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Planning Action Network NT


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25.01.2022 Northern Territory election coming very soon on Saturday, 22 August, 2020. Make your vote for better planning for the ordinary community count. In a democracy politicians should listen to the people. We have waited too long. It is time for change in how the government responds to the people' needs. PLanning is for our future and her children's future. The earth needs help. It is up to us all. It is not all about economics. It is about caring for the environment and c...aring for each other. We need room to move. As the song says : YOU CAN LISTEN AS WELL AS YOU HEAR!

25.01.2022 We are for East Point Reserve as it is. Green, and Free, where we can take our time, enjoy the fresh air, and relax. The last thing we need is a nightclub, with traffic to and fro, crowds of people making a noise, and loud music. This is Darwin's own nature reserve. We can see the sunset freely ourselves all along our city coastline, mostly from our public foreshore. The CBD provides nightclub entertainment. At Fannie Bay, we can already enjoy the sunset from also a choice... of our Ski Club, our Sailing Club, and our Trailer Boat Club every day for nothing if we chose, and Lake Alexander is there for our swimming- without crocs. The East Point Reserve is NO PLACE FOR A NIGHTCLUB. Our 'jigsaw' of colour above is the zoning map. East Point Reserve is GREEN - for the PEOPLE to use and enjoy. Let's keep it that way. Check it out law: on the SAVE EAST POINT Facebook site, and sign the petition. BE IN IT TO SAVE IT, PLEASE ACT NOW !!! WE CAN SAVE THE EAST POINT RESERVE TOGETHER ! Margaret Clinch

22.01.2022 Important article from ABC Radio National on the impact of green spaces in the suburbs, or the lack of it because of too much densification, on cooling for people who live there.

20.01.2022 Planning Action Network NT Published by Margaret Clinch 1 min WARNING ! SAY NO! TO TAKING COMMUNITY OUT OF THE ACT A response to the current review of the Planning Act, 1999 Public Meeting for all at the... VIBE HOTEL, 7 Kitchener Drive in the Darwin Waterfront. Date 20 NOVEMBER, 2019 from 6pm to 7pm. Free Get a better understanding of how planning works. Learn the changes proposed by NTG, like removing amenity from the Act, and lessening the community's role in planning decision processes. Make your 'Have Your Say' response count for better future planning in the public interest. More information at campaigns. Share with others who care about Darwin and the NT being a good place to live and raise children in our tropical lifestyle. Margaret Clinch See more

20.01.2022 Urgent information about the Planning Amendment Bill, 2020. This Bill was introduced to the NT Legislative Assembly on 13 February, 2020. It is what the ALP government want to have passed as a new Planning Act for the Northern Territory. Unfortunately it reads much more like a facilitating Development Act. It does nothing to address balanced planning for the community. One of the major issues expressed by the community at the time of the last NT Election was better planning...Continue reading

19.01.2022 The picture really tells two stories. Firstly we all need trees, whether we are people to love to be near and among them, or if we need to eat their leaves every day. We cannot do without trees. This koala reminds us that we have been ignoring our native animals like ... koalas, and abandoning them for a long time because of greedy land expansions, for our roads, homes and framing. In some paces this has gone too far, as in parts of Queensland.Koalas need our help. It is time to pause, and save land for koalas and other unique Australian animals. This is just one of the Koalas that need help. Please help to retain koala habitat wherever it is needed.

17.01.2022 This is a current story about how renewable energy in the United Kingdom is actually now replacing power previously generated by coal mined from under the ground. A real reaction to climate change and what happens when governments recognise it.

17.01.2022 The immediate future years for Australian universities as predicated by Barney Glover. immediate past Vice Chancellor of Charles Darwin University. Over is currently Vice Chancellor off the University of Western Sydney. Here what he has to say of the 'way back' for our universities.

