Planted Parenting | Businesses
Planted Parenting
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18.01.2022 Listen and watch for signs Ask the question, wait for a response and be there to listen. Show compassion and reach out to friends you may not have heard from for a while #itsokaynottobeokay #areyouok #plantedparenting #chechin #supporteachother #mentalhealth
17.01.2022 Happy Father’s Day to all the men out there with children, but also all the men that have children that look up to you as role model’s. Parenthood is much more than having biological children. Some adopt, some foster, some mentor officially and unofficially. You just never know how many little eyes are on you, watching and learning from you. Be a man of integrity, lead by example; the next generation is watching closely. For those that have said goodbye to their fathers...; goodbyes are hard. But may all the positive traits that have been instilled in you, be living warm memories of those no longer in our lives. #plantedparenting #positiveparenting #intentionalparenting #encouragement #covid_19 #wereallinthistogether #bettertogether #bethechange #learnfromeachother #familytime #fathersday #leadbyexample #mentor #rolemodel #inspire #encourage See more
17.01.2022 Sensory Bins Sensory exploration and sensory integration are two key parts of neuro development in a child. The oral mouthing stage a baby goes through is essential for learning about objects in their environment. Likewise integrating what the brain interprets from sensory experiences to our body responses is necessary for neurotypical development. Sensory sensitivities and preferences start to develop from a young age. How things feel on our skin (like tags irri...tating vs eating to touch anything and everything) How things taste (plain foods vs high intensity flavours) How things sound (everything is too loud vs not loud enough) How much movement we need to feel content (the busy bodies vs the sedentary) How things look (bold loud colours and flashing lights vs neutral tones and minimalism) How things smell (wanting to sniff everything vs everything has overwhelming odours) Exposure to many different sensory play experiences will help to support sensory exploration, development and tolerances. There is no right point to start at, but for children with sensory sensitivities, always start where they are happy and comfortable (usually less irritating things like rice or beans that are smooth); working up to rougher things like dried pasta. Wet or sticky things like water beads or cooked pasta can be a little daunting for some. So add another calming sensory element as you play (relaxation oils to the sensory bin or relaxation music). Our sensory preferences change over time, even until our last breath. Your sensory profile will be different in 5/10/15/40 years. So don’t be surprised if over time your child will eventually feel comfortable to try new foods, or go on a ride that previously would have made them sick, or wear skinny jeans after years of track pants. If you think your child has sensory processing preferences that are quite different from their peers: book in for a chat to see what strategies can be helpful for their sensory development. #plantedparenting #positiveparenting #intentionalparenting #encouragement #bethechange #sensorydevelopment #sensoryplay #sensorybins See more
17.01.2022 Boredom We know the faces they make and the groans and moans about having ‘nothing to do’. Simple ideas of why being bored is great for children below, just scroll across After about 20 minutes they should find something to engage themselves in. ... You may facilitate free play by: Leaving out a few items to use in play: transport times, bucket of water, containers and plank of wood. Setting up a scene and showing them a few things to do with that scene, before fading out into your own activity. Encouraging them that they are creative and have a great mind to think of something. Put fun music on. Music awakens the creative left side of the brain. Growing self direction, self esteems, self confidence and self love is all part of getting our little ones ready for the big world. #plantedparenting #positiveparenting #intentionalparenting #encouragement #covid_19 #wereallinthistogether #bettertogether #bethechange #learnfromeachother #familytime #flexiblerhythm #growthmindset #iso #theladyinred #inhomesupport #behavioursupport #dreamteam #therapyassistant #occupationaltherapy #pediatricoccupationaltherapy #paediatricoccupationaltherapy #achievinggoals #finemotorskills #grossmotorskills #emotionalregulation #socialskills #selfregulation #coregulation #supporting #blessedwiththebest
14.01.2022 With yesterday’s announcement that effects Melbourne folk, I’m feeling the feels along side you. The only motivation I have, is some sort of family cluster gatherings for Christmas Please reach out if your child is struggling with the news, we are here to support you as you hold these little ones (and yourselves) in this highly emotional space. Some children are throwing in the towel, after 6 months of Telehealth. We are happy to re-evaluate the way we do sessions... to support you in the best way possible over the coming weeks. We are only a phone call away #plantedparenting #positiveparenting #intentionalparenting #encouragement #covid_19 #wereallinthistogether #bettertogether #bethechange #learnfromeachother #familytime #flexiblerhythm #growthmindset #iso #theladyinred #inhomesupport #behavioursupport #dreamteam #therapyassistant #occupationaltherapy #pediatricoccupationaltherapy #paediatricoccupationaltherapy #achievinggoals #finemotorskills #grossmotorskills #emotionalregulation #socialskills #selfregulation #coregulation #supporting #blessedwiththebest
14.01.2022 What a fantastic story of young Kai! Joanne
