McK Massage Therapy in Frankston East, Victoria, Australia | Spa
McK Massage Therapy
Locality: Frankston East, Victoria, Australia
Phone: +61 492 919 746
Address: 8 Nyora Close 3199 Frankston East, VIC, Australia
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25.01.2022 WHY DO YOU HAVE WEAK GLUTES? ANATOMY The three gluteal muscles are located in the buttock region, deep to the surronding adipose tissue. The large, superficia...l gluteus maximus is the most posterior of the group and has fibers that run diagonally across the buttock. The gluteus medius is located on the laterl side of the hip and is also superficial, except for the posterior portion which is deep to the maximus. Both the glutes maximus and medius are strong extensors and abductors of the hip. With its covergent fibers that pull the femur in multiple directions, the gluteus medius could be thought of as the deltoid muscle of the coxal joit. The gluteus minimus lies deep to the gluteus medius and is inaccessible, however its dense fibers can be felt beneath the medius. Because it attaches to the anterior surface of the greater trochanter, the gluteus mnimus flexes and medially rotates the hip, thus performing the opposite actions of the gluteus maximus. WHEN DO YOU USE YOUR GLUTES? You use glutes when you climb stairs, when you run, go cycling, swimming and skating. You use glutes when you dance especially latin dancing (there are lots of latera rotation of the hip). WHY ARE YOUR GLUTES WEAK? Your glutes may be weak for a number of reasons since its such a complicated goup of muscles responsible for doing so much. However, I would like to point out a few reasons: 1. ASYMMETRY Weather though sports of habits, humans have a good and a bad side when it comes to certain muscle groups. If you play soccer and you prefere to kick with your right leg, which means you will be standing on your left leg, you are likely to have your left glute musculature stronger than the right, even if your dominant leg is your right leg. That means that your good side could accutally be the weaker side. Another way an asymmetry can develop is through habits, including something as simple as standing. Stand long enough, and you will inevitably shift your weight to one side for relief, we usually do this to one side more than the other. Another example would be only crossing one leg over the other when you sit; these both have the potential to create asymmetries which may lead to more severe imbalances. 2. INACTIVITY Unlike the other muscle groups that get used throughout normal life, for example, the quadriceps when you go from sitting to standing or the abdominals when you sit up in bed, the glutes typically get left behind. The problem is two-fold however because we are also sitting on them for hours on end. So not only are they not being used, but our brains are forgetting how to communicate with them as they atrophy in our office chairs. 3. INJURY If you have ever suffered a lower-body injury that impacted how you walk or even stand, it most likely caused glute inhibition. Broken toe, torn groin, back injury? All of these will create compensatory movement patterns while the injury heals, but we never spend time undoing those patterns leading to problems down the road. SYMPTOMS OF WEAK GLUTES You may feel soreness or tightness in the buttocks, pain in the hips, tight hip flexors, low back pain, tight hamstrings, knee pain, or even pelvic instability. Basically, the glutes can present a number of problems because of their many roles! We severely take our glutes for granted because of this. From walking and running, going up and down stairs, or anything having to do with rotation, weakness can manifest in many different areas. However, the biggest issue stemming from weak glute muscles is posture. If your glutes are weak you are more likely to have less control over the positioning of your pelvis. If your hips are too tilted this will cause issues up and downstream, pain at the knee or ankles as well as the back, shoulder, and neck. Fix the glutes, align the pelvis and many problems go away on their own. Reference: David Schroer, Glute Week, Andrew Biel, Trail Guide to the Body.
