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25.01.2022 A favourite practical movement of mine! Do you get up off the floor often? Are you always using the same side? Training this sit up to tabletop on both sides will help in becoming more balanced in the body. Name: sit up to tabletop Target muscles: the whole core Movement and breath:... inhale to set your T-Zone exhale curl all the way to seated, rotate to one side and place your hands down to find a tabletop position inhale reset the T-Zone in tabletop exhale rotate back to the same side and articulate 1 vertebrae at a time back down Tips: move slowly with control press up through the hands in tabletop to move the rib cage towards to shoulder blades keep the shoulders away from the ears, drawing down the back actively engage the abdominals, think of drawing the lower belly away from the waistband of your pants #MatMovementMonday #TrainWithTrainor #Pilattess #pilates #matpilates #situp #tabletop #situptotabletop #abdominals #core #tzone #abs #workout #pilatesmove #matpilatesinstructor See more

24.01.2022 this #MatMovementMonday calls for some Criss Cross Name: Criss Cross Target Muscle: obliques Movement and breath:... inhale T-Zone exhale curl up and rotate, extend the opposite leg inhale to return to tabletop and lower the body down (remain lifted in the centre for a challenge) exhale curl up and rotate to the opposite side, extend the leg Tips: think about rotating the body, as if a string pulling the head in a line, rather than laterally flexing the lower you extend the leg, the more challenge you’ll find keep the head relaxed into the head, eyes on the knees, no tension in the neck think of the rib connecting to the opposite hip can be performed slow or remain curled up and rotate faster for intensity #MatMovementMonday #CrissCross #TrainWithTrainor #pilates #matpilates #pilatesinstructor #obliques #core #workout #pilatesmove See more

23.01.2022 One of my inner goals has always been to have killer triceps you know when people just have the delt to tricep definition, yeah that one! This exercise is a good one for the goals Name: Single arm tricep push up Target muscle: TRICEEEEPPPSS Movement and breath:... inhale engage the T-Zone exhale press through the top hand to lift the upper body inhale lower down Tips: keep the shoulders drawn down the back and away from the ears T-Zone is always active stay relaxed through the lower body #MatMovementMonday #TrainWithTrainor #Triceps #triceppushup #gunshow #upperbody #pilates #matpilates #matpilatesinstructor See more

22.01.2022 Big yawn is one of my favourite exercises for spinal extension I often joke to my clients that maybe one day their goal would be to touch their head on their toes and oh my these ladies are well on their way! @tarabaigent and @alyciatrainor you guys are a pleasure to have in class and I love pushing your limits #spinalextension #extension #spine #spinalmobility #spinalmovement #healthyspine #bigyawn #pilatesclients

21.01.2022 Hands up if you know these feels! #pilates #pilateshangover #ouch #burn #sore #pilatesquote

20.01.2022 A tough core exercise that we used to do in full time dance (thanks to the beautiful @erinbarney for showing me this!) It’s super tricky to keep your spine imprinted here, so remember to imagine squashing a blueberry underneath your lumbar spine the whole time! Name: heel to toe Target muscle: lower abdominals ... Movement and breath: keeping your spine imprinted, and T-Zone tight, tap the toes lightly on the floor flex the feet to tap the heels down alternating between heels and toes, keeping the legs low and form strong inhale and exhale through the movement Tips: keep your spine imprinted, lower back drawing down the the floor below you T-Zone always engaged to stabilise and protect the lower back this is a small and controlled movement upper body stays relaxed #MatMovementMonday #TrainWithTrainor #pilates #matworkpilates #matpilates #matpilatesinstructor #core #abdominals See more

20.01.2022 Hey! It’s me I don’t think my Pilates gram has really properly seen my face, so here it is I have a question for you though! What is a must have song (or songs?!) to your Pilates playlist? Help me expand my playlist for classes Tell me below #pilates #pilatesmusic #pilatesclassmusic #classmusic #reformerpilates #reformer #selfie #kxpilates #defineyourself

