Pimpala Primary School | Website
Pimpala Primary School
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25.01.2022 Don't forget to buy your Fathers Day presents on our Qkr! app. Here is what is left so get in quick, orders must be processed by Wednesday at 9pm.
24.01.2022 Tomorrow is R U OK Day which is about more than one question. Its about checking in with someone more than once a year. Its about being prepared when some...one says no, Im not okay. Its about looking for the signs that someone might not be okay. Its about checking in after that initial conversation. And its about checking in with yourself and making sure youre okay too. Lets normalise these conversations 365 days of the year, not just 1. Learn what to say at www.ruok.org.au/how-to-ask #TheresMoreToSay #RUOKDay #RUOK
24.01.2022 This is a courtesy reminder - Canteen counter sales will be open at lunch time on Sports Day tomorrow.
23.01.2022 We have 5 size 8 jumpers and 1 size 10 with no names on them in the Administration Office. If not collected by next Friday they will be kindly donated to our spare uniforms.
23.01.2022 Found in our school yard, has the name Eden on the inside. If this belongs to your child please collect from the Administration Office.
22.01.2022 YOUR VOICE MATTERS | HAVE YOUR SAY Are you a young person aged between 830 years? Do you live, learn, work, or play in the City of Onkaparinga? ... We want to hear from you! Your Voice Matters! Your feedback will help shape future opportunities and programs for young people within the City of Onkaparinga. Click here to tell it like it is: https://yoursay.onkaparinga.sa.gov.au/your-voice-matters Or fill in a form and post it in the box in our Administration Office. Hurry, last days to have your say. Campaign closes on Sunday 30 August.
22.01.2022 Our newsletter is now available for viewing via either the SZapp or our website. Make sure you read " From the Principal" for your chance to win a prize. A hard copy of the newsletter is also available from the Administration Office if required.
21.01.2022 SOCCER RESULTS - WEEK 1 A very successful start for our soccer teams, congratulations to all teams. UNDER 7- red Win 6-1 Wonderful team effort, a special mention to Oliver for his defense and Bryce for his 3 goals.... UNDER 7 - blue Win 11-3 Awesome whole team effort, they all worked well as a team. UNDER 9 - Win 8-0 Great team effort both offensive and defensive. The goalies did an awesome job. UNDER 10 - Win 11-0 Special mentions to Zac R for scoring an amazing corner, Torben for his great work in defense and Oli for his non stop running. UNDER 12 - Win 10-0 With no subs the team did an amazing job, shout outs to Zemes, Will and Isaac.
20.01.2022 Love this! Three Under The Rain
20.01.2022 This year we have introduced 'Aussie of the Month' at Pimpala Primary which recognises personal endeavour, achievement and contribution to the community and reflects some of the values we share as Australians, such as fair go, mateship, respect and inclusion. 'Aussie of the Month' is a primary school recognition program, that's been running for more than 20 years and is delivered by the same network that presents the Australian of the Year Awards. Pimpala staff w...ill nominate students each month and then one student will be selected to receive this special award to celebrate their commitment to the values we embrace at our school. The first student to receive this award at our school is Ariehonor from 3/4 S. Arie is receiving our 'Aussie of the Month' award this month for: contributions to the school in the areas of classroom and playground where she demonstrates care and concern for others by including them in genuine ways. She receives a certificate, a special badge and a great pencil pack as recognition of her award today. What a fabulous first candidate as our school's first Aussie of the Month. We are very proud of you Arie!
19.01.2022 Great pep talk from Gru and the World Health Organisation (WHO).
16.01.2022 ABC Kids has some great links to support the emotional development of children under the age of 7.
15.01.2022 Reminders o This Monday, 20 July is a Student Free Day. We look forward to seeing all our students back on Tuesday, 21 July. o Don't forget to book in for the 3-Way Interviews which will be held in Term 3, Week 2. Follow this link to make bookings:... https://pimpalaps.schoolzineplus.com/view-session/5 o Soccer Registrations are due now.
14.01.2022 A courtesy reminder tomorrow is a school closure day, Friday 11th September. Enjoy your long weekend and we will see you back on Monday.
14.01.2022 Our latest newsletter is available on Schoolzine.
13.01.2022 . A lot of warnings have been issued for children to stay off social media, specifically Tik Tok, d...ue to a graphic self harm video thats circulating. While we do recommend that parents monitor their children or keep them off the platform, it's a band-aid solution for a long-term issue due to the fact that distressing videos constantly circulate online. Instead we would like to encourage all parents and guardians to -: 1 . Understand that they will most likely use it, whether you understand the appeal or not. Ask them what apps they use, find out why they like those apps. Start a dialogue so you can start understanding why its important to them. The more you understand about it, the more you can stay across it. 2 . If you know what apps theyre using, help them make their profile as secure as possible, whether its TikTok, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitch or Reddit (the list is endless). You can do this with the help of this eSafety Commissioner guide: www.esafety.gov.au/key-issues/esafety-guide 3 . Be open and willing to listen. Make them aware of Kids Helpline Official (1800 55 1800), Beyond Blue (1300 22 4636), headspace (headspace.org.au) and Lifeline (13 11 14) so they know they have a place to contact if they dont feel comfortable approaching you. 4 . Kids often create a social media profile that they make visible to you, but keep their actual profile under a fake name hidden from you. Again, this is why we encourage you to talk to your child openly and honestly. 5 . If your child watches YouTube videos, please be aware there's no guarantee that this content will be safe for kids. People can easily edit distressing videos for kids that slip through the filters. If you can't monitor your child on YouTube then let them watch Netflix kids instead as it has stronger filters. SBS and ABC iview are both free alternatives for childrens online content. The Office of the eSafety Commissioner is a great resource for parents, guardians and kids: www.esafety.gov.au
13.01.2022 Over the weekend our school was vandalised with a number of base panels in exterior walls deliberately broken and offensive graffiti scratched into the asphalt area near the COLA. One of these external walls is comprised of asbestos and consequently, immediate action was taken to cordon off any affected areas. While this may be concerning, correct procedure was followed and no students or staff were exposed to the area of breakage and there is no risk to anyone on site. St...udents are remaining inside for recess only to allow external management and personnel clear access to the affected areas, without disruption by pedestrian traffic. The most disappointing aspect of this incident is the willful damage done to our school and the money we now need to find within our budget to repair it. We work very hard to maintain our school and grounds and may need to ban any out of school-hours access if this type of behaviour recurs. A Police Report has been filed, so if you know anything about this incident, please contact the school through the Administration Office. See more
12.01.2022 Fabulous advice for all of us.
10.01.2022 Well, the wet weather is predicted to hang around for quite a few days so the links on this page may come in handy for indoor entertainment at home. https://theparentswebsite.com.au/super-list-great-ideas-ki/
10.01.2022 Our online Father's Day stall is now live on Qkr!. Orders will be sent home with students once processed, if you would like your items to be collected from the Administration Office please phone and let us know. Orders close Wednesday, September 2 at 9pm.
09.01.2022 SOCCER RESULTS WEEK 3 UNDER 7 - Blue Draw 3-3 Awesome job by Cooper for his skilled passing and Jackson for his work in defense ... UNDER 7 - Red Won 7-0 Special shout out to Bryce for his ball control and Oliver for his ability to read the play UNDER 9 Loss 0-3 It was an exciting game with close goals by Connor and Rory. Great game by Izaak as well. UNDER 10 Win 2-9 Well done to Zac M for your goal assists and team play, James on some beautiful goals and Jordy for 100% effort all game. UNDER 12 Win 12-0 Well done team, every played played their part. Special shouts to Will, Jack, Jonas, Zemes and Thomas for their efforts.
09.01.2022 A great article to support parents and carers when navigating popular kids apps these holidays. https://parenttv.com//tiktok-youtube-what-parents-need-t/
09.01.2022 Today is the last day to purchase your Father's Day gifts on Qkr! Please make your purchases by 9.30 pm.
08.01.2022 Wishing everyone a lovely, warm, relaxing break. Enjoy the Term 2 holiday!
06.01.2022 What a fabulous Sports Day! Great team spirit, participation and contributions by everyone. A big thanks to Mr. Carey! The final scores were: Anderson - 7930 Bain - 8260 Morphett - 7060 O'Sullivan - 8920 Photos to come in our newsletter on Monday and through Seesaw next week. We have heaps to choose from
06.01.2022 We had quite a few items with no names on them in our lost property box. They are now in the Administration Office if any of them belong to you. Any uncollected items will be disposed of next Friday.
05.01.2022 A reminder the Sports Day Special Lunch Order is due by 9am Thursday 10th September. No late orders can be accepted due to ordering timeframes. Please pay via the Qkr! App or at the finance window.
05.01.2022 Hats In line with Pimpala Primary School's Sun Smart Policy, broad brimmed hats must be worn throughout the school year, except for Winter months, 1st June to 31st August. Students will require hats at school from Tuesday, 1st September. Any student without a broad brimmed hat are able to purchase one through the Uniform Shop either online through Qkr or in person at a cost of $15.00.... Please note: caps are not suitable as a school hat and any students without correct adequate protection will be directed to play under the COLA.
04.01.2022 SOCCER RESULTS WEEK 2 UNDER 7 - Blue Won 2-6 Fabulous come back, as they were 2-0 down.... Awesome goal by Jack. Well done. UNDER 7 - Red Won 0-5 Congratulations Kimberly in your 1st goal! Max your attack on the ball was fantastic. UNDER 9 Loss 5-0 Despite the score, it was a great overall effort by the team, just a few missed opportunities. UNDER 10 BYE - UNDER 12 Won 0-2 Again, with no subs on the bench, the team played the entire game with a lot of heart. Your coach couldn't be prouder. Congratulations Noah E and Zemes on your goals.
03.01.2022 This is the last day for this competition. Please enter if you can: https://www.novafm.com.au//register-for-ben-liams-royal-s/
03.01.2022 Friday 7 August is the last day to order your Scholastic book club order. Orders can be made via the Qkr! app or payment to the Finance Office. If you would like your order to be kept at the Administration Office for collection please advise us on 8326 0900 or email [email protected].
02.01.2022 Students are getting ready for Sports Day, which is this Friday 18th September. A reminder that due to COVID-19 restrictions in relation to physical distancing we are unable to have any adult spectators on site for the day's events. We understand that this is a disappointment for many families but are determined to make it a great event. We are keen for the students to have fun and the program of events will be planned to encompass the whole day. Students are encouraged ...to wear their team's colours and look forward to a fun and exciting event. Please note - students are welcome to use coloured hairspray and face paint at home but are asked to not to bring hairspray cannisters to school. Our student Events Assistants will be on board to take plenty of photos and capture the moments as they occur and we will share these in future newsletters.Our student Events Assistants will be on board to take plenty of photos and capture the moments as they occur and we will share these in future newsletters. See more
01.01.2022 A message has been sent home via Schoolzine regarding Three Way Interviews next week. Bookings close this Friday 24 July, 2020.
01.01.2022 Congratulations to Leanne Baker, our winner of last weeks newsletter competition. Her recipe will be in our next newsletter for all to share.
01.01.2022 The Finance Window will be shut tomorrow morning, Thursday 24th September due to staff absence. Please pay any outstanding invoices via the Qkr! App. Please give any cash Canteen Lunch Orders to the Adminstration Office for process. Kind regards Pimpala Primary School.
01.01.2022 Our newsletter is now available for viewing via either the Schoolzine app or our website. Make sure you read " From the Principal" for your chance to win a prize. A hard copy of the newsletter is also available from the Administration Office if required.
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