Pilates Lifestyle & Wellbeing Pty Ltd in Samford Valley | Medical and health
Pilates Lifestyle & Wellbeing Pty Ltd
Locality: Samford Valley
Phone: +61 432 269 472
Address: 220 Mt Glorious Road, 4520 Samford Valley, QLD, Australia
Website: http://pilateslifestyle.com.au/
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18.02.2022 Last two weeks of Mat work going onto Foam Rollers for the next two weeks. Core muscles on!
10.02.2022 Пока все соц сети бурлят ненавистью и негативом, хочется разбавить это приятными новостями и фактами. Мир не так плох, оглянитесь: Норвежцы приняли решение не б...урить нефтяные скважины на Лофотенских островах (с запасами нефти на 53 000 000 000 долларов), чтобы сохранить экосистему островов. Впервые в истории Малави спикером парламента страны избрана женщина. Эстер Чилендже аннулировала 1500 браков с несовершеннолетними девушками и отправила их снова в школу. Шведские доноры получают смс со словами благодарности каждый раз, когда их кровь спасает людей. Благодаря закону о защите исчезающих видов (Endangered Species Act) почти исчезающая популяция морских черепах увеличилась на 980% Таиландские супермаркеты отказались от пластиковых пакетов и начали заворачивать покупки в банановые листья. Голландия стала первой страной без бродячих собак. Южная Корея организует танцевальные вечеринки для людей после 65 лет. Для борьбы с деменцией и одиночеством; В Риме можно заплатить за билет в метро пластиковыми бутылками. Таким образом уже было собрано 350 000 бутылок. Калифорния ограничивает продажу собак, кошек и кроликов в магазинах, чтобы люди брали домашних животных из приютов; Рисовые фермеры по всему миру начинают использовать на полях уток вместо пестицидов. Утки едят насекомых и щиплют сорняки, не трогая рис; Канада приняла закон, запрещающий использовать косаток и дельфинов в индустрии развлечений; Голландия засеивает крыши сотен автобусных остановок цветами и растениями специально для пчел; Исландия стала первой страной в мире, узаконившей одинаковый уровень зарплат для мужчин и женщин; Немецкие цирки вместо животных используют их голограммы, чтобы прекратить эксплуатацию животных в цирках; Подводный робот LarvalBot засеивает дно Большого Барьерного Рифа микроскопическими кораллами, выращенными специально для восстановления экосистемы Для сокращения количества самоубийств, Швеция организовала первую в мире психиатрическую Скорую помощь 4855 человек стояли часами в очереди под дождем, чтобы сдать анализ на стволовые клетки для спасения жизни пятилетнего мальчика; Индийская деревня отмечает рождение каждой девочки посадкой 111 деревьев. Таким образом уже высажено 350 000 деревьев Благодаря запрету на охоту на горбатых китов их популяция выросла с нескольких сотен до 25 000 Нидерланды построили пять искусственных островов специально для сохранения птиц и растений. Спустя два года там уже обитает 30 000 птиц и растет 127 видов растений Спутники NASA зафиксировали, что мир стал зеленее, чем 20 лет назад С 1994 года количество самоубийств снизилось на 38%. Это сохранило около четырех миллионов жизней Фото для усиления позитивного настроения!
25.01.2022 Pilates Lifestyle and Wellbeing studio will reopen on Monday 15th June, Yeah!! We have missed seeing everyone get together to achieve that common thread, a sense of strength and wellbeing. We are looking forward to experiencing this again with sincere gratitude. Following the rigours of excessive gardening and housework in self isolation, my back was feeling very uncomfortable. The light eventually dawned; No Pilates exercises, so after 2 20minute ...sessions of the exercises that give me the most benefit, problem solved!! I have continued short sessions for myself since then resulting in no back discomfort. You do not miss something until it is taken away. I did not need anything more than a mat on the floor and the knowledge of the exercises to help myself to feel comfortable and able to function easily again. This is the true beauty of Mat Pilates. As the restrictions on our lives slowly lift I look forward to sharing this knowledge with more people to assist them in taking care of themselves, Until 15th June you can still visit the Blog on the website www.pilateslifestyle.com.au where you will find a number of short mat sessions for your use and benefit. See more
25.01.2022 Joseph Pilates philosophy of his exercises was to address the mind, the body and the spirit. If this intention is not wholeheartedly being observed, it simply is not Pilates. Pilates Lifestyle and Wellbeing offers a variety of mat work with small equipment, Reformers, Stability chairs and the Cadillac tower. We program to ensure there is progression in physical strength, continued understanding of the essence and dynamic of each exercise, whilst keeping the classes exciting and fun. It is wonderful to observe how these factors uplift the spirits of all our current clients. By using all the forms of Pilates exercises available to us, with care and genuine interest in each client, we continue to strive to uphold the intentions of Joseph Pilates. To join our classes contact Dorothy on 0432 269 472 or visit www.pilateslifestyle.com.au
24.01.2022 Loving the Paperbark trees at the campsite but still time to say G’day on Teaser Tuesday. # holiday Pilates #rest time #sunshine coast # Queensland #Pilates Teaser exercise
24.01.2022 Join Total Barre class on Thursday evening at 6pm with Jess to stretch and strengthen. $10.00 buys you a great workout. . . #pilates Lifestyle and well-being #Total Barre #safe stretching# strength
23.01.2022 Working out on the Stability Chair adds challenge to balance, core engagement, and global muscles whilst working against resistance. Full chair classes are now available at Pilates Lifestyle and Wellbeing. Contact us from www.pilateslifestyle.com.au
23.01.2022 Beginners Pilates Mat class at Pilates Lifestyle and Wellbeing. Tuesday’s 1.30pm - 2.15pm. 4 clients per class. $200.00 for 10 classes. Learn the basics to create a solid foundation to progress from.
