Pippa Smyth PT | Businesses
Pippa Smyth PT
Phone: +61 423 224 102
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25.01.2022 YOU ARE ONLY ONE WORKOUT AWAY TO A GOOD MOOD Alright guys here’s a quick home PRE CHRISTMAS sweat sesh! You can do this at home/ at a park/ at a gym For time complete reps of:... 15-12-9-6-3 X pushups X squats X burpees X inch worm to plank to push-up X sit ups Simple-effective-time efficient & you’ll feel bloody great after! Enjoy #PSPT
24.01.2022 WORKOUT OF THE WEEK Warning** this one is bound to make to sweaty 20x cal assault bike 20x barbell cleans... 20x barbell push press 20x barbell lunges 18-16-14-12-10-8-6-4-2 X Reps of each. Goodluck! Remember to tag #PSPTworkoutchallenge if you get this done!
24.01.2022 PSPT LAST BOOTCAMP OF 2020 Today was too much fun! Take a look
23.01.2022 WORKOUT OF THE WEEK WITH YOURS TRULY 20x dumbbell lunges 20x dumbell deadlifts 20x dumbbells squats... 1x 40m sled push X 5 rounds for time! Finisher if you have time** 20x banded crab steps 20x banded standing pulse outs 20x banded standing kickbacks Enjoy
22.01.2022 This Friday PSPT is pairing up with Pola Cencigh THE YOGA PEOPLE SYDNEY & creating a one hour HIIT STYLE/YOGA BOOTCAMP. Location- Oak Park Time- Friday the 4th @ 9-10am limited spaces- message myself or Pola ASAP to lock in your spot.... We can’t wait to see your wonderful faces then #PSPT #BOOTCAMP #YOGA #THEYOGAPEOPLESYDNEY #HIIT
20.01.2022 Outdoor training is a dream with a view like this & post recovery as tasty as @vitalstrength Try This spicy little WOD for time: 10x single arm snatches (e/s) 10x man makers ... 10x slam balls *drop 1x rep each round until you hit 1x each #PSPT
19.01.2022 I QUIT CHALLENGE Did you know is takes 21 days to make or break a habit? What crappy habits are desperate to get rid of in 2021? ... PSPT is starting a I Quit Challenge on Jan the 11th- This means for 21 days you choose just 1 thing you want to quit completely. E.g. I quit processed sugars (chocolate, Lollies, slices, muffins ect) I quit drinking any alcohol (or I quit drinking all but one day per week?) I quit take out food (or I quit take out food all but on day per week) I quit sleeping in (so I can get up early and make time to exercise, meditate, stretch, get work done ect) OR your choice, whatever you know is a crappy habit that needs to stop ASAP! Choose only one thing you plan to give up for the FULL 21 DAYS- make it something your going to find hard to give up, something that will challenge you to creating better habits & challenge yourself to go without for this time- the aim’ to create better habits and prove you can give something up if that’s what you REALLY want. We start JAN 11th & finish JAN the 31st. If your IN message me ASAP(cut off day to get in is next Wednesday the 6th)- you will receive all the info you need to know next week to get yourself prepped and ready to go for January the 11th. Only commit to this if your ready to give me full commitment!! (*Must complete 1x PT session per week minimum& numbers are limited*) PSPT LETS MAKE 2021 HUGE
19.01.2022 One of my favorite quotes! Constantly hearing people talk about how they don't want to do it because it takes too long, or they are to busy, or it's to hard, or... they can't be bothered. I even think it myself at times- but one thing that always runs through my mind is that either way the time will pass and in an hour I will have either completed that workout and be glad I did it or feeling guilty that I didn't. Either way the time will pass, and it honestly gets me every time. It's the tiny choices of just ignoring those voices in your head and just getting it done wheather you put in 100% effort or 50% effort you still did it, And it's better then not to have completed it at all. So when you think to yourself that it takes to long to lose weight or too long to build your fitness then tell yourself- no matter what this time will pass and I will either feel proud of myself for actually doing it or I will be anoyed with myself for not starting when I could have!?
