Piara Waters Primary School in Perth, Western Australia | Primary School
Piara Waters Primary School
Locality: Perth, Western Australia
Phone: +61 8 9397 4300
Address: 440 Wright Road, Piara Waters 6112 Perth, WA, Australia
Website: http://www.piarawatersps.wa.edu.au
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25.01.2022 Our new school Faction Logos were officially launched this week. All new faction shirts purchased will include these logos. We've also got the logos and stories displayed on large signs on the brick wall near the oval. Don't they look amazing?
25.01.2022 On Tuesday the 15th of September, the school will be hosting a Grandparents Morning Tea to celebrate Book Week. Grandparents are invited to come into school between 8.30am to 10.30am to read a book with their grandchildren on the verandah around the library block. Morning tea will be served in the Conference Room. See below for more info!
25.01.2022 PWPS celebrated Languages Week from 3rd to 6th August. There were different activities in the school to celebrate the cultural and linguistic diversity of our country and to promote language learning. Lunchtime activities included origami, weaving, dance fitness and even a Guess the Teacher quiz.
24.01.2022 NAIDOC week is almost upon us. We have a series of events taking place, including 3 separate assemblies, the launch of our new faction logos/shirts/stories, the Wandjoo Incursion and a series of activities taking place in all classrooms.
24.01.2022 The following video, titled Building on strength in uncertain times" delivers a powerful message about the importance of working together as a community during challenging times. The message In this together is the theme for this years National Reconciliation Week. We hope you enjoy.
24.01.2022 Our wonderful P&C have organised the Entertainment Book fundraiser for our school. Spoil your Mum this Mothers day with the gift of Entertainment! Now with 6 months to activate or 2 months extra free membership, Mum can decide what works for her! PLUS a $10 or $20 Big W gift card with every membership purchased! https://www.entertainmentbook.com.au/orderbooks/91d562
23.01.2022 Lest We Forget - Remembrance Day 2020
23.01.2022 This year again, PWPS participated in the Alliance Française (AF) French Poem Recitation competition. Mehela Ram took part in the competition and was selected to recite her poem in front of a jury for the big final held on 12th of September. Mehela achieved excellent results and won the first prize of the Year 5 Category A. Très bon travail, Mehela! PWPS congratulates you on your outstanding results.
23.01.2022 Thank you to all family members who came to our 1:1 iPad Information Session yesterday. If your child will be in Years 3-6 in 2021 or new to our school and you would like to participate in our BYO iPad program, please visit our school website and access our 1:1 iPad Program 2021 Parent Information Handbook. It contains information about app lists, device requirements, parental controls and more! https://piarawatersps.wa.edu.au/learning-11
22.01.2022 We would like to thank all staff, students and parents involved in our highly successful cross country today. The weather was sunny, the positivity was high and the sportsmanship was amazing. Huge thanks to our PE team and volunteers who helped make this possible. We wish you a wonderful (and restful) weekend!
22.01.2022 We are very proud to share the ATAR results from some of our former students who graduated at Leeming Senior High School last year. These students achieved an ATAR score of above 80, which is outstanding: Freddie Khant - 96.90 Huba Novak - 94.35 Abel Jin - 91.25... Congratulations Freddie, Huba and Abel. We enjoyed teaching you at Piara Waters Primary School all those years ago, and are so impressed with your achievements.
21.01.2022 One of our amazing parents has surprised all of our staff today, generously putting together 100 gift bags full of sweet treats to acknowledge everyones work during these challenging times. These were shared with all members of our staff, who were so thrilled to receive them. We have such a wonderful community - Thank you!
20.01.2022 Ms Townsend has been using iPad to enhance the fitness and coordination of the children at PWPS to create a full body warm up. These Year 2 children selected the exercises to include a combination of cardio, lower body, upper body and core strength. Check it out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xwkeJHiJ3XY&feature=youtu.be
19.01.2022 Our Year 3 students showing off their completed masks for their Drama tableaux. The theme is "A picture paints a thousand words....".
18.01.2022 Some of our Year 6 students have recently taken part in the 2019 Choose Maths Awards. The CHOOSEMATHS Student Awards encourage students to get creative and explore real-world applications of Maths. Collaborating in teams, students bring their understanding of mathematics to life on film around this years theme - Maths Makes Everything Possible. To see some of our student video entries, please see the link below. https://choosemathsawards.org.au/student-video-port/page//
18.01.2022 Our Year 3 students in Room 26 thoroughly enjoyed learning to play with the schools new xylophones this morning!
