Physical Health Evolution in Adelaide, South Australia | Fitness boot camp
Physical Health Evolution
Locality: Adelaide, South Australia
Phone: +61 405 411 000
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25.01.2022 3C? Yes, we're definitely still training! - What absolute stunning morning, sun was shining, birds were chirping, clients were too cold to complain...perfection! Hahaha ... Keeping it simple and sticking with the basics. - TABATA @30:15x18 (x3 Rounds) Shuttles & 30m Runs (alternating) - TEMPO Push Ups - DB Bridge Chest Press - Tricep Push Ups - Deep Squat Hold + DB Extension - Dub DB Sumo Squats - Jump Squat + Pause - Running Mountain Climbers - Low Plank + Oblique Mountain Climbers @ Adelaide, South Australia See more
25.01.2022 @tealski_watkins "Don't worry my 10 year old nice rode this. Me: "Ok, I'll send it". (Success) ...Teal's turn....... Me: "Bahaha dude what are you doing on doing the ground"?
24.01.2022 Humble beginnings but oh so much fun!! I'm hooked! Thanks for your expert tuition Celest! Ps, my arms feel fine but my grip strength is non existent haha ... #fridaynightsdoneright #ninjawarrior #saninjas #sabasecamp #playlearnrepeat #fitnessisfun #onelife #fuckaverage
24.01.2022 When your uncle is also your trainer and you don't do your exercise get to do it straight after a 40min HIIT Boot Camp session 100 squats in under 3 minutes, impressive work @kylecudmore , you make me proud!! #100squatchallenge #hiitworkout #bootcamp #bootcampfamily #family #punishment #smashedit #ptlife #fuckaverage #onelife
24.01.2022 Sundays sunset #nofilter #sagreat #hiking #longridgelookout #natureatitsbest #sunset #adelaide #reenergise #strongmind #strongbody
23.01.2022 Drop sets and Super sets..always fun as a combination!! #ironedge #kettlebells #powerbands #abmat #dumbbells #sunsoutgunsout #fullbodyworkout #rehabilitation #neverstoptraining #strongmind #strongbody #onelife #fuckaverage #ptlife #bestjobever
23.01.2022 Night hikes never disappoint #longridgelookout #chambersgully #sagreat #nighthike #kangaroo #citylights #meditation #incidentalexercise @ Long Ridge Lookout
23.01.2022 Who wants to train indoors...then you'd miss sunrises like this one! #nofilter #ptlife #coronavirus #forcedoutside #loveit #adaptandovercome #powerbands #sled #dumbbells #bodyweight #strength #cardio #mobility #rehabilitation #bodyawareness #strongmind #strongbody #onelife #liveit #getbusylivingorgetbusydying
22.01.2022 PLASMA SHORTAGE!! PLEEEASE call up your local Donor Centre and book yourself in to donate. It doesnt cost anything, just a bit of your time and we all know this is the best gift you can give someone, that and some blood!... #plasma #plasmadonation #plasmashortage #sagreat #lifebloodau #lifeblood #timeisthebestgift
22.01.2022 The wilderness putting on a show #nighthike #sagreat #longridgelookout #natureatitsbest #koala #kangaroo
21.01.2022 Awesome work @trailscapes looking forward to riding this track next time! @ Eagle Mountain Bike Park
21.01.2022 5AM... #competitionready #bodybuilding #wellness #dedicated #strongaf #backsquat #olympiclifting #hypertrophy #formfollowsfunction #mobility #strength #winning #strongmind #strongbody
21.01.2022 The calm before the storm! (actually after the storm ) Rain Cold Committed clients ... 4m Social distancing Dedicated trainer (a***hole) Personalised programs If we waited for perfect training conditions wed only be training half the year!! #nofilter #wetweathertraining #bootcamp #socialdistancing #strongmind #strongbody #strengthtraining #fuckaverage #onelife
