Phillip Island Miniature Railway in Cowes, Victoria | Sport & recreation
Phillip Island Miniature Railway
Locality: Cowes, Victoria
Phone: +61 417 578 435
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25.01.2022 On Wednesday a few club members visited Diamond Valley Railway with filmmaker Peter Brown. Here is a little sample of the footage to highlight what we are hoping to build on Phillip Island. Special thanks to Peter for donating time and equipment and DVR for again giving us access to your facilities and allowing us to film.
24.01.2022 Photo of Loco on our Wishlist
24.01.2022 Hello Members It’s been a while since we chatted. Our investigation and drive has been based around selling shares to the public, with the goal to build a substantial Railway on the Island. Indications from people were good. We promoted through our email group and Facebook. Our decision to run a trial to ascertain the strength of interest was based on the requirements of the team who were going to facilitate our Share Offer. It would cost them, not us, a good deal of mone...y to release the Share Offer and they indicated that we needed to show them our strength in the interest in our Shares. Perhaps investors are happier with already established business’. However our trial did not give us the results they needed. So what now? Firstly, I must say that the Bass Coast Shire have always indicated that to have a Railway on the Island would be a good development and have always been very helpful. Being a very determined group, we have decided that our way forward is to operate as a Not for Profit Club and to build our Railway slowly, most probably with a smaller track and small lease of Council Controlled land. From the moment we get an allocation of land, we will know and understand that the Railway will become a reality. Please keep reading. The good news is that, although we have not been chatting to you, we have attended several meetings with Bass Coast Shire, trying to convince them to allocate us a small proportion of their development in Ventnor Road. We have also asked them to give a a very much smaller allocation where we could build a Temporary Railway, allowing us to prove ourselves and to mostly self fund our for our more significant Railway and Tourist Attraction All indications are that the development is proceeding as we speak. So we ask you now to stand by us. Yes, we will be selling sponsorships for the purchase of rails and sleepers but we will give you family days. rides, memberships etc. Nothing will asked until we have our land. But You know a sleeper will cost something in the price range of a cup of coffee, our rails would be a cheap meal for two at Mc D’s so won’t you help us please? Let us know if you will. We will keep you in touch. Regards Bev Munro
23.01.2022 Please come and visit us during the Phillip Island Model Railway Exhibition on January 12th and 13th outside the Cowes Cultural Centre between 10am and 4pm. We'll have: * a miniature loco for you to look at, * train cookies for sale, * club membership forms (membership is currently FREE), and * information about our upcoming share offer.... Photo courtsey of DVR.
20.01.2022 Hi all. We are still at the first stage of getting this railway up and running. We have a club committee who are working hard. Talks with the Council have been stalled because of Covid -19 but surely as we progress, life will swing back to normal. There are hundreds of Railway clubs around the world, their members have a great time bringing a most enormous amount of fun for themselves and the families who come to have a ride. It would be the best thing ever if you could us and help us achieve our dream to have a Miniature Rideable Railway on Phillip Island. Please click on the Go Fund Me link attached and donate Maybe, with a little help we can get there Won’t you help us please!
