Phoenix Power & Strength | Coach
Phoenix Power & Strength
Phone: +61 403 671 219
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21.01.2022 Can you get stronger even if you are injured??? Absolutely you can!!! Around 4 months ago I started suffering severe nerve pain in my shoulder and left arm. This pain reduced my favourite lift (bench press) to not even being able to press a 20kg bar without pain. ... Finally, after 4 months of rehab and strength building, today I started a new peaking block finishing on a top single @ 90%. And I did it completely pain free!! Endless thanks to my Coach @dan_hill05 who worked some sort of wizardry with my body!! Despite only being able to bench a max of 60% for 4 months, the accessory work Dan gave me meant I didn’t lose any strength at all. I was honestly blown away that I hit 90% of my 1RM this week. Not only that, in the last 4 months my Deadlift beltless 1RM is now equal to my belted 1RM! And this week I squatted in sleeves only 5kg off my wrapped and belted 1RM!!! Huge thanks also to @petergrantmassage who every fortnight has thrown every tool he has at my jacked up left side and worked a miracle. The comeback is definitely bigger than the setback!!! So excited to see what this next block brings! #trusttheprocess #igotthis #listentoyourcoach #shutthefuckup #strongerthanexcuses #rehab #cairns #cairnspowerlifting #asnfuelled #asncairns #herecomestheboom #phoenixps
21.01.2022 Have to say this week getting back into a training style I haven’t done in 2 years has been a massive eye opener!! 2 years ago I could have maybe done 5 reps if I was lucky of a 210kg tyre. Today I did 30! ....and that’s not just an improvement in physical’s mental strength as well!!! ... Shout out to my Coach Dan. The last 15months of strength and mental gains have been insane!! No way I’d be where I am without his brutal, but epic Coaching! Can’t wait to get back into the gym on the other side of this crazy time and get back to competing! In the mean time, bring on Strongman and Conditioning @hillperformance_coaching @worldgymcairns @asn.cairns #trainathome #youcandoit #noexcuses #strongman #tyreflips #cairns #cairnspowerlifting #gainstrain #asnfuelled #ytg #phoenixps
19.01.2022 Another cracker Saturday conditioning session!! Smashed it out in just on 30mins 500m Rower 15 Calorie Assault Bike ... X5 Rounds - 10 leg raises 10 leg circles 10 scissors 10 heel touches 10 reverse crunches 30 sec rope whips 500m rower #conditioning #butdidyoudie #absfordays #teambuilding #powerlifting #cairns #asnfuelled #phoenixps
19.01.2022 What a way to end Week 1 back in the gym after being shut for 10 weeks. So proud of my Athletes! It was a brutal reunion!! Love joining in with them on Saturdays and smashing out our Conditioning sessions See end of vid for what we did! #butdidyoudie #ithinkisawjesus #conditioning #cairns #cairnspowerlifting #asnfuelled #asncairns #phoenixps
17.01.2022 Far out my Athletes do me proud. Couldn’t join them for conditioning on Saturday due to being ill, but they went in and smashed their session anyway!! And even filmed it Love my Phoenix Family KB complex 6 reps per arm... Snatch, upright row, swing, clean X3 20 goblet 8 per leg step ups 60sec wall sit X4 30sec rope 10 push ups 20 KB swing X4 X10 hanging knee raises 30sec plank X5 500m rower #proudcoach #conditioning #myathletesarebetterthanyours #cairns #cairnspowerlifting #herecomestheboom #phoenixps
17.01.2022 What breaks down in a lift at a max weight will most often show up throughout warm up weights. The difference being, a Coach who only pays attention when a lifter is at their working weight. And a Coach who watches the warm ups. This mountain of a guy. Came to me and Said when he hits reps at 180kg that he has pain in all sorts of areas and has been stuck at that weight for months no matter what he tries. ... Do I watch him at 180kg and coach from there? No, I watch him from first warm Up weight of 50kg. And everything I pick up from his warm up weight at 50kg...... An hour later gets him a 20kg completely PAIN FREE PB @ 200kg. The weight that your body breaks down and feels pain isn’t the sticking point. What was failing Josh at 180. Was failing Josh at 50. Your body breaking down in a lift starts well before it will even tell you. Ego vs education. #proudcoach #leaveyouregoatthedoor #squat #cairns #cairnspowerlifting #worldgymcairns #herecomestheboom #phoenixps
