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Platinum Horse Therapies in Berwick, Victoria | Spa

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Platinum Horse Therapies

Locality: Berwick, Victoria

Phone: +61 401 279 361

Address: Berwick 3806 Berwick, VIC, Australia


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25.01.2022 Helping clients is not just about the therapy session itself. It is also about giving the owner knowledge on how they can get the best out of their horse and things they can work on in their own time. I have various handouts that my clients receive depending on what things are going to be required in between my visits. I am also just a phone call away :) and regularly discuss rehab and fitness plans with my clients.

25.01.2022 This popped up in my news feed so I thought Id share. I often talk to clients about doing pole work, and this has a few great ideas. Only four poles needed. Pole work has so many benefits for our horses. Most horses would see the benefits if even one session a week was included in their training. Fitness, flexion, suppleness, strength and many more benefits with pole work.

25.01.2022 I am possibly doing a run up to Yarra Junction on Thursday afternoon/evening. Is there anyone in that region that needs therapy on their horse done ?

24.01.2022 A good photo to show how a saddle could affect a horse if it doesnt fit correctly.

24.01.2022 Very useful information - "Lunging. While lunging on a short rein is hard on a horses back and sacro-iliac joints and is very likely to cause more harm than good, lunging on a long rein (15-20m radius) can be very valuable. In addition jump poles placed at stride and a bit intervals (say 1.2m) over a 1/4 of the circle can aid in getting the horse to stretch out better and thus be useful in regaining full use of the back and sacro-iliac joints after their mobility has been fr...eed up. Start with ten minutes on each rein 3 times a week for 2 weeks & then increase to 4 times a week & 20min each rein. After a further 2 weeks lift poles onto flat bricks. Once back strength is good reduce to five minute warm up. Lunging at a canter is particularly good for building up the back muscles. (Though only if done on big circles.)" Dr Ian Bidstrup, BVSc(Hons) MACVSc(Equine Medicine). See more

23.01.2022 Bodywork is just as important as correct training for our horses. Also really knowing your horses every bump and dip etc will help you pick up an irregularity straight away.

23.01.2022 Today I went to Andrew Bowes trimming clinic and had an amazing day! Was fascinating having a close up look at the inside of a hoof and leg, and how the lower leg and hoof all functions. Definitely worth doing if you ever get the chance.

23.01.2022 This page Horsephysio has fantastic videos with pole work and grids.

23.01.2022 I checked out an out of work clydie cross mare the other day and the owner was nice enough to take some photos :)

23.01.2022 Muscle accounts for more than 60% of body weight in most athletic breeds of horse. So it is no surprise that our horses muscles affect everything our horses do, from grazing in the paddock, having a buck and a play in the paddock, to competing, trail riding, training, jumping, and even doing simple things like holding a foot up for the farrier. If you are sensing something might not be right with your horse, or if you just want a session on your horse for ongoing maintenance, give me a call on 0401 279 361 :) I check over the horse from nose to tail, and do massage, redlight therapy, microcurrent therapy, rehabilitation, and more. Located in Berwick, but travelling all over Melbourne.

22.01.2022 With only 6 more days of work for me until my Christmas break, I would like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year ! I will be travelling interstate for some of the break, but I am always contable on my mobile, and will be checking in here as well. Hope you all have a great break and heres to a fabulous 2016 !

20.01.2022 Do you need a little extra help with your "Off The Track horse" ? Or you need some training ideas for your "Out of work, or Green Horse" ? I have written two ebooks and they are available for $10 each ! To purchase these books go to -...

20.01.2022 My sponsored rider Leesa Clausing with Willtony Galaxy & Willtony Garnett. Doing an awesome job at Tonimbuk. Its lovely seeing how well the horses I work on are doing :)

18.01.2022 Something that every horse owner should familiarize themselves with.

18.01.2022 Very excited to annouce TWO new sponsored riders for Platinum Horse Therapies. I just couldn't leave one out, so I decided to sponsor both fantastic riders :) Libbie Rogers with her wealth of knowledge and passion for everything equine, and Georgia Salmon with her bubbly personality and dedication, are two brilliant people I am excited to have on board. Looking forward to many successes ! :) #teamplatinum

18.01.2022 Platinum Horse Therapies sponsored rider Leesa Clausing doing well again this weekend. Riding Willtony Garnett and Willtony Galaxy at Yeringberg Horse Trials. Well done !