24.01.2022 Gift your loved ones McK Massage Therapy Gift Vouchers. Customise your gift voucher for any occasion including Birthday , Friendship Day and many more? Online Or @ McK Massage Therapy 0492 919 746
24.01.2022 To all my valued clients As per a recent update from the Australian Association of Massage Therapists and The Department of Health and Human Services it has be...en determined that McK Massage Therapy offers a therapeutic and remedial massage service which differentiates us from other massage services being offered and as such we will be re opening on Friday the 15th of May. We are now taking bookings by text or phone only. #Strict health conditions still apply. If you have traveled within the last 2 weeks, are suffering from any cold or flu symptoms or have come in contact with any person displaying any of the above please do not book any appointments. Kind Regards Pim 0492919746
23.01.2022 POSTURAL AND PHASIC MUSCLES Its often accepted that muscles that have a stabilizing function (postural) have a tendency to shorten when stressed, and other m...uscles that play a more active/moving role (phasic) have a tendency to lengthen and become inhibited. The muscles that tend to shorten have a primary postural role. However, there are some exceptions to the rule that certain muscles follow the pattern of becoming shortened while others become lengthened some muscles are capable of modifying their structure. For example, certain authors suggest that the scalenes are postural in nature and some suggest that they are phasic. We know that, depending on what dysfunction is present within the muscle framework, on specific testing one can find the scalenes to be held in a shortened position and tight, but sometimes when they are tested they can be found to be lengthened and weakened. There is a distinction between postural and phasic muscles; however, many muscles can display characteristics of both and contain a mixture of Type I and Type II fibres. The hamstring muscles, for example, have a postural stabilizing function, yet are polyarticular (cross more than one joint) and are notoriously prone to shortening. Postural Muscles Also known as tonic muscles, these muscles have an antigravity role and are therefore heavily involved in the maintenance of posture. Slow-twitch fibres are more suited to maintaining posture; they are capable of sustained contraction and generally become shortened and subsequently tight. Postural muscles are slow-twitch dominant, due to their resistance to fatigue, and are innervated by a smaller motor neuron. They therefore have a lower excitability threshold, which means the nerve impulse will reach the postural muscle before the phasic muscle. With this sequence of innervation, the postural muscle will inhibit the phasic (antagonist) muscle, thus reducing its contractile potential and activation. When your muscles are placed under faulty or repetitive loading, the postural muscles will shorten and the phasic muscles will weaken. This consequently alters their length-tension relationship, which will directly affect posture, as the surrounding muscles displace the soft tissues and the skeletal system. Phasic Muscles Movement is the main function of phasic muscles. These muscles are often relatively more superficial than postural muscles and tend to span several joints (polyarticular). They are composed of predominantly fast-twitch Type II fibres and are under voluntary reflex control. A tight muscle often results in inhibition of the phasic muscle, whose function becomes weakened as a result. The relationship between a tightness-prone muscle and its weakness-prone muscle is one way. As the tightness-prone muscle becomes tighter and subsequently stronger, this causes an inhibition of the weakness-prone muscle, resulting in its lengthening and consequent weakening. Reference: MET, John Gibbons
23.01.2022 ANTERIOR AXIO-APPENDICULAR MUSCLES Four anterior axio-appendicular muscles (thoraco-appendicular or pectoral muscles) move the pectoral girdle: pectoralis maj...or, pectoralis minor, subclavius, and serratus anterior. These muscles and their attachments are illustrated in picture. #anatomy #massage #education #london
22.01.2022 Nuad Thai Unesco Intangible Cultural Heritage Nuad Thai ( Thai traditional Massage ) A Cultural mean of health care and relaxation, bring happiness for all ages and creates a career and income for society and community. Experience the tradition of Thai massage in combination with acupressure, reflexology and yogic exercises to reduce tension and increase vitality.... By appointment only Private health rebate applies to this service, HICAPS onsite
21.01.2022 IT MAY NOT BE SCIATICA, THOUGH SYMPTOMS ARE ALMOST THE SAME. The piriformis is a small muscle located deep in the buttock, behind the gluteus maximus. It runs... diagonally from the lower spine to the upper surface of the femur, with the sciatic nerve running underneath or through the muscle. The piriformis muscle helps the hip rotate, turning the leg and foot outward. As a result of overuse, injury, or strain, the piriformis muscle can tighten, swell, or spam. Sports that involve repetitive forward movement of the legs, or problems in surrounding joints like the sacroiliac joints are typical causes of piriformis syndrome. The location of the piriformis muscle near the sciatic nerve means that when the piriformis muscle is irritated or injured, it can affect the sciatic nerve as well. Symptoms of piriformis syndrome include tenderness and pain in the buttock area, accompanied by sciatica-like pain, numbness, and weakness that runs down the back of the thigh, calf, and foot. Pain from piriformis syndrome is often worse when walking up stairs, after sitting, or while walking or running. Piriformis syndrome is often confused with other conditions, especially lumbar spine conditions. Attaining a proper diagnosis of piriformis syndrome is important when considering treatment for low back and leg pain. Piriformis Muscle Self Release Ball Technique: After finding the piriformis muscle place the release ball onto it. Then straighten the leg and lean over with your weight on the muscle and roll onto it. Roll slowly back and forth on the ball finding that Sweet Spot. Continue rolling for about 2-3 minutes and then switch over to the other side doing 2-3 sets.
