Platinum Training Academy in Kingsgrove, New South Wales, Australia | Alternative & holistic health service
Platinum Training Academy
Locality: Kingsgrove, New South Wales, Australia
Phone: +61 432 738 649
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23.01.2022 COMPETITION PREP - Alex Kassis It’s all well and good if you want to compete in a physique competition. I find that it’s a great challenge for all people and an amazing accomplishment. ... However, you need to ask yourself Are you ready, mentally? I say this because a lot of people don’t realise the time, dedication, sacrifice and financial burden competing encompasses. I’m not trying to deter anyone from doing it because of these factors. These factors have taught me a lot about my life and about the way I perceive many things. In saying this, make sure you are mentally ready to tackle all things that come with wanting to compete. The final result is always worth it, but achieving that finished product requires a lot of patience, discipline and consistency. Before registering yourself in a competition, create a form of balance within your lifestyle. Learn to organise your daily and weekly schedule. Get into the habit of meal prepping and sticking to a plan. Understand time management, and, most of all, enjoy the process. If you can master these skills, then you’re going to love preparing for and competing in any physique competition. @highlight_photography_aus See more
22.01.2022 REVIEW & ASSESS - Anthony Kassis Instagram has become nothing but a highlight reel of everyone’s training. ... Yes, I’ll put my hand up here. Guilty as charged. However, there’s a difference between showing off and educating yourself/your audience. Filming your sets will allow you to analyse exactly what’s going on with your movement and ensure that things are moving the way that they should be. Don’t ever underestimate the importance of stopping and watching how you move a barbell, and breaking it down to ensure you always maintain correct movement patterns. @highlight_photography_aus See more
21.01.2022 HIGHLIGHT PICTURES, THE MARKETING BAR & ME - Alex Kassis In this day and age, the fitness industry has become complex in relation to marketing your brand and culture. ... There are so many coaches out there that it’s hard for the everyday person to choose who they want to work with. If 2020 has blessed with me with anything in terms of my line of work, it was the opportunity to work with two amazing companies, Highlight Pictures and The Marketing Bar. I have always been the type to give credit where credit is due, and I wouldn’t be at the level that I am at now if it wasn’t for these two companies working alongside me to create the best content possible and market my brand. I am forever appreciative for their hard work and consistency in delivering an outstanding service, and I am excited to see where 2021 will take us. @highlight_photography_aus See more
20.01.2022 PERSONAL TRAINERS & TOUGH LOVE - Katrina Mihalopoulos PTA; a home away from home. ... The thing that makes a house a home are the people inside. The unconditional love that oozes out of it. The forgiveness when you stumble, the shoulder when you need someone to lean on, and the helping hand when you need some guidance. That is the difference between a gym and PTA; we put the person in personal training because we care about you. You as the individual with an individual journey who needs individual care. But just as a home has a parent or an elder sibling to provide all of the soft kindness that you need, they also have the hard hand to knock you out of your excuses and missteps. They care about you, they are invested, and when you stumble and cheat yourself out of what you deserve, they will call you out on it. So, when we call you out on your behaviour, know that we can’t care about you and celebrate your successes to the extent we do without also calling you out when you are in the wrong. True care goes both ways. We care on a personal level and we only want the best for you. @highlight_photography_aus See more
20.01.2022 HERO WEEK - Anthony Kassis Heroes are those who make a difference. Individuals who have a positive influence on others, and legends we look up to. ... This week, we pay homage to our heroes. We recognise the people who have shaped our lives in some way, shape or form. So, PTA poses a challenge to all of you - do something, anything, to make someone else’s life a little better. Whether it be performing a small gesture or sharing a kind comment; take some time to make a difference. Strive for greatness. Be a hero. @highlight_photography_aus See more
19.01.2022 WONDER WOMAN WORKOUTS - Katherine Messinis When it comes to building a Wonder Woman body, think strong, lean and feminine. ... To achieve this look, your training should include strength training, high intensity interval training and cardio. To sculpt lean muscle, especially in the lower body, your workouts should include both heavy and lower repetition compound exercises, as well as a phase that focuses on lighter weight, but a higher volume of reps. In order to shed body fat, high intensity interval training that includes jumps and burpees, as well as low intensity cardio will help you lean out. Finally, your nutrition and hydration must be on point to support this kind of training and the recovery needed to build a Wonder Woman body. It’s no secret that Gal Gadot trained her butt off for her role in the latest Wonder Woman film, and she looks incredible, so be prepared to put in the hard work and you will see great results. @highlight_photography_aus See more