17.01.2022 Very excited to be taking on my first Junior Female Athlete! Welcome to the Family Samara ....Samara is 16 years old and will be hitting the Powerlifting platform by the end of the year Her first session on Saturday (where we spend up to 3 hours working on technique) saw her hit a new PB on all 3 lifts! What a start!! Looking forward to seeing what this young superstar will achieve over the coming months! @samara.elmer ... Are you a Junior who is keen to learn Powerlifting and don’t know where to start? Or Parents if you want to get your kids into one of the most rewarding and empowering sports on the planet, slide me a DM #juniorathletes #excitedcoach #nevertooyoungtostart #powerlifting #cairnspowerlifting #herecomestheboom #phoenixps
15.01.2022 Another Saturday conditioning done!! Yeah the Girls! KB complex x3 X4 ... DB snatch x7 Push ups x10 BB rows x10 Wall sit 30, 45, 60 Step ups 21, 15, 9 X3 rounds Plank 30sec Hanging knee raises x10 500m rower @levi_reppel @hug_lyf @samara.elmer #ytg #conditioning #gains #powerlifting #asnfuelled #cairns #phoenixps
14.01.2022 Loving working with this gentle giant!! 2 weeks ago Big Cam came to me and asked me to pull apart his squat. He admitted he’d spent 38 years doing bro squats (mammoth ego weights at quarter depth ) and had all sorts of pains, imbalances, restrictions because of it. Cam was very concerned he’d messed himself up to a point it would take a long time to repair. ... However, after just a few adjustments such as foot position and bracing meant Cam was hitting 150kg for reps beautifully AND pain free within an hour!!! This is what I love about being a Coach. Not only helping people, but seeing the pure joy on their faces when they achieve something they had convinced themselves they couldn’t do. #nomoreegolifting #leaveyouregoatthedoor #proudcoach #strengthcoach #cairns #cairnspowerlifting #squat #herecomestheboom #phoenixps
14.01.2022 What a change in Weston’s deadlifts! First vid was March 2019, 6 months before he started training with me. Same weight - totally different looking lift. Weston has worked bloody hard to correct the myriad of imbalances and bad habits he formed in an effort to reduce his lower back pain. ... In fact when he first came to me in Sept last year he couldn’t get 100kg off the floor without severe pain. Now he’s doing 140kg for 6x3 almost completely pain free. Very proud of this guy @weston_wright_pt #proudcoach #patienceisprogress #deadlift #cairns #cairnspowerlifting #watchthisspace #worldgymcairns #herecomestheboom #phoenixps
14.01.2022 Whenever someone fails a lift, or can’t get past a certain weight, or parts of their bodies don’t behave how they want (ie knees caving in on a squat etc), a lot of the time they will analyse what’s happening during the lift. Yet most of what will go wrong in a lift will be what’s happening before the lift even starts. Your brace, your body position, your muscle engagement, your feet, your grip, your eye gaze, your breathing BEFORE you start the rep.....are all going to... determine how successful your lift will be. And it only takes one of these things to be slightly off to dramatically effect a lift. 100% of clients who have come to me in the past 2.5years have all added anywhere up to 15% on their lifts on their 1st day. Purely by changing their set up. Sometimes it’s a complete set up overhaul. Sometimes it can be changing just 1 tiny thing. It’s not just telling an Athlete get in this position and this will’s educating them how to get in a certain position, why that position, how it should feel, and what it will do. Want to get more out of your lifts?? 1. Book in with a Coach (I do one off technique sessions!) 2. Film your set ups every session and replay them in slow motion. #stopegolifting #leaveyouregoatthedoor #getacoach #cairns #cairnspowerlifting #techniqueiskey #asnfuelled #asncairns #phoenixps
13.01.2022 Want a killer finisher to your upper body training day? Have a go at this drop set! Choose a heavy weight you could do 6-7 reps on. Do 5 reps. Drop the weight by 2.5 - 5kg and add a rep. ... Keep dropping the weight and adding a rep until you get to 10 reps. Then Drop the weight again and do 15 reps. Drop the weight again for a final 20 reps. Only break long enough between sets to change the weight. BOOM! 80 reps done! Warning. This is brutal. And if you hate bench, it won’t make you like it any more @worldgymcairns @dan_hill05 #butdidyoudie #chestfordays #benchpress #volume #cairns #cairnspowerlifting #asnfuelled #asncairns #phoenixps #worldgymcairns