19.01.2022 Woooo!! Looking for an 8am class? Come join me on Tuesday

18.01.2022 Reframing Over-Training TO Under-Recovering With this reframing in mind we shift our focus to recovery as an essential component of your overall well-being (regardless of your goals, we know this is so important)! - With my personal current goal aiming towards female bodybuilding (including hypertrophy, which is working the muscles to grow physically bigger) I have been reminded of the importance of allowing the body time to recover (in order to repair micro tears and grow... the muscle)! If you’re like me an enjoy being quite active, perhaps you find yourself doing more than one type of workout each day, or even working out every day of the week (and weekend). Maybe this has lead you to a feeling of fatigue, or being unable to push yourself as hard as you can if you had recovered 100% from your last session? Perhaps you’ve been training every day without rest and are finding yourself at a plateau? Your muscles could even be at a constant inflamed state because you haven’t given them any time to recover! If any of the about resonates with you, I encourage you to implement more recovery techniques. Some things you could include are -proper sleep -healthy nutrition -stretching/foam rolling -magnesium (honestly I haven’t been sore at ALL after my work outs thanks to this) -de stressing yourself -mindfulness -taking a set ‘rest day’ from resistance training Try some recovery tools out and see how these effect your body’s response in your next workout. - I hope you enjoy this quick little thought, and prepare yourself for SO much more! I have been learning a tonne of new information (which won’t be stopping anytime soon) and look forward to sharing more with you. #recovery #overtraining #overtrain #underrecovering #underrecovery #information #fitness #health #resistancetraining #TrainWithTrainor See more

17.01.2022 Going through my archives and realised I never posted this video!! I use these 2 exercises often to change things up and keep classes interesting let me know if you try them and what you think! #TrainWithTrainor #reformerpilates #pilates #kxpilates #leginstrap #hamstring #glute #reformerpilatesinstructor #pilatesmoves #innerthighs #workout #reformerworkout

16.01.2022 Dancing and the reformer I remember in my full time dance course one of our teachers telling us to imagine being on the reformer and engaging our muscles like so. At the time I had never been on a reformer but oh my I wish I had! The reformer works your muscles like nothing else and it is so complementary to dance. Ask any dancer who regularly attends Pilates and they will tell you that it’s an absolute asset to their training If you’re keen to try a reformer class with... me send me a DM and I’ll get you set up Shout out to @alyciatrainor for letting me push her on a regular basis what an impressive range of motion! you’re a star! #pilatesfordancers #dance #dancer #pilates #reformerpilates #reformerpilatesinstructor #splits #impressive #reformerfordancers See more

15.01.2022 Cheeky throwback to the black hair for my KX headshot because I taught my first class at Miranda 12 months ago!!! What a wild ride it has been and I could not be more grateful for what the past year has been. @peaceloveandcoco thank you for bringing me into the team and literally changing my life and my clients for being the most amazing people! Thank you for letting me push you, and dealing with all my terrible jokes those early wake ups are SO worth it!! #TrainWithTrainor #KXPilates #DefineYourself #12months #instructor #pilatesinstructor #reformerpilates #reformerpilatesinstructor

15.01.2022 Inner thighs (adductors) are always a popular muscle to train when I ask my clients for class requests! Here’s one you can do at home, on the mat! Try adding different variations and building the length of time you’re here for optimal burn Name: Inner Thigh Lift Target Muscles: adductors Movement and breath:... inhale to set your T-Zone exhale lengthen out the bottom leg and lift inhale lower, exhale lengthen and lift Tips: think of keeping the hips square, avoiding rocking light pressure through the supporting top hand head, neck and shoulders stay down and relaxed, so that the spine is inline and neutral always lengthening the muscle in order to lift the leg, this helps create the long and lean muscles try adding circles, pulses, drawing the alphabet for more challenge #MatMovementMonday #TrainWithTrainor #Pilates #MatPilates #matpilatesinstructor #innerthighs #adductors #adductorexercise #innerthighworkouts See more

