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Plan B sleep consulting
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24.01.2022 If you choose to offer a dream feed aim to do it from 16 weeks. The reason for this is because pre 16 weeks babies digestive systems are still quite immature and can cause wind build up over night. If bottle feeding try to keep it below 180ml to discourage a activating the digestive system to much which will also cause wind build up.
24.01.2022 Biological sleep windows cause a natural dip in our energy levels, which is why there are recommended nap times to make it easier for babies to have a restorative sleep. Nap windows aren’t established in the newborn stage but working towards this will help with the development when it begins around 4-5months. These windows are 9-10am and 12-2pm, then 6-7pm. This explains why it is so difficult to get a baby to sleep in the late afternoon as there is very little amount of melatonin present. There is a massive rise of melatonin and drop in cortisol at around 6-7pm, which increases the pressure to sleep at night. Based on this physiology, it is simple to see why it is important to create a structured routine around these times.
23.01.2022 Anyone else feel like their baby is growing way to fast? @helenetheillustrator
23.01.2022 Meet Chloe. At 10 months old this little girl was reliant on a bottle over night to help her get back to sleep and needed cuddles through the day to help her sleep. We ditched the over night bottle which really helped. She has done so incredibly well! #planbbabies
23.01.2022 Meet Isabelle. At 18 months this little girl was struggling with her nights and was waking around 3 times a night. We tweaked her routine slightly and stop her over night feeds and the rest is history!!! Well done beautiful Isabelle!! #planbbabies
23.01.2022 Meet Colton. At nearly 6 months old this beautiful boy was very unpredictable with his sleep. He was cat napping through the day and getting through with minimal sleep. Fast forward two weeks and this little man is absolutely nailing his day sleeps! Well done Colton! Xx
22.01.2022 We all know that sleep is vital to a child’s mental and physical development but what are the key elements to getting a child to sleep well? - Sleep duration - Age appropriate naps - Ability to consolidate naps - Sleep schedule and the timing of naps. ... - Sleep regularity By focusing on all of these things and continuing to be predictable with your routine you will find your baby will thrive in their sleep. It can take a minimum of 3 days to 3 weeks to start to see change. Teaching your child a new skill doesn’t happen over night so don’t expect miracles overnight with sleep training. They will get there in time! See more
21.01.2022 Meet Rudy. This little 8 month old was so used to being rocked to sleep he was struggling to self settle. We structured a routine for him which is he now thriving off. He has done so well in such a short amount of time. Well done beautiful Rudy!! #planbbabies
21.01.2022 Meet Alby. At nearly 5 months old this little man was really struggling with his day naps. He responded really quickly to the gentle approach we took and is now having restorative day sleeps. Great work Alby!! #planbsleepconsulting
21.01.2022 Happy Father’s Day to all the incredible dads out there. Wishing you all a fantastic day x @helenetheillustrator
20.01.2022 . ’ ( ) 16 . . 6/7 ’ . ... 6/7 ..... ’ . ! #planbsleepconsulting #sleepbetter #ditchingthedreamfeed
20.01.2022 Meet Sonny. At nearly 5 months old this little munchkin had a very big attachment to his dummy which was causing a lot of sleep issues. He now is dummy free and an amazing little sleeper! Well done gorgeous xx
19.01.2022 I often get asked by families if their baby can keep the dummy through the sleep training process. Depending on the reasons as to why they are waking I am usually happy to keep it. If your child is around 7-8 months you can start to teach them to find and replace their own dummy by: 1. Attaching it to their comforter- by doing this they are able to find it easier. ... 2. Spreading a few dummies throughout their cot so they aren’t trying to find one. 3. Teaching them the find and replace method of placing the dummy in their hand and guiding it to their mouth for three days then just placing it in their hand and allowing them to perform the skill. The dummy is usually a small portion into why your baby isn’t sleeping but for more help and guidance get in touch for a consultation. #planbsleepconsulting #sleepbetter #sleepconsultant #empoweringparents See more
19.01.2022 Continuous white noise is the most familiar noise to a baby so it’s no wonder that it’s totally relaxing. This is very important for the first year of a baby’s life as it distracts them from disturbances and turns on the calming reflex. To promote continuous sleep use a deep rumble of the womb. It’s also great to drown out other voices in their house. It’s best to purchase white noise machines rather than using devices such as iPads and iPhones as they can let out a high ...pitched frequency that is irritating to little ears and can disturb sleep. In terms of how loud to have your white noise, I would focus on having it between 60-65dB. #planbsleepconsulting #sleepbetter #sleepconsultant
19.01.2022 Here at Plan B we totally understand that life doesn’t always go to Plan. In the event that you have to cancel your appointment we respectfully ask this be done at least 24 hours in advance. This allows other families to book the spot they need. Any appointment that is canceled within a 24 hour period will incur a 50% charge of your initial booking cost. No shows on the day of consultation will be required to pay 100% of the initial service cost. ... Thank you for your understanding See more
18.01.2022 I recently worked with beautiful 8 week old twins, corrected 3 weeks. Their mum came to me because she wanted a bit more understanding into their awake windows and assistance on settling techniques. After two weeks they are doing so well and mum feels like she has a better understanding into her little ones sleep. Well done beautiful girls xx
18.01.2022 A comforter is a great sleep association to introduce to your little one from 7 months old as per SIDS guidelines. Some children don’t bond as quickly to a comforter so I would suggest wearing it around for a few days to get your scent on it or squirt some breastmilk on it. I would suggest getting one that is an easy breathable material just in case it does happen go over their face. I would suggest washing it every now and then just so they don’t get too attached to that specific scent.
