Physio Research in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia | Education
Physio Research
Locality: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Address: 18-20 Hill Street, Emu Park. 4710 Brisbane, QLD, Australia
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25.01.2022 A case study for initial management of dead leg .... which later resulted in 9-months of rehab to manage a secondary case of myositis ossificans.... Key blog for MSK Physios
24.01.2022 #HipResearch Conclusion: "The way participants with persistent hip pain and disability made sense of their symptoms contributed to them avoiding physical activity, and it impaired their sleep, emotional well-being and physical health." See our Instagram here ... Ref:
24.01.2022 Talk less listen more! Did you know: Most patients are interrupted after 11 seconds Great snippet from a Physio Network Telehealth lecture
24.01.2022 #LowBackResearch Conclusion: "The use of MRI scanning in the diagnosis of LBP may lead to psychosocial factors influencing participation in physical and social daily activities." See our Instagram here ... Ref:
23.01.2022 STUDY: Does load management using the acute:chronic workload ratio prevent health problems? Dalen-Lorentsen et al (2020) What is a quick way to calculate acute-chronic work load ratio Can it be used for injury prevention... New open access research review for Jan
21.01.2022 #LowerLegResearch Conclusion: "By establishing progressions for Achilles tendon loading, rehabilitative care can be tailored to address the specific needs of each patient. Our comprehensive data set also provides clinicians and researchers guidelines on how to alter magnitude, duration, and rate of loading to design new exercises and exercise progressions based on the clinical need." See our Instagram here ... Ref:
21.01.2022 FAT PADS - High innervation = an ability to be SUPER painful Test well -> Diagnose well -> Treat well Top Blog by Lenny Macrina
20.01.2022 #LowbackResearch - Ferreira et al. 2020 Conclusion: "People who have had low back pain should be advised explicitly about which exercise programs reduce recurrence. Understanding low back pain patients' preferences can help inform the implementation of existing prevention programs and guide the design of new prevention programs." See our Instagram here ... Ref:
20.01.2022 #LowBackResearch - Thornton et al. 2020 Conclusion: "While several treatments for LBP in athletes improved pain and function, it was unclear what the most effective treatments were, and for whom. Exercise approaches generally reduced pain and improved function in athletes with LBP, but the effect on RTS is unknown. No conclusions regarding the value of manual therapy (massage, spinal manipulation) or biomechanical modifications alone could be drawn because of insufficient evi...dence. High-quality RCTs are urgently needed to determine the effect of commonly used interventions in treating LBP in athletes." See our Instagram here Ref:
20.01.2022 SQUAT TECHNIQUE Textbook form dictates that you should set up for a squat with your feet shoulder width apart and toes flared out 30... Should we be chasing textbook form... A great blog post from Travis Pollen highlighting morphological contributions
20.01.2022 Strength training for children and adolescents Myth or fact? Read this Evidence-Based Myth Buster: ... See more
20.01.2022 #HipResearch - Moore et al. 2020 Conclusion: "The findings from this review provide the clinician with confidence in exercise prescription for targeting individual GMed and GMin segments for potential strengthening following injury or ageing." See our Instagram here ... Ref:
20.01.2022 #ShoulderResearch Conclusion: "The shoulder strengthening exercise programme was feasible and safe for people with HSD and long-lasting shoulder symptoms. A future RCT, with an improved recruitment strategy, will demonstrate whether the exercise programme is also effective in improving symptoms and muscle-tendon function in this population." See our Instagram here ... Ref:
18.01.2022 Physiotherapy exercises don't have to be boring! Here is a scarf juggling exercise with a patient after ACL reconstruction. Nice work Mischa van Stee from ... #physiotherapy #aclrehab #gamification
18.01.2022 VIRAL VID - Repost: "8 years old #cleanandjerk any time 45 kilos, her body weight is 35 kilos" What does the evidence say about kids lifting weights ... Tim Rowland put together this blog post answering Video credit: @Coach Ibanez
18.01.2022 #LowerLegResearch - Green et al. 2020 Conclusion: "A running-related mechanism of injury and the presence of AD on MRI were associated with a longer RTP period. Clinical rather than MRI data best indicate the risk of recurrent CMSI." See our Instagram here ... Ref:
17.01.2022 #WristResearch Conclusion: "In the long term, manual therapy including desensitization maneuvers of the central nervous system resulted in similar outcomes and similar surgery rates compared to surgery in women with CTS. Both interventions were combined with a tendon/nerve gliding exercise program at home. " See our Instagram here ... Ref:
17.01.2022 #LowerLegResearch - Aufwerber et al. 2020 Conclusion: "EFM results in more Achilles tendon elongation at early healing, but this difference subsides over time. EFM does not seem to affect patient outcome via changes in tendon elongation, thickening, or calf muscle atrophy." See our Instagram here ... Ref:
16.01.2022 #KneeResearch Conclusion: "Early NMES use reduced skeletal muscle fiber atrophy in MHC II fibers and preserved contractility in MHC I fibers. These results provide seminal, cellular-level data demonstrating the utility of the early use of NMES to beneficially modify skeletal muscle maladaptations to ACLR." See our Instagram here ... Ref:
16.01.2022 PELVIC PAIN - From Pain to Pleasure Cutting edge, in-depth video lecture from a world leading specialist, Dr. Sandy Hilton Dont miss your chance to level up with this one!
15.01.2022 #LowBackResearch Conclusion: "There is low to moderate quality evidence that MDT is not superior than other traditional physical therapy interventions in improving pain and disability in people with CLBP." See our Instagram here ... Ref:
15.01.2022 Get me out of pain! The vast number of requests from patients are not for improved function... Most want to be pain free. Here are 7 tools... and their caveats! Which will help get the desired results ... Excellent new blog post from Todd Hargrove
15.01.2022 Achilles Tendon Injuries Learn: Who are commonly affected... What exercises load best from low - high How to better prescribe exercise!
15.01.2022 #LowBackResearch Conclusion: "Our findings indicated that spinal manipulation and spinal mobilization were no more effective than a well-chosen placebo in reducing pain and disability in patients with chronic low back pain. We conclude that these manipulative therapy techniques do not appear to be effective for chronic low back pain, at least among relatively young individuals with mild to moderate back pain. " See our Instagram here ... Ref:
15.01.2022 Well said we can be a stronger profession together
15.01.2022 November Issue N36 is OUT And here are the topics covered Smartphone Use and Neck Pain in Young Adults ... - Bertozzi et al. 2020 Landing Mechanics with Patellar Tendinopathy - Pietrosimone et al. 2020 Management of Non-Traumatic Pain in Sport - Caneiro et al. 2020 Imaging Guidelines for MSK Conditions - Cuff et al. 2020 Effect of Exercise on Pain in Osteoarthritis - Davis et al. 2020 Exercise Progressions for the Achilles Tendon - Baxter et al. 2020 Custom Insoles for Plantar Heel Pain - Rasenberg et al. 2020 Exercise Adherence Strategies for Younger People - Holt et al. 2020 Training Load and Injury - Research Challenges - Impellizzeri et al. 2020 Rate of Force Development after ACL Reconstruction - Turpeinen et al. 2020 Physical Activity and Mobility Disability in Older Adults - Fanning et al. 2020 Surgery for Chronic MSK Pain - Where is the Evidence? - Harris et al. 2020 See what all the fuss is about... try open access for 7 days (!) Available in our new app
13.01.2022 #ThighResearch - Buckthorpe et al. 2020 Conclusions: "The hamstrings are important for the ACL and knee as a whole. After ACLR and more so when using the hamstrings as the choice of graft, their recovery during the functional recovery process is important. Failure to recover strength of the hamstring muscles may compromise knee health and elevate re-injury risk upon RTS. This is likely due to inability to compress and stabilise the knee and prevent alterations in frontal and ...traverse plane knee control, known to stress the ACL. It is suggested to emphasise greater importance on the recovery of hamstring strength after ACLR, and here is presented some important considerations. It is recommended to utilise a holistic approach to target the recovery of both knee flexor and hip extensor strength as well as multiplanar function. This should involve a periodised resistance training programme aligned to the ACL functional recovery approach. A progressive approach from isolated low intensity to functional and high-intensity training aligned to the overall knee status is recommended with screening of hamstring function as part of criterion-based functional recovery and RTS." See our Instagram here Ref:
13.01.2022 9 tendinopathy truths you MUST know!