14.01.2022 Looking for a way to change up your bridge and challenge your stabilisers? Here it is for #MatMovementMonday Name: needle thread bridge Target muscles: glutes, hamstrings, hip stabilisers Movement and breath:... roll up to bridge and extend one leg tall inhale T-Zone, take the leg out to the side and thread underneath exhale to press through the supporting heel and unthread the leg, returning it straight up repeat on both sides Tips: allow the hip to open up and rotate slightly while threading the leg, whilst remaining lifted through the supporting side imagine drawing the biggest circle with the foot before threading through ribs connected down to hips to maintain a neutral spine and core activation keep the arms and upper body relaxed on the floor always reset to a lifted position, drawing the glutes to the heels to engage the hamstrings #TrainWithTrainor #MatMovementMonday #pilates #pilatesmat #glutebridge #bridge #hipbridge #needlethread #hipstability #glutes #hamstrings See more

14.01.2022 This week we’re looking at a fundamental move in any side lying series for #MatMovementMonday Name: Clam 1 Target Muscle(s): Glutes Movement & Breath: ... during the set up, ensure you have a gap between waist and mat inhale T-Zone exhale use the glutes to open the top leg, keeping the feet attached and hips stacked Tips: to create waist to mat gap, press the top hip away with the top hand to create a square stack only external rotate as much as your hips allow and ensure that the hips stay stacked, avoid letting the top hip roll back by opening too far T-Zone remains on during the entire exercise press the heels together when rotating open feet, hips and shoulders should be inline keep the shoulders back and down and neck relaxed #TrainWithTrainor #MatMovementMonday #MatPilates #Pilattess #Pilates #PilatesInstructor #MatPilatesInstructor #MovementBreakdown #Fitness #Clam1 #PilatesClam #Glutes #Abdominals #TZone #Obliques photography by @serenacsiow See more

14.01.2022 You know who your are! Tell me what other thoughts you have in class #TrainWithTrainor #pilates #pilatesinstructor #reformerpilates #reformerpilatesinstructor #pilatesquotes

14.01.2022 From the reformer to the mat here is one of my favourite booty exercises for #MatMovementMonday! (today I’m getting my peach tattoo so I couldn’t not do a booty exercise) Name: Skater Target muscle: glutes (stabilisers) Movement and breath:... starting with soft knees and all your weight over one foot slide/tap the non weight bearing leg out to the side return the leg in without placing your weight onto it continuing this motion with a steady breathing pattern Tips: keep the weight directly over the supporting leg, mostly through the heel to feel the extra booty burn hips and shoulders stay square create a long neutral line through your spine, slightly hinged at the hips try adding in squats or pulses to create a long burning sequence # #MatMovementMonday #TrainWithTrainor #booty #bootyworkout #glutes #gluteexercises #stabalisers #stability #pilates #standingpilates #matpilates #skater See more

13.01.2022 Strong girl #goals!! @_rachaelturner is the ultimate strong chick who is always taking on any challenge I present her with (or bully her in to)! Just like this push up from the toes - Here’s a challenge for you too! Been doing beginner springs for a while now? Next time try some intermediate springs! Same goes for intermediate to advance springs! Let’s keep pushing ourselves and increasing strength worried about getting bulky? Don’t stress, pilates is designed to length...en and tone your muscles rather than bulk! Come try a class with my and I promise to make it a fun time even while you’re buuuurrrrnnning #TrainWithTrainor #pilates #reformerpilates #kxpilates #kxpilatesmiranda #defineyourself #strong #strongwomen #pushup See more

11.01.2022 KX40 is done and dusted!!! Congrats to all my clients for SMASHING it, I am so proud of your commitment to yourselves and you should be too Now that this challenge is done, it’s on and upwards with the next! I want to know what your goals are so I can help you achieve them even if we’ve not met before, post your goal below to share it with the universe and feel accountable to your goal I’ll start us off with my new goal (that I’ve told most of you in classes this week just a thought but I have decided to commit to it) In 2021 (TBC exactly when) I will be entering in a bikini fitness competition. Also TBC which comp exactly, or any details further than this is what I want to do It has been a long time since I have had a specific fitness goal and I am SO excited to see the transformation I can make in my body! Here’s to new learnings (and macro countings) starting soon (cheers but no alcohol) #TrainWithTrainor #KXpilates #defineyourself #ohiwillbedefiningmyself! #KX40 #goals #whatareyourgoals #newgoals #fitness See more