20.01.2022 One appointment available today ! 7.20pm for 60min Quick - book in with Pim 0492919746One appointment available today ! 7.20pm for 60min Quick - book in with Pim 0492919746
20.01.2022 $10 off 1hr, $25 off 90min Remedial Massage. Want to reduce tension and stiffness in their back, neck, legs and shoulders. Have pain in their back and neck they need worked on, Are looking to improve flexibility... - 60min Remedial massage, Sport/ Deep tissue massage only $70 (valued at $80) - 60min Remedial massage + Indian Head Massage 30min only $100 (valued at $125) Private health rebate applies to this service, HICAPS onsite #Strict health conditions still apply. If you have traveled within the last 2 weeks, are suffering from any cold or flu symptoms or have come in contact with any person displaying any of the above please do not book any appointment. Kind Regards Pim 0492919746
17.01.2022 ANATOMY OF SCAPULA AND SCAPULAR REGION The clavicle is the boundary demarcating the root of the neck from the thorax. It also indicates the divide between... the deep cervical and axillary lymph sheds (like a mountain range dividing watershed areas): Lymph from structures superior to the clavicles drain via the deep cervical nodes, and lymph from structures inferior to the clavicles, as far inferiorly as the umbilicus, drain via the axillary lymph nodes. The infraclavicular fossa is the depressed area just inferior to the lateral part of the clavicle. This depression overlies the clavipectoral (deltopectoral) triangle - bounded by the clavicle superiorly, the pectoralis major medially, and the deltoid laterally - which may be evident in the fossa in lean individuals. The cephalic vein, ascending from the upper limb, enters the clavipectoral triangle and pierces the clavipectoral fascia to enter the axillary vein.The coracoid process of the scapula is not subcutaneous; it is covered by the anterior border of the deltoid; however, the tip of the process can be felt on deep palpation on the lateral aspect of the clavipectoral triangle. The coracoid process is used as a bony landmark when performing a brachial plexus block, and its position is of importance in diagnosing shoulder dislocations. While lifting a weight, palpate the anterior sloping border of the trapezius and where its superior fibers attach to the lateral third of the clavicle. When the arm is abducted and then adducted against resistance, the sternocostal part of the pectoralis major can be seen and palpated. If the anterior axillary fold bounding the axilla is grasped between the fingers and thumb, the inferior border of the sternocostal head of the pectoralis major can be felt. Several digitations of the serratus anterior are visible inferior to the anterior axillary fold. The posterior axillary fold is composed of skin and muscular tissue (latissimus dorsi and teres major) bounding the axilla posteriorly. The lateral border of the acromion may be followed posteriorly with the fingers until it ends at the acromial angle. Clinically, the length of the arm is measured from the acromial angle to the lateral condyle of the humerus. The spine of the scapula is subcutaneous throughout and is easily palpated as it extends medially and slightly inferiorly from the acromion. The root of the scapular spine (medial end) is located opposite the tip of the T3 spinous process when the arm is adducted. The medial border of the scapula may be palpated inferior to the root of the spine as it crosses ribs 37. It may be visible in some people, especially thin people. The inferior angle of the scapula is easily palpated and is usually visible. Grasp the inferior scapular angle with the thumb and fingers and move the scapula up and down. When the arm is adducted, the inferior scapular angle is opposite the tip of the T7 spinous process and lies over the 7th rib or intercostal space.
17.01.2022 What Are the Symptoms of Sciatica? The pain associated with sciatica can vary in degree. Some people experience infrequent pain while others are incapacitated by the pain. Sciatica is often characterised by the following symptoms. You may experience only one or a combination Constant pain in one side of the leg or buttock Pain worsens when sitting... Burning, tingling, or searing pain in the leg Weakness, numbness, or difficulty moving the leg or foot A pain which might affect your ability to walk or to stand up These symptoms might worsen when you cough, sneeze, or sit for a long period of time. Trigger Point Treatment Program for Sciatica Before starting this Program we recommend consulting with a therapist or doctor to obtain a proper diagnosis. This program has been written specifically for sufferers of Sciatica. In this section we will introduce 3 techniques to help alleviate the pain from Sciatica. Trigger Point Therapy (TPT) Stretching Exercise For each, we have provided clear and simple instructions on how to perform the technique and how often. We would recommend starting with the Trigger Point Therapy followed by gentle stretching and ending with some exercises. If at any time you experience an adverse reaction to any of these techniques or your pain is greatly increased as a result, stop immediately and seek medical advice where necessary. Pim 049291946 @ McK Massage Therapy
15.01.2022 McK Massage Therapy BACK TO BUSINESS Yes!! McK Remedial Massage reopening on 28 October 2020 By appointment only... 0492 919 746, booking online available See more
15.01.2022 Hello Monday! Two appointment available today - 1.30pm for 90min and 4.30pm for 60min. Book now before they get snapped up. Pim 0492919746 Remedial Massage Therapist
13.01.2022 FASCIA OF UPPER LIMB Anterior wall and floor of axilla. A. Axillary fascia forms the floor of the axilla and is continuous with the pectoral fascia. ... B. The pectoral fascia surrounds the pectoralis major, forming the anterior layer of the anterior axillary wall. The clavipectoral fascia extends between the coracoid process of the scapula, the clavicle, and the axillary fascia. The fascia of the pectoral region is attached to the clavicle and sternum. The pectoral fascia invests the pectoralis major and is continuous inferiorly with the fascia of the anterior abdominal wall. The pectoral fascia leaves the lateral border of the pectoralis major and becomes the axillary fascia , which forms the floor of the axilla (compartment deep to skin of the armpit). Deep to the pectoral fascia and pectoralis major, another fascial layer, the clavipectoral fascia , descends from the clavicle, enclosing the subclavius and then pectoralis minor, becoming continuous inferiorly with the axillary fascia. The part of the clavipectoral fascia between the pectoralis minor and subclavius, the costocoracoid membrane , is pierced by the lateral pectoral nerve, which primarily supplies the pectoralis major. The part of the clavipectoral fascia inferior to the pectoralis minor, the suspensory ligament of the axilla , supports the axillary fascia and pulls it and the overlying skin upward during abduction of the arm, forming the axillary fossa (armpit). The scapulohumeral muscles that cover the scapula, and form the bulk of the shoulder, are also ensheathed by deep fascia. The deltoid fascia descends over the superficial surface of the deltoid from the clavicle, acromion, and scapular spine. From the deep surface of the deltoid fascia, numerous septa (connective tissue partitions) penetrate between the fascicles (bundles) of the muscle. Inferiorly, the deltoid fascia is continuous with the pectoral fascia anteriorly and the dense infraspinous fascia posteriorly. The muscles that cover the anterior and posterior surfaces of the scapula are covered superficially with deep fascia, which is attached to the margins of the scapula and posteriorly to the spine of the scapula.
10.01.2022 Dear customer I am sorry to say, that under the new COVID stage 4 restrictions, I have been advised by AAMT (Australian association Massage Therapist) Remedial massage would only be able to treat Clients who have a medical certificate for urgent or ongoing treatment. We are still waiting for clarification as to whether we can trade as essential service, but until further notice we are only able to treat clients with a medical certificate from a GP or physiotherapist or chiro...practor. I’m sorry for any inconvenience and will keep you updated as things progress. Stay safe and take care of one another Thank you Pim
10.01.2022 CARPAL TUNNEL SYNDROME AND PHALENS TEST What is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome? Carpal tunnel syndrome is a condition in which the median nerve, a major nerve in the... upper extremity that travels down the arm and enters the hand through a very small gap called carpal tunnel located in the central part of the wrist, gets compressed in the carpal tunnel. This causes irritation of the nerve leading to tingling or pain. Typically, this disease affects the thumb, index, and middle fingers. Athletes participating in golf, bowling and tennis are generally affected with carpal tunnel syndrome though the most common cause remains keyboarding activity. The main cause of carpal tunnel syndrome is pressure on the median nerve, which may occur due to swelling or any other injury resulting in narrowing of the size of the carpal tunnel. Carpal tunnel syndrome causes numbness, weakness, pain, or tingling in the hand or fingers. Some individuals experience pain in the arm between their elbow and hand. Carpal tunnel syndrome is first treated by conservative method. The general treatment includes complete rest for the wrist by wearing a splint. Cold therapy helps a lot to relieve the swelling and inflammation. Physiotherapy for carpal tunnel syndrome is important in speeding up the healing process and to get the optimal results. Physiotherapy also decreases the likelihood of recurrences in the future. Physiotherapy may include: Soft tissue massage Electrotherapy Joint mobilization Heat and ice treatments Bracing or splinting Exercises to improve strength and flexibility Activity modification and training Appropriate plan for return to activity PHALENS TEST This test for CTS or Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is also known as wrist-flexion test. During the test which is known as Phalens Test, the patient is asked to flex his wrist for about 60 seconds and ask to report all the symptoms patient experiences. This CTS test has been described in several positions. G.A. Phalen reported in the year 1966 that when the patient held his forearm vertically and let his wrist drop at 90 degrees. Alternately, the wrist can be made to hang down while the arm is held horizontally. Another way of performing this test is to hold both the wrists at 90 degrees flexion against each other with the elbows being flexed too. The fingers will also be pointing in the patients direction. The Reverse Phalens test is one where the patient is made to hold their wrist and fingers, which are fully extended and experiences symptoms which indicate or confirm the diagnosis of CTS or carpal tunnel syndrome.
