswhotraintogether #training #weights #dumbbells #consistency #musclemania #goals #friendgoals #bouldershoulders #liftingweights #womenwholift #strongwomen #girlswholift #bodybuilding #weightloss #personaltrainer #maylands #maylandsperth #perth
09.01.2022 Everyone loves that one strong minded friend! Give some of these a go! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #philfit #philgreat #strength #innerstrength #strongmind #mindpower #thinkbeforeyoueat #mindful #mind #bodymindsoul #habits #healthyhabits #health #healthy #strongwomen #girlswholift #squats #muscle #musclemania #bodybuilding #positivevibes #doyouevenlift #weightloss #weight #mentalhealth #consistencyiskey #personaltrainer #maylands #maylandsperth #perth
09.01.2022 The world doesnt make it easy for us thats for sure! trust me- its never worth it pay for what you get and feel great about it! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #philfit #philgreat #foodsystem #issues #life #theworldwelivein #maccas #shame #choosenutrition #nutrition #choosehealth #health #healthandfitness #healthylifestyle #healthyliving #diet #weightloss #strength #weights #bodybuilding #muscle #motivation #doyouevenlift #strongwomen #girlswholift #eatrealfood #eatright #personaltrainer #maylands #perth
08.01.2022 Homemade GF, Lectin free sweet potato gnocchi with garlic mushrooms and kale! sooooo yum!!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #philfit #philgreat #nutrition #gnocchi #sweetpotato #glutenfree #lectinfree #healthyfood #healthyrecipes #healthylifestyle #healthyliving #vegetarianrecipes #veggie #gymlife #mindbodysoul #cleaneating #homemade #strongwomen #girlswholift #plantbased #plantparadox #weightloss #guthealth #leakygut #fuelyourbody #personaltrainer #maylands #maylandsperth #perth
07.01.2022 Yes it does! Dont compare yourself to anyone else. Everyone is on their own journey. #philfit #philgreat #healthy #healthymind #healthybody #health #selfimage #healthylifestyle #workout #exercise #motivation #body #bodyimage #muscles #gymrat #weights #weightloss #gainz #doyouevenlift #strongwomen #musclemotivation #motivationalquotes #trainhard #hardwork #training #gymlife #personaltrainer #maylands #maylandsperth #perth
07.01.2022 Very simple kale eggs for brunch today! 1 blanch kale 2 make wells for eggs and crack them in 3 add sun dried tomatoes and feta 4 place under the grill for a few minutes ... 5 add sun dried tomato pesto and season 6 grill until eggs are cooked 7 Enjoy with avo and of course ~~~ inspired by @biffenskitchen (got this idea from your spicy tomato chickpea eggs you posted in2017!) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #philfit #philgreat #kaleeggs #kaleandeggs #breakfast #brunch #veggie #veggierecipes #veggieideas #vegetarianrecipes #vegetarian #recipes #nutrition #health #healthandfitness #cleaneating #bodybuilding #weightloss #food #healthyrecipes #mindbodysoul #simplelife #girlswholift #doyouevenlift #healthylifestyle #biffenskitchen #personaltrainer #maylandsperth #maylands #perth
07.01.2022 Be kind this festive season! -> also lets not forget the power of water too! Stay hydrated ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #philfit #philgreat #bekind #kindness #actsofkindness #kind #blessed #season #grateful #happy #spreadthelove #love #poweroflove #thoughtful #mindful #mindfulness #mindbodysoul #seasongreetings #plants #plantsofinstagram #peopleofinstagram #personaltrainer #christmas #maylandsperth #maylands #perth #perthisok #perthnow
06.01.2022 Badminton kinda morning! -we still suck though... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #philfit #philgreat #notalwaysaboutwinning #hebringstheteamdown #takingpart #counts #badminton #wannabes #allthegearnoidea #losers #winners #sports #tryhard #effort #couplegoals #goals #exercise #badmintonracket #trainhard #cardio #fastedcardio #couplescardio #weightloss #therise #personaltrainer #maylands #maylandsperth #perth
06.01.2022 Post workout feed Spinach, feta and tomato omelette with pesto, Parmesan mushrooms! De-lish! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #philfit #philgreat #refeed #postworkoutmeal #postworkout #fuel #foodforthought #veggie #veggies #veg #vegetarianrecipes #omlette #brunch #workout #squats #slay #foodie #gymlife #gymrat #muscle #bodybuilding #weightloss #doyouevenlift #girlswholift #strongwomen #mindbodysoul #maylandsperth #personaltrainer #maylands #perth
06.01.2022 Anyone guilty? Happens all too easily! Stick to one cheat meal a week! Thats right just one! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ @mazerfitness #philfit #philgreat #nutrition #guilty #mealprep #health #weightloss #fatloss #shred #diet #stayontrack #staystrong #strongwomen #goals #girlswholoft #motivation #dedication #consistencyiskey #hardwork #exercise #fitness #gymlife #gymrat #musclemania #bodybuilding #doyouevenlift #maylands #maylandsperth #personaltrainer #perth
04.01.2022 Firm believer in exercise and nutrition to help combat many of those life problems! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#philfit #philgreat #exercisemore #eatright #exercise #nutrition #balance #healthylifestyle #medicine #drake #strongwomen #doyouevenlift #personaltrainer #bodybuilding #weightloss #muscle #fitnessfreaks #fitnessmotivation #motivationalquotes #quotes #loveyourself #cleaneating #healthandfitness #healthandnutrition #gym #gymlife #goals #newyear #maylands #perth
04.01.2022 My gorgeous client in action! #gettinghench @papsy91 theres always one person who has to walk in front of your gym selfie! #philfit #philgreat #kettlebell #halo #kbhalo #triceps #tricepexercise #workoutideas #workout #hardwork #trainhard #effort #consistencyiskey #motivation #dedication #hench #doyouevenlift #weights #resistance #exercise #fitness #health #bodybuilding #musclemania #gymrat #personaltrainer #maylands #maylandsperth #perth
03.01.2022 Inspired by one of my gorgeous clients! Asian style salad: Spinach Red onion Green beans... Tomatoes Cucumber Carrot Chilli Lime juice Fish sauce Hard tofu (seasoned with white pepper, onion powder and soy sauce) coated in sesame seeds and quickly fried #philfit #philgreat #salad #saladrecipe #saladideas #nutrition #health #healthylifestyle #healthyfood #healthyrecipes #healthandfitness #simplelife #simplefood #vegetarianrecipes #vegetarian #vegan #veganrecipes #muscle #bodybuilding #girlswholift #strongwomen #training #forksoverknives #inspiration #motivation #consistencyiskey #personaltrainer #maylands #maylandsperth #perth See more
01.01.2022 Damn right! #philfit #philgreat #beyourself #madeofmuscle #egg #hardenup #staystrong #strength #wisdom #healthandfitness #healthylifestyle #inspirationalquotes #inspiration #motivationalquotes #motivation #fitness #exercise #goals #trainhard #strongwomen #lift #girlswholift #musclemania #weightloss #consistency #consistencyiskey #dontgiveup #doyouevenlift #personaltrainer #maylands
01.01.2022 Pumpkin pearl couscous salad: pearl couscous spinach roasted butternut squash/pumpkin with Moroccan spices feta ... green beans dried cranberries #philfit #philgreat #salad #saladrecipe #saladideas #couscous #nutrition #healthy #healthyrecipes #healthandfitness #macros #ifitfitsyourmacros #healthandwellness #food #foodie #mealprep #mealideas #foodiesofinstagram #fitness #exercise #weightloss #inspiration #consistency #wellness #motivation #personaltrainer #maylands #maylandsperth #perth See more
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