18.01.2022 As some of you know I am very big on setting up the correct environment for your little one’s sleep. I often get asked when you should introduce a night light. Our aim is to produce as much melatonin (the sleepy hormone) as much as possible when they are little so we prefer pitch black rooms which reduce any stimulation and cause wakings day or night. 0-3 years- no light at all in the room. Aim to have the room pitch black to increase melatonin production and decrease stim...ulation. Although the colours orange and red are great for increasing melatonin, at this age it tends to boosts consciousness. 3 years and beyond- introduce a night light if needed as this can be a great way to reduce fear of the dark. Stick to the darker colours such as red and orange as these colours will enhance melatonin production. Other colours such as white or blue can be detrimental to a child’s sleep as it boosts consciousness and inhibits the production of melatonin. Products I recommend: - GroEgg - Groclock (turn the blue light down to the lowest setting) See more
17.01.2022 Rolling is a important milestone but one that comes with a lot of angst for parents. This milestone usually occurs around 4-6 months. You may find your baby starts to wake around 1-3am and will start practicing this new skill. Although it should only last a few days, here are my top tips to help them through: - Practice rolling them back and forth throughout the day to show them how to do it at night. ... - Remove them from swaddles or LTD wing suites as this can be very unsafe when they become mobile. - If they are able to roll onto their tummy and fall back to sleep then they are safe to leave but always put them to sleep on their back when they first go to bed. See more
17.01.2022 Meet Alfie. At 4 months, the regression was not kind to him. He was waking every 2 hours over night. He responded to his new ways of sleeping so well and I am so proud of his beautiful mumma for all her work. Well done Alfie! Xx #planbbabies
16.01.2022 I am so excited to be able to see all your beautiful bubba’s again in person! As of tomorrow I will be doing in home consultations again! I will be armed with a mask and hand sanitiser as well. Head over to my website to book a consultations as I am nearly fully booked for next week!
15.01.2022 All new parents have been in that situation where your newborn won’t stop screaming no matter what you do. Luckily, paediatrician Harvey Karp came up with a brilliant method for soothing crying or fussy newborns and getting them to sleep. By layering these five steps we are able to trigger the calming reflex. #thehappiestbabyontheblock #planbsleepconsulting #bettersleep #empoweringparents - Swaddle- your baby with arms down to reduce the startle reflex. Once baby is it’s time to transition to arms out. - Side/stomach position- whilst settling your newborn. Once they are asleep in the cot remember to roll them on their back to sleep. - Shushing- Use your shusher. This helps to induce the calming reflex and reduce distractions. - Swinging- whilst in your arms and settling is very relaxing and helps to settle your newborn. - Sucking- can really help with calming your newborn. See more
13.01.2022 Happy first day of spring!! To celebrate the warmer weather I am offering an additional week to my facetime/Skype package. This means you will receive 3 weeks of one on one support for you and your little one. Fab right?? Head on over to my website to book a consultation x #planbsleepconsulting #sleepbetter
13.01.2022 Meet Theo. At 4 months old he hit the regression hard. He was waking so much that his parents were at their wits end. The only way he could sleep was on his parents. 2 weeks later this incredible little man is sleeping in his cot and has such a great routine going. Well done Theo! #planbbabies @ Ocean Grove, Victoria
13.01.2022 Meet Ted. At 12 months this little boy had never slept through the night. His beautiful mum contacted me because she was all out of tricks. For the first time ever his parents have to wake him at 7am because he is sleeping solidly through the night! So proud of you Ted! #planbbabies
13.01.2022 We all have these days and that’s ok. Xx