18.01.2022 From all of the staff at PWPS, we wish our students, parents and families a safe and enjoyable Easter holiday break.
16.01.2022 *P&C Announcement* P&C meetings will return next term. The first meeting will take place on Tuesday 4th August at 2.45pm, in the School Library (More information to come closer to the date). The 2019|20 Entertainment Memberships have expired. Buy now to support our fundraising, save on everything you love to do. Offer ends 13 July 2020 (T&Cs apply). See link for all the details: https://www.entertainmentbook.com.au/orderbooks/91d562... When supporting our Local Bakery (Bakers Delight) down at Harrisdale Shops, dont forget to mention Piara Waters Primary School. 5% of your purchase comes back to the P&C.
16.01.2022 As part of our NAIDOC Week activities, we held a series of assemblies to officially launch our new school faction logos and the stories behind them. The designer and illustrator of our logos, Rory Charles, joined us to share the stories with all students and staff. These assemblies included a showcase of the new faction shirts, the logos, music performances from the choir, drama performances and much more.
16.01.2022 During terms 2 and 3 some year 5 students have taken part in weekly cooking lessons with the support of the FEAST education program from Ozharvest. During these lessons we have been focusing on reducing food waste while also learning about nutrition and recipe modification as well as practical cooking skills. Our sincere thanks goes to the FEAST team at Ozharvest for supporting this amazing program as well as our amazing parent and community volunteers.
13.01.2022 Monday this week saw the conclusion of our Interschool Athletics Carnival, spanning over two days. Results were as follows: Championship Shield. Piara Waters 3rd Place. We were only 16 points behind 2nd. Spirit Shield. Piara Waters - 1st Place.... Individual medal winners: Maddison Kleinig - 3rd place Year 3 girl Amiria Kingi - 3rd place Year 4 girl Theodora Mickalad Mouithys - Champion Year 6 Well done Piara Waters!
12.01.2022 Introducing our Sustainability Soldiers! This small team of enthusiastic Year 5 students expressed their interest and were selected to form the first student-led sustainability team at Piara Waters Primary School. The formation of this group is one element of the schools aspiration to build a more sustainable community. We look forward to seeing this group develop new school wide, waste wise initiatives. (Back row) Lucy Amies, Taniskka Amarnath, Latifah Nishimwe, Ella Banting, Anshpreet Kaur, Mia Grant, (Front row) Krizel Fouche, Cayla Li, Ava Osterberg, Yugman Sandhu, Arabella Stanley and Mehela Ram (absent from photo).
12.01.2022 Dear Parents and Caregivers, We would like to thank you for your cooperation with our current drop-off procedure in the morning. It was great seeing you and your children back to school with a smile. The students have thoroughly enjoyed getting back into their classrooms and learning with their peers.... We are looking forward to more students returning back to school tomorrow.
11.01.2022 Today our school choir attended the 'Massed Choir Festival' for 2020. The choir joined thousands of other students to perform a number of songs at Langley Park.
10.01.2022 A short video of the 'Massed Choir Festival' our Choir performed in today.
10.01.2022 Our Year 1 students from Room 13 working in the veggie garden in this beautiful sunny weather.
10.01.2022 This week Shirley from the Armadale Library is visiting our Kindergarten students and parents to share the Better Beginnings program and resources available. Our students were very excited to receive their very own Better Beginnings Literacy pack! We are looking forward to seeing Shirley again tomorrow for our Group B Kindy classes. Better Beginnings is a family literacy program promoting the importance of reading and sharing books with your child and using the public library.... www.better-beginnings.com.au Even though your child may have started kindergarten, you are still your childs most important teacher. Sharing books and reading aloud together is a wonderful way to give your child the best possible start at school. You can help your child enjoy reading by: Reading aloud together every day Talking about the story and the pictures Choosing books together
07.01.2022 On Wednesday, we celebrated our high student attendance rate (Over 96%) by having a Wacky Sock Walk to School Day. It was amazing to see so many of our students and staff dressed up in their craziest socks, sharing a smile and a laugh around the school. We would like to thank you for supporting your children with this event.
