RLK Photography | Photography and videography
RLK Photography
Phone: +61 406 944 201
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25.01.2022 Over the weekend, Wanneroo Race Track celebrated its 50th anniversary. A few random pics I shot on Sunday. I thought there would have been a lot more people there to see some great driving and a diverse range of cars taking part and on display.
25.01.2022 Just dropping by for some brekky. #seabirds, #rlkphotography, #whitfordsbeach, #birds
24.01.2022 I found some old Konica 400 ISO B&W film stock and decided it was time to use it up. These were taken with a Pentax MZ-S and 24-90 lens. #pentax, #blackandwhite, #wheatbelt, #forrestplace, #rlkphotography
24.01.2022 The last part of the shoot was to take shots of a couple of locations in the evening. Unfortunately the lighting at the Cloisters were not working, so might have to go back later.
24.01.2022 A great clip to share in relation to Polaroid.
23.01.2022 Whilst in Albany, I caught up with Colin Lowe at the Pinhole Camera Group and managed to capture him using one of his cameras based on an Afghani model. What I found interesting about this one is that the image developer and fixer is done in-camera.
23.01.2022 Tonight's stunning full moon from the back veranda.
21.01.2022 I was out testing my bicycle and the sun went a brilliant orange through the smoke, so I belted home to get my camera. Unfortunately I missed the best of it, so this will have to do.
21.01.2022 Rainbows always make us feel good, whether it's the myth about the pot of gold or just the joy we get from the bands of colour, they never fail to disappoint. #rainbow, #whitfordsbeach, #beachphotos, #rlkphotography
20.01.2022 Still going strong after 122 years. Might not be as sharp as current optics and lack the modern coatings, but will still produce a good B&W image. Just need to cut up some sheet film to give the camera a spin. Camera body, i.e. bellows etc all look light tight.
20.01.2022 I felt it was time to get back shooting the style of portrait photos that I really enjoy. There is an appeal or character in B&W portraiture that is lost when colour is added. This is a good friend of mine and patient victim, Peter Cooper.
19.01.2022 A beautiful moonless night last night and the night sky here in Wylie was stunning. #nightsky, #milkyway, #wyalkatchem, #rlkphotography, #opympusem1mk2,
19.01.2022 At the Koffee van this morning and Jason showing off his new MND jacket. Proud supporter of their cause and serves the best coffee on the coast.
18.01.2022 When it comes to selling your property, quality photos make a huge difference. Call me on 0406 944 201 when you need your property photographed.
18.01.2022 The night sky at Wyalkatchem this evening, taken beside the airstrip. #wyalkatchem, #milkyway, #nightsky.
18.01.2022 I've been checking out the Panasonic GH-5 for a session I'm planning and thought I'd share a couple of photos from this morning. Taken with a 35-100mm f2.8 lens and pretty heavily cropped for the seagull shots. #hillarysbeach, #panasonicgh5, #35to100f2.8, #rlkphotography, #seagulls, #beachphotography,. #whitfords, #wabeaches
18.01.2022 Photos of our visitors where we are staying at the moment.
17.01.2022 The view from the top of Yorkakine Rock made for a great panorama. This one is six photos stitched. #wyalkatchem, #panorama, #rlkphotography, #wheatbelt, #yorkirock,
17.01.2022 Early morning clouds, Bruce Rock area. #rlkphotography, #brucerock, #wheatbeltphotos, #earlymorning
17.01.2022 Whilst up in Wylie on the weekend, we took a drive out to Korrelocking Reserve and I was surprised at how many wildflowers were still putting on a show.
16.01.2022 A few photos from our last trip to Denmark. A beautiful part of W.A. The evening shots were taken from outside the I small IGA and the others are of Ocean Beach from the lookout. Great surfing beach with a nice even break. #denmarkwa, #rlkphotography, #riverandsurf, #oceanbeach, #southcoast, #denmark
15.01.2022 Perth from under the Narrows Bridge on a 40 + degree day. #narrows, #perthcity, #rlkphotography, #quattroh, #cityscape
15.01.2022 I had a chance between cloud burst to take a few shots of the nearly completed bridge at the new stadium. All shot with an Olympus EM1 MK2 and 7-14mm f2.8 lens. I like the way the stylised white and black swans have been intertwined. All the concrete landing where the construction machinery sits will be removed at the end of construction. Should look stunning when it is finally finished.
