PHIX Physiotherapy in Fremantle, Western Australia | Medical and health
PHIX Physiotherapy
Locality: Fremantle, Western Australia
Phone: +61 401 772 242
Address: Unit 6, 1 Howard Street 6160 Fremantle, WA, Australia
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25.01.2022 We are very excited to have Cameron Scott join the Phix Physio team. Having returned from working in a busy practice in Alice Springs to study medicine at Notre Dame, Cameron will be taking bookings on Friday afternoons and Saturdays. An active sportsman, he has a keen interest in sport-specific injury management. Bookings can be made online at or phone 0401772242. #freo #physiotherapy #freolife #sports #injury #injuryprevention #perth
23.01.2022 Many people are familiar with the ITB & love to give a good belting with a foam roller etc. One muscle that inserts into the ITB is called the Tensor Fascia Latae (TFL). The TFL assists with hip flexion & stabilising the pelvis when walking/running. Trigger points in this muscle cause pain deep in the hip and down the outer thigh as far as the knee, often mimicking bursitis. To release, try a spikey ball, as its difficult to stretch. Then strengthen those glutes and avoid prolonged sitting!
23.01.2022 2 years ago today I had my first client come in for a treatment at Phix Physio (cheers Kylie!). Since then it has continued to build and thrive. I'm so grateful for everyone who has supported me during this time. Much has changed (most noticeably the Devil's Ivy) and there are exciting times ahead. #freolife #physiotherapy #physio #fremantle #rehab #injuryprevention #birthday @ Fremantle, Western Australia
21.01.2022 If you struggle with low back pain and often feel like sticking your thumb or trigger ball into your upper glute, there’s a chance Gluteus Medius is playing a role. This muscle plays an important role in stabilizing the pelvis in single leg standing, and is often weak in people with anterior knee pain due to the knee dropping inwards when running, jumping etc. Try the tennis ball release, sleeping with a pillow between your knees and figure 4 stretch. If that doesn’t work, dry needling is really effective. As always, you’ll want to strengthen the muscle so it doesn’t keep reoccurring. For info, send us a message or call 0401772242.
20.01.2022 Plantar fasciitis is a relatively common issue which presents as pain around the underside of the heel. Most noticeable during the first few steps in the morning, usually easing with movement. Often described as feeling like a pebble in your shoe. It is commonly found in runners and people who spend most of the day on their feet. Treatments usually revolve around stretching or releasing the fascia in addition to offloading it with orthotics or taping. The most important part ...however, is progressively loading the tissue to build it's resilience. A good start is some calf raises, holding for 20-30 secs, followed by a couple sets of slow lowering calf raises (2 secs up, 5 secs down). If this sounds like you and you'd like some further advice, feel free to contact PHIX physio. #plantarfasciitis #physio #running #exercise #freophysio #freolife#footpain #jumpoutofbed
20.01.2022 I'm an unapologetic lover of all things Christmas. I'm aware of how lucky I am to be able to buy presents for my son. Unfortunately this isn't a reality for everyone. As such I will be using 100% of all takings this coming Thursday (6th December) to purchase presents for kids less fortunate, to be donated to the The Salvation Army Australia . If you have been thinking about having an injury or ache & pain sorted out, now is a good time! For bookings, please head to or message 0401772242. It's a win win. #phixmas #physio #freophysio #freolife #christmas #physiotherapy @ PHIX Physiotherapy
19.01.2022 One spot left at 11.30am for anyone in struggle town.
19.01.2022 Shoulder pain affects people of all ages, fitness levels and sporting backgrounds. Over the coming weeks we will delve into all sorts of funky shoulder issues such as impingement, bursitis, tendinopathy, frozen shoulder and neck related shoulder pain. There'll be some golden nuggets to help improve your symptoms, some exercises to strengthen and just a dash of my inner anatomy nerd coming to the party. #physio #physiotherapy #freolife #shoulderpain #crossfit #swimming #dryneedling #basketball #exercise
19.01.2022 Hugo is pretty stoked about his military press PB. He came in with deep pain and tightness around the back of his shoulder following a heavy dose of strict muscle ups. He also complained of feeling unstable in the overhead press position. Turns out his subscapularis muscle had developed trigger points galore. Following some dry needling and manual release he was loving life. Homework is to perform the broom of doom subscap release and some internal rotation priming work prior to his next WOD. #physio #crossfit #crossfitlife #dryneedling #freo #freolife #exercise #legolifters