21.01.2022 Good morning Adelaide #bootcamp #ptlife #loveit #liveit #getafterit #onelife #fuckaverage
20.01.2022 Frosty morning but so good to be back outside running..... I'm suuure my clients would agree #bootcamp #morningexercise #running #strength #pyramidtraining #strongmind #strongbody @ Cumberland Park, South Australia, Australia
19.01.2022 Ahhhhh yeahhh! Outdoor Boot Camp Picturesque. #freshmornings #outdoortraining #bootcamp #7am #winter #cardio #strength
18.01.2022 What a group! They built mental resiliance through training in rain, mud, and freezing temperatures during Covid, and now they are here... in summer, and fit as f**k! #congratulations #groupfitness #bootcamp #bootcampfamily #strongmind #strongbody #proudtrainer #hiit #onelife #fuckaverage
18.01.2022 Practicing those rock garden technical skills #sticksandstones #burms #craigburnfarm #sidewinder #cowbones #mtblife #socialdistancing #herodirt #polygon #polygonbike #funontwowheels
18.01.2022 BAND OF BROTHERS Tough Mudder crew! Reminiscing about the Tough Mudder days, gotta organise another one of these days! Whos in? ... @stickymiltz @timbbwong @natasha.watts.7798 @hey_bennett @mrs_sarah_michelle @ashleighlauraaa @kylecudmore @_mfatty @franstar51 @_alexhall @elljee @juanto8510 @taliz2126 @jojoeyb @ggtaras92 ... #toughmudder #hoorah #muddytrails #icebath #challenge #funinthemud #teamwork #onelife #strongmind #strongbody
17.01.2022 Friday lunch time spent right!! 25.1km 2:12:37 Riding time 660m Elevation... 1528 Calories **Me: Friday; a ride sounds great! Saturday; I cant move! #mtblife #polygonbike #craigburnfarm #tombstonetrail #tombstone #sagreat #casualfriday #ridingbuddy #funfit #sunnydays #onelife #fuckaverage @ Craigburn Farm MTB Trails
17.01.2022 Ugh, that hurt! - - The battles with internal my dialogue was tough tonight, both mind and body wanted to quit so many times! -... Learning what my actual fitness level is, and how that differs to my perceived capacity. - The psychological lessons tonight have given the most insight into what I need to work on in comparison to what my body experienced. - While this is a PB it is only my second attempt at the 5km row so I know this is not my maximum effort. - #strongmind #strongbody #concept2rower #5kmrow #pb #endorphins #stayhumble #alwayslearning #ptlife #fitnessislife #fitnessgoals #movementiskey #goals #fuckaverage @ Physical Health Evolution
17.01.2022 Sunday's sunset #nofilter #sagreat #hiking #longridgelookout #natureatitsbest #sunset #adelaide #reenergise #strongmind #strongbody
17.01.2022 Frosty mornings #parktraining #groupfitness #funfit #ptlife #outdoortraining #strength #cardio #bodyweight
17.01.2022 Frosty morning but so good to be back outside running..... Im suuure my clients would agree #bootcamp #morningexercise #running #strength #pyramidtraining #strongmind #strongbody @ Cumberland Park, South Australia, Australia
15.01.2022 Covid_19 Boot Camp Training. Before and after each session all the equipment gets sanitised! Rain or shine this gets done! Ive got to say, that despite all the extra work going into outdoor training I am so grateful to still be working and even more grateful for such an awesome bunch of members! ... These members may whinge from time time haha but they show up every session regardless of the weather and get it done! Come summer, youll all be machines!