13.01.2022 What a huge weekend these 2 just had competing in their 1st ever Powerlifting Comp. I am absolutely blown away by what these 2 have achieved since coming to train with me a year ago. Holly joined the Phoenix Team in December last year. ... On day 1 we tested her numbers. Holly had never had any previous technique coaching in any lift. Squat 105kg Bench 70kg Dead 120kg Comp Day 10 months later Squat 180kg Bench 100kg Dead 170kg (unfortunately red lighting for hitching on 185kg) GOLD MEDAL Weston joined the Phoenix Team in September last year. Due to a myriad of imbalances and previous terrible technique coaching, Weston couldn’t get a 100kg deadlift off the floor, squat to depth on ANY weight, and bench press minimal weight without severe lower back pain. The pain would literally stop him in his tracks on all 3 lifts. Comp day just over 12 months later Squat 182.5kg Bench 107.5kg Dead 212.5kg BRONZE MEDAL All lifts completely pain free. AND an extra huge shout out that Weston dropped almost 8kg during Comp Prep to get into the 110kg weight class. Absolutely can’t wait to see what these 2 bring to next Comp!! #proudcoach #myathletesarebetterthanyours #gpcaustralia #powerlifting #cairnspowerlifting #cairns #asnfuelled #asncairns #strongerthanexcuses #worldgymcairns #phoenixps
12.01.2022 Another Saturday conditioning session done and dusted....always more fun in a group! Cardio and conditioning doesn’t have to be long and and intense is always a winner Today’s session - BEAR Complex 3x5 ... Med ball slams 21, 15, 9 Calorie row 21, 15, 9 Assault Bike Calorie ride 21, 15, 9 100 rope whips x3 40m walking lunges x3 @worldgymcairns @asn.cairns @levi_reppel @hug_lyf @weston_wright_pt #butdidyoudie #conditioning #powerliftersdocardiotoo #gainz #cairnspowerlifting #asnfuelled #herecomestheboom #phoenixps
12.01.2022 What a great success Joe’s first session was today! A rugby player most of his life, Joe never had any technique training in lifting. For the past 12 months Joe couldn’t lift any more than 120kg without lower back pain and became reliant on always wearing a belt to hide the pain. Looking at his first squats, straight away I picked up a few key issues to work on. They were minor technique changes, but boy did they have a massive impact. ... Within an hour Joe hit a 20kg beltless PB of 140kg. And then an epic belted 160kg. Completely pain free. So excited to see what Joe can achieve over the coming months! @joey_aloisio @worldgymcairns #educationoveregos #rugby #squats #cairns #cairnspowerlifting #buildthemstrong #techniqueiseverything #worldgymcairns #phoenixps #proudcoach
12.01.2022 Far out what a block of crazy gains! Training at home is something I have never ever done in my entire 15 years in the fitness industry! I have to admit week 1 was fucking awful, the work AND my attitude! But after 60% of my current 1RM felt like lead...instead of throwing in the towel and making excuses, it flicked a switch in my head to get my shit together and see what I can actually achieve in a situation well outside my comfort zone. These vids are the last rep o...f the last set each week. Absolutely did not expect my deads would increase by 45kg in 5 weeks, including a 15kg beltless PB!! Plus a 15kg increase in Floor Press!! And an added bonus? My waist has come in significantly, upper and lower body has grown a crazy amount (watch the difference in my shoulders and quads over the vids!)......and my Phoenix singlet has become so massive on me, I now have to tie a knot in it just so it doesn’t hang off me like a dress! 2 more sessions to finish this block, then next week I sink my teeth into a new program! Can’t wait to see what my Coach comes up with! @dan_hill05 @worldgymcairns @asn.cairns #garagegainz #determined #goalstocrush #powerlifting #cairns #deadlift #youcandoit #asnfuelled #herecomestheboom #phoenixps
12.01.2022 It was all Girl Power tonight in the Powerlifting Zone Squats, Bench and Deads all happening at once These amazing women getting it done! Geez I have a great job!! #ytg #ladieswholift #notstrongforagirljuststrong #proudcoach #cairns #cairnspowerlifting #asnfuelled #asncairns #worldgymcairns #herecomestheboom #phoenixps
11.01.2022 Dead set proof you can lose weight and get stronger at the same time!! It’s not easy, but it can be done!! Weston has literally worked his ass off in his very first Powerlifting Comp Prep. I couldn’t be more proud as a Coach. ... A massive thank you to @dan_hill05 and @asn.cairns for looking after Weston’s nutrition and supps. Weston has lost 7.4kg in 8 weeks AND has already PB’d all of his lifts. 3 weeks ago Weston lifted his previous 1RM on deadlifts and squats for 9 reps each. Bring on Comp Day!! #proudcoach #compprep #strongerthanexcuses #cairns #cairnspowerlifting #gpc #myathletesarebetterthanyours #asnfuelled #phoenixps
10.01.2022 Trying on some classic volume training on Weston, and boy is it paying off already!! Week 1 of volume training on Bench 6x6 @ 75kg = 2,700kg Week 5 8x8 @ 77.5kg = 4,960kg ... 2.5kg + 28 reps + 2,260kg volume lifted. Watch this space when in week 9 Weston is set to hit a ridiculous set of numbers for volume #bench #volume #westside #butdidyoudie #strongerthanexcuses #cairns #cairnspowerlifting #gpcaustralia #asnfuelled #worldgymcairns #phoenixps #herecomestheboom
