ACT Playgroups Association | Businesses
ACT Playgroups Association
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25.01.2022 Asking the question, R U OK? to someone who is feeling vulnerable, isolated or distressed is a huge question... and one that can save someone's life! Playgroups bringing people together in social connection, especially in times of crisis and instability, this is something which is important to any functioning community. #areyouokay #actplaygroups #playgroups #community #learningthoughfun #mentalhealthawareness #hereforyou #canberra #act #family #thereismoretosay
25.01.2022 These school holidays, we’re asking Canberran families to get outdoors and explore their local area. To make it extra fun, we’d love your help in creating a Gnome Hunt for your suburb. This event has been organised by Meet & Move
25.01.2022 Calling all budding artists under the age of 5: Entries are now open for our young Intergenerational drive through art show. Email all artwork by 2nd October, [email protected] #intergenerational #actplaygroup #playgroup #artwork #under5 #artwork #drivethrough #playgroup #act #canberra #art #painting
25.01.2022 "Creativity is a combination of discipline and childlike spirit." - Robert Greene How do you show your creativity? #ACTPlaygroups #Playgroups #creative #creativity #Canberra #act #sining #drawing #kidsactivitis #craft #familytime #showyourcreativity
24.01.2022 Paint and Play Ainslie will not be running until Term 4, due to Covid-19 related restriction out of our control.
23.01.2022 It's Monday Don't forget to be Awesome! As our playgroups start opening up again it can be a bit nerve-racking for new families. Why not create a buddy system where a regular playgroup parent links with a new person for the first two weeks to support the family's experience. If you would like to Introduce a new person to playgroup contact us for available playgroups at [email protected] ... #actplaygroup #buddy #hugs #canberra #friendship #playgroup #friends
23.01.2022 This week is science week. One great science activity which always engages young children is an exploding volcano! Talk about why it explodes, what colour is your lava? How high can you get your eruption? We’ve used a cup but a plastic bottle works well, also.
23.01.2022 No Boundless Paint and Play on today.No Boundless Paint and Play on today.
23.01.2022 "Child abuse and neglect is preventable. if we all work together as a community we can create an Australia where all children can grow up safe and well. What role can yo play in supporting children and their families?" ~ Richard Cooke, CEO, NAPCAN #napcan #actplaygroup #canberra #children #family #playgroup #childabuseprevention2020 #Safe... # ~
21.01.2022 Do you want to build a snowman? On our first official day of winter, we are sharing with you how to create your own winter wonderland inside (where there's heating). How to make snow:... Pour equal parts corn flour and Bicarb soda into a bowl and mix together. Slowly add water whilst mixing with your hands until you reach desired consistency (able to mould snow but still falls apart when you rub hands together). Store in an air tight container when not in use- Lasts 7-10 days #actplaygroups #winterishere #play #canberra
21.01.2022 Due to the weather, the following changes will occur to our services today: Evatt All Abilities Nature Play-will be inside at Evatt Preschool, with all weather suits available. Franklin-there will be no Franklin Park and Play today. ... Today might be a good day to make our playdough and stay dry. #actplaygroups #weatherforducks #play #natureplaybutinside
21.01.2022 Happy International Day of People with Disability Come down to Boundless playground at 11am to celebrate. Open the photo to view more information. ... #InternationalDayofPeoplewithDisability #playgroupsact #actplaygroup #boundless #canberra #under5 #childrenunder5 #celebration
21.01.2022 This fathers day may be celebrated a bit differently due to travel restrictions. Dad, though we might be separated by distance, your guidance, advice and love has kept me strong through it all. i would not be who i am today if you had not been there. Happy Father's Day... #actplaygroups #fathersday #playgroups #canberra #familytime #special #celebration #love #weekend #sunday
20.01.2022 COMMUNITY ANNOUNCEMENT IMPORTANT COVID-19 UPDATE FROM NSW HEALTH: As we return to for term 3, if you have traveled within NSW in the last two weeks, please see important information below:... Self-isolate and get tested immediately: If you have been to any of these locations during the time and date indicated you should: -immediately self-isolate until 14 days after you were last there -get tested even if you have no symptoms watch for COVID-19 symptoms and get retested should any symptoms recur -even if you get a negative test, you must stay in isolation for 14 days (this is because it can take 14 days before you may show symptoms or test positive). Location and Dates Batemans Bay: Soldiers Club Monday 13 July, Wednesday 15 July to Friday 17 July Campbelltown: Plus Fitness 9am to 10am, Saturday 11 July Casula: Crossroads Hotel Friday 3 July to Friday 10 July Casula: Planet Fitness Saturday 4 July to Friday 10 July Chippendale: Holy Duck! Restaurant 7.15pm to 9.30pm on Friday 10 July Picton: Picton Hotel Saturday 4 July, Sunday 5 July, Thursday 9 July, Friday 10 July Wetherill Park: Thai Rock Restaurant Thursday 9 July, Friday 10 July, Saturday 11 July, Sunday 12 July, Tuesday 14 July If you are unsure of whether you should be attending Playgroup due to travel, please stay at home and call the for advice. Thanks in advance to all of our staff, students, families and the wider school community for keeping everyone safe and helping to stop the spread.