15.01.2022 'Session riding'. #burms #sticksandstones #craigburnfarm #mtb #mtblife #fridaydoneright #bestfunontwowheels #onelife @ Craigburn Farm MTB Trails
15.01.2022 Session riding. #burms #sticksandstones #craigburnfarm #mtb #mtblife #fridaydoneright #bestfunontwowheels #onelife @ Craigburn Farm MTB Trails
14.01.2022 How to pose when demonstrating social distancing... #funfit #functionalfitness #strongwomen #strongmind #strongbody #socialdistancing #exerciseshouldbefun #lotsoflaughs #ptlife #bestjobever #onelife #fitnessislife
13.01.2022 BOOT CAMP - Commitment Team camaraderie Success... - Without fail this group of legends get down each week to take on any challenge I set them! So much so, Ive realised my program needs revising just to keep up! - Challenge accepted thank you Boot Campers - Lets take this to the next level - #proudtrainer #bootcamp #morningexercise #7am #starttheweekendright #strength #agility #cardio #muscularendurance #explosivepower #teamwork #comaraderie #strongmind #strongbody #onelife #ptlife #loveit #liveit #fuckaverage @ Adelaide, South Australia See more
12.01.2022 Warming up, an essential part of every workout, especially on these bone chilling mornings! Great video thanks @juanto8510 , youve perfectly captured the beauty of training outdoors in the early morning. What a great sunrise! #nofilter #bootcamp #bootcampfamily #morningvibes #morningmotivation #morningexercise #outdoortraining #freezing #threedegrees #wouldnthaveitanyotherway #cardio #strength #muscularendurance #bodyweight #dumbbells #forceequipment #Ironedge #ironedgeequipment #shuttles #running #tabata #ptlife #bestjobever #onelife
12.01.2022 Oooohhhh yeahhh it's cold this morning!! #freshmornings #ptlife #5amstart #gettingitdone #onelife #strengthtraining #bodybuilding #hypertrophy #rom #deepsquat #olympiclifting
12.01.2022 @tealski_watkins "Dont worry my 10 year old nice rode this. Me: "Ok, Ill send it". (Success) ...Teals turn....... Me: "Bahaha dude what are you doing on doing the ground"?
08.01.2022 Who wants to train indoors...then youd miss sunrises like this one! #nofilter #ptlife #coronavirus #forcedoutside #loveit #adaptandovercome #powerbands #sled #dumbbells #bodyweight #strength #cardio #mobility #rehabilitation #bodyawareness #strongmind #strongbody #onelife #liveit #getbusylivingorgetbusydying
08.01.2022 Saturday morning Boot Camp - TABATA Strength Circuits, and Endurance Runs - Rain or shine we're out here getting fitter every week! ... #nofilter #bootcamp #bootcampfamily #winter #strengthtraining #cardio #muscularendurance #dumbbellworkout #earlymorning #gettingitdone #mothersdayweekend #happymothersday
07.01.2022 When your uncle is also your trainer and you dont do your exercise get to do it straight after a 40min HIIT Boot Camp session 100 squats in under 3 minutes, impressive work @kylecudmore , you make me proud!! #100squatchallenge #hiitworkout #bootcamp #bootcampfamily #family #punishment #smashedit #ptlife #fuckaverage #onelife
07.01.2022 Picturesque - #adelaide #nighthike #sagreat #longridgelookout #chambersgully #strongmind #strongbody #focused #onelife #fuckaverage
07.01.2022 Clearance from the physio to resume more advanced training methods. Watch out runners of Adelaide, Ash is back on track! #rehabilitation #rdl #correctivemovement #eagertolearn #dedicated #strongmind #strongbody #strongwomen #programming #ptlife #liveit #loveit #bestjobever
06.01.2022 170kg deadlift PB #itsallinthemind #selfbelief #getafterit #onelife #fuckaverage #liftheavy #strongmind #strongbody
06.01.2022 Oooohhhh yeahhh its cold this morning!! #freshmornings #ptlife #5amstart #gettingitdone #onelife #strengthtraining #bodybuilding #hypertrophy #rom #deepsquat #olympiclifting