12.01.2022 Meet Van. At 4 months old he was really struggling to link his sleep cycles and co sleeping with his parents because this was the only way they could get some sleep. This little champion is now linking his sleep cycles and sleeping in his own cot. What a bit boy you are Van! Well done xx #planbbabies
12.01.2022 The one topic that scares parents half to death. Please rest assure your child will adapt to daylight savings. For all the parents who have children that are early rises this is a bonus because they will finally wake at a reasonable hour! Here are my top tips for preparing for daylight savings. - Invest in good quality black out blinds. This is vital to help increase that melatonin production and reducing that stimulation for outside light. Head over to ... - Invest in a white noise that will reduce the early morning cheeping of the birds. - Continue to keep 7am as the start of the morning by waking your little one at that time. Over a week this will become normal for them again. - If you really feel like they won’t adapt to the change of daylight savings, you can move their naptimes and feed times 15 minutes early a day the week leading up to daylight savings. By doing this we are entraining the circadian rhythm to be where it should. - You may have a few days of playing around with the routine, but this is short term so don’t panic. See more
10.01.2022 Dropping the third nap for parents is a massive milestone not only because their little ones are growing but because it’s one less sleep they have to settle. This nap should be dropped no later than 8 months. Here are my tips when dropping that third nap: - make sure your little one is ready and refusing that nap around 7-8 months old. - You may start to notice the nap becomes significantly shorter. ... - By 6-7 months focus on getting it down to around 20 mins. - When you first drop the nap push bedtime earlier to reduce over-tiredness. #planbsleepconsulting #sleepbetter #empoweringparents
10.01.2022 Meet Marlie. This gorgeous little 7 month old was unable to link her sleep cycles day or night. With a little help and routine this beautiful girl is now sleeping through the night and liking her day sleeps. Well done beautiful girl xx
10.01.2022 Meet Millie. At 6 months old this little girl had unpredictable day naps and was waking multiple times at night and needing to be assisted back to sleep. She was quite reliant on her dummy which we ditched through the process and she is now sleeping so well. Well done Millie!! #planbbabies
09.01.2022 When it comes to research about sleep, I try my hardest to be as up to date as possible. I do what I do because I love seeing it change families lives for the better but also because there is a lot of research done behind the scenes. Sleep training has a bad reputation, so I am here to clear the air about different types of stressors and which category sleep training falls into. - A brief and mild to moderate response in which a caring and re...sponsive adult helps a child cope. These responses promote growth through observing and learning. For example, a child getting their immunisations, the first day of a child attending day care, sleep training - These are more non everyday events such as a death in the family, divorce or a natural disaster. Like a positive response, a child is able to navigate through this time with the help of a supportive adult who can help the child adapt to the changes. - This response is caused by frequent, strong and prolonged durations. Such responses are known better as chronic stressors such as child abuse, neglect or parental substance abuse. If you feel like checking out the full study from the American Academy of Pediatrics, Google ‘The lifelong effects of early childhood adversity and toxic stress’
09.01.2022 Meet Winnie. At 7 months old this little girl was cat napping through the day which was causing multiple wakes overnight. We added in a few things to help her sleep as well as taking away associations such as a dummy and the association of rocking to sleep. Well done Winnie!! #planbbabies
09.01.2022 Meet Koa. At 4 months old the regression hit him hard. His sleeps were very unpredictable. He has done so incredibly well and has overcome the regression like a champion and sleeping soundly through the night! Well done Koa!
