Pioneer Swimming Club | Amateur sports team
Pioneer Swimming Club
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25.01.2022 Congrats Wyatt on being so amazing.. school swim carnival 2020 done we love celebrating our swimmers achievements away from club life.. #teampioneer #teampsc #proud
25.01.2022 4 sleeps to go till club returns.. welcoming all new members - come down and meet the crew, this Thursday 17/9/20 - free come and try evening. What do you need!! Swimmers... Towel/s Goggles Warm clothes to change into Some loose change for dinner You won’t regret it - Covid has changed the way things normally look, but we are always up for a challenge!! #TeamPSC #teampioneer #clublife #Swimming #swimmingnq #activekids #mackaypride #amdauto #7newsmackay
25.01.2022 Team Pioneer - 2021 Burdekin Sprint LC Transition Meet. Thanks ‘Torpedoes’ for hosting a fabulous meet
24.01.2022 Thank you Linda.. our kids LOVED meeting our local star.. our kids were rather excited to have an Olympian come down and talk to them - they Loved the meet and greet afterwards. Wonder how many kids discussed their training plans with their parents tonight - to get themsleves off to the Olympics
24.01.2022 Pioneer swimmer swimathon - 22/5/21 Pioneer swimmers will be swimming at the Mackay Expo main pavilion.. swimmers are raising funds towards their Squad swim camp in June/July 2021.. Come down, meet the team... they will be swimming continuously from 8:30am till 5:30pm..... #teampsc #teampioneer #mackayexpo #mackaypride #swimsmartz #swim #swimming
24.01.2022 This weeks club night 24/9/29 PSC will be hosting Special guest Linda Mackenzie OAM. Linda won gold at the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games - watch the race here, Come meet the athelete and see the Olympic Gold that Linda brought home.... CAREER HIGHLIGHTS: Won 4x200m free in world record at the 2008 Olympic Games. Finalist in the 400m free at 2004 Olympic Games. Two-time FINA World Championship silver medallist as a member of the 4x200m free relay team in 2005 and 2003. Triple individual finalist at FINA World Championships Commonwealth Games relay gold medallist. Won the 200-400-800m free treble at Australian Championships in 2004. Won two silver and a bronze at 2006 Pan Pacific Championships. Awarded Order of Australia Medal in 2009.
24.01.2022 New club shirts have arrived for those who ordered. See payment details in comments. (Old stock is still available for purchase @$25 each)New club shirts have arrived for those who ordered. See payment details in comments. (Old stock is still available for purchase @$25 each)
23.01.2022 Forget about your swimmer trying to use TikTok or Snapchat this weekend - The two most important apps that you and your swimmer will need on your phone/s will be Eva Check in and Meet mobile.. If you haven’t done so already, please familiarise yourself with the Eva Check-in app..... Results will not be posted up on the wall this year - we will be relying on meet mobile.
23.01.2022 Pioneer Swim Club has now entered the world of Instagram - a great way to keep updated on life from a PSC swimmers perspective
23.01.2022 No Junior Squad Tues 29.10.20No Junior Squad Tues 29.10.20
23.01.2022 An appreciation post from our swim captains.. this week is National Volunteer week - it’s nice when we see our kids appreciate all that the adults in their lives do.
23.01.2022 Program for Pioneer Carnival has been emailed - check with her Club Secretary if not yet received.Program for Pioneer Carnival has been emailed - check with her Club Secretary if not yet received.
23.01.2022 Home is where the pool is ~ Welcome back to our big Dolphins... If you missed our come and try night and your swimmer wants to swim.. send us a PM and we will book them in!! ... First night is free. #teampioneer #teampsc #clublife #activekids #mackaypride
22.01.2022 Happy Birthday Hannah!! Let’s just say singing is not a standout talent for these swimmers #clublife #teamchoir #clubgoals #teampioneer #teampsc #birthdaysong
21.01.2022 Thursday 24/12/20 Jnr/ Snr AM Normal 7-8:30am Adult AM 8:30am Jnr/ Snr PM 3:45-5pm... Friday 25/12/20 NO SQUAD Monday 28/12/20 Adult AM 8:30am Jnr/ Snr PM 3:45-5pm
20.01.2022 Team Pioneer - Day One Bowen Family LC Transition Meet.. Enjoy Swimmers
20.01.2022 So... you might have skimmed through our covid meet information document and noted you can’t find your club on the site map... We might have saved a special spot for you in the grandstand!! Remember - Marks where you are to sit... we will have people in Orange hi vis vests to ensure you are social distancing also.. and every 30 mins they will be freshening up your area with a little disinfectant .. it’s nothing personal - offer a smile, or a kind word.. we will all need it come race day!
18.01.2022 Super excited about seeing all our swimmers back in the pool this weekend ... please note that pioneer has not altered from the original plan.. all attendees wishing to attend the pioneer meet have to have completed an attendee list with details of those attending. If your details are NOT at the gate, you will be turned away. Keep watching our FB for updates!!