19.01.2022 This photo is taken At DVR. The shed design in the background is on our Wishlist.
19.01.2022 Good morning friends of Phillip Island Miniature Railway. It’s been over a year since we wrote to you. This Covid Virus has not only scared us beyond everything we have known, but it has frozen our plans to build a Miniature Railway for over 12 months. We did, during that time, maintain conversations with the Bass Coast Shire about the possibility of being able to be allocated some land to use and build our Railway. No decisions were able to be made during 2020, but slowl...y we can see slight changes in place to the effect that our Committee Meetings are very positive. Now let’s get on with it. Firstly, we have to deal with developing a new strategy and Business Plan for Bass Coast Council. It must be ready should land be made available. Included in this plan is our complete Design of the track, (although we will build it in stages), one loop at a time. Our Station, Workshop, Signal Box, Gates, Fences, Gardens, a Rotunda for Children’s Parties, Tunnels. Every minute detail must be included. We can break up the development into stages and will be able to complete it as we earn money from Passenger Carrying Days. If you are already in a Miniature Railway Club, reading this will sound very familiar. Some of you will not have any experience with Railways but the idea appeals, some of you may have Children that would adore to ride our tracks. Could we please interest any of you to become involved and help us get it built. How can you help? Help create our track plan. Promote the Railway by getting friends Interested. Help with Membership drive Help with suggestions of Sponsors who would be prepared to advertise on our Carriages and Locos. Learn to drive a Loco or become a Guard. Become part of our Garden Club to create a great Native Garden surrounding the Railway. ect ect ect. However, one of the best things and the most urgent is to become a Committee Member. Anyone over the age of 18 and any gender. There’s lots for us to do. Please feel free to contact me by phone or pm me through our page. If nothing else send us a like and help boost our page. Bev Munro Secretary 0417 578 435
16.01.2022 Phillip Island Miniature Railway is holding their 2020 AGM at the RSL Thompson Avenue Cowes on the19th April 2021 In the Boardroom. All welcome.
15.01.2022 Merry Christmas from The Phillip Island Miniature Railway! Help us get this brilliant family and tourist attraction off the ground on Phillip Island. Ask us about our upcoming public share offer.
14.01.2022 Hi friends We are putting together our proposal for Bass Coast Shire for an allocation of land on Phillip Island. We are in need of a Drafts person who would be prepared to do some Pro Bono work for us to help us with the Proposal. We need drawings of our Platform, a Ticket Box ( until we build station), our future Station, the Signal Box and Rotunda. Best to say the drafts person should be close to Phillip Island Australia. ... Would really appreciate hearing from you. Please pm me. Regards Bev Munro Secretary
10.01.2022 Looks like a fun day at Altona on the weekend. Looking forward to getting our track up and running.
10.01.2022 Hello Friends of Phillip Island Miniature Railway. Sorry about no postings. Our Team have been very busy working hard to find some land for our Railway and now find that there is a possibility that we may be able to succeed in find a place to call home. We have a waiting period and will have a better idea in April or May. We didn’t want you to get even the smallest hope and then it fail. It still may, but this is our best chance. ... If we secure our place on this land our costs will drop by over half. If you have been following us, you will know that our concept was to sell shares in the Railway based on a Equity Share and interest earning Offer. Unfortunately, Investors were not keen to invest with new Start Up Businesses. We now proceed with an alternative plan. More slowly achieved, but far less expensive, as we now will pay rent rather than purchase land. You know, the people we talk to and those who have helped enormously can see what we are aiming for. A great Railway Club with both Live Steam and Diesel Locos. Our local families joining in and being part of it’s organisation. Dad, Mum where Grandma and Grandpa can bring their little ones to squeal with delight and all to enjoy a time with the very real Traditions of a Railway of another era. If you would like to help us then please send us a message. Will be in touch soon Regards Bev Munro Secretary PIMR 0417 578 435
07.01.2022 Train photo courtesy of Diamond Valley Railway - We thank them for their support in assisting us in our attempts to get a miniature tourist railway established on Phillip Island . The Santa decorations are our doing.
04.01.2022 Hi all, we are seeking your support to raise funds to continue the attempt to get this railway off the ground. We hope to raise $1,000 to fund website development and, stationery and promotional activities please give $5 or more to help get us to the share offer stage.
02.01.2022 The Phillip Island Miniature Railway was founded by a couple of people with a big idea. We have big plans of establishing a Miniature Railway on Phillip Island. Running a 7 1/4 inch gauge railway amongst out picturesque railway park on our lovely Phillip Island. Whether you are a keen railway enthusiast or just want to come and have some fun on our trains we are looking for you.
02.01.2022 A miniature railway is coming to Phillip Island and you can own a part of it for as little as a few hundred dollars ... send us a message to let us know that you are interested and we'll send you more information as soon as it is available. Please also like our page and share it with your friends.
01.01.2022 Something to inspire ....
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