PJ's Wood Creations | Brand
PJ's Wood Creations
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03.02.2022 Still going at the Meningie Popup shop, will be finished at 3pm on Tuesday.
24.01.2022 I got up at 4 am, it was raining, got dressed, had breakfast, went out to get into the car and it was still raining at 4:45 am so I have decided not to go to the market, I will still do the 10% on the next market. Sorry for this, I looked at the BOM, it showed showers covering the area of Christies Beach. Will get there next time in a fortnight. Peter
24.01.2022 Very sorry for the lack of posts from me,has been a warm last few weeks here, no aircon at all. Anyway as the Christies Market starts again on the 5th of January, I will be there tomorrow. Due to the devastating fires we are having with in SA, and across the east coast areas, I have decided to try help in the only way I can at this stage. If a lot of the people that get to read this I shall be donating 10% of everything I sell at the Market. So please if possible come on down... have a look buy what you like, or even if you make an order on a work you wish to purchase. I do hope to see some of you there. Thank you Peter
23.01.2022 Hi All, hope you all are having a good start to the weekend. I should be at the Christies Market tomorrow, as long as the rain does not come back in. I hope some of you may be able to get to the markets, I do have a few more nice things you may like. Cheers Peter
22.01.2022 Have not been in the garage for a few days, been busy trying to do a bit of early spring cleaning and moving of furniture. We are just about finished, so will be out in the Garage in the next few days to do a clean up out there. Then it will be get the lean to finished for my wood, Then maybe Sharryn may not have to keep calling me Steptoe. :-) I hope everyone on my list that see's this are keeping safe, I shall be back into the swing of turn wood, scrollsawing and maybe a bot more hand carving. Stay safe hope to see you on the other side of this. Peter.
22.01.2022 Another week has past, they go so quick these days. Anyway I am going to have my stall at Christie's Market, on Beach road. I have done quite a few different items again, some not quite finished, I have taken a some images of 2 pieces I have very recently finished, the dark item is sold, this is made from an old fence post. The lighter one was actually a test, but turned out nice. Some may like that style some will not. Hope to see a few people at the market. Have a good day. Peter.
22.01.2022 I have been busy a bit today, I had done 2 more burls, they were the off cuts of the bigger burl vase. Took a while to do, as I had to reverse each one to get the shape I was after. Looked good. This is the first off cut.
22.01.2022 I have changed the Name of the site to PJ's Wood Creations, will be waiting for the change to take effect. I shall be making quite a few changes as I go along, I am doing a few more different creations while the Lock down is still going on. Peter
22.01.2022 Another week has past, going too quick. The last Market for us this year is at Christies Beach Market. Once again I shall have the some logs with me, they are for kids stools in the backyard etc. I shall have 6, but you may order as many as needed through me. They will be $10 per. I will have a few new items, not too many, as I have been very busy with some orders and my other commitments. Hope to see a few people at the Market. Peter
22.01.2022 Here is one of 10 bowl shaped items I am making for a client, this started out as a square fence post. Comes up beautiful with the red of the wood, not sure of timber but maybe Jarrah.
21.01.2022 I would like to say a huge thanks for the beautiful gift I received for my birthday made by you! I absolutely love it
21.01.2022 It is 1/4 to 5, I am waiting to setup at the Brighton markets, looks like it is going to be a nice day, I have been busy this last week, not just doing this, I have had quite a bit to do at Aldinga and Perry park. Head down to check out what everyone has. Peter
21.01.2022 I shall be updating the products soon, I have made quite a few since lock down. I have just marked some of the items sold, these were sold ages ago, but forgot to add sold to the list. Not too long now before the change of name takes effect, I hope to keep everything up to date a lot better once that is done, I seem to always forget as I am trying to keep myself busy making products. Have a good week,... Peter
21.01.2022 A small Red Mallee Burl, was cut from the larger one. I have made a few more of the small cut off from the large one from the other week.