05.01.2022 Sweat session Tuesday night Boot Camp #hiit #bootcamp #bootcampfamily #tabata #strongmind #strongbody #summernights #physicalhealthevolution #onelife #fuckaverage #goalorientated #success
05.01.2022 Saturday morning Boot Camp - TABATA Strength Circuits, and Endurance Runs - Rain or shine were out here getting fitter every week! ... #nofilter #bootcamp #bootcampfamily #winter #strengthtraining #cardio #muscularendurance #dumbbellworkout #earlymorning #gettingitdone #mothersdayweekend #happymothersday
05.01.2022 FREE food FREE drinks FREE parking Oh and you get to SAVE LIVES #wholeblood #plasma #platlets #donation #australianredcrossbloodservice #lifeblood #lifebloodau
05.01.2022 Sunday sesh weekend warrior style. Muddy and slippery as but sooo much fun! #mtblife #burms #sendit #muddytrails #bestfunontwowheels #sticksandstones #craigburnfarm #littleriver #fenceline
05.01.2022 Paradise #takemeback #qld #australia #holiday #zen #josephinefalls
04.01.2022 Dirty weekend #mtblife #polygon #polygonbike #downhillmtb #sagreat #bestfunontwowheels @ O'Halloran Hill Recreation Park
04.01.2022 Dirty weekend #mtblife #polygon #polygonbike #downhillmtb #sagreat #bestfunontwowheels @ OHalloran Hill Recreation Park
04.01.2022 Carpark runs & wall-sits are what happens when you ask for 'favours' in training! I'm sure @stickymiltz still has a few friends left, just not as many as before #bootcamp #punishment #teampunishment #allforoneoneforall #strength #cardio #hiitworkout #wallsit #tabata
04.01.2022 Humble beginnings but oh so much fun!! Im hooked! Thanks for your expert tuition Celest! Ps, my arms feel fine but my grip strength is non existent haha ... #fridaynightsdoneright #ninjawarrior #saninjas #sabasecamp #playlearnrepeat #fitnessisfun #onelife #fuckaverage
04.01.2022 3C? Yes, were definitely still training! - What absolute stunning morning, sun was shining, birds were chirping, clients were too cold to complain...perfection! Hahaha ... Keeping it simple and sticking with the basics. - TABATA @30:15x18 (x3 Rounds) Shuttles & 30m Runs (alternating) - TEMPO Push Ups - DB Bridge Chest Press - Tricep Push Ups - Deep Squat Hold + DB Extension - Dub DB Sumo Squats - Jump Squat + Pause - Running Mountain Climbers - Low Plank + Oblique Mountain Climbers @ Adelaide, South Australia See more
03.01.2022 #summerdays #itsnotsummeryet #hike #chambersgully #outoftheoffice @ Chambers Gully Track
03.01.2022 'BAND OF BROTHERS' Tough Mudder crew! Reminiscing about the Tough Mudder days, gotta organise another one of these days! Who's in? ... @stickymiltz @timbbwong @natasha.watts.7798 @hey_bennett @mrs_sarah_michelle @ashleighlauraaa @kylecudmore @_mfatty @franstar51 @_alexhall @elljee @juanto8510 @taliz2126 @jojoeyb @ggtaras92 ... #toughmudder #hoorah #muddytrails #icebath #challenge #funinthemud #teamwork #onelife #strongmind #strongbody
03.01.2022 A big shout out to this champion...In 8 months @thaila_rosana has completely dedicated herself to her training and today achieved a massive PR of a 90kg Deadlift! - This is over double the weight she could deadlift when first starting out with me. Her commitment is nothing short of 100% and that is clear with her success today. Next step, 100kg! ... #wellness #bodybuilding #firstplace #champion #deadlift #ironedgeequipment #covid_19 #trainingcontinues #onelife #fuckaverage
01.01.2022 The ride up is always worth it! Try and not smile....impossible! #mtblife #polygonbike #bestfunontwowheels
01.01.2022 Leg day! #backsquat #mtbride #burnthosequads #muddytrails #ohalloranhillrecreationpark #bestfunontwowheels #activelifestyle #onelife #liveit #fuckaverage @ OHalloran Hill Recreation Park
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