13.01.2022 An evening panorama taken in 2009. These can be tricky at this time of day due to length of exposure and rapidly changing light conditions. Four photos stitched to create this one.
13.01.2022 The colours in last nights sunset were simply amazing. Photo taken with a Sigma Quattro H and 12-24 mm lens. #rlkphgotography, #sunset, #hillarys, #sigma, #quattroh
13.01.2022 I saw some interesting buildings that had been given a new lease of life during a shoot for CLPM. They carry out very sympathetic building restorations as well as other interesting projects such as the sun dial.
13.01.2022 A few images from the weekend Wheatbelt Photography Tour 2017
13.01.2022 Having seen a series of photos showing Sydney in shutdown, I thought it would be interesting to see what it was like in our fair city of Perth, so last night I went for a walk through the CBD. Compared to Sydney, Perth was humming but compared to what I'm used to, it was very quiet. More buses than cars in the Terrace, a few people walking around, quite a few skateboarders taking advantage of the quiet time and a lot of people settling down in doorways for the night. Delivery cyclists everywhere and the majority of the shops had temporary closed signs on their doors. I really feel for those businesses, life is tough enough without having to close their doors for this extended period. Northbridge, which is normally buzzing, was virtually deserted.
12.01.2022 Want to learn new photography skills? Join us for a day of photography and film processing that will take your photography to the next level.
12.01.2022 A recent job in Guildford. I was asked for a photo of the chapel at Guildford Grammar College. This building was financed by a donation from a wealthy Scotsman, designed by an English architect and built in 1914. My next stage will be to organize a visit to shoot the interior. #guildforgrammar, #rlkphotography, #guildford, #chapel
12.01.2022 Elizabeth Quays can provide some interesting scenes at night.
12.01.2022 A couple more seagulls, once again the image is heavily cropped. #seagulls, #panasonic35to100f2.8, #rlkphotography
11.01.2022 One of a series of panoramas I've taken in recent years. Winter at Nannup. $ photos in this one. #panorama, #rlkphotography, #nannup, #photostitch, #winter, #southwest
11.01.2022 We often see plenty of great shots of Perth from around the South Perth jetty and Elizabeth Quays, so I thought I'd share one I took with a Fuji X100T about eighteen months ago from the Narrows.
10.01.2022 Some years ago I was chosen to shoot the record cover photography for the WA Police Pipe Band. I shot mainly in medium format with a selection of 4x5 images, and I recently scanned one of Andy Priest during one of the recording sessions. I like the different colours thrown by the various light sources. I places a single flash head in the sound room and took a one second exposure to capture the view meter lighting from the mixing desk. This was shot with my 'Blad.
09.01.2022 The 24th Belmont BEC Small Business Awards were held on Wednesday evening and this is a random selection from the winners circle. Congratulations to all the winners and finalists. Congratulations to Carol and her crew for putting on a well organised and entertaining evening.
09.01.2022 Trying out some new equipment and this chopper flew over the other morning whilst we were sitting on the sand enjoying the quiet. Noisy buggers. #helicopters, #rlkphotography, #earlymorning, #whitfordsbeach, #choppers
09.01.2022 I was transferring image files onto a new drive and thought I'd share these shots. They were my first shoot with a digital DSLR, Canon D60, where I shot some backup photos on film, just in case. ISO was a bit limited on this model and there is a bit of noise, but it still rendered the colours well. Taken in 2002 and from memory the shutter speed was 1/60 sec. Location was Burswood and the event was the WAPOL show featuring Scottish and Irish dancers.