20.01.2022 Well I have decided to have a go at the Christies Market again tomorrow. I am hoping the weather is going to be as fantastic as it is today. I will have quite a few different things with me, as in bowls, boxes and other items made on the lathe, and a few of the other quirky items I make. All products I make are from re-claimed wood etc. if you need something made, just make sure you do not need it to be perfect, if so mention you need it on good timber, I shall go buy the timber needed at an extra cost to you. I hope to see some of you there, looks like it is going to be a great day. Cheers Peter
18.01.2022 Well another week closer to Christmas, I have been busy in between my volunteering. Here are some of what I have done, plus I shall be at Brighton markets Sunday the 10th. Hoping it will be a good day for all. These are some of the tree hangers I have made. Come have a look. Peter.
16.01.2022 I have booked in at the Popup shop at Meningie for 2 days, this is at the RSL Hall for the 11th and 12th of July. Hope to see some old friends and maybe make a few new ones. Peter
16.01.2022 Sunday I shall be at the Brighton Markets, I shall have about 6 logs that are good for stools for the kids in the garden. I shall take a photo of them soon, I can get as many as you like. I have a few different items I have made as well, images to come. Thanks Peter.
14.01.2022 We right at this time we have no power, blackout, it says around 8:30 on before back up. Make things worse, I am nearly out of power on phone too, so maybe back on later tonight... Peter.
14.01.2022 These are some of the other products I have made this week. These shall go into the Shop area as well. Do not forget I do do orders, if you see something I have made but cannot afford the amount straight off, I am willing to do a lay by for you. Keep safe everyone, if you are worried about the virus, we shall work out ways that suit you in getting the product to you. Thank once again stay safe. Peter.
13.01.2022 Here is an image of the 3 Burls together, They were all the one piece of White Mallee Burl, cut to fit the biggest piece on the lathe.
13.01.2022 Hi well a nice morning here at Christies Beach Markets, a lot of Vendors are here, come on down and have a look. Cheers. Peter.
13.01.2022 This is a white Mallee burl that was close to the stump, only the out side is finished, the hollowing of the inside is half way done. Will show images when finished. Peter.
11.01.2022 Well seeing I have what my wife has called the Man Flu, I have decided to finally pull my finger out, and take a lot of photos of some of the work I have been doing the last few months. I have placed quite a few in the shop area, if you want to head over there to have a look. I still have quite a few to do, I am hoping to very soon to be able to get back to the Markets, this weather has not been too good for the markets. Have a look at what I have placed new in the shop, do not hesitate to contact me for any orders or any of the products posted. Just remember that all products I do, are all done on re-claimed timber, so I may not be able to have exactly the timber you are wanting unless you wish to pay a bit more for getting it new from a timber supply place. cheers Peter
11.01.2022 Some of the logs I will have with me. These are Cyprus 6 will be there.
10.01.2022 * Promotion * To be in the running to win a custom or stock item to the value of $60.00. 1st 3 steps to be completed to enter.... 1. like this post. 2. Like WoodTography page if you have not already. 3. tag a friend or two :-) 4. feel free to leave a comment on any ideas we could create. *Australian Residence Only* Winner to be announced and notified when 500 entries has been reached. Thank you Peter ( WoodTography)
09.01.2022 Hi everyone,I hope the weather we are having atm, is to your liking, We are still as you know stuck without being able to go out anywhere much at all, due toy the Corona virus. Anyway I am getting a lot of bowls and other wooden creation done, I have due to how things have been going to change the name on this Page and for the hobby. So in a few weeks I shall be called PJ's Wood Creations. This describes a bit better on what I do, as I do not do as much imagery as I use to ...with the timbers. So when you see the name change do not worry it will still be me. Have a good week keep safe. Hope to see a lot of you soon if not later. Peter
08.01.2022 Here is a beautiful bowl made last week, It was sold the day before it was finished. 1 shot still on the lathe the second after a coat of Danish Oil, I put 2 coats on for the finish. This is a Red Mallee Burl approx 36 cm across.
07.01.2022 Here is the second off cut I made, I had to re think about how it would look good, let alone the finger I got James between the bowl and lathe bed. Anyway re shaped bowl and all finished. Forgot to get a finished shot on the lathe.