13.01.2022 This statement/post has caused a stir - what are your thoughts? It seems people need a better understanding of Physiotherapy
13.01.2022 #NeckResearch Conclusion: "Several patient interview items, the Spurling test and reduced reflexes are useful to assist in the diagnosis of cervical radiculopathy. Because there is no gold standard for cervical radiculopathy, caution is required to not over-interpret diagnostic accuracy values." See our Instagram here ... Ref:
12.01.2022 #FootResearch - Saki et al. 2020 Conclusions: "Athletes with previous ankle sprain history, knee recurvatum, and especially navicular drop may have a greater risk of LAS injury. The data from this study can help therapists and trainers to identify people with a higher risk of LAS." See our Instagram here ... Ref:
12.01.2022 #ElbowResearch - Coombes et al. 2015 Conclusion: "Unraveling the complex etiology and mechanisms underlying the persistence of pain in patients with LET is challenging. We highlight several prognostic factors, including central sensitization, local structural damage (eg, tendon and ligament tears), and comorbid musculoskeletal pain, and discuss their significance in terms of design of physical rehabilitation programs. We propose a preliminary algorithm based on risk of poor o...utcomes as a means of guiding clinical decision making regarding treatment options for patients with LET." See our Instagram here Ref:
12.01.2022 NEW STUDY: There is more to pain than tissue damage: eight principles to guide care of acute non-traumatic pain in sport Caneiro J et al (2020) Awesome research review from Dr Sandy Hilton Check out her key points and more
11.01.2022 The Glutes! ... and Back Pain Many see the glutes and strengthening as the panacea for LBP treatment. What could be happening during a 'glute strengthening exercise' that causes an improvement ... So many things to address! Get stuck into this excellent new blog by Zenia Wood
10.01.2022 #WristResearch - César Fernández-de-Las-Peñas et al. 2020 Conclusion: "In the long term, manual therapy, including desensitization maneuvers of the central nervous system, resulted in similar outcomes and similar surgery rates compared with surgery in women with CTS. Both interventions were combined with a tendon/nerve gliding exercise program at home." See our Instagram here ... Ref:
09.01.2022 #NeckResearch Conclusion: "This preliminary study identified that CT junction mobilization is not superior to thoracic manipulation on the outcomes of cervical ROM and neck pain when level-specific CT junction mobilization was compared with remote mid-thoracic manipulation in individuals with mechanical neck pain and CT junction dysfunction." See our Instagram here ... Ref:
09.01.2022 #ShoulderResearch Conclusion: "In this population of people without symptoms, the 3 measures of PST all demonstrated acceptable inter-session reliability. The standard error of measurement and minimum detectable change results can be used to determine if a change in measures of PST are due to measurement error or an actual change over time." See our Instagram here ... Ref:
09.01.2022 #KneeResearch Conclusion: "Concomitant meniscus and cartilage injuries were prognostic factors for worse long-term PROMs after ACLR. The certainty was very low for other prognostic factors." See our Instagram here ... Ref:
08.01.2022 NERVE PAIN - Explained Physios can confuse definitions on nerve pain, and we dont blame you. It can be confusing This blog aims to clear that confusion
07.01.2022 #KneeResearch - Winters et al. 2020 Conclusion: "Education combined with a physical treatment (exercise, orthoses or patellar taping/mobilisation) is most likely to be effective. There was insufficient evidence to recommend a specific type of physical treatment, or a combination of physical treatments, over another. All treatments analysed in our NMA were superior to wait and see at 3 months, and we recommend avoiding a wait-and-see approach" See our Instagram here ... Ref:
07.01.2022 #PelvisResearch Conclusion: "Women with high fear-avoidance beliefs at 34-37 weeks of gestation had a higher risk of having lumbopelvic pain at 6 months postpartum. We theorize that early lumbopelvic pain intervention postpartum may be important in avoiding chronicity. Women at risk can be identified through clinically relevant questions which may help the clinician to choose appropriate rehabilitation strategies." See our Instagram here ... Ref:
06.01.2022 GLUTES - Can they become inactive Dr Greg Lehman throws some science into answering this widespread question!
06.01.2022 #PainResearch Conclusion: "There was low-quality evidence of a small effect of multicomponent exercise and psychological interventions improving pain self-efficacy in people with chronic musculoskeletal pain. " See our Instagram here ... Ref:
06.01.2022 What is the difference between an intervertebral disc and a jelly donut? Make sure your patient knows - give them the hard facts Here is what you likely didn't know about the structure, function and adaptation of discs - you won’t find a better blog! ... Click below to read it
05.01.2022 #ThighResearch Conclusion: "Only the Nordic hamstring exercise training program performed twice a week strengthened the hamstrings of high-level football players, while similar changes in muscle architecture occurred with both once- and twice-weekly sessions." See our Instagram here ... Ref:
05.01.2022 Predicting Return To Play ... with palpation What if you could get a good indication on prognosis by just using your hands? A new paper has proposed a novel examination method to help quickly determine RTP times following acute hamstring injury ... Its summarised it for you in the blog below
04.01.2022 #ShoulderResearch Conclusion: "Early, active rehabilitation after reverse total shoulder arthroplasty is safe and effective, and may have early clinical benefits over a conservative, delayed mobilisation programme." See our Instagram here ... Ref:
03.01.2022 #ShoulderResearch Conclusion: "Eccentric and concentric strengthening were well tolerated; both show early improvement in pain, functionality and tendon structure. Eccentric training appears to be more effective than concentric in the early improvement of functionality, strength and tendon healing." See our Instagram here ... Ref:!
03.01.2022 #LowBackResearch Conclusion: "Overall low-moderate level evidence supports the diagnostic utility of patient history, clinical examination and screening tool data to identify NP in LBLP. The weak evidence base is largely due to methodological flaws and indirectness regarding applicability of the included studies. The most promising diagnostic tools include a cluster of 8 patient history/clinical examination signs and the StEP tool. Low risk of bias and high level of evidence ...diagnostic utility studies are needed, in order for stronger recommendations to be made." See our Instagram here Ref:
03.01.2022 Key Physio Question - How can I Optimally Load a Muscle Injury We wanted to hear a top expert answer so we brought in none other than Dr Nicol van Dyk He has delivered a 3 hour Masterclass of clinical gems ... Get it while its HOT
03.01.2022 New Jan 2021 Issue N38 - is OUT Featuring some milestone studies and hot topics as always Not convinced? Trial it for 7 days... LEARN MORE The latest research reviewed in MSK & Sport Keep up to date with a growing evidence base Access 450+ articles (and growing) Learn on the go Connect with the brightest minds in 2021!
02.01.2022 How do you keep up to date Do it easily every month 12 highly relevant articles, condensed for you by experts ... Try Physio Network for free now, and read the September issue while its hot Try it here
02.01.2022 Many Orthopaedic Surgeries Dont Work But why is this An excellent blog by the 1 and only, Todd Hargrove
01.01.2022 BONE GAINS Actions which overload any bone will bring about a specific response - including in the humerus when pitching! See more infographics
01.01.2022 Standing Posture, Hip Joint Loads & The Management of Hip Pain By Dr. Alison Grimaldi Interesting read!
01.01.2022 Hamstring Length Awesome info-graphic and info-rmation!
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