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Platform Stories
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25.01.2022 This Platform Story is a personal one for me, and one that warms my heart. I am lucky enough to have watched our latest storyteller growing up and seen her navigate the community which we happen to both call home, as a girl, a young woman, and through it all, a person with a disability. I have known her as a young girl at the local horse-riding school, riding alongside my daughter, watched as she grew up in our beach side community with her family. Being part of a... small town, it is not hard to cross paths as we moved in and around shared spaces. In all of this, our latest storyteller on the Platform has grown into a successful young woman with the world at her feet. She has chosen to navigate a career as a nurse. A career where hospitals are often not set up for accessibility, and nurses and medical professionals with disabilities are not commonplace. Meet Meg, our latest storyteller on the Platform, who is part of a new wave of those pushing boundaries to prove that disability is not a barrier to providing quality medical care; if an open mind and creative approach to responding to individual needs in both training opportunities and the recruitment of staff can prevail. I cant help but feel joy at having this opportunity to share Meg's story and a sense of pride by association at how she is doing both amazing and yet ordinary things living her everyday life. Read more about Meg and her journey at the link below.
25.01.2022 Be true to yourself, be confident in your abilities, and work hard to achieve your dreams because anything is possible.- Kerryn Harvey #iamable #sport #powerfulwomen Image Description: A photo of kerryn Harvey on a teal coloured background, with her inspirational quote and the Platform stories logo included as well. The Platform logo is slighty faded into the teal background and reads as "Platform, raising women with disabilities up through shared stories." the letter O i...n platform is purple and is designed to reach upwards. The bottom of the image is a white tear with a quote over it. The quote reads as follows "Be true to yourself, be confident in your abilities, and work hard to achieve your dreams because anything is possible." - kerryn Harvey- Australia. The photo of Kerryn in this evergreen is a picture of her running near the ocean and grass. Kerryn is facing to the right of the image and only the right side of her face is towards the camera. Kerryn's short brown hair has a white visor around it, she is also wearing some black straps and a yellow and green running suit with the words 'Harvey' and 'Aus' written in white letters on Kerryn's lowerback. Kerryn is missing her right arm, while most of her left arm is obscured by the rest of her body, her right leg is ahead of the other and is slightly bent at the knee. Black tattoos are on the outer side of her right calf. The grass beyond her is surrounded by concrete, and a grey concrete carpark is in the background, the ocean is a mix of blue and grey and a cloudy sky encompasses the top of the image." See more
24.01.2022 Today marks International Day of People With Disability - a day for the world to recognise and celebrate the contributions of the those who live with disability. That's a mere 4.4 million Australians. ABC Australia's National Disability Affairs Reporter, Nas Campanella has spoken to ABC News Radio's Thomas Oriti - listen here: [LINK] #InternationalDayofPeopleWithDisability #DisabilityAwareness #CelebrateContribution...s Image description: coming soon
23.01.2022 Platform Stories is a space where women with disabilities from around the world are able to share their story with others stories that show we are similar, that we are different, and yet connected. Women who could use a platform where we can feel uplifted, reminded, reassured, affirmed, and share a slice of everyday life from our unique space and place in our world. It is with real pleasure that I introduce Beatriz Lemus from Venezuela to the Platform, to share her story us. I hope you enjoy learning about her life, as much as I did, and learn I did. Her life is lived with tremendous successes, a multitude of daily challenges and lived with a disability not always understood by the world around her. I gained an insight into a life lived communicating without spoken words, while providing care to others, and navigating complex medical and social systems. I am thrilled that Beatriz was willing to allow me to share her story. It reinforced what I already believe; that disability is not a reason to underestimate the potential in us all. Her willingness to provide insight into living with Autism, has given me new perspectives with which to think about things. I’m reinvigorated by the power of a shared story and through it, been reminded of the importance to make space for everyone, everywhere. Beatriz is a Doctor, a Concert pianist, a daughter, a sister, a piano teacher and a person living with Autism among many other things. Meet Beatriz and learn more about her life in the link below..