18.01.2022 Come meet an Olympian - and see the gold that Linda brought home from 2008 Beijing Olympics. We love listening to Linda’s stories and seeing her motivate our young swimmers to be the best they can be. Club night tonight 5:30.. if your swimmer missed our come and try last week - flick us a PM today so we can pencil them in for tonight.. ... BYO - Towel / Camp Chair / Googles.
18.01.2022 PSC carnival Noms close tomorrow..!! If your not sure about covid restrictions - re: numbers.. touch base with one of our crew!! Pioneer is doing all we can to continue our family friendly meet under The current Aquatic guidelines.
18.01.2022 SWIMMING CHALLENGE 2020 Our Bell has completed the The Virtus Global Challenge Series. This had been developed to support opportunities for athletes to remain connected to their sport during this crazy 2020 year The challenge was to perform as many of the swims as possible, in order, between 23rd October and 13th December 2020.... There was no set place to swim Bell was able to use a pool or open water - but had to be able to accurately record distance and time. Bell was able to Complete all stages. We have loved watching your Journey ‘chuckles’ - keep swimming. #teampioneer #teampsc #swim #swimming #virtusswimming #virtuschallenge
17.01.2022 Selling - size 24 Engine skins. Paid $440 new, selling $280 ono.. only selling as swimmer no longer competes. Only worn once. No Baby powder used and washed in fresh water only.. Pm for sale queries.
17.01.2022 RMCH Relay Day - Representing Pioneer - Our Three girls Bell, Maggie and Molly.. Enjoy this experience girls!! #swimmingqld #teampioneer #teampsc #activekids
16.01.2022 Club night looks so different tonight that it made the lense on my camera all misty - COVID May change the way things looked - but goodness the kids loved being back in the pool and with their mates!! Was wonderful to see so many new smiling faces... Nothing is going to stop us now... watch out 2020 our dolphins are making a splash Thanks for your patience everyone - please ensure you remember to check out of the venue on your EVA app!!... #TeamPioneer #TeamPSC #activekids #clublife2020
16.01.2022 Team Pioneer - check your emails - Response needed.
16.01.2022 Last year’s recipient of the 7news sportsperson of the carnival award went to Jesse Laverty - Emu Park Jesse is as fabulous role model to all fellow swimmers and will be missed at this years meet - At our 2019 meet amongst other sportsmanship acts it was noted Jesse assisting another competitor in marshalling prior to competing in the 200fly. After the competitor finished the event, Jesse was seen encouraging swimmer by name, and shook hands. ... Jesse was very respectful to all officials, and parents/adults that he interacted with. Who will this years recipient be . #teampioneer #teampsc #7news #7newsmackay
16.01.2022 First official club night this week... make sure you nominate and come down and meet Gold Medalist Linda Mackenzie..!!
15.01.2022 Do you remember where your love of swimming started.? Our swimmers are still training daily from 3:45pm. Holiday program looks pretty good!! #teampioneer #teampsc #mackay #mackaypride #swim #swimming #swimmingnq #activekids #justkeepswimming
13.01.2022 Pioneer Swimmers will be looking to set a record this weekend for continuous swimming as a team.. come down and meet some of the swimmers, club and squad will be showcasing all day!! Come down and support the swimmers - Saturday at the Mackay Showgrounds. #mackaylocal #localsupportinglocal #swim #teampioneer #teampsc
13.01.2022 Another pioneer swimmer success story away from club life - Miss Neve took home age champion and very excited to share her news.. Our lane one swimmers have been been coached by Assistant coach Ray - and these results are a credit to his dedication to our Jnr swimmers. Congratulations Neve
13.01.2022 ALL swimmers (and family/ extras) attending squad must use the sign in at the kiosk, this will replace current covid tracing procedures.
12.01.2022 Okay... a question to our last season’s new parents... (or, ANY parent for that matter) Can you now relate to the below.. What advise would you offer new swim parents that will be walking through the gates tomorrow..?? Some of us learnt a long time ago - always carry a sharpie
12.01.2022 Club Night Tonight!! 5:30pm Club Night Tonight!! 5:30pm
12.01.2022 Thursday AM training 6amThursday AM training 6am
11.01.2022 School holiday squad program has just been released.. brochures are available from kiosk, come grab your voucher for free session with Igor.
11.01.2022 Merry Christmas to all our awesome swimmers and their families.. rest well over the next few days, enjoy the time you have with your loved ones and we will see you poolside Monday!!
10.01.2022 Thank you to the clubs that have responded... we are still waiting on others - we have loads of work to get through behind the scenes, your prompt responses will be greatly appreciated..