20.01.2022 Our staff were so excited to find this rock. Look out for it on Thursday at Franklin Park and Play. #actplaygroup #actrocks #canberra #under5 #playgroup
20.01.2022 This Tuesday, the world celebrates International Literacy Day. This year, there will be a particular focus on communities understanding their shared responsibility of ensuring that children continue with their education during this challenging time. #actplaygroup #playgroup #act #Canberra #reading #literacy #letters #numbers #learningisforlife #learnthroughplay
19.01.2022 It's Father's Day and we want to join together and honour our dads, grandfathers, uncles and all the important males in our lives. #fathersday #cardmaking #craft #ACTPlaygroup #playgroup #canberra #Dadactivity #familytime #cards
19.01.2022 Paint and Play Boundless is on this morning Come and join us on this lovely sunny Monday morning Kings Park, Wendouree Dr, Parks ACT 10:00 - 11:30
19.01.2022 Happiness is ... ... Watching your child dance! Show us your dance moves!... #ACTplaygroup #playgroup #act #Canberra #nationaldanceday #children #dance #creativity #music #learning
17.01.2022 Tis the season for a Christmas themed desk decorating competition here at ACT Playgroups HQ. We are not a competitive bunch at all, but we won’t mind if you comment with your favourite below!
16.01.2022 When you incorporate these activities in your child's everyday life and routine it will help them to develop a foundational understanding of letter and number concepts #actplaygroups #playgroups #lettersandnumbers #letters #numbers #familyactivitis #canberra #act #childrenactivities #incidentallearning #learning
16.01.2022 It’s the #WorldElephantDay today and listen to our story about Elmo the little elephant!
15.01.2022 Come and join us on Friday 9th October for our drive though art show hosted by Weston Intergenerational Playgroup Friends. #actplaygroups #act #Canberra #playgroup #intergenerational #children #art #drivethru #play #fun #connections #childrenactivities
15.01.2022 We all love Elephant craft activities in our playgroups. On 12th August, we celebrate ‘World Elephant day ‘ which dedicated to the preservation and protection of the world’s elephants. Have you seen an elephant up close?
14.01.2022 Tip 8 for National Families Week. Playgroup is a great way to build a local support network to help ease the stress in uncertain times. #play #playgroup #familiesweek #actplaygroups
14.01.2022 Its Friday, STOP everything and take a selfie like a toddler. #actplaygroup #canberra #playgroup #funfriday #toddler #selfie #playtime #camera
14.01.2022 Bike riding together as a family is a great way to bond outdoors and makes exercise fun for all. Learning how to get your kids off on the right foot, or pedal, is time and energy well spent. Check out this amazing initiative by Transport Canberra
12.01.2022 Hello families! We have some exciting news. Our Holt paint and play has moved venues to Southern Cross Early Childhood School. We will now have a beautiful large lawn area to have playgroup, and access to toilets. We look forward to seeing you all again!
11.01.2022 Would you like to join Nurture Tribe Playgroup? Contact Salima for more information. [email protected]
11.01.2022 Come and join us this morning for our last Backyard Rangers Paint and Play at Isabella Plains Early Childhood School. We will be there until 11:30am.
11.01.2022 Due to unforeseen circumstances, there is no Playgroup at Joey Park at Throsby today.Due to unforeseen circumstances, there is no Playgroup at Joