Pinemont Preschool in Ringwood North, Victoria, Australia | Childcare service
Pinemont Preschool
Locality: Ringwood North, Victoria, Australia
Phone: +61 3 9870 3582
Address: 29 Hygeia Parade 3134 Ringwood North, VIC, Australia
Likes: 187
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24.01.2022 Whoooo hoooo! Our first full bowl of bread tags!! What a great effort our families and community are doing to recycling these for Aussie Bread Tags for Wheelchairs and Transmutation Pty Ltd. Every bread tag counts! #recycle #reuse #environment #sustainable #breadtags #community #preschool #kindergarten
24.01.2022 In these times of social distancing... when you are out and about for a walk... see how many rainbows you can count along the way... a new one has just popped up in Hygeia Pde!! Can you find it?? #rainbowtrailaustralia
23.01.2022 One of our Joeys shared her knowledge about Yoga and taught her peers how to strengthen their muscles With just right engine speed our children enjoy some down time during their busy kinder sessions #yoga #mindfulness #wellbeing #alertprogram #kindergarten #preschool #pinemontpreschool
22.01.2022 Thank you to our volunteer Committee of Management for everything you have given to Pinemont Preschool and for what you will continue to give! Volunteers do not necessarily have the time;they just have the heart - Elizabeth Andrew #nvw2020 #community #volunteers #kindergarten #preschool #exceedingrating #pinemontpreschool #ringwoodnorth
22.01.2022 Join in Australian Posts national letterbox to record this remarkable time in history! Send in your letters to this addresss until 18th August, writing about this unique experience we are in together. National Archives of Australia will keep this documentation for future generations to reflect and share. Your childs perspective of this time would be fascinating to record! #lockdown2020#australiapost #Community #letterwriting #atimeinhistory #nationalarchivesofaustralia #covid19pandemic#futuregenerations #recordinghistory
20.01.2022 With Sorry Day and Reconciliation Week we used an Aboriginal Message Stone to share with our peers all the learning and achievements we made during the period of isolation. The theme #inthistogether taps into the current pandemic crisis as well as highlighting the ongoing project of national reconciliation. Thank you @coralvass for your amazing story Sorry Day #reconciliation #sorryday #coralvass #inthistogether #nrw #earlychildhoodeducation #learning #preschool #kindergarten #pinemontpreschool
20.01.2022 We are so HAPPY to be going back to kinder next term! Well done to our amazing families getting through the toughest of school terms this are nearly there and we cant wait to see you all next term! #covid19 #lockdown2020 #happy #endofterm3 #cantwaittoseeyouall #earlychildhoodeducation #community #pinemontpreschool #ringwoodnorth
19.01.2022 One of our Joeys children shared with us that she had visited spoonville in BJ Hubbard Reserve... a place where you can take your spoon friends you have made and leave them there for others to enjoy! Last lockdown was teddy bears and rainbows ....this one is spoon friends!!! Be sure to follow the rules! #pinemontpreschool #spoonville #lockdown2020 #friends #recycling #fun #bjhubbardreserve #community #ringwoodnorth
18.01.2022 Lightdarkshapes and colours, primary or secondary, counting.... the children have loved this experience sharing what they know but also discovering and learning more! L/O 4: children are confident and involved learners. #shapes #colours #learning #counting #lightbox #pinemontpreschool #kindergarten #preschool
17.01.2022 After an INCREDIBLE term....we wish our families a wonderful break to reconnect with each other... see you in term 3!
17.01.2022 With many families returning this week, we cant wait to see you all! Fun times ahead! #welcomeback #term2 #play #friends #toystoryyouvegotafriendinme #kindergarten #pinemontpreschool #preschool
16.01.2022 Pinemont Preschool has just been awarded an exceeding rating against the National Quality Standards once again!!! We are proud of the relationships we build with our children and their families, the curriculum we deliver and the community we are within. #exceedingnationalqualitystandards #kindergarten #preschool #earlychildhoodeducation #ringwoodnorth #pinemontpreschool
15.01.2022 Our families have enjoyed collecting their learning packs for their Joeys child this week. The Koala and Possum packs will be ready to collect next week! #learningfromhome #remotelearning #staysafestayhome
14.01.2022 Interesting what our children will take away from this experience
14.01.2022 Keep collecting your bread tags families... set them aside for when we return....we can help @breadtagsforwheelchairs and @transmutation_pty_ltd change the world one bread tag at a time! #makingadifference #breadtags #reducereuserecycle #cleanupaustralia #robesouthaustralia #helpingtheenvironment #countryroadaustralia #community
14.01.2022 Our creative children found a new game....giant quoits! Great for eye hand coordination, spatial awareness, gross body movement and team work! #eyehandcoordination #looseparts #grossmotordevelopment #goodthrow #teamwork #spatialawareness #outdoorplay #kindergarten #preschool #pinemontpreschool