18.01.2022 Morning run around Rome, the joy of jetlag is you beat the crowd.
17.01.2022 Shark warrior rocked up complaining of pain around the outside of his elbow following a weekend of painting his hideout. Unfortunately for him he had early stages of lateral epicondylalgia (aka tennis elbow) due to overusing the muscles that extend the wrist & fingers. Following some joint mobilisation, muscle release and light isometric exercises, he was able to pick up his staff without pain. Always a good idea to get onto these issues early before they become a real issue. Contact PHIX if this sounds like you and you want to sort it out. #tennis #elbow #physio #physiotherapy #freophysio #freophysio #exercise #crossfit
16.01.2022 Pain in the heel can occur for several different reasons, such as Achilles tendinopathy, retrocalacaneal bursitis or even bone spurs. One often overlooked cause is overloading in the Tibialis Posterior. This can occur with excessive running on uneven surfaces or over pronating feet with poor muscle strength in supporting muscles. This muscle plays a role in preventing excessive pronation (arch dropping inwards), distributing force between all heads of the metatarsals and also... acting as a weak plantarflexor (pushing up onto toes). Pain from a trigger point can refer into the arch of the foot and around the Achilles tendon. It is a challenging muscle to release yourself due to its depth. Dry needling this fella isn't comfortable but can be effective. Then you need to progressively strengthen the muscles supporting your foot and ankle. Feel free to DM with any questions you may have. #running #physiotherapy #physio #freophysio #triggerpoint #achilles #crossfit #footpain See more
16.01.2022 If you are experiencing shoulder pain and aren’t sure where to start with your return to exercise, give isometrics a go. Essentially it’s a fancy term for contracting a muscle without lengthening or shortening it. Best things is, you can do them anywhere without any equipment. You can either block with your opposite hand or use a wall. Start by holding for 10 secs at 30% max strength. If it feels good, increase force and try for 3-5 repetitions. You may find one particular direction is painful, so just avoid that direction for a couple of days. This is particularly good for rotator cuff issues, as tendons love to be put under load! #physio #physiotherapy #physiotherapist #exerciseismedicine #crossfit #swimming #freo #freolife #isometric
16.01.2022 Achilles tendinopathy can be debilitating and will often not resolve from being a hero and powering through the pain. Most commonly, sufferers will experience stiffness and pain first thing in the morning, and during/after exercises involving lots of jumping and running. It is essentially an overloading of the tendon due to a sudden increase in load, excessive training, poor biomechanics or weakness of muscles (especially posterior chain). Pain can be located at insertion (bl...ue), mid tendon (green), or at the musculoskeletal junction (yellow). Treatment involves releasing tight calf muscles, improving foot and ankle mobility, ensuring adequate reduction in dynamic load, strengthening supporting muscles and most importantly, progressive loading of the tendon. Although this is not an inflammatory issue, there is often irritation of the retrocalcaneal bursa, which can be eased with anti inflammatories. As always, seek professional advice so you can get a proper diagnosis. You might even stop walking like Frankenstein in the mornings. #physio #physiotherapy #freophysio #achilles #heelpain #exercise #crossfit #running #f45 #tendinopathy See more
16.01.2022 Ned is heading away at the end of the week until the 9th October. Some appointments are still available this week if you need some help with a nagging injury/issue. Cameron will be opening up a few extra sessions while he is away. Bookings can be made online at or phone 0401772242.
15.01.2022 I'm back from Singapore feeling recharged and ready to help you with any aches and pains you might have. Always helps to soften the post-holiday blues when you love what you do.