22.01.2022 Ellie aka Deafie Blogger is someone who knows what living life navigating hurdles is like, and is using her passion about deaf awareness and campaigning for deaf rights, to encourage others not to let deafness stand in the way of achieving their goals. Read Ellie’s story here: [LINK] Image description: a photo of Ellie, a young lady with fair skin and light blonde straight hair which is out and over her shoulders. Ellie has smiling blue eyes and is grinning at the camera. The photo is cropped just below her shoulders and she wears a red top and a silver neck chain. In the background is out of focus grass in front of two red brick double story apartment blocks or large houses.
22.01.2022 As someone who sustained a disability at a young age, I struggled in the early years to feel confident in who I was and how I looked. It felt like I never saw anyone who looked or lived like me represented in any form of mainstream media or arts. How refreshing it is today to see many people with disability creating a space for themselves and being visible publicly without apology for who they are and how they present in so many public domains. One person who also grew up disability in a small town like me, (in fact in the very same town as I grew up in!) and who has created a space and a name for herself in the public domain and the arts, is Kate Mulvany. Kate was born with renal cancer and the resulting journey through treatment, and recovery left Kate with a permanent disability, although not always visible to others, it is something that she has learnt to embrace and gain strength from while pursuing her passion for acting and performing art. I am reminded again of the importance of being able to see ourselves in all our diversity, reflected back to us as we navigate our place in the world. Reminded of how powerful representation can be in finding your own voice, embracing all that we are, and taking power from claiming that which makes us different in this latest Platform story. Read more about Kate, a woman with disability, an internationally renowned actor, artist, and playwright in our latest Platform story at the link below. I hope you enjoy it. Chris Image description: a photograph of Kate mid-performance, sitting on a stage, one leg folder in front of her, the other bent in front of her, knee at chest height. Kate is frowning, looking contemplative, her eye gaze reaching slightly above the viewer. Her skin is fair, her brows and eyes are dark, her lips are a dark blush and slightly parted. Her hair is dark at the roots and blonde on the ends, the side is a close shave but a scruffy long blonde fringe falls over her forehead. Kate wears a long sleeve white collared shirt, under what could be a black vest and black trousers, with shiny black pointed shoes. She loosely holds the hilt of a sword in her right hand, the blade lays on the ground pointing to our right. A golden crowns lays on its side right by her left hand. The stage is clear of anything else and the backdrop is black.
18.01.2022 I’ve always had the belief that you can either sink or swim and I chose to swim. - Fiona Donaldson #DisabilityAdvocate #DisabilityAwareness #PlatformStories #GirlPower #WomenSupportingWomen #YogaInspiration #WomenInspiringWomen Image Description: A photo of Fiona Donaldson over a mauve background with a dark purple trim at the bottom of the image; There is also white text over the purple trim. the White text is typed in a font similar to handwriting, it reads as follows... "I’ve always had the belief that you can either sink or swim and I chose to swim. - Fiona Donaldson". The dark purple trim takes up nearly half the image and some of the edges are obscured by the photo of Fiona. The background is a light pink to mauve colour and has no pattern. The photo of Fiona is overlayed on top of the background and trim, Fiona, a light skinned woman is smiling at the camera while seated in the bushes near a river. Fiona has her brown hair out and laying on her left shoulder, she is wearing red lipstick, a yellow dress with wide straps on her shoulders and no pattern on it, Fiona's left hand is rested on her knee her right hand and legs are out of view of the photo. Behind Fiona is a large body of water with the sun glistening over it and some grass and plants nearby while the branch of a tree is in the left corner of the photo. See more