18.01.2022 IT’S TIME TO MOVE FORWARD - Anthony Kassis Your life will remain on autopilot until you take control of the wheel. ... Don’t let time pass you by only to regret not ever doing enough. Use your downtime to reflect on the year that was. Consider the things that you did well, and be proud. Then think of the things that you didn’t do so well, and about the changes that need to be made for you to become the person you want to be. Let go of any unwanted baggage and begin to move forward. The only weights you need to carry are the ones that will make you stronger. @highlight_photography_aus See more
18.01.2022 THE TREADMILL - Alex Kassis The treadmill is a great exercise device for an aerobic workout because of the walking and running that it encourages. The treadmill, as a result, raises one’s pulse rate, breathing rate and heartbeat. Most of the fitness treadmills on the marketplace feature something called a cardio mode, which is a mode that sets a target heart rate. The treadmill then controls the speed automatically until an individual reaches the so-called heart rate ste...ady state. For bigger or heavier persons, such as athletes, treadmills are also available in greater sizes. The treadmill is not an old invention, but in its 150+ year history, it has been used for a broad range of applications. It was originally intended to be used in prisons to punish inmates in the 19th century. Then, as time went on, the treadmill adapted to more widely beneficial uses for the greater public. It was used as a medical and fitness device that people could use right from their own home to stay in shape. When looking to maintain high physical activity levels, the treadmill is a great machine to help with just that. It allows an individual to continue to walk/run regardless of the weather outside, or reach their step count from the comfort of their own home. @highlight_photography_aus See more
17.01.2022 LOADED - Alex Kassis Concentrate all your thoughts upon the work in hand. The sun's rays do not burn until brought to a focus - Alexander Graham Bell ... Your mind is a weapon. Keep it loaded. @highlight_photography_aus See more
16.01.2022 GOAL SETTING & YOU - Anthony Kassis What’s your goal? ... What do you want to look like in 3 months? What numbers do you want to be lifting in 6 months? How hard are you willing to work to get there? Are you willing to sacrifice the things you want for the things you need? Are you ok with staying consistent even when you can’t be bothered doing so? What is it about your goal that makes it so important to you? Ask yourself all of these questions (and more), so that you really understand the work that’s involved, the changes that need to be made, and the discipline you need to show. Don’t stress. Be passionate in your pursuit. Enjoy the process. Let’s get it. @highlight_photography_aus See more
16.01.2022 MY HERO - Katherine Messinis My Hero is Arnold Schwarzenegger. He has the mindset of a champion, unwavering self-belief and a work ethic that can inspire anyone, regardless of whether you are a fan or not. ... Born into a poor and very strict family in a small Austrian town, Arnold began planning his bodybuilding career from the age of 14. He didn’t just want to be a bodybuilder; he wanted to be the greatest bodybuilder in the world. Even at that young age, his attitude, mindset and discipline towards his life, training, and the goals he set for himself was incredible. Every limitation faced, he challenged himself and tried numerous options until he succeeded. One of his greatest attributes is that he never accepted that he couldn’t do something. He would find a way to do it, and then do it even better. He said, No matter what, I had to prove to myself that I’m extraordinary. There is no normal. That attitude is what has paved his life from becoming a champion bodybuilder, to one of the world’s biggest movie stars, and then Governor of California. Arnold’s six rules for Success are: 1. Trust yourself 2. Break some rules 3. Don’t be afraid to fail 4. Ignore the naysayers 5. Work like hell 6. Give something back @highlight_photography_aus See more
14.01.2022 LEG PRESS - Katherine Messinis The leg press is a great exercise for building muscle mass in the lower body, in particular the quadriceps. It allows you to load the hip and the knee joint together with heavier weight, and without placing stress on the lower back and core. ... A great addition to any lower body workout, the leg press is suited to higher volume phases, and by varying the placement of your feet you are able to isolate different muscles of the leg. A narrower foot placement lower on the plate will target quadriceps, while a wider and higher foot placement will take the stress off the quads and activate the glutes, hamstrings and adductors. Always maintain a strong brace of your core and aim for a full range of motion with each repetition to get the best results from this exercise. @highlight_photography_aus See more