21.01.2022 The Pick Up Class. Starting Tuesday 20th April 2021. 1.30pm-2.15pm. Sign up on the website before the holidays start and join us @ 220 Mount Glorious Road, Samford Valley.
21.01.2022 Never before has breathing been so relevant to everyone. Now, it is the one desired aspect of good health; - a healthy pair of lungs, functioning well with the correct and specific respiratory muscles. It is the first principal we talk about when you enter a class at Pilates Lifestyle and Wellbeing. The impact of shallow breathing at rest, will reduce the strength and health of the diaphragm. Core strength will be reduced due to the lack of use of the diaphragm and most i...mportantly it will change the posture of the body. By learning to breathe with the respiratory muscles the entire body benefits from a stronger posture, better alignment and overall strength. It is the outward breathe that is vital to massage the whole respiratory function into action and engage the deep Transverse Abdominal muscle into supporting a strong upright posture. This allows us to engage, with ease, in our everyday tasks and also carries into more exertive tasks or exercise. How wonderful it is to see the change in peoples general wellbeing when this is understood and applied correctly. We are still running our one on one classes at 1.5 m away from each other in our large, light and well ventilated studios. You can also visit our blog page at www.pilateslifestyle.com.au/blog and use our programmes to discover more about our classes and about breathing. See more
19.01.2022 Assistive Arc Barrel, eliminate neck strain, stabilise shoulder girdle, maximise core engagement. #reducing neck strain. #core engagement #Arc Barrel #Samford Pilates #Pilates Mat work
19.01.2022 Three exercises from our Total Barre class. Toning,arms, legs and a great stretch. Enjoy this on Thursday evenings and Friday mornings. Do both, you will be rocking it for the weekend!! . .#TotalBarre#toned-legs#workout
19.01.2022 You can only do this when deep core muscles are truly engaged ... great to have Lisa on board.
18.01.2022 A fun workout focusing on building strength, balance, flexibility and control. Join Jess at Pilates Lifestyle and Wellbeing from Thursday 10th October every Thursday from 6-7pm. Ages 16-60 Welcome!! @ Pilates Lifestyle & Wellbeing Pty Ltd
16.01.2022 Want to workout in a full service Pilates Studio in the Samford Valley? Mat classes are available daily at various times, just head to our website www.pilateslifestyle.com.au and select a time that suits you from the timetable. Dorothy, Sharyn, Lisa and Neale are all qualified to instruct at varying levels so come along and give it a go!
15.01.2022 6 Arc Barrels available to assist in increasing core strength without upper body strain or increase the challenge!............look out for the next post
14.01.2022 Getting back with a quick Fit-ball workout. Studio reopens Monday 11th January. We might take it a bit slower than this. #Fit Ball#strong hips#strong abs #pilates Lifestyle and Wellbeing
14.01.2022 Total Barre starts again on Thursday 10th at 6pm with Jess and Friday 11th at 10.15am with Lisa. Sign up soon at Pilates Lifestyle and Wellbeing.
13.01.2022 Ndlovu Youth Choir and WOOLWORTHS showing support for the bokke! Watch the Finale live on SABC 2 #BringItHome #Bokke
13.01.2022 For those of you following us on Instagram @pilates_lifestyle_wellbeing you will have seen Jess is taking on our Thursday 6 pm Total Barre class. Jess is loving the experience of teaching this great workout and offering her own creativity and challenge to the classes. Dont forget Lisa, ex Queensland Ballet Soloist, also runs a Total Barre class on Friday mornings at 10.15 am. We still have places left, so come along and join Jess and/or Lisa to get fit, strong and have some... fun along the way. Total Barre is $10.00 per class paid for on the day. The Friday morning Pilates Foundation Reformer class is now full, the Pilates Foundation Courses on Mat or Reformer are a great investment in establishing a solid understanding of how to extend your body to its full range whilst keeping the core muscles on during and between each exercise. This creates endurance in the muscles which is then carried into your everyday activities helping you to feel at ease in your body and clear in your thoughts. Still spaces left in these classes running on Wednesday at 9.00 am and 10.15 am, 2 spaces left in the 6 pm class however the Friday at 9 am is full. To join us at Pilates Lifestyle and Wellbeing either contact us on 0432269472, visit the website www.pilateslifestyle.com.au or contact us via Facebook. See more
12.01.2022 The basic move to all Pilates work, get it right! Ab prep, sometimes called Chest lift. Find true deep core muscles, not to high not to low and maintain the Lumbar arch. This will give you that flat strong abdominal wall you want. Find out how attending our Foundation mat course 9th Oct. to 28th Nov 2019. . . #corestrength#lumbararch#abprep
11.01.2022 And a little more Arc Barrel Challenge. Think inner thigh, Glut, abs, Lats, whole spine, legs, feet, eyes and you might be half way there Enjoy!!