17.01.2022 It's here ... the big reveal.. I hope you love the new name, the new look and the new focus as much as I do! This site may have a new name, but the core will remain I will continue to share stories to uplift, connect and inspire. And I hope that you will join me PLATFORM... RAISING WOMEN WITH DISABILITIES UP THROUGH SHARED STORIES ... I would love you to read more - at the link below
17.01.2022 Something simple to end off this beautiful weekend we have had here in Geraldton WA. How did you spend it? here is the view out to Chapman Valley, from Phyl via Love Geraldton
16.01.2022 For International Day of People with Disability I hosted today's @abcmidwestwa morning program! I had a fantastic time talking with some fabulous individuals with disabilities leading some Interesting lives. #InternationalDayOfPeopleWithDisability #RadioHost #InterestingLives #DisabilityAwareness
16.01.2022 Sometimes living with disability can feel isolating and like an uphill battle. I have been able to find support and solidarity from many who live with disabilities of all types, and find mutual trust and friendship among people who look and live like I do. Id love you to take the time to read the latest Platform Stories, and meet Brooke, who shared her story with us of living with one of the rarest most disabling genetic conditions known to medicine. In a world teeming wit...h so many people, there are only 19 people living with FOP in Australia. Read Brooke's story in the link below ID A head and shoulders photo of Brooke, a light skinned young woman. Brooke is wearing a brown-green khaki puffer jacket which has the collar perched up forming a wide ring around her neck, the silver zipper is pulled up to the base of her neck while the buttoned piece of fabric for the collar is unfastened and is resting on her right side. She is standing in front of a field of orange and purple flowers, the background is dominated by green trees with dark brown trunks. Brooke has her brown hair pulled back with a fringe of hair framing the right side of her face, and is smiling at the camera while slightly looking down as she appears to be in mid step.
15.01.2022 Yesterday, for International Women’s Day 2021, we saw so many amazing women celebrated, as they should be everyday. Today we’d like to continue celebrating those unsung women with disabilities, who are often given no choice but to challenge the status quo, and do extraordinary things with their lives As a wheelchair user much of my life has been spent working to educate and advocate for greater access and inclusion to help our community have the tools and the knowledge t...o be more welcoming and value the diversity of all of us. The solutions to access are often simple and easily implemented, they just require some meaningful conversations, willingness, and sometimes creativity. I felt a sense of joy and it made me smile, when I learned about the way in which one woman is changing her community and that of others around the world. Rita Ebel ( Die Lego-Oma Rita Ebel ) uses an iconic toy brand as a low-tech solution to solving access issues. Meet Rita, known internationally as the Lego Granma who is changing her world, one LEGO block at a time! Read her story here [LINK] #IWD2021 #ChooseToChallenge #LEGO #ChangeTheWorld #IAmAble #Wheelchair #Accessibility #PlatformStories #LegoRamp Image description: Rita smiles at the camera from her wheelchair, stopped on an angle outside a toy store, next to some colourful ramps she has built to enable those with wheels to get inside the store, up the step. Rita has a sunny complexion, blonde hair cropped short with a slight side fringe, wears glasses and a wide smile on her dark lips. She wears a black T-shirt and a light purple vest under a grey jacket zipped up half way, with a hot pink scarf doubled around her neck. She has tight charcoal coloured pants on and light grey sneakers with light purple laces.