07.01.2022 Hey Collinsville ... Team Pioneer are on their way!!! #clublife #teampioneer #teampsc #happyswimmers #teamgoals
07.01.2022 7News Pioneer Swim Transition meet ‘sportsperson award’ SPORTSPERSON OF THE CARNIVAL This award is presented to the swimmer who:... Displays sportsperson like conduct in and out of the pool. Shows respect for all coaches, officials, parent volunteers and all other competitors. Shows a positive example to all other competitors through actions and attitude. Follows the Swimming Australia code of conduct. Nominations can be put forward ON THE DAY by anyone in the swim community AT PIONEER meet to [email protected] - Ultimate decision will be made by officials by 1200 on day two of race day #teampioneer #teampsc #7news #7newsmackay
06.01.2022 Being part of pioneer is like being part of a big family - we are the crazy extended family that are excited to hear about all the kids achievements. Bell cleaned up this year at her school swimming carnival - taking home girls 12 year old age champion. Bell is a talented swimmer tracking for 2022 Oceania /Asia titles - Brisbane and than onto 2023 Vichy France is Global Games.
06.01.2022 SQUAD UPDATE Saturday 22/5/21 only 9am - 1030am water sets only. ... Come down to the Showgrounds afterwards to cheer on the team as they raise funds to go towards our swimmers. Pioneer Swimmers are looking to set a record for consistent swimming.
06.01.2022 No better way to finish a club night than fill the pool with inflatables... we love the chaos.. we love seeing our swimmers have fun!! #clublife #teampioneer #teampsc #activekids #swimmingnq #swim
06.01.2022 Why is the kick important- Swimming is a full-body movement, and efficiency comes from developing coordination between your upper and lower body. The kick provides stability, improved body position and propulsion, all components necessary for a more efficient freestyle. Our squad kids love training when it doesn’t feel like training ... #trainhardswimeasy #squadkids #pioneersquad #teampioneer #teampsc #swim #swimming
05.01.2022 Raffle Prize Two - As Advertised - Live your best life with Fitbit Versa - an all-day health and fitness companion that lasts a long time and uses personalised insights - music & more to help you reach your goals Make sure you grab your tickets for this one too..
05.01.2022 Promising Will keep updates coming through with any relevant changes!!
04.01.2022 Team Pioneer - Day 2 Bowen Meet! What a weekend, so many happy swimmers.. Was fabulous to see so many awesome results from all our athletes. This weekend Team pioneer competed in 135 events, 3 DQ’s , 31 ~ 1st place , 24 ~ 2nd place , 20 ~ 3rd place In total today -161.43 was shaved off overall.. Our swimmers loved being supported and directed by both Coach Igor and Assistant Coach Ray..... #teampioneer #teampsc
03.01.2022 Team Pioneer LOVES supporting other clubs - today we we’re able to transport 21 swimmers to Collinsville for their carnival.. This is a fun event for our swimmers that also builds team morale. Lots of fun swim memories are made at this event. Two of our swimmers took to Moranbah this weekend and both swimmers really happy with their results! Looking forward to updates soon! #swimmingnq #teampioneer #teampsc #swimlife #clubgoals
03.01.2022 We have been fielding many questions lately - here’s a quick reference to some that may help others decide on choosing pioneer squad to train with - Do we have to be part of Pioneer swim club to swim in squad? No - all swimmers are welcome at Pioneer squad. ... Do we have to have set days? No - you can attend any day, but we do encourage open communication with coach. Pioneer squad is flexible. COVID tracing - Does squad record details. All swimmers will be shown how to register their swim at their first lesson, then required to do so on their own from then on (an easy task) What equipment is needed? Flippers, Goggles, snorkel, Swimmers, pull buoy and Kick Board. Can parents stay? Parents are always welcome - but reminded to social distance. Have any more questions? Feel free to PM us or comment below - new swimmers can speak with Coach daily before squad session. Summer Training Daily 3:45pm Tues/ Thurs (AM also) 6am
03.01.2022 Attention all swimmers attending 7news Pioneer LC Transition Meet ~ Have you familiarised yourself with Pioneers COVID site map??.. If you have not seen the 13 page PSC covid meet information document, please comment below. This was finalised and emailed to all clubs yesterday to distribute amongst your swimmers and swim parent/ companion.
03.01.2022 Squad Games... Sometimes it’s nice to start training with something a little different #teampioneer #teampsc #squadgoals
02.01.2022 Good luck to our swimmers attending Ayr LC meet today - first meet for 2021, swim hard and continue to be amazing
01.01.2022 Raffle Prize one - How many times have you loaded yourself up to walk through the swim gates for your swimmer to breeze on ahead... I bet there’s swim parents out there that have still not made the ultimate swim parent purchase - The Trolley - it’s the one items that you will be forever thankful for!! This particular trolley is valued at $169.00... Tickets $5.00 for 3!! Number will be drawn by a random number generator app.. make sure you purchase some to be in the draw!!
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