15.01.2022 Big O' in for some training this morning at PHIX. We have one more spot available at 12.30pm today. #physio #physiotherapy #training #fitness #freo #freolife
14.01.2022 Apparently Marlon is "putting all his healing power into the machine". Sounds good to me and feels even better. I've got 7 of these beauties left, and for $90, Christmas is sorted.
14.01.2022 Mastering the hip hinge is important for many exercises & activities in everyday life. Your back is strong and can tolerate flexing, however you end up targeting your back muscles instead of glutes & hamstrings. A great exercise for improving your mechanics is the split stance hip hinge (top). Keep your weight through the heels & keep your back neutral as you bend through the hips. This translates nicely into deadlifting. These pictures show the difference between rounding the back & maintaining a neutral lower back. #physio #freo #physiotherapy #crossfit #backpain #deadlift
13.01.2022 Whilst there are many potential causes of anterior knee pain, a commonly seen presentation is patellofemoral pain syndrome. This presents as a strong aching sensation around the kneecap, with occasional sharp pain when climbing or descending stairs, standing up from a chair or running. This condition is the result of poor alignment or tracking of the kneecap (patella), causing irritation and often inflammation beneath the patella. There are several reasons for poor patella t...racking, including; - weak glut medius, allowing the knee to drop inwards when running &/or jumping - weak VMO (inner quad), which helps pull the patella towards the midline - tight quadriceps (especially the outer VL), which pulls the patella outwards and can increases compression of the patella - poor running & jumping biomechanics. I will be posting some exercises and release techniques to help improve your symptoms. Feel free to contact PHIX with any questions you might have #kneepain #physio #freophysio #freo #crossfit #littleathlete #patellofemoralpainsyndrome #running #exercise
13.01.2022 A couple more exercises you can include if you are experiencing anterior knee pain. First is a half depth single leg squat with power band. Focus on squeezing the inner part of the quad as you push into the band to straighten the knee. Try for 3 x 15 reps. Next is a nice glut medius activation whereby you push your knee into a fitball and hold for 20-40 secs (3-5 sets). Weight through the heel and make sure your knee and feet both face forward on the supporting leg. Should feel a burn through the glut not quads. Don't round your back, make sure you hinge at the hip. #physio #exercise #glut #kneepain #vmo #running #freophysio #crossfit
12.01.2022 Neck pain can be extremely debilitating and at times pretty scary. Thankfully, most neck issues will resolve quite quickly with proper management and avoidance of aggravating behaviours. As a physio I get to see all kinds of neck pain... The stiff sore neck, the "I woke up and can't turn my head" neck, the "I got hit by a car" whiplash neck...The list goes on. I've personally experienced all of the above. It can be important to be cleared of anything sinister by a health prof...essional, and then it's time to be proactive! Firstly settle symptoms. This may be heat, gentle massage, dry needling, anti inflammatory, buying a proper grown up pillow etc. Then commence gentle exercises aimed at reducing the threat of movement and getting the supporting muscles working properly. Even better still..start the exercises before you experience neck pain! #neckpain #physio #physiotherapy #freophysio #exercise #massage #phix #proactive #grownuppillows See more
11.01.2022 I have a sneaking suspicion Greens Pool might be slightly busier than this over Easter. If you aren't one of the lucky ones heading off this Easter, just know PHIX will be open Saturday to treat Easter egg hunt hamstring strains. Wishing you all a safe and relaxing long weekend. #physio #freo #denmark #Easter #perthfitfam
11.01.2022 When treating young athletes with knee pain, there are usually some control issues around the hips that allow the knee to drop inwards. Improving strength and control around the hips can significantly reduce knee pain, even without any other interventions. Exercises don't have to be mundane. Infact we went old-school and dusted off the slideboard for Jessie. The best time to do these exercises is before things start to hurt! #physiotherapy #kneepain #exercise #freolife #phix #gymnastics
10.01.2022 I had the pleasure of going through some injury management and sports taping with the kids at Night hoops on Saturday night. It's such a great program run by passionate volunteers that I would encourage people to check out. Big shout out to Tim from @bm_physiotherapy for joining forces and sharing his expertise. It was awesome to see all the guys and girls have a go at strapping ankles and fingers! Hopefully it can inspire some future physio's. . . . #physio #basketball #freophysio #nighthoops #strapping #sport #physiotherapy #freolife
08.01.2022 If you’ve ever had a scan done on your lower back or neck, there’s a good chance you’ve received a long, elaborate and detailed report of everything that isn’t perfect. This often makes your condition worse due to the impact your beliefs and expectations have on recovery. Just know, that if you took 100 pain free people and imaged them, there’s a very high chance that they also have degeneration, disc bulges, facet joint arthropathy ect. (Unless they lived in bubble wrap). Just know that things will improve, especially if you add exercise! If this sounds like you, feel free to contact PHIX with any questions. Until then...keep moving.