08.01.2022 I often get clients feeling very dishearten when they don’t see instant results at the start of sleep training. I generally find it takes 3 days to really see a change with consistency. We have to remember this is a learnt skill so like anything that is learnt it will take time. They don’t learn to walk or crawl over night so don’t expect them to sleep through the night in the click of a finger. Be patient and it will come. #planbsleepconsulting #sleepbetter #empoweringparents
07.01.2022 Meet Freddie. At 11 weeks, this beautiful little boy was struggling with cat napping. His parents wanted to establish positive sleep from an early age, which is what we have done. Well done beautiful boy x #planbabies @ Ocean Grove, Victoria
07.01.2022 Meet Harrison. At 5 months old he wasn’t sleeping at all well. He wasn’t able to link his sleep cycles and was waking every 40 minutes. I am blown away by this little mans progress and how well he sleeps now. X
06.01.2022 If your baby wakes 45 minutes after they have gone to bed this can indicate they are overtired. A simple way to fix it is increase the amount of sleep they are having through the day or an earlier bedtime. Trust me they will thank you! #sleepbetter #empoweringparents #planbsleepconsulting
06.01.2022 Meet GG. At 11 weeks old she was really struggling with her days and nights. We really focused on a positive sleep environment as well as focusing on her tired signs. She is a new girl with all the sleep she is getting and her parents are over the moon. Well done beautiful girl x #planbbabies
06.01.2022 Meet GG. At 11 weeks old she was really struggling with her days and nights and taking ages to get to sleep. We really focused on a positive sleep environment as well as focusing on her tired signs. She is a new girl with all the sleep she is getting and her parents are over the moon. Well done beautiful girl x #planbbabies
05.01.2022 Babies often show tired signs through changes in their behaviour. These signs can often be subtle and missed very easily. If your baby is tired you may see some of the following: Yawning Clenching fists Jerking limbs... Arching backwards Staring Frowning or worried looking Rubbing eyes Grizzling Sucking on fingers #bettersleep #planbsleepconsulting #empoweringparents #lovesleep See more
05.01.2022 Most parents will move their toddler into a big bed between two and three. Although this can be very exciting for both parents and toddler, it can also cause a lot of bedtime battles. Unless your toddler is climbing out of their cot, I would advise keeping them in a cot closer to three or four. This is because young children lack impulse control, which makes it difficult to explain to them the reason they need to stay in bed. If parents are moving their toddler because of a new addition to the family, it is advised to move them a few months before to reduce resentment from the toddler. Always make sure their room is safe from heaters, blind cords, loose furniture or choking hazards. If you are having difficulty keeping your child in their room over night I would suggest a baby gate.
04.01.2022 Meet Will. At 7 months this beautiful little munchkin was a very cheeky possum who would cat nap through the day and was having at least 3 wakes over night in which he would be fed back to sleep. We changed around his milk intake and sleeps and he is a new man who sleeps through the day and night! Will, I am so proud of you and you’re beautiful parents! X
02.01.2022 Newborns will usually start off with 3 naps a day and 4 if they tend to cat nap. Once your baby reaches a certain age they will start to drop certain naps. Allowing your baby to nap too much/not enough through the day can cause wakes overnight or early morning rising. So what age should babies drop these naps I hear you ask? -The late afternoon (4:30pm) nap is so hard at the best of times so rejoice as this nap will be gone by no later than 8 months old. -... By 15-18 months you may start to notice your little one is having a great morning sleep but their lunchtime nap is shocking. Time to cut that morning nap! - no more naps? But how am I supposed to watch Keeping up with the Kardashians??? (this was my thought when my eldest son dropped the last nap). This nap is usually dropped around 2.5-3 years See more
02.01.2022 As your baby grows they will eventually grow out of their bassinet. It’s important to be aware that if they are becoming to big for their bassinet that this can also cause disturbances. If your baby has starting rolling I would make the transition to a cot. Here are my tips for transitioning from bassinet to cot. - Start the transition with the first nap of the morning. This will also reduce your anxiety as you can creepily watch them sleep. - Get them use to their ne...w environment by having play time in their room during the day. - Make sure their cot is a safe sleeping environment with no toys, cot bumpers, mobiles, blankets or pillows. Like anything new it can take a few days to get use to so ensure you are doing your wind down routine as well as introducing positive sleep associations and the perfect sleep environment. #planbsleepconsulting #sleepbetter #empoweringparents See more
02.01.2022 Meet Noa. At 10 weeks this beautiful girl was sleeping in a SNOO and very use to motion sleeps. Her mumma came to me so she could provide a positive sleep environment from a young age. You have done so so well Noa.
02.01.2022 How do I know what to dress my baby in when they sleep? This is a question we get asked a lot. With the temperature still cool over night in it’s important to focus on the room temperature and the attire you put your baby in as this can really determine how your night will progress. As I have mentioned before melatonin starts to really drop around 3-4am, which is when we start to see babies wake a lot. This is also the time we tend to see external temperature drop. Ideally, w...e want a baby’s room to sit around the 18-20 degree mark throughout winter. Invest in a small panel heater and place it on a steady temperature of 18 degrees. @ergopouch have a great graph on temperature guides as well. Always remember not to cover your baby’s head with a beanie whilst sleeping as they regulate their temperature through their heads and we don’t want to overheat them. #planbsleepconsulting #sleepbetter #temperturesandbabies See more