18.01.2022 Here is an essay I wrote as part of my studies. It will help to clarify the use of red light therapy and how it benefits your horse.

17.01.2022 ~ MUSCLE TENSION ~ Is something just not right with your horse ? As an owner, you know your horse better than anyone ! There are so many things that can affect our horses and it is good to get a professional to check out your concerns. Whether you have a fit eventing horse, or a trail/pleasure horse ridden on the weekends, there are always things we can look at to improve the performance and health of our equine mates.... Injury, lack of rehabilitation plan after injury or time off, insufficient warm up or cool down and equipment, are just some of the things that can create muscle tension in the horse. I am a qualified Equine Sports Therapist and look at all aspects of the horse from nose to tail ! Then using various therapy techniques I can help your horse. Phone 0401 279 361 to make a booking and your horse will thank you for it :) Servicing most areas of Melbourne. See more

17.01.2022 Lovely seeing these messages :) So pleased :)

17.01.2022 Is something just not right with your horse ? As an owner, you know your horse better than anyone ! There are so many things that can affect our horses and it is good to get a professional to check out your concerns. Whether you have a fit eventing horse, or a trail/pleasure horse ridden on the weekends, there are always things we can look at to improve performance and health of our equine mates. I am a qualified Equine Sports Therapist and look at all aspects of the horse nose to tail ! Phone 0401 279 361 to make a booking and your horse with thank you for it :) See more

17.01.2022 Its competition time ! :) To thank clients for their support and to show others how I can assist their horse, I am running a very exciting competition ! "Like" Platinum Horse Therapies facebook page, and "Share" this pic to go into the draw to win one therapy session for free ! Worth $50. **Competition is open to horse owners within a 30km distance from Berwick 3806. Name will be drawn on 31st Aug at 4pm. Get liking and sharing ! :)

16.01.2022 Still a few things to upload, but happy to say Platinum Horse Therapies now has a website :)

16.01.2022 A good article. Definitely "food" for thought. Grass issues have affected both my horses differently. A good idea to look into this and change feed, and supplement accordingly if necessary....

13.01.2022 So nice getting great feedback on my fitness/training books :) "Hi Shelley My books arrived!!! I am really pleased with them. They will be great for bringing my horses back into work and also for my daughter to read. She will be easily able to understand what she needs to do and the hard copy is always in easy reach for reference. ... Look forward to series 3&4" - Nicole. Books can be mailed out, or purchased online from here -

12.01.2022 I am gearing up for a big weekend in the trade village at TTT SJ ! I will be offering therapy sessions at a very discounted rate for TTT competitors ! Come and say hi :)

12.01.2022 Great little graphics to show the different stretches. Stretching is so important for all horses.

12.01.2022 Some exciting stuff planned :) Will be launching something new in a few weeks time !

11.01.2022 This popped up in my news feed so I thought I'd share. I often talk to clients about doing pole work, and this has a few great ideas. Only four poles needed. Pole work has so many benefits for our horses. Most horses would see the benefits if even one session a week was included in their training. Fitness, flexion, suppleness, strength and many more benefits with pole work.

11.01.2022 *****Drum Roll***** Melissa Foster won our free therapy session! Congratulations Melissa, I look forward to seeing you and Cherry next week :)

09.01.2022 How to palpate a horse correctly. As we would expect, the spinal cord, vertebrae, muscles, and everything else that runs along the horses back, is a place that is quite frequently sore from a saddle and a human sitting up there. As owners/riders it is up to us to monitor our horses well being all the time, to make sure there are no issues that are causing pain. Running fingers along the back of the horse, straight along, from wither to bum, does not give a true indication of ...pain. As most horses will react with someone running their fingers along their spine. It is a sensitive area. A much better way to get a true indication, is to push along with your thumb in a zig zag pattern as shown in the diagram attached. The other spots that are also good indicators of pain are the shoulder, point of hip, and sacro region. These are just the basics a horse owner should check. When I do therapy on a horse, I do a full evaluation, and a complete check of the horse from nose to tail. :) Phone - 0401 279 361 to secure an appointment. See more

08.01.2022 Bodywork is just as important as correct training for our horses. Also really knowing your horse's every bump and dip etc will help you pick up an irregularity straight away.