14.01.2022 Community is so important at this time. As we waved goodbye to our young learners today to move into remote and flexible learning, let us think that this is a time to just Pause not to stop...To our children, their families, our Committee of Management, our teaching team and the wider community, we will miss you but we will always be there for each other. We cant wait to see your happy smiley faces again when this is over #ruok #isolation #lockdown2020 #learningfromhome #community #friendship #seeyousoon
13.01.2022 The term ahead is certainly going to be different but we are looking forward to the growth and development that comes with challenging circumstances.... we will remember that after a storm theres always a beautiful rainbow #term2begins2020 #wewillgetthroughthis #covid19
13.01.2022 Inspired by one of our familys creative talents, @wallflowers_hangingart , our families have contributed their hopes, dreams and wishes for their kinder child for the coming year. This beautiful group belonging wall mural is in our foyer, welcoming each family everyday when they arrive at kinder! #beingbelongingbecoming #familypartnership #familycentredpractice #wallart #groupmural #hopes #dreams #wishes
10.01.2022 Our remote learning has found many families exploring their own back gardens and discovering lots of mini beast! This week we have learnt about exoskeletons and habitats. Can you make your own hotel for the mini beasts in your garden? #learningfromhome #covid19 #elearning #education #pinemontpreschool #preschool #kindergarten #environment #minibeasts
10.01.2022 Welcome back to term 3! We will do everything we can to support our families during this very challenging time. We are in this together! #covid19 #inthistogether #wecandothis #herewegoagain #wearehereforyou
10.01.2022 A great resource should your child or a little one you know, need to have a COVID 19 test. It may take some of the fear away and give your child some reassurance.
09.01.2022 Pinemont Preschool will be at the Kinder Expo next week! Come and say hello and spread the word to family and friends who have a kinder child in the coming years! #kindergarten #preschool #play #kinderexpo #maroondah #karralyka #pinemontpreschool
09.01.2022 Check out Pinemont Pre-school Online Open Day! Enrolments for 2021 are now open
08.01.2022 Our new sensory path helps our children change their engine speed to just right when they feel challenged, worried, frustrated or upset. Sometimes our engines are too low and we need to increase the input to our senses. Hopping, balancing, crossing the mid line and jumping are just some strategies. L/O 3: children have a strong sense of well-being #sensorypath #alertprogram #feelinggreat #grossmotor #sensorydiet #wellbeing
07.01.2022 Come down to Karralyka in Ringwood tonight from 6-8pm for the Kinder Expo!!! We are here and all set up!! Play,LearnInspire #kinderexpo2020 #mika #playlearninspire #preschool #kindergarten
07.01.2022 Appreciating nature in times of challenges.... #rainbows #nature #somethingsCOVIDcanttouch
05.01.2022 Our Easter family walk-a-thon is on again this year! Come and join us for an Easter egg hunt, raffle, games and BBQ lunch. So much fun to be had!
05.01.2022 Our children have loved searching our play yard and are noticing the little things .... bugs and insects would love to drink the dew drops on these Autumn leaves that have fallen #autumn #dewdrops #environment #nature #bugs #insects #discoveries #kindergarten #preschool #pinemontpreschool
04.01.2022 Pinemont Preschool are collecting Bread tags for Aussie Bread Tags for Wheelchairs. @transmutation_pty_ltd then buy these and then turn the tags into beautiful bowls! It takes 1870 bread tags to make one bowl! Spread the word! #helpingtheenvironment #reducereuserecycle #robesouthaustralia #aussiebreadtagsforwheelchairs #community #breadtags #makingadifference #cleanupaustralia
04.01.2022 Come along this Thursday to see Pinemont at the 2020 Kinder expo!
04.01.2022 Dadarri, the Aboriginal word for Deep listening has been explored this week. Dadarri is the process of deep and respectful listening. Using whole body listening and being connected to our environment helps our engine speed and wellbeing. We can also transfer this skill into our everyday activities #wholebodylistening #enginespeed #alertprogram #mindfulness #environment #nature #kindergarten #preschool #pinemontpreschool
03.01.2022 The Liquidamber is dropping spikey balls into our playground and the children are loving the learning coming from them! Working together, collecting them in buckets and wheelbarrows... counting,ordering and patterns! #loosepartsplay #nature #autumn #stem #maths #workingtogether #learning #play #pinemontpreschool #kindergarten #preschool
03.01.2022 Wow!!! Look at the bread tags coming in!!! This weekend a family from Euroa, a 2 hour drive away, sent us some bread tags! Thank you to our community for making a difference! We are half way to having enough tags for a full bowl to be made!!!! @transmutation_pty_ltd #breadtagsforwheelchairs #breadtags #recycling #community #reducereuserecycle #makingadifference #cleanupaustralia #robesouthaustralia #helpingtheenvironment
02.01.2022 Our Open Day is a little different this year.... Visit to find out more
02.01.2022 Today we celebrated National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Childrens Day! Weaving to make a birds nest after watching the dreaming story of How the birds got their colours. #nationalaboriginalandtorresstraitislanderchildrensday #howthebirdsgottheircolours #celebration #finemotor #weaving
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