14.01.2022 FEAR OF FAILURE - Katherine Messinis One of the biggest factors when determining whether we can achieve success is the fear of failure. ... In a world where social media rules our lives, we are obsessed with success and perfectionism. The constant comparison to others can affect our own confidence and ego when it comes to accepting the inevitability of mistakes. This is something that we control ourselves internally, and, if we allow it to, it can cripple our confidence and limit our potential. Things may not always go as planned or as how you would have liked, but that doesn’t mean you have failed. Approach failure as an opportunity to learn, and embrace the potential to grow. @highlight_photography_aus See more
14.01.2022 THE PTA JUNIORS SCHOOL HOLIDAY PROGRAM IS BACK Get ready to have some fun with fitness these school holidays at Platinum Training Academy! Details are as follows:... Week 1 - Monday 28th September - Wednesday 30th September - Friday 2nd October Week 2 - Wednesday 7th October - Friday 9th October Each class costs $10 per child. Why not kill two birds with one stone? Parents can train at the same time as their kids. To book, give Anthony a call/text or shoot us a DM. See more
13.01.2022 FOCUS WILL LEAD TO YOUR DESTINATION - Anthony Kassis Stay focused and remember that when you keep putting one foot in front of the other, ensuring that you tick all of the boxes, success is inevitable. ... @highlight_photography_aus See more
13.01.2022 MY HERO - Alex Kassis I've grown up being surrounded by health and fitness through various sports. However, the one sport that always stuck with me as a kid was bodybuilding. Yes, we all know that Arnold Schwarzenegger will always be the face of the sport, but I truly believe there was one person that revolutionised bodybuilding in his own way. ... Franco Columbu will forever be one of my biggest inspirations. I believe this is because he was the strongest bodybuilder alive at one stage, and for me that is one of the biggest achievements any physique athlete can accomplish. Not only was he a bodybuilder, but he was a powerlifter, actor, producer, former boxer, and a licensed chiropractor. He was an inspiration to many people not only for his strength and size, but for all of the help he gave back to his country and his people. He was the true definition of a man and an athlete, and will forever be missed in the bodybuilding world. RIP Franco Columbu (7/08/1941 - 30/08/2019) @highlight_photography_aus See more
08.01.2022 Skill Acquisition, in my opinion, is always overlooked when training. People would rather spend less time perfecting their skill in a lift and more time throwing weight plates on the barbell that they don’t deserve to be lifting. Then they wonder why they get injured?... Learning to perfect, or get as close to, a lift is much like learning to ride a bike. Although you want to start riding fast, we always start riding with training wheels. Once you learn how to accelerate, decelerate and turn from left to right, the training wheels come off and then you slowly progress with speeding up and balancing without them. The same goes for lifting. Many of my clients are taught a regressed version of an exercise, and then as they have developed their ability to show stability and adequate strength, we slowly progress them into the more advanced movements. This is done with the intention of taking everything they have learnt from the regressed exercise, and then adding on top to continue building their skill level. That’s how we ensure progression and minimise injury. It doesn’t sound gangster, but when you end up lifting 2-3 times your body weight and can still enjoy everyday life, that’s gangster. @highlight_photography_aus See more
08.01.2022 JUMP START YOUR YEAR - Alex Kassis With 2021 around the corner, you may be thinking about the goals that you want to achieve. For the majority of people, with the way 2020 has gone, health has become such an important investment, and it may be your goal to take control of it. Below are 4 simple strategies that you can implement to help you jump start your fitness journey. ... 1. Break Down Your Goals You might start off with a broad goal, such as, Get into shape. From there, you can get more specific, making the goals measurable, and breaking the larger goals down into smaller milestone goals. Get in shape may become Walk (or run) a 5km race by the end of Winter. To help keep on track well into the year, set realistic milestone goals for each of the first six months of the year. The first month, you may aim to walk 20 minutes a day and lose 2 kilos, or set a related goal like, Try 5 new healthy recipes. 2. Write It Down Put your intention in ink so that you can clearly define your goals and track your progress. You can do this with a goal board on a white board or a small chart taped to your bathroom mirror. Make motivational post-it notes to scatter around the house, car and office to help keep your goals fresh in your mind. It will help you remember to take the stairs and make you think twice before picking up a leftover Christmas cookie. 