19.01.2022 BREAKFAST SMOOTHIE GOODNESS. -1x scoop of protein of your choice -1/2 a carrot -1/2 a cup of spinach ... -handful of berries -2x celery sticks -table spoon of natural peanut butter & blend with half a cup of water. Yummier then you think & filled with goodness #recepieoftheweek #breakfastgoodness #PSPT
19.01.2022 PSPT LAST BOOTCAMP OF 2020! When: Friday 18th of December Where: Oak Park Cronulla What it involves: PSPT clients & friends& families are invited to the last bootcamp of 2020. Pip has a sweaty Christmas workout planned at 9am followed by breakfast cooked on the BBQ by Mat at 10am! Bring your towel & swimmers to enjoy a swim to cool down after! ... Message me ASAP to book in a spot. Can’t wait to see your wonderful faces then & looking forward to going out with a BANG for 2020. #PSPT #cronullabootcamp #Bootcamp #personaltraining #blessed
18.01.2022 Today I feel so damn GRATEFUL for these guys & this little community we have created. I can’t believe I get to work everyday with a bunch of people that are so bloody motivated, hard working and an incredible bunch of kind humans. 2020 you have treated me well & I feel so proud of this community. From the bottom of my heart THANK YOU PSPT for such an amazing year. Words will never describe the gratitude I feel. 2021 were ready for you #blessed #PSPT #sograteful
17.01.2022 How easy is it to sit there & feel sorry for yourself? Everyone does it! I honestly can not tell my clients enough, whatever is happening to you right now is SUPPOSED to happen & there is a PURPOSE for this happening- it is teaching you something that one day you’ll look back on & be bloody grateful that it did happen! Where you’d like to go & what you’d like to achieve in life will never be an easy ride, it will be testing, it will be hard& you’ll have days you want to quit and give up, but I can honestly say it will always be worth it, so please don’t quit, try your best to trust the process & figure out what is this experience teaching me? Because the day you figure that out is the day you’ll be GRATEFUL this all happened
17.01.2022 THIS Why calories in VS calories out aren’t always the answer to weight loss. The QUALITY of your food is so damn important. If your looking to loose fat you NEED to listen to this.... https://podcasts.apple.com//master-your-heal/id1477761062
16.01.2022 Strength & power day in 20 seconds #PSPT #Aprivilege Post workout fuel @mymusclechef #PIPPA20 for $ off
15.01.2022 Day dreaming of more sunrises like last Fridays sessions I’ve just had two spots open up for Indoor & Outdoor PT- message me ASAP to steal one of those spots. #TEAMPSPT #blessed #Cronulla #HealthAndWellness #indoortraining #outdoortraining
15.01.2022 Happy Sunday PSPT. Here’s a quote I just shared with my crew doing the challenge & I thought I’d share it with you all. A year from now you’ll wish you had started today And this is so absolutely true. How many times have you looked back and thought ‘ahh if I had just started a month ago when I said I would then I’d be a month ahead ect...’ or something similar.... Trust me I sure have, and it’s frustrating. Whether you want it to or not time will pass & it’s completely up to you how you make that time worth while. Don’t spend another day, month, year wishing you had started when you said you would. STOP MAKING EXCUSES & JUST START.
14.01.2022 2020 PSPT- T H A N K Y O U from the bottom of my heart! What an incredible & HUGE year for PSPT! This is the busiest PSPT has ever been & I feel forever grateful for the love and support you you guys show me! ... 2021 we are so ready to do even more! Bring us your best See more
14.01.2022 OUT DOOR UPPER BODY SWEAT SESH grab yourself two dumbbells & complete- 10, 20 or 30 minute AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) of: 5x renegade row push 5x dumbbell push press 5x dumbbell snatches ... #cyarms #PSPT #TRUSTtheprocess #simplebuteffective See more
13.01.2022 Life works in wonderful ways Every thing happens for a reason- I couldn’t believe this more! Every failure will lead to SO much more then what you thought was capable- remember this next time things are tough.
13.01.2022 Happy Sunday PSPT! (Here’s a little challenge I want my clients to try this week- give this a go yourself & let me know how you find this ) I’ve got something I’d love for you to all try give a go this week- This week I ask you to find just *30 MINUTES EACH DAY TO YOURSELF*... This could be : -reading a book -going for a swim. -listening to music or a podcast. -going for a walk. -meditate/ stretch ect... Something where you can put your phones down & switch off from everyday life & focus on being more mindful& present with yourself. Give it a go just this week! Set an alarm & find the time to make this a priority. I can PROMISE you how much this will help with the way you feel (it’s insane how something as little as this can help with a healthy mindset) Have a wonderful Sunday, looking forward to seeing all of your wonderful faces this week!