08.01.2022 When dealing with shoulder pain, the general rule of "you can't go wrong with getting strong" applies. Obviously you may need to make some adjustments to ensure you don't aggravate the irritated/damaged structure. Play around with hand position, different angles, and lighten the weight. It will often be therapeutic! A small amount of discomfort in the first few reps is ok but if it doesn't ease, change it up. If you're not feeling better afterwards, you've either overcooked it, or you fall into the small group who requires complete rest. It's always good to have the shoulder cleared by a professional, but expect to be given exercises! #physio #physiotherapy #shoulderpain #freolife #freo #exercise #movementismedicine #crossfit #health
07.01.2022 Ned is heading home from his holiday and will be back in action Thursday afternoon. Bookings can be made online at
07.01.2022 PHIX will be closed next week (August 6th - 12th) as I take a break to play way too much golf and spend time with some quality lads in Singapore and Bintan Island. If you need some treatment before I bounce, there are still some appointments available all the way up to Saturday. I will be contactable through install, Facebook or [email protected] #physio #freophysio #golf #holiday #happy days
06.01.2022 It was pretty awesome having Casidy come in today to check her sore ankle. Luckily it looks as though she'll hopping around in no time at all. #freophysio #physio #sport #kidsinsports
06.01.2022 That's a wrap. Thanks to all the legends who came in today for Phixmas. Proud to announce we raised around $700 today which should be enough to get some great pressies for kids less fortunate. I highly recommend people find a charity they believe in and fling some coin their way. Now excuse me while I drink a cider! . . #physio #exercise #freophysio #freolife #salvation army #phixmas #crossfit #perthfitfam #perth #physiotherapy
03.01.2022 With the sun coming out and people dusting off their runners or gym membership, I often have an influx of overuse injuries as people try to go too hard too soon. If you've had a training hiatus, make sure you slowly build load. That may be intervals of walking if you're getting into running, or keeping weights a bit lighter until you've developed a base level of fitness. If you've been putting off getting back into training, start today and you'll be one day closer to feeling fit and strong again. #physio #fremantlephysio #fitness #summer #crossfit
03.01.2022 There are still a few appointments left for tomorrow's phixmas. Every dollar billed going to charity. Bookings can be made online at or message 0401772242.
02.01.2022 One appointment left at 11am on Friday. These two lads are fighting over it, but I'd prefer to treat a human.
02.01.2022 This is my beautiful family who I will be spending a lot more time with in the near future. After much deliberation, I have decided to temporarily close Phix Physio. I will be offering Telehealth consultations which will allow patients to receive advice on exercise progression and self management strategies. For more information on this, please call 0401772242 or email [email protected]. Whilst the Australian Physiotherapy Association supports practices to remain open at ...this time, I felt personally this was the right time to make this call. I hope you are all managing to navigate this stressful time whilst supporting your friends, family and the greater community. Stay safe and please don't hesitate contacting me with any questions you may have.
01.01.2022 It was only a year ago that PHIX physio started to become a reality. I couldn't have asked for a better year as it has been more rewarding and enjoyable than I could have imagined. Thank you to everyone who has supported PHIX this year. Tomorrow will be the last day before I head off for a couple of weeks (Back on 5th Jan). A couple of spots are still free tomorrow so if you need one last appointment for the year get in quick! Merry Christmas to everyone and here's to even more exciting things happening in 2019! @ PHIX Physiotherapy
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