3. Look For Tools There are so many resources to help you on your path. Whatever your goal, there is probably an app to cater. Use today’s nifty technological tools to help track your progress and keep you motivated. If you like exercise classes, but find that actually showing up is too difficult with your schedule, try an online fitness class or tune into your favourite YouTube fitness channel so that you can workout in the comfort of your home, at a time that works for you. 4. Create a Supportive Network Around You Find a community or group that is on a similar path as you. Meet and exercise with other people in your area who share your enthusiasm for fitness. Friends and family are always a great source for support and encouragement. @highlight_photography_aus See more
08.01.2022 FINDING INNER PEACE - Alex Kassis Inner peace is often associated with Buddhism, but it’s not always a religious or spiritual choice. While many find a kind of spirituality when practicing inner peace and Buddhist teachings, and while learning Buddhism certainly helps with the personal journey towards true inner peace, the ideas behind inner peace can also be just as practical, applicable to your daily life. ... Simply put, inner peace has very little to do with the things that other people would see when they look at you. Your external self doesn’t necessarily need to be influenced by the practice of inner peace; if you change externally, it is simply an active choice made after you change internally. But what exactly is inner peace? Inner peace is an internalised state of spiritual and mental peace. When the noise in your head quietens and the tangles of threads start coming apart, allowing you to see the space between your thoughts for the first time in what might seem like forever that is inner peace. Inner peace gives us the silence we need in a world of constant deafening noise. It allows us to open our eyes inside our minds and see just how cramped everything has become. With inner peace, we notice why we feel the stress and anxiety that underpins our every day, and finally clean out the messy rooms we’ve made of our minds. With so many people dealing with mental health issues, so many drowning in work, and so many moving away from traditional religiosity and spirituality, the journey to inner peace is the saving grace for millions. It is the way for us to step back from our active selves, trapped in a permanent state of distress, and calm down for a moment or more. @highlight_photography_aus See more
07.01.2022 BEING A GYM OWNER & TRAINER - Anthony Kassis Since starting my own gym, I quickly realised how important my job was when it came to providing effective training programs, safe and strong technique cues when lifting, and the right nutritional guidance. ... A big part of my job consists of explaining things like: - Why ultra low calorie diets aren’t healthy. - Why you need to ensure that technique is king. - Why 99% of the stuff you hear in the fitness industry is just noise and not fact. - Why a detox is not the way to go. - Why waist trainers are rubbish and everyone who sells or endorses them should be ignored. Consistently educating myself and my team on the ‘how’s’ and ‘why’s’ behind everything, and then watching the positive impacts it has on our clients is a big part of why I love my job so much. The more my team and I learn, the better we become as coaches and mentors for the PTA family. @highlight_photography_aus See more
06.01.2022 AVOIDING TEMPTATION - Katrina Mihalopoulos Temptations; we are bombarded with them all the time. They come to us in all areas of our lives and attempt to pull us away from our goals and what is most important to us. ... In order to stay on track and keep the temptations at bay, it is important to have a very strong ‘Why’. You need to be honest with yourself do you really want something as bad as you say, and if so, why? What is the deeper reason? Then set yourself constant visual reminders as to what it is you’re working towards, and set yourself micro goals within your bigger goal so that you can see just how far you have already come. @highlight_photography_aus See more
06.01.2022 CHRONIC STRESS & YOUR HEALTH - Anthony Kassis In addition to creating the emergency response, stress hormones also divert energy away from non-emergency functions like digestion, reproduction, and maintaining the immune system. ... Because stress hormones suppress non-emergency functions, such as maintaining the immune system, chronic stress can leave many bodily systems at risk. Constant suppression of the immune system, for example, leaves us vulnerable to infections. Additionally, to provide the body with extra energy to deal with stress, stress hormones stimulate the breakdown of stored fat into smaller fatty acids that we can use for short-term energy. These fatty acids, called triglycerides, enter the blood stream waiting to be taken up by our muscles to be used for quick energy if we need to flee a stressful situation. Earlier in time, stress probably meant running from a dangerous situation, and the free fatty acids gave our muscles energy to do this. However, we are getting these kinds of signals sent through our bodies at the same time that we’re sitting on the couch watching TV. It doesn’t make sense, does it? But unfortunately this is the majority of the human race. If we don’t use the fatty acids for energy through a physical outlet, the fatty acids remain in the blood, eventually causing high cholesterol. Therefore, it’s safe to say that chronic stress leads to high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease, especially in combination with the stress hormones’ direct effects on increasing blood pressure. Be more aware of managing your stress. It has a bigger impact than you think. @highlight_photography_aus See more