08.01.2022 Full booked now Thankyou Pim see you tomorrow,,Full booked now Thankyou Pim see you tomorrow,,
08.01.2022 Remedial massage Introductory Offer Only $70 for 1 hour treatment Usually $80, Saving $10 #Strict health conditions still apply. If you have traveled within the last 2 weeks, are suffering from any cold or flu symptoms or have come in contact with any person displaying any of the above please do not book any appointment.... Kind Regards Pim 0492919746 We are now taking bookings by text or phone only Private health rebates applies to this service, HICAPS onsite.
08.01.2022 TYPES OF MENISCUS TEARS The meniscus is a C-shaped tissue between your femur (thigh bone) and your tibia (shin bone). Each knee has a medial (inner side) me...niscus and a lateral (outer side) meniscus. The meniscus is composed of water, collagen, proteins and other cellular elements. The meniscus is a shock absorber that helps optimize force transmission across the knee and protects the cartilage on the end of our femur and tibia. The medial meniscus is also a secondary stabilizer to the ACL as it can prevent anterior translation (forward shifting) of the tibia. Tears in the outer 1/3 of the meniscus (red zone) have healing potential because there is blood flow to that area. However, tears in the inner 2/3 (white zone) generally do not heal well as a result of poor circulation. All meniscus tears do not require surgery. Surgery is indicated if you have mechanical symptoms such as locking. Otherwise, you should try conservative management first. This includes NSAIDs (anti-inflammatories), physical therapy, and finally, injections. If you fail conservative therapy and do not have arthritis, you may then be a candidate for surgery. The goal is always to save as much meniscus as possible, but that is not always possible. Generally, we try to repair the meniscus in younger patients (<40), with more acute tears (<6 weeks), and depending on tear location and pattern (repair is much more successful in longitudinal or bucket handle types and when located in the red zone). Additionally, in patients who are having an ACL reconstructions, repairs are more likely to succeed due to the bleeding created by the reconstruction. Tears in areas of poor blood flow (white zone) and patterns that are not amenable to repair are more likely to be excised (cut out). The more meniscus you lose, the less protection your knee has from the forces it faces. As a result, your knee will develop arthritis at a much faster rate compared to your uninjured knee. Credit: @drnimamehran See more
07.01.2022 Do you know the benefits of coconut oil? However, coconut oil may be linked to some potential benefits for skin, including reducing inflammation, keeping ski...n moisturized and helping heal wounds. The medium-chain fatty acids found in coconut oil also possess antimicrobial properties that can help treat acne and protect the skin from harmful bacteria. See more
06.01.2022 $10 off 1hr, $25 off 90min Remedial Massage & Indian head massage Want to reduce tension and stiffness in their back, neck, legs and shoulders. Reduction of depression, anxiety and other stress-related issues. Are looking to improve flexibility... - 60min Remedial massage, Sport/ Deep tissue massage only $70 (valued at $80) - 60min Remedial massage + Indian Head Massage 30min only $100 (valued at $125) Private health rebate applies to this service, HICAPS onsite #Strict health conditions still apply. If you have traveled within the last 2 weeks, are suffering from any cold or flu symptoms or have come in contact with any person displaying any of the above please do not book any appointment. Kind Regards Pim 0492919746
03.01.2022 $25 off 90min Remedial Massage & Indian head massage. Do you suffer from headach and migraines, are stressed, or just love your head being massaged? The Indian Head massage maybe perfect for you ... 60min Remedial massage & 30min Indian Head massage only $100 valued at $125 Private health rebate applies to this service, HICAPS onsite. #Strict health conditions still apply. If you have traveled within the last 2 weeks, are suffering from any cold or flu symptoms or have come in contact with any person displaying any of the above please do not book any appointment. Kind Regards Pim 0492919746
03.01.2022 Two appointment available today !11.30am for 60min and 3.30pm for 60 min. Quick - book in with Pim 0492919746Two appointment available today !11.30am for 60min and 3.30pm for 60 min. Quick - book in with Pim 0492919746
01.01.2022 McK Massage Therapy will still OPEN FOR BUSINESS Remedial massage is an essential service as per level 3 restrictions announced by the health minister. I will be continuing Covid-19 hygiene and screening protocols for the reassurance of my clients. I will post updates if the situation changes but for now I will continue to treat and take bookings.... Stay safe Pim 0492 919 746
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