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Platinum Education South Wentworthville in Wentworthville, New South Wales, Australia | Childcare service

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Platinum Education South Wentworthville

Locality: Wentworthville, New South Wales, Australia

Phone: +61 2 9633 5440

Address: 46 Frances Street 2145 Wentworthville, NSW, Australia


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22.01.2022 We are very proud to share our great news.... Platinum Education South Wentworthville have been Independently assessed by the department of education and have been rated as overall EXCEEDING the national quality standards. Thank you to our amazing team for all your hard work and dedication to our little Centre and being wonderful early childhood professionals! ... Also a massive thank you to all of our families and community for your ongoing support! This is the moment our team found out!!! #exceedingnqs #platinumed #southwentworthville

15.01.2022 Book week; we have been sharing so many amazing stories this week with our friends at platinum education. Did you know? Children who read for just 20 minutes per day see 1.8 million words each year and have scores on standardised tests in the 90th percentile (because they have experienced so many words!). Compare this with the child who is reading for just 1 minute per day, they only see 8000 words each year and have scores in the 10th percentile on standardised tests. It ma...y feel hard to find 20 minutes each day to read with your child, but the cost of not doing this is far too great. A small amount of reading each day makes an incredible difference! (Nagy and Herman, 1987) Here is our wonderful miss Natalie sharing one of our favourites the magic in you What are some of your favs at home?

13.01.2022 We are now accepting enrolments for 2021! If you think all child care centres are the same! Think again! Many families make the mistake of choosing a centre out of convenience and it can have some long term consequences for your child! if something doesn't feel right, then chances are its probably not! ... At Platinum Education we are a small family owned and operated service, and take pride in the individual relationships with build with every one of our families. We truly get to know each individual child and become part of the family! We welcome you to come and experience our unique approach to early education. See what some of our families have to say by looking us up on google For more information about our service please visit our website or phone our centre on 96335440 to book a private twilight tour!

13.01.2022 Bush Kindy A unique approach to connecting children with nature. The beautiful thing about life, is that we will never reach an age where there is nothing left to learn, see or be: it’s magical really Dulce Ruby Each of our team members sets individual goals, this helps us to ensure that we are always continually up to date with current perspectives, learning something new and taking action to ensure that we are implementing the best quality practice for all of our chi...ldren and families. Miss Ashlee is our sustainability officer here at Platinum Education, as part of her goals she wanted to learn more about embedding indigenous perspectives and children connecting with nature. On Tuesday Ashlee was lucky to be invited along by Cumberland Council to experience her first lesson in Bush Kindy. Nestled in the Central Gardens of Merrylands, she joined fellow early childhood professionals, this is her account of what she learnt and what she is going to put into action at our service. Within the first few minutes, I scurried off to choose my leaf which would be my name tag for the 2-hour session. We began the session by acknowledging the aboriginal and TSL people of the land. For the first activity we gathered into a small and collected what we could find and began to create our own story sticks. We wrapped twine around our sticks as I then pushed in flowers (wild and native) leaves, gumnuts and a few cockatoo feathers into the sides of my stick. We use the earth and what was around us to recreate stories. We then used our nature hunt picture boards to search for all the items in nature. And then to finish off we participated in a calming session, where we sat in a nice safe place and just listened to all the sounds of nature around us. Bush Kindy offered calming, meditation like play to allow children to use all their senses to connect to the natural environment. Bush Kindy offered calming, meditation like play to allow children to use all their senses to connect to the natural environment. Helping to shape creative mindsets in a curious and unique way by enriching sensory play whilst still following the interests of the child. At Platinum Education we find the children continually show an interest in the sounds and sights of native Australian birds as they play outside, by continually bringing our attention back to nature it allows us to be mindful in the moment and take in everything around us to continue to connect with the outdoor world. At Platinum Ed the children thrive on being outside. This experience offered some ideas and unique approaches for group experiences we can use to extend the children’s play and add an element of storytelling linking it back to the importance of the Indigenous history of Australia and culture. Thank you so much to Cumberland Council for hosting this event!

13.01.2022 Sleep is one of the biggest frustrations we hear from so many families. Studies reveal that "Less than 6 hours sleep in a single night is acute deprivation and chronic deprivation occurs when lack of sleep is prolonged or persists for many nights, leading to continuing or worsening impairment as time goes on having potential long term effects. Our first video of our 10mins @ 10am series covers 3 tips for sleep training;... 1. #Routine 2. #Consistency 3. #Persistence If sleeping is an issue for you and your family we recommend listening to this video to take action towards getting a great night sleep so that our entire household can function as the best humans we can! If you have any tips with what has worked for you and your family we would love to hear from you in the comments below. We encourage you to share this video with someone you think it might help. Until Next time, Thank you all for watching and remember to keep making every moment count! #platinumeducation #makeeverymomentcount #slayingsleep #goodnightsleep

11.01.2022 A bit of #fridayfun Apparently children can solve this in less than 20 seconds. But adults struggle with it: What is the number under the parked car? ... #ilovepuzzles

11.01.2022 Episode 2: 10mins @ 10am - The Ritual of Meal Times: In a recent block episode of The Block there was a controversial decision as one of the contestants choose not to include a dining table in their living area as they felt it was "outdated" and nobody used them anymore. We believe that meal times play an important role in building relationships, coming together as a family and to have important conversations.... I want to introduce you to creating a ritual around meal times in your home. 1. How to involve your child in meal times 2. Questions to add to your no distraction dinner time ritual 3. Developing agreements around dinner time We encourage you to share this video with someone you think it might help, or simply to start a conversation. Until next time, thank you all for watching and remember to keep "making every moment count!"

09.01.2022 One of my friends shared this post! Hopefully it will help a few of our Mummy friends of school aged children. Did you know you can use your creative kids voucher to order art packs. They are awesome and free! We got ours from; My sister got hers from Great Xmas gift too and free!

09.01.2022 I was talking to a family about this the other day and thought I would share the story! You know the times in life when you are just trying to juggle way too much, and when your in these times, it can feel at any moment everything could come crashing down. As human beings we go through seasons, some seasons, you feel like you have it all under control, but others, perhaps not. ... What if, instead of feeling on edge, we just gave ourselves permission to let some of our balls fall, give ourselves a break and focus on what matters most. This is the story that some of the balls we are juggling are made of rubber and some are made of glass. If we drop some for a short period, they will bounce back once we pick them up again, but if we drop the glass balls, they could have long term effects. So next time you are having one of those moments, maybe consider, which of your balls are made of glass? And which ones will bounce back if you let them go for a bit! Putting your priorities first is not selfish it’s essential!

05.01.2022 How much fun is halloween!!! Today our friends loved dressing up and participating in some Halloween themed activities. We had slime, face painting, and cupcake decorating! There is a child in everyone of us who is still a tricker-or-treater looking for a brightly lit front porch... Can’t wait for our next dress up!

03.01.2022 Dear family and friends, Wishing you... A great start on MONDAY No obstacle for TUESDAY ... No stress on WEDNESDAY No troubles for THURSDAY Many smiles for FRIDAY A relaxing SATURDAY And a beautiful SUNDAY Have a blessed new week! Pass it on to someone else who needs it this week! Xx

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