17.01.2022 Another informative article shared here from THE CONVERSATION shows, again and again, how good urban and suburban planning, with plenty of access to our own green open spaces domestically at home, and within the walkable and cycling neighbourhood is good for our well being. ... So many examples illustrated in the photo below. Also cleaner air, getting out of the house, taking simple outdoor exercise, and enjoying a green environment, and shouting a greeting to 'friends' we have not 'met' before, as part of our wider community. So sad when most city life does not provide for these everyday. Coronavirus has its harshest impact when dense populations are crowded together. This should be a strong lesson to 'change' and focus on safe practical amenity in our future planning processes. Governments must in future genuinely plan for healthy wellbeing, and for the social sustainability of the wider public community, and not depend on what developers might want to offer, based on their profit levels.

11.01.2022 An interesting article shared from 'ArchitectureAu' journal published by the Australian Institute of Architects revising trends and developments in architecture. Well worth reading as background information. Just out ! Wide-ranging commentary on developments this decade mostly in the big cities which are growing so fast. We can learn, but is this what Darwin, a small city in the tropics should be slavishly be copying with so many high rises ?

10.01.2022 Fire is everywhere it should not be. United Kingdom and Climate Emergency.

10.01.2022 Our Green spaces are being attacked by people like Lord Mayor Vatskalis. He has stated publicly that his policy is to commercialise City of Darwin assets. This is a real threat and danger to public open spaces managed by the City of Darwin, such as East Point Reserve and the Esplanade. These spaces are very important to the health and wellbeing of the people of our community. Unfortunately there is a lack of understanding, and therefore recognition, that these public lands belong to the people of the Northern Territory. Local councils Australia wide are custodians managing these spaces as trustees, for the community. Their role is not as commercial owners, to lease, buy and sell. For the most part, these green open spaces are zoned (PS-Public Space) to be used by the public freely, for their mainly open air, recreation and enjoyment. They are not zoned CB as the city centre is, and therefore not to be used for commercial, or profit making use activities. Obviously any nightclub on Dudley Point in the East Point Reserve does not comply with the planning. Huge amounts of expenditure have, during recent years, been directed into the support of densification, business and construction in the CBD. That is why the NT Property Council is right to strongly insist that this proposed Throb nightclub should not be built in the East Point Reserve. It should, they say, operate in a designated 'activity centre', such as the Darwin CBD. That is where the other nightclubs are found, with their liquor licenses, and the essential police support. This makes for consistent government planning. Please like us and sign the petition whilst you are here.

09.01.2022 Facebook for NT Infrastructure and Logistics is letting us know that there is to be a new NT Planning Scheme to go with the proposed Planning Amendment Bill currently before the NT Legislative Scrutiny Committee. It is the role of the Scrutiny Committee to recommend if it should go forward to passed into law by Parliament. The proposed new NT Planning Scheme is now doing the consultation rounds. Submissions will close on 24 April, 2020. The planning scheme is the structure... by which the new Act would work if passed. The Facebook page says that the new scheme " will deliver a more balanced and transparent planning system to foster community and industry confidence" I must say that I personally find that very hard to believe. Since like many members of the community, over a period of about three years, my experience of the 'consultation' process is that the community has been consistently ignored. The 'proposed new Planning Act' very predictably reads like a Development Act, and not a balanced and open Planning Act one at least addressing the neglected needs of the community after all these years. The proposed new act replaces the true meaning of AMENITY -that is the pleasantness of the area in which people live, work and relax; with instead, the impact of a single building, that is the one the subject of the approval. The proposed scheme in many ways will provide the mechanics to make it easier for those running the system - the 'so called 'sacred due process', to make urban AMENITY a thing of the past. With the removal of properly defined sections - Section 2A and Section 51, as in the present Act, the new Act would have no chance to create good balanced planning and confidence in government, throughout the neighbourhoods of the Northern Territory. Margaret Clinch.