10.01.2022 Arc Barrel adding challenge to balance, range of movement, co ordination. Still some work needed for me! #body conditioning #dancers #gymnasts #synchronised swimmers #athletes #cyclists
09.01.2022 Make sure we can do A before we do B with Resistance so we do not end up looking like C!
08.01.2022 FOUNDATION MAT COURSE Learn the underlying principles of Pilates to enable you to maximize your understanding and progression of the Pilates exercises in your pursuit of wellbeing. Starting - 9th Oct and running until the 29th Nov. Either Wednesday @ 9 am or @ 6 pm or on ... Friday mornings @ 9 am. Group (8 Class Pack) - $225.00 To SIGN-UP: go to - www.pilateslifestyle.com.au or email us - [email protected] or call Dorothy - 0432 269 472
08.01.2022 Ensure you have core muscles on for this twisty turns number. All part of the fun for the Pick up class starting April 20th at 1.30pm to 2.15pm at the Studio in Samford Valley. Register your interest before the end of term 1. See website for fees... pilateslifestyle.com.au
05.01.2022 Great to be back to classes on Tuesday 12th January. High intensity training exempt from wearing masks.........So Jump boards here we come.
05.01.2022 Busy handing over the Total Barre reigns to Jess. Jess grew up in Samford and is trained in all schools of dance . She is guaranteed to deliver a fun high energy class, look out!!
05.01.2022 Mat class at 6 pm tonight with Sharyn. Come along and enjoy a fun safe work out that will leave you feeling in control of your body! See you there
05.01.2022 Friday morning Total Barre with Lisa. 10.15 at Pilates Lifestyle and Wellbeing. Lisa offers a dynamic class helping you to reach your goals with loads of fun along the way.
03.01.2022 8 WEEK FOUNDATION PILATES COURSE. 9th Oct. to 29th Nov - Wed. 9 am and 6 pm; Fri. 9 am Learn to connect deep core muscles without causing neck and shoulder strain. Attend 3 classes a week for 8 weeks - DISCOUNTS APPLY . To SIGN-UP: Email - [email protected] OR call - 0432 269 472
03.01.2022 This is the funniest video Ive seen in a long time
02.01.2022 Incorporating, arcs and Stability chairs into mat work, quietening strong muscles, developing weak muscles. Great classes to reduce lower back pain. #arc barrel #Stability chair #Pilates mat classes#lower back pain#neck and shoulder pain
02.01.2022 TOTAL BARRE & PILATES FOUNDATION COURSE INFO For those of you who follow Instagram you will have seen Jess is taking over our Thursday 6 pm Total Barre class. Jess is loving the experience of teaching this great workout and offering her own creativity and challenge to the classes; dont forget Lisa runs a Total Barre class on Friday mornings at 10.15 am. We still have some places left, so come along and join Jess and/or Lisa to get fit, strong and have some fun along the way.... Total Barre is $10.00 per class; just book online and pay on the day. The Friday morning Foundation Pilates Reformer class has one space left. The Foundation Pilates Courses on Mat or Reformer are a great investment in establishing a solid understanding of how to extend your body to its full range whilst keeping the core muscles on during and between each exercise. This creates endurance in the muscles which is then carried into your everyday activities helping you to feel at ease in your body and clear in your thoughts. Some spaces left in these classes running on Wednesday at 9.00 am, 10.15 am & 6 pm and Friday at 9 am. To join us at Pilates Lifestyle and Wellbeing either contact us on 0432269472 or visit the website www.pilateslifestyle.com.au or find us on Facebook.
01.01.2022 Classes have resumed with the introduction of Mat and Reformer Classes @ 6am on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday. There are still spaces available if you want to take advantage of the early start. Our Wednesday 6pm class will remain as a Foundation Class and is ideal for those who are new to Pilates or returning to Pilates after a break. View the timetable on the website; and book and pay for your chosen class either on the WEBSITE or the WIX APP. To download the WIX A...PP enter www.pilateslifestyle.com.au into the browser on your mobile device; click the link to the WIX APP at the top of your screen; the APP will download the Pilates Lifestyle and Wellbeing version. Once you have the APP installed you can message us directly, and book and pay for classes using the various plans we have available. All our plans enable you to attend either Mat or Reformer Classes. We are introducing Pilates on the Arc Barrel and on the Foam Rollers which brings a fresh and interesting challenge to a Pilates Mat Class thereby increasing the benefits to both the fit and de-conditioned in a way that is fun and interesting, allowing the body to become flexible, strong and controlled, without pain or injury. For further information visit www.pilateslifestyle.com.au or contact Dorothy on 0432 269 472.
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