08.01.2022 1st Strongman style Conditioning session in over 2 years for Shaz and I!! It was vomit worthy, but kinda fun at the same time!! Hard to believe we used to do this stuff for 90 minutes per session! Very impressed we smashed through this session in 27 minutes though! ... 25 x 20kg Sandbag rows 10 x 20kg sandbag overhead press 25 x 16kg kettlebell Swings 30m x 40kg Jerry Can farmer Carries 10 x 60kg tyre flips Repeat x5..... @shazzam4870 @worldgymcairns @asn.cairns #butdidyoudie #strongman #conditioning #cairns #cairnspowerlifting #asnfuelled #vitamind #stayhome #phoenixps
07.01.2022 While most of my focus is building Powerlifting Athletes, I specialise in ALL sport specific strength. So this week I’m Super excited to be taking on the role of Strength Coach to this tall beauty In May 2021, Leah will be competing in the Australian Masters Rowing Championships in Sydney, In both single and Team events!! ... I am so looking forward to working with Leah for the next 9 months to get her crazy strong for this event #strengthforsport #rowingaustralia #masters #strengthcoach #cairns #herecomestheboom #worldgymcairns #phoenixps
07.01.2022 No squat rack means having to do a clean to get the bar in place for front squats .....The single cleans were more taxing than the entire sets of front squats ..... especially after 6 sets! Embracing the challenges of no gym! @worldgymcairns @asn.cairns #dontgiveup #risetothechallenge #notanolylifter #keepgrowing #mycalveslooksmall #firstworldproblems #cairns #cairnspowerlifting #asnfuelled #phoenixps
04.01.2022 This came up in my memories today! 2 years ago this workshop with Thomas was the start of a complete change in Coaching Powerlifting for me. It was after this day I knew 100% this is what I wanted to do. And 2 years on, the learning hasn’t stopped with this amazing Coach and Mentor, now a part of Thomas’s Coaching Development Program for the next 12 months...... Who would have thought 2 years on from this 1 workshop I’d be running my own business, with an amazing Team of ...Lifters, 18 podium finishes so far, and mentoring and handling an Athlete to a triple World Record! Thank you Thomas. One day literally can change your life @zero_weakness @tombro7 #stayhumble #hustlehard #gratitudepost #neverstoplearning #powerlifting #cairnspowerlifting #phoenixps
03.01.2022 Saturday conditioning sessions are a tough but great Team bonding end to the week! Today’s session - Battling ropes 20seconds Superset with push ups 12-1... Belt squats 15, 20, 25, 30 Wall sits and Ring Pull ups for time (as long as it takes for team mate to finish belt squats) Rower 250m Walking lunges for as long as it takes teammate to finish rowing Abs x3 10 hanging knee raises 10 leg swings 10 scissors 10 heel touches 10 reverse crunches 30sec plank KB swings 21, 15, 9, 9, 15, 21 #conditioning #cardiosaturdays #teambuilding #butdidyoudie #cairns #cairnspowerlifting #asnfuelled #fitnessasusual #phoenixps
02.01.2022 What a year it’s been! A roller coaster of adapting, learning and growing. A year of firsts without my biggest cheerleader, my Dad. ... And the sudden loss of a friend that rocked me to the core. And of course a global pandemic! But the Phoenix brand stayed strong and dedicated throughout it all! The Phoenix family has continued to grow in numbers and in strength, achieving amazing things despite the crazy times around us. I’m so incredibly proud of all of them. Next year my current Athletes have already booked in 5 Comps!! And with 3 new Athletes starting next week, who knows what the year will bring! And I personally am already in prep to make a return to the platform as well!! If this year has taught us anything it is that we are all way stronger than we believe we are and to appreciate those close to you. Bring on 2021! @worldgymcairns @asn.cairns @gpcaustralia #strongerthanever #proudcoach #cairns #cairnspowerlifting #gpc #asnfuelled #asncairns #worldgymcairns #phoenixps
02.01.2022 What a 1st session for Hugh tonight! A very successful bodybuilder for the past few years, Hugh has decided to switch gears to a year of PowerBuilding. Previously Hugh had lower back pain during and after every squat session. A few tweaks and we had him squatting completely pain free! ... Not only that he said in 3 years of training he’s doing never hit over 2hrs he hit 215kg!!! A 15kg PB on day 1 Super excited to see see what Hugh achieves over the coming months!!! @hughvincent_ @worldgymcairns @dan_hill05 #proudcoach #techniqueiskey #strongaf #powerbuilding #squats #cairns #cairnspowerlifting #phoenixps
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