08.01.2022 WARNING ! SAY NO! TO TAKING COMMUNITY OUT OF THE ACT A response to the current review of the Planning Act, 1999 Public Meeting for all at the... VIBE HOTEL, 7 Kitchener Drive in the Darwin Waterfront. Date 20 NOVEMBER, 2019 from 6pm to 7pm. Free Get a better understanding of how planning works. Learn the changes proposed by NTG, like removing amenity from the Act, and lessening the community's role in planning decision processes. Make your 'Have Your Say' response count for better future planning in the public interest. More information at campaigns. Share with others who care about Darwin and the NT being a good place to live and raise children in our tropical lifestyle. Margaret Clinch

06.01.2022 Interested in light rail and all the variations of transport other than your own car ? This article may interest you. It could broaden yout=r mind !

06.01.2022 Dear Friends: - An interesting article about renewal in Dandenong a major suburban centre to the East of Melbourne. Features bright new buildings to attract the people back. From: The Conservation which features many current articles on urban and suburban planning and architecture. What can we learn here ?

05.01.2022 This 2020 pandemic year, makes us vitally aware of the importance for our health, both physical and mental, of better planning. We need easy access to domestic and neighbourhood open spaces. This is the reverse of the densification policy being thrust on us.... Any new NT Government must urgently address this issue, and protect the natural environment, so as to reverse the recent loss of population undermining our future. The Northern Territory is attractive because of its open spaces. People leave crowded Sydney and Melbourne seeking a lifestyle like our own. We ask why then, are our governments so rapidly destroying it? More tall residential buildings in the CBD with no additional public parks. Our Public Esplanade is threatened by a proposal to build commercially on its historic space. In our suburbs the minimum standard 800 square metre house lot is no more. 'Specific use zoning' agreements, had been already resulted in smaller lots for the likes of Defence Housing Australia(DHA) for Lyons and Muirhead, using their own national guidelines. True front gardens are lacking. Foreshores are given to developers. The Northcrest development at Berrimah; and newer Palmerston suburbs, such a Zuccoli, offer family homes on smaller lots. Whilst infrastructure costs may be reduced, total cumulative loss of private open space, amenity, and cooling shade is great. Next there are the 'strategic planning' projections of the NT Planning Commission with its Greater Darwin pattern of business activity centres, ringed by denser residential zones. This is even in rural Litchfield. We need our open spaces, both private and public, for our physical and mental wellbeing. They are an essential part of amenity, and tropical amenity even more so.

04.01.2022 This is a another useful piece of information from the good old The Conversation. You might have time to read this at the weekend about heat in tropical cities

03.01.2022 DATE: 12/12/19 To contact Gerry: 89996713 (bh) 8983 1237 (ah) 0428 698 037 (mobile) TO LIVE OR NOT TO LIVE? THAT IS THE QUESTION Gerry Wood, Independent Member for Nelson, says after he issued a press release in September he thought the Milkwood tree in the Cavanagh St Carpark was safe from destruction but it seems that that may not be the case. Gerry says the tree is on Council land and is a Tree of Significance as per the website. It is number 14-16 on the Darwin regis...ter. He says he believes the Council may soon be secretly going to remove the tree when no one is looking a bit like the old Darwin Hotel. Gerry says that surely clever architects can build around the tree. If it was a sacred site tree it would certainly be saved but it doesn’t appear to have that protection. Gerry says trees in Darwin are important not only as part of the Governments cooling concept but because those trees that have lived through bombings and cyclones surely should be looked after and cared for and treasured, not knocked down and destroyed. Gerry says the land is not yet University land and if the University wants it, the deal should be that the milkwood remains. So what is the Darwin Council going to do? Cessi foro gallinarum sed surgo Planning Action Network. See more

01.01.2022 Tree loss is making for sweaty suburbs, and the households that can least afford it are feeling the heat ABC Radio National By Nick Wiggins and Erica Vowles for Life Matters Updated about 3 hours ago The side of a house with an air conditioning unit and an awning pulled down over the window on a sunny day....Continue reading

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