08.01.2022 Sponsored rider Libbie Rogers (and King Oli) attending the Peter De Cosemo clinics at the Stables. I was lucky enough to watch for an hour and absolutely loved listening to Peter and to watch Libbie ride.

08.01.2022 Very excited to annouce TWO new sponsored riders for Platinum Horse Therapies. I just couldnt leave one out, so I decided to sponsor both fantastic riders :) Libbie Rogers with her wealth of knowledge and passion for everything equine, and Georgia Salmon with her bubbly personality and dedication, are two brilliant people I am excited to have on board. Looking forward to many successes ! :) #teamplatinum

07.01.2022 Do you want to compete, but need help ? I am your gal ! Platinum Horse Therapies is launching a new service - The HORSE Personal Assistant ! I have been a Personal Assistant in the corporate world for nearly 15 years.... What am I good at ? Organising ! What is my passion ? Horses ! What you are getting is an experienced PA that also has passion and experience in everything equine to assist you at competitions. And I am a qualified equine sports therapist as well. Whether it be calling your test for you, saddling up, un-tacking, accompanying you to the competition, being a gofer for numbers and times, tending to the horse with therapy, or even creating a running schedule for the day, I am with you to help ! Contact me for availabilities and prices on 0401 279 361. See more

06.01.2022 A good photo to show how a saddle could affect a horse if it doesn't fit correctly.

04.01.2022 Hope everyone has had an awesome Christmas and New Year. I am back from holidays and back into it this Friday 9th. I will be down in the Bunyip/Drouin/Warragul/Yarragon area. So if anyone needs therapy done on their horse please let me know ! :)

04.01.2022 Qualified and professional Equine Sports Therapist. Covering most of Victoria, but located in Berwick. Why employ me ? I have worked in the corporate world for many years, but always had a passion for everything equine. After being constantly frustrated with unreliable and unprofessional people working on my horses, I studied EST and am servicing clients with the professionalism, quality and reliability that I expect myself. Some of the things I can help your horse with - ... Massage, micro-current therapy, red-light therapy, rehabilitation, injuries, general saddle check, bringing horse back into work plans and more. $50 per appointment, plus travel cost if not local. Ph - 0401 279 361 to discuss your requirements See more

01.01.2022 Information on animal/equine chiropractors. AVCA (Australian Veterinary Chiropractic Association) membership only comprises Australian university qualified Animal Chiropractic professionals, with degrees in Chiropractic, Osteopathy or Veterinary Medicine at least, followed by a Graduate Diploma in Animal Chiropractic, or the Master of Chiropractic Science (Animal Chiropractic). The general public is becoming far less tolerant of "self-trained" individuals, providing a variety... of services, purporting to be something they are not, with a very shallow understanding of what they are doing. This is both misleading and potentially dangerous. As with most professional associations, the AVCA was formed with this in mind, with the aim of safeguarding those utilising the Animal Chiropractic services of its members, ensuring clients will only be receiving the highest standard of quality care and training, by accountable practitioners.

01.01.2022 Available for Club Days. Qualified and Professional Equine Sports Therapist located in Berwick. Massage, red light therapy, micro-current therapy, rehab and more. $50 per horse. Require a minimum of 3 horses booked in for Club Days, and travel charge will be free. If we get 5 horses booked in, I can offer the club a free session (voucher) that they can either raffle off, or use any way they like. Owners that bring two horses, can have the 2nd horse half price. Ph: 0401 279 361 to discuss your clubs requirements :)

01.01.2022 Very excited to announce I have two ebooks that can now be purchased! :) I had an overwhelming response to the recent pole work diagram I posted, so I have created two ebooks with even more information and diagrams. Series 1 is for rehabilitating the out of work or off the track horse. It has information and rehab exercises.... And Series 2 is for the green horse, to improve balance and increase strength and muscle. It also has information and exercises. You can purchase both ebooks online for the introductory price of $10 each. If you cannot purchase online, hard copies can be mailed out with additional charge for postage. I have more ebooks coming as well, so stay tuned :)

01.01.2022 Located in Berwick, servicing clients all over Melbourne.

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