05.01.2022 MY HERO - Anthony Kassis You may be expecting me to write about a famous bodybuilder or athlete, or someone who has a big name in the fitness industry, but to be completely honest, there is no one famous or of a big name who inspires me in any way or that I look up to as my hero. ... I have always looked up to one man as my hero - my father. There is no harder worker. This man worked two jobs consisting of twenty hour days, came home to sleep two or three hours, then got up to help me get ready for school so that he could at least get a chance to see me and give me the thing that I loved to receive most from him - a hug. He’s dedicated. This man never complained about his situation. He just did what he needed to do and carried his family on his shoulders because he knew that it would all pay off. He leads by example. His example of how to carry yourself as a man in this world constantly shows me that integrity, although it sounds nice, is very hard to keep, but is always worth it in the end. My dad doesn’t train. My dad doesn’t have the best body. My dad doesn’t lift any sort of weight besides a pen and the occasional donut. But he is the toughest, most resilient man that I know. Any man can be a dad but it takes a real man to be a father. My father is, and always will be, my hero. @highlight_photography_aus See more
03.01.2022 WORK FOR THE REWARD - Anthony Kassis There are too many quick fixes in the fitness industry, and it drives us mad because we know that these quick fixes will vanish just as fast as they appear. ... Never forget that hard work and dedication are the key to any form of success. If you’re not willing to put in the effort, then you’re not deserving of the result. Work hard, push yourself, and reap the rewards. @highlight_photography_aus See more
03.01.2022 THINGS YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT POST-WORKOUT PRODUCTS - Katherine Messinis There is a huge market for products pushed towards fitness enthusiasts that have little or no knowledge about training and recovery. ... While there are some products that are beneficial depending on the circumstances, most are marketed as wonder products that can boost recovery with no actual evidence of being able to do so. After a training session, the best post-workout recovery protocol should be centred around eating whole foods that are fresh and nutrient dense, and that cover all 3 of the macronutrients, protein, carbohydrates and fats. Drink plenty of water to replenish hydration and aim to get a good quality sleep to give yourself the best opportunity for your body to recover. Supplementation of a good quality multivitamin and magnesium will also aid the body’s recovery process. @highlight_photography_aus See more
02.01.2022 CONTROLLING YOUR EATING HABITS - Katherine Messinis What if I told you that controlling your eating habits doesn’t need to hard and can actually be enjoyable at the same time? ... When fat loss is the goal, the immediate reaction is diet. Most people think they have to restrict and starve themselves in order to see results. That might get you a little change initially, but it’s unsustainable and unhealthy in the long run. The daily considerations when creating healthy eating habits are: - Macronutrient/micronutrient intake - Physical activity - N.E.A.T - Stress levels - Water intake The human body needs food. Firstly, as our energy source, and secondly as our comfort. Understanding the calorie value of the foods that you eat and the calorie value of exercise expenditure will allow you to have flexibility from day to day. You can still enjoy the foods you love, however, you just need to ensure balance long-term. @highlight_photography_aus See more
02.01.2022 VOTE PTA For the first time since opening our doors, we are registered for the Local Business Awards. Every vote counts. Every vote is appreciated.... Let’s go, Team PTA! Remember to check your emails after you’ve voted to confirm your vote. See more
01.01.2022 ROAR - Anthony Kassis Be bold. ... Be brave. Set all doubts and fears to the side. Drown out the taunts and criticisms of others. You don’t need them. Let nothing stop you from claiming victory. Be as courageous as a lion in your pursuit. And when you get there; when you surpass all expectations and prove the naysayers wrong; when you achieve success, let it be known. Roar. @highlight_photography_aus See more
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