14.01.2022 Just a little update for our Melbourne families that are eager to resume face to face sessions. Our allied health registration body, in line with the DHHS are not permitting regular sessions face to face. We will remain doing Telehealth. Working across multiple sites is also not allowed under stage 2. Please be patient as we work to support your family in the safest way possible. #plantedparenting #positiveparenting #intentionalparenting #encouragement #covid_19 #werealli...nthistogether #bettertogether #bethechange #learnfromeachother #familytime #telehealth #growthmindset #iso #theladyinred #inhomesupport #behavioursupport #dreamteam #therapyassistant #occupationaltherapy #pediatricoccupationaltherapy #paediatricoccupationaltherapy #achievinggoals #finemotorskills #grossmotorskills #emotionalregulation #socialskills #selfregulation #coregulation #supporting #blessedwiththebest See more
13.01.2022 Quality time. 2020 ‘gifted’ us more time with our children than expected. What are your thoughts?? #plantedparenting #positiveparenting #intentionalparenting #encouragement #covid_19 #wereallinthistogether #bettertogether #bethechange #learnfromeachother #familytime #flexiblerhythm #growthmindset #iso #theladyinred #inhomesupport #behavioursupport #dreamteam #therapyassistant #occupationaltherapy #pediatricoccupationaltherapy #paediatricoccupationaltherapy #achievinggoals #finemotorskills #grossmotorskills #emotionalregulation #socialskills #selfregulation #coregulation #supporting #blessedwiththebest
12.01.2022 The Autism Spectrum isn’t linear...I love the circular representation. A little more of some areas and a little less of others. No two children I see are the same, and therefore our approach is not ever the same for intervention and parent support. The cookie cutter model is not one we use at Planted Parenting. Each child is unique, each family is unique, so our approach reflects that. #plantedparenting #positiveparenting #intentionalparenting #encouragement #covid_19 #...wereallinthistogether #bettertogether #bethechange #learnfromeachother #familytime #flexiblerhythm #growthmindset #iso #theladyinred #inhomesupport #behavioursupport #dreamteam #therapyassistant #occupationaltherapy #pediatricoccupationaltherapy #paediatricoccupationaltherapy #achievinggoals #finemotorskills #grossmotorskills #emotionalregulation #socialskills #selfregulation #coregulation #supporting #blessedwiththebest See more
11.01.2022 What is the best preparation for school? - Parents ask me this so often! ...and the answer is: PLAY. Get outside, climb, explore, touch, discover, wonder much device free time as possible will prepare their hand muscles for writing, minds for being inquisitive and body for learning. PLAY... #plantedparenting #positiveparenting #intentionalparenting #encouragement #covid_19 #wereallinthistogether #bettertogether #bethechange #learnfromeachother #familytime #flexiblerhythm #growthmindset #iso #theladyinred #inhomesupport #behavioursupport #dreamteam #therapyassistant #occupationaltherapy #pediatricoccupationaltherapy #paediatricoccupationaltherapy #achievinggoals #finemotorskills #grossmotorskills #emotionalregulation #socialskills #selfregulation #coregulation #supporting #blessedwiththebest
10.01.2022 So excited our little strip of shops has a page now. Follow along to see what’s happening in Davies Street.
10.01.2022 Just appalling that the NDIS want to invade people’s privacy with in home 15-20 minute observation of the potential participants, to deem if they are in need of NDIS support. This would be a non medical background person, and such a breech if privacy. If you or anyone you know is registered as an NDIS participant, please consider signing this petition.
09.01.2022 This is what we are all about #soundon #plantedparenting
09.01.2022 Handwriting For some handwriting is so loveable, and for others: well it’s a chore and a snore. @rorys_storycubes come to the rescue so often in my sessions. I have a standard set on hand, and also this pictured batman set. ... Just roll the dice and use each of the pictures to help shape a story I often pair it with the w question words as prompts (who/what/when/where/why). This is perfect for children: that find idea generation tricky that find it hard to actually start that need motivation #plantedparenting #positiveparenting #intentionalparenting #encouragement #covid_19 #wereallinthistogether #bettertogether #bethechange #learnfromeachother #familytime #flexiblerhythm #growthmindset #iso #theladyinred #inhomesupport #behavioursupport #dreamteam #therapyassistant #occupationaltherapy #pediatricoccupationaltherapy #paediatricoccupationaltherapy #achievinggoals #finemotorskills #storystarters #emotionalregulation #handwriting #selfregulation #coregulation #supporting #blessedwiththebest See more
03.01.2022 Learn through play Children’s main occupation is play. It’s the medium in which they learn best. So much of OT at Planted Parenting is based around floor time and play based learning. We all know if it’s fun, it will be so much more motivating and engaging. This game is an oldie but a goodie. Focuses on: - turn taking... - waiting - impulse control - one to one correspondence - number recognition - following rules - being a good sport/ gracious winner and looser - following the group plan - pincer grip development (picking up chickens) - crossing midline - following 3 step instructions - core strength (depending what position you play in: seated on floor with crossed legs/ at the table/ laying in prone propped up on elbows/ prone over the peanut ball). #plantedparenting #positiveparenting #intentionalparenting #encouragement #covid_19 #wereallinthistogether #bettertogether #bethechange #learnfromeachother #familytime #flexiblerhythm #growthmindset #iso #theladyinred #inhomesupport #behavioursupport #dreamteam #therapyassistant #occupationaltherapy #pediatricoccupationaltherapy #paediatricoccupationaltherapy #achievinggoals #finemotorskills #grossmotorskills #emotionalregulation #socialskills #selfregulation #coregulation #supporting #blessedwiththebest
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