09.01.2022 For all those who appreciate the joy of driving an older classic and the ease of access they offer when it comes to working on them, this is a 1500 Spitfire I restored some years ago. #triumph, #triumphspitfire, #spitfire1500, #rlkphotography
09.01.2022 Our break has given me the chance to wind down and take a few photos. #albany, #rlkphotography, #denmarkwa, #sunrise, #sunset, #waterbirds, #pelicans, #fishing, #beachcasting, #lightbeach, #prawnrockchannel
09.01.2022 Sunset this evening from Hillarys Beach. Shot both colour and mono and I like both versions. If you're looking for a mood photo for your office or reception area, give me a call. Mobile : 0406944201 www.rlkphotography.net #rlkphotography, #sunset, #hillarysbeach, #balckandwhitephotos, #seascapes, #olympusem1mk2, #olympus7to14lens
08.01.2022 A recent evening photo. I like the way the sun rays are shining over the clouds.
08.01.2022 Another early morning photo at Prawn Rock Channel in Denmark, WA. #prawnrockchannel, #rlkphotography, #rodlawsonkerr, #denmarkwa, #dawnphotos, #southcoast
08.01.2022 The night sky is great up here in Wylie. Most of the shots were taken from out by the airport, with the last two taken in the back garden of our place. #wyalie, #wyalkatchem, #rlkphotography, #wheatbelt, #nightsky, #milkyway
07.01.2022 The South Coast of WA has some stunning beaches and scenery. With fine white sand and crystal clear water and unspoiled by ugly buildings. There shots were taken earlier this year in the Denmark area. #denmark, #southcoastwa, #rlkphotography, #wabeaches, #beaches, #denmarkwa
06.01.2022 A pair of very old doors photographed whilst in Germany some years ago. They are older than any building in Australia. #rlkphotography, #germanytrip, #olddoors, # wetzlar, #leicacamera
06.01.2022 A few wildflower shots from the Denmark area. The windy conditions weren't all that helpful when shooting with a macro lens. #denmark, #wildflowers, #southwest, #rlkphotography
06.01.2022 A recent night panorama blending three images of Perth at night from Sth. Perth. #perth, #panorama, #perthatnight, #rlkphotography, #nightlights
05.01.2022 Last week just before the SAS started their parachute jumps, their aircraft flew low and fast over where we were sitting. #aircraft, #whitfordsbeach, #rlkphotography,
04.01.2022 A new resident has joined our garden. Taken with an Olympus EM 1 MK 2 and 60mm macro lens. Lighting was a LUME Cube. This one is a reasonable size, about three inches long from tip to toe. #spider, #olympus60mm, #em1mk2,
03.01.2022 Great to sit on the beach this morning watching the weather coming in. Been waiting for this to happen for quite some time. #storms, #rlkphotography, #hillarysbeach, #stormclouds, #panasonic, #gx8
03.01.2022 Enjoying shooting in B&W again. The Sigma Quattro H is good to use with its built-in coloured filter simulator, so shooting B&W with a red filter works well, much better than adding it afterwards. It also produced B&W Raw images, so much better than converting a colour file. #rlkphotography, #blackandwhitephotography, #sigmaquattroh, #elizbethquay, #perthblackandwwhite,
02.01.2022 Another challenging photo restoration job. This was one of eleven photos I have just finished working on. Getting the donkey's head right proved a bit of a challenge, as did the mass of cracks in the emulsion. #photorestoration, #rlkphotography, #oldphotos, #bandwrestorations,
02.01.2022 At the beach this morning, Great to see the wet weather coming in. #whitfordsbeach, #rlkphotography, #beachphotos, #rainclouds
02.01.2022 This TR6 is quite a beast. Full on engine super tune, complete body off restoration, plenty of rust to cure, as can be seen in the following photos. I have added copies of the photos I used to create the shot of the TR6. Couldn't have a bunch of pallets and a fence in the shot.
01.01.2022 I went for a wander around Elizabeth Quay yesterday with a camera and thought I'd share a couple of the shots. Even with all the building activity, I still think it's a sterile concrete slab with bugger all shade. Whoever designed the place wants shooting. How can someone be so stupid as to place seating in full sunshine and the trees that would have provided shade about ten feet away. #elizabethquay, #rlkphotography, #perthcbd, #sigmaquattro, #swanriver, #belltower,
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