11.01.2022 Wishing all the Dads out there a great day Happy Father’s Day to you all!
11.01.2022 One of our Platform story tellers Reveca Torres has been awarded the Neilson visionary prize!! The Craig H. Neilsen Foundation awarded its inaugural $1 million Craig H. Neilsen Visionary prize to SCI community leaders Reveca Torres, Andrea Dalzell and Dr. Brian Kwon, a spinal cord researcher in Vancouver, Canada. Torres is the founder of the Backbones, a nonprofit that serves the spinal cord injury community. She is also a board member of United Spinal Association, New M...obility’s 2016 Person of the Year, and is one of three to share this years prize. We are so very proud of a Reveca and the wonderful advocacy work she undertakes and barriers she continues to push on behalf of people with spinal cord injury. [LINK]
07.01.2022 "People assume because I look different, I’m not intelligent, not capable, not worthy of the things I’ve worked hard in life to achieve." -Hannah Setzer #iamable #PlatformStories #IAmAble #Leisure #DisabilityAwareness #WomenSupportingWomen #relaxing #evergreen image description: a photo of Hannah Setzer is centred over a background of circles, with the platform logo, and a green graphic rectangle with a torn top edge at the bottom of the image, with the quote from Hannah he...rself in a font similar to handwriting. The photo of Hannah depicts her lying down on an inflatable pink flamingo floating in the swimming pool. Hannah, a light skinned woman, lays on the flamingo facing the sky with her head at the tail and her legs on either side of the floating flamingo's neck. She is wearing dark sunglasses over her eyes, a red bikini top with a slight floral pattern on it, and a pair of black swimming bottoms that reach her navel. The big pink flamingo has inflatable wings attached to each side, meanwhile the middle part is slightly lower so as to fit a person. The edge of the pool is a light beige colour while the water is crystal blue. The Platform logo is placed at the top of the graphic with some overlap with the photo of Hannah. The logo is written in a straight font with the letter 'O' having a purple tint to it and has a swirl coming out the top of it; the logo reads as " Platform: raising women with disabilities up through shared stories.". Misshapen circular shapes occupy the background, they range from light blue to a darker purple colour and a scattered across the white background. The green graphic covers the bottom quarter of the image and is underneath Hannah's quote. Hannah's words read as follows, "People assume because I look different, I’m not intelligent, not capable, not worthy of the things I’ve worked hard in life to achieve.". See more
07.01.2022 Now is your last chance to apply for Women With Disabilities Australia (WWDA)‘s #WWDALeadScholarships! Are you a disabled woman who wants to build your leadership skills? APPLY NOW. Please spread the word, share the opportunity far and wide! All the info you need to apply, including Easy English translations, are available here: [LINK]
04.01.2022 Are you interested in sharing your story with us at Platform Stories? Maybe you know someone else who has a Platform story to share or maybe you just want to share what you think. Go for it - We’d love to hear from you! PM us or use the link below ... [LINK]
04.01.2022 Did you know we are on Insta too? Come say g'day @PlatformStories [LINK] Image description: six tiles on a white background, each showing a different image from the Platform Stories Instagram profile. From left to right, top to bottom; a dark skinned woman holding a sign against a colourful background, a fair skinned lady sitting in a pod swing in front of a Javanese landscape, a black and white close up on a fair skinned lady we...aring sunglasses and holding her fingers in a peace sign, a black and white image of a fair skinned lady in a white lab coat leaning over and hugging her large screen/machine, the Platform Stories logo - a stylised black and purple wheelchair icon on a faint purple circle background, a fair skinned woman using a wheelchair on a steel platform on the outside of a breast-screening truck with pink and purple silhouettes on it. See more
04.01.2022 Let’s kick off the week with a bang and take a leaf out of Meg’s book - what are you going to kick ass at this week? F people who think you’re not good enough!!!!. You are amazing and you can do anything you put your mind to! Find out more about Meg [LINK] ... Image description: Meg, a young Caucasian lady sits in a white, rounded, hanging pod swing seat, smiling at the camera. Her light brown hair is tied back in a messy bun. The pod hangs in the air on the left of the image and is mesh like, therefore see-through and adorned with sunflowers and greenery at the top. Meg is wearing a white visor a thin white blouse with sleeves rolled up, unbuttoned and tied at her waist. Underneath she wears a horizontally striped dark purple and pale pink straight dress. There is a silver triangular shaped pendant hanging from her neck. Her feet dangle above the ground, ankles crossed, she wears a dark anklet on her left leg, just above a small black tattoo. Behind Meg is a blue sky with scattered light clouds, a tree line and parkland in front of eight various sized Prambanan Temple spire silhouettes. The leaves of a closer tree can be seen to the right of the image.
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