12.01.2022 ***POST WEEKEND SWEAT SESH*** Need a quick & effective post weekend sweat out? try this!... 30x burpees 30x squats 30x plank to push ups 30x lunges -400m run or 200x mountain climbers 30x burpees 30x squats 30x plank to push ups 30x lunges -400m run or 200x mountain climbers 30x burpees 30x squats 30x plank to push ups 30x lunges -400m run or 200x mountain climbers -Today’s reminder- Remember how far you’ve come HAVE A WONDERFUL WEEK PSPT #pspt #longweekendsweatout #starttheweekoffstrong #hiitstyleworkout
12.01.2022 Heres an important quote for today, In my 4 years of being a trainer The people who succeed the most when it comes to weight loss, building muscle, improving ca...rdiovascular ect... are the people who actually enjoy exercising/ take a positive outlook at exercising! Don’t train just to look good, because in the end you will dread training and exercising! Train to look good but also train to feel good, improve mental space, feel more energized, be grateful to have two legs and arms that work! That’s when you will see the results and be genuinely happy with your health. (Just a little thought for your Tuesday) #PSPT
12.01.2022 Lil bit of seated boxing to get that endorphin rush Missing that sweaty (aka dying) feeling so much that running gives you! Itching to get back into it, for now I’ll just have to be patient Injuries certainly force you appreciate your heath SO much more! As much as they suck injuries have forced me to get creative with my training & taught me so much more about how the body works, HUGE believer that everything happens for a reason!
06.01.2022 Today I am GRATEFUL for- 1. Being able to go for afternoon swims in the ocean 2. A job I look forward to going to every day that makes me smile & so damn happy 3. My beautiful friends& fam that never fail to be the kindest most loving people I know 4. A boyfriend that is the sweetest human on this entire planet & supports me in every thing I do... Honestly this list could go on & on, there truly is something special about showing gratitude every day that makes you feel good! Don’t forget to Ask yourself, what are you grateful for today?
06.01.2022 Reminder that Training to- Be happy, improve mental health, enjoy the feeling of empowerment, release stress after a big day, increase engery levels, feel a sense of achievement, train for a sporting event. Will make you a shit load happier in the long run rather then having your focus purely on the way you want your body to look. Make your goals mental & performance related too.
05.01.2022 HAPPY SUNDAY PSPT! CHOOSE ONE THING YOU MUST DO FOR THE WHOLE OF NEXT WEEK: -Do 10 minutes of core every day -Complete a 1KM run every day ... -Have 8 different veggies every day -Have 3L of water every day -Do 10 minutes of meditation every day -Read a self help book every day for 10 minutes -Cut out all refined sugars for one week -Have absolutely no take out food or drinks for one week. Choose one & stick to it for next week & see how something so small can have such a big impact on your weekly routine #PSPT
05.01.2022 HAPPY SUNDAY Join me in a sweaty HIIT STYLE workout that can be done at home on JAGGAD STUDIO https://jaggadstudio.com/en/sweat-it-out-hiit You’ll feel incredible after (you can thank me then ) ... #PSPT #jaggad #jaggadstudios #hiitworkout #sundaysweatout See more
01.01.2022 Monday’s improvisation How much do injuries suck!? But how easy is it to also use an injury as an excuse to stop training or pushing towards those goals you’ve been focusing on?... It’s sooo easy to let little things like this seem like a HUGE bump in the road, but whatever you do, DO NOT let this be a reason for you to stop pushing towards the big things you want, your goals and the way your going to get there may change a little, it may mean you have to work a little harder or smarter & change the way you approach it but it certainly doesn’t mean you have to stop or ‘start again’. ALWAYS REMEMBER- These things happen to remind you HOW IMPORTANT these goals are to you- it tests you to show you if what you really want is worth it, and I can sit here now and tell you it will ALWAYS be worth it! just find a way...not an excuse #PSPT #FINDAWAY #NOTANEXCUSE
01.01.2022 What’s something you can do this week that will make you PROUD of yourself? Choose one thing & DO IT!
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