09.01.2022 Want to know what a 50 minute class looks like in 24 seconds? Here it is!! Thanks to my friend and roomie @courtney_beardow for letting me time lapse this (she really had no choice) Today was such a fun class!! I hope those of you that came feel great, and a little sore #pilates #reformer #reformerpilates #jump #jumpboard #timelapse #class #reformerclass #reformerpilatesinstructor #saturday #saturyay

08.01.2022 Taking it standing this week for a reverse lunge with twist! I use this one in HiiP classes (what is HiiP, you ask? High intensity interval Pilates) Name: Reverse lunge with twist Target muscles: glutes, legs, core Movement and breath:... Inhale to step back, lower into lunge and twist exhale squeeze through the glute to stand tall and reset alternate sides Tips: keep the knee over the ankle, and in alignment with the 2nd and 3rd toe (you should feel the outer glute slightly) spine stays long and tall twist the top, keep the hips square and the legs strong press through the heel when standing to engage the glutes more #MatMovementMonday #TrainWithTrainor #ReverseLunge #Twist #Glutes #Core #HiiP #Pilates #pilates move See more

08.01.2022 #pilatesquote #noifs #greatbutts #workout #booty #peach #peachemoji #pilatespeach

08.01.2022 Here’s a few variations to the reverse knee tuck that I’ve been including in my classes lately! Let me know what you think #TrainWithTrainor #reformerpilates #pilates #reformer #reformerpilatesinstructor #kneetuck #reversekneetuck #abdominals #core #kxpilates #kxpilatesmiranda #defineyourself

06.01.2022 This week I used reverse flying splits in a class and the most common thing that I heard clients say was that it felt so much better on one side than the other! And I wanna talk about that for a moment One of my favourite things about pilates is that it makes you aware of any muscular imbalances, and helps to correct them. With so many unilateral movements, how could it not? In life we have so many daily habits that tend to just be performed on one side over and over and ove...r again! For example, maybe you: -hold your bag on one side shoulder only -always cross the same leg on top when sitting down -roll to the same side every time you get off the floor or out of bed Just to name a few. In exercises that use both sides of the body together, usually the stronger side will take over, causing your ‘weaker’ side to, well, stay weaker. Our single sided moves in class help your weaker sides to increase strength by putting all your focus and attention on them. Some other things you might try outside of class could include becoming aware of your daily habits that you constantly use one side for, and challenging yourself to instead try it on the opposite side. My favourite unilateral moves in reformer pilates are single legs in strap and any sort of single arm work Also, if you haven’t tried this move out before I suggest you find your nearest reformer ASAP. I. Love. It. #reformerpilates #pilates #muscleimbalance #muscularimbalances #correctingmuscleimbalances #unilateral #unilateraltraining #reformer #reformerpilatesinstructor #kxpilates #defineyourself #flyingsplits See more

06.01.2022 Want to know what a 50 minute class looks like? Watch @sarahrigg and @_rachaelturner speed through it in just 50 seconds This class was so fun and I really enjoyed teaching the flow #TrainWithTrainor #reformerpilatesinstructor #reformerpilates #reformer #reformerclass #pilates #kxpilates #defineyourself

06.01.2022 A little flow I put together that BURNED! If you were in on Saturday, you’ll know how this felt. Will have to put it in my back pocket and bring it out again soon. Let me know what you think #pilates #reformerpilates #reformerinstructor #reformerpilatesinstructor #jumpboard #jump #pilatesjumpboard #booty #glutes #stabilisers #workout #kxpilates #defineyourself

05.01.2022 A breakdown of some new moves from my last video with limited reps and sped up x2 Definitely a new favourite that I’ll be saving for many classes to come #TrainWithTrainor #ReformerPilates #pilates #reformerpilatesinstructor #kxpilates #defineyourself #fullbodypilates #newmoves

02.01.2022 I love going to other instructors classes (when I get time! ) and am always stoked when I learn new things. Thanks @millyyrobertson for teaching me this one start by burning your biceps, finish by burning the thighs #TrainWithTrainor #pilates #reformerpilates #reformerpilatesinstructor #kxpilates #defineyourself #reformer #bicep #bicepcurl #thigh #thighburner

01.01.2022 This is what I strive for 100% of the time! Nice but nasty #pilatesinstructor #reformerpilatesinstructor #pilatesquote #nicebutnasty #sweet #pilates

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