07.01.2022 Episode 2 of the Piara Voices Podcast series has been released and published to Spotify. This episode takes a deep look into both mental and physical health with an interview with PWPS Sport and Health teacher, Ms. Sarah Townsend and her obsession with the West Coast Eagles. Also in this episode, student W.O.W Work, a movie review of a much loved Pixar film, and much more. Of course we need to keep you thinking, so we have a riddle at the end of our episode as well as the answer for last weeks riddle. https://open.spotify.com/episode/1FI8PkrUAFs4UZ6UH7frA9
07.01.2022 NAIDOC week concluded today with award winning musicians Gina Williams and Guy Ghouse, who performed a special Aboriginal Concert and Workshop for our students.
06.01.2022 ***Kindergarten Enrolments*** Just a reminder that applications for Kindergarten enrolment for 2021 are now open. For your child to be eligible to enrol their date of birth should fall between 1st July 2016 to 30th June 2017. If you would like to enrol for Kindergarten, please download an Application form from our school website.... Applications will close on 24th July 2020.
06.01.2022 Some of our wonderfully talented students and staff have attended the Innovation Showcase over the last 2 days in Perth, launching their very first podcast called "Piara Voices". The purpose was to promote student voice in learning, offering challenging and creative learning opportunities to develop a podcast series for the school that is played weekly to all students. Their work has been highly commended and a huge credit goes to all the students and staff involved. Click the link to hear the podcast for episode 1: https://open.spotify.com/episode/6fykTPFik2hinFgHyk8d0d
05.01.2022 **Parents of Students in Year 7 2021** Harrisdale Senior High School are running an information evening for parents of students who have enrolled at Harrisdale SHS for Year 7 in 2021. The event is being held on Tuesday 17 November. See information attached.
05.01.2022 Happy Diwali to all members of our school community.
04.01.2022 On Thursday Years 3-6 students participated in the Interschool Cross Country. We came 2nd overall! Our Year 3 students were Champion school overall. Our Individual medal winners were Ella B (Year 5, Runner Up) and Ethan B (Year 3, 3rd Place). We are super proud of all our students who attended, and thankful for the amazing work of our staff and parents who have supported the event!
04.01.2022 The winning video entry from Mehela Ram, as part of the 'Family by my side' competition. The competition required two or more members of the same family to hold a conversation by asking and answering questions, about any topic, using familiar language that has been explored during French Language lessons. How amazing is Mehela's French?
04.01.2022 Our Year 4 students have been following the Design and Technology process to create their own terrariums. This included learning about the water cycle, following a scientific method, and looking after their little mini gardens. Heres some photos of their completed work.
04.01.2022 A few months ago, Mehela Ram took part in the Family By My Side competition organised by the Modern Language Teachers’ Association of Western Australia (MLTAWA). The competition required two or more members of the same family to hold a conversation by asking and answering questions, about any topic, using familiar language that has been explored during French Language lessons. Mehela’s French video entry was judged as the winning entry in the Student and Adult Family Member category. She received a Winner’s Certificate, a gift voucher and a trophy for our school. Félicitations Mehela! PWPS is extremely proud of your achievement in French.
03.01.2022 Our talented staff presented a drama presentation today on the story "Where the Wild Things Are". This concluded an amazing morning after our annual Book Fair Parade. We hope you enjoy this video as much as our staff did performing it!
03.01.2022 Miss McCallums Room 17 class have been hard at work creating their own Newspaper called "Piara Primary Papers". The paper includes news articles, opinion pieces, reviews and puzzles. To read the whole newspaper, check out the Connect Library, Year 4 Folder.
02.01.2022 Our school music specialist (Gillian Archer) and her student choir had only 4 practice sessions to put this outstanding rendition of I Am Australian together to acknowledge and commemorate ANZAC Day. Enjoy!
02.01.2022 Photos from our 2020 Interschool Carnival.
01.01.2022 Welcome to all parents, guardians and community members to the re-opening of our School Facebook Page. This will be a place where we can showcase the amazing teaching and learning happening at Piara Waters Primary School. We will be sharing some community guidelines soon and more information about the kinds of content we will publish here. For ongoing school notices and information, please refer to the usual forums which include our school website and our school Connect space.
01.01.2022 Our Year 3 students have been creating Monochromatic Collage Masks. Students will move from Visual Arts (creation of masks) to Drama (using the masks) through theatre performances/plays.
01.01.2022 This week Room 30 were thrilled to help Mr Berrington, our school gardener, with a special project. The class were involved in the planting of succulents for addition to an amazing vertical garden built by Mr Berrington. This garden can be seen across from the new nature play area. Huge thanks to Mr Berrington for his hard work and dedication to this project. Thanks also goes to those parents and community members that provided the donated plants and pots.
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