07.01.2022 Once again been a bit slack on the info on here. I have been working on a few different things, one of which is the larger spinning top with a handle and pull cord. I have got to get some images up with a few of them. These days I only have 3 days a week to do a lot of my products due to other commitments at Perry Park Nursing home and Aldinga community shed. Slack on here busy every where else. Will get the images up and let you know what is going on. Have a good week. Peter
07.01.2022 On the 28th and 29th I was suppose to go to Meningie for a Popup shop, but this covid has cancelled the 2 day Popup. So until I know any different, I will be going up when I get the chance when the covid restrictions are relaxed a bit more. There are a few People that have ordered some products, they will with you in time for Christmas. One I am working on is at a shed on a large lathe. I have like everyone else been blocked from going to the shed due to the covid as well. Th...is too will be finished on time and look just beautiful. I shall get a photo of this be very large burl. everyone please stay safe, make this time at home or where ever you are useful . Peter
06.01.2022 I forgot to post up the last few days, I am in the process of making a few new items, 1 is a Dolphin it is 800mm long needs a backing board to make it stand out more. Just about to finish at the Christies beach market. I am finishing off the Swan and Giraffe, I have a fox and flamingo to complete as well to carve.
06.01.2022 I shall be at the Brighton Markets tomorrow, come down and have a look if you are in the area. Peter.
05.01.2022 I have made 2 bowls and they are the first bowls to get my new name for my hobby glued in the bottom. The bowls are made from Blackwood and are a nice colour. Waiting for glue to dry so I can polish the name disk.
05.01.2022 Just before the lock downs due to Covid-19, I was asked to do a business sign for a shop, unfortunately due to the virus, they have had to change their intentions on opening up the shop, This means that it is all on hold, like many other small businesses around. I was sent the final image of the sign last night, Julie has put it together very nicely and it looks great. This is cut using a scrollsaw and then sanded to take as many as the imperfections our as possible, then pa...inted white and passed back on to Julie for the assembly. Thank you for the opportunity to do the work for you Julie and I hope it is as much of a hit to your future customers as it is for you. Thank you. Peter
05.01.2022 Well hi everyone, I am trying to get a lot of things done for the Popup shop at Meningie. I am not going to get all I want done, but I hope to have a good collection of products for you to choose from. I was going to have a few pens, I may get some more done, but I may have very few as 9 of them went on Monday. I have to finish a very large burl on Wednesday the 25th for the trip to Meningie.... I hope to see a few of you there. Thanks Peter.
04.01.2022 Well, just got notified that the Popup Shop is Back on, this is great. So I had better make sure I have everything ready for it..
04.01.2022 I have gotten a few images of what I have been doing in the garage. I shall try to get some more images of what the others are. The light coloured bowl is Huron pine with Merbau inserts, the other is a horse with a name of a stud out north. The last at this stage is a red gum burl, with resin, these except the horse are for sale. Shall put up in the shop soon. Peter
03.01.2022 Sorry as usual very slack on the updates. On the 15th of this month I shall be at the Original open market on beach road Christies Beach. On the 4th of April I shall be at the Willunga Waldorf School, hope to see you at either one of these. I will hopefully have quite a few different items to show and hopefully sell. Peter
03.01.2022 Hi everyone, I have been alone in my garage doing some bowls and other wood products. This virus that has been going around the world sure has put a stop to a lot of our working lives etc. I was suppose to be at the Original Market at Christies on Sunday, this has also been cancelled as has a lot more other events etc. I do hope everyone is doing ok while you are at home. I shall be putting up some images in the next few days, of what I have been up to, I shall be interested in what people think of the products I have been producing lately. Stay safe and stay home when ever possible. Thanks to all Peter
03.01.2022 Finally found out how to change the Business name on this page. You all should see it as PJ's Wood Creations. Thanks Peter
01.01.2022 Hi all, I have posted a few more images of some more products I have made in the last week or so. Quite a few are one off's, so you may need to be quick if you like any of them. If there are any you like, but the wood or style of bowl are not to your liking, we can discuss your options. Due to Mothers day coming up, you may want to look at the Knitting bowls, these will hold the wool and stop the wool from rolling around on the floor. There are a few Boxes with lids, these ...are made on a lathe the same as the bowls. They are cylindrical but are still called a box. I have quite a few smaller bowls that can be used for nuts etc, or just for putting keys in, your choice. I hope to see some of you at the Christies Beach Market on Sunday Thanks you Peter
25.12.2021 A small Red Mallee Burl, was cut from the larger one. I have made a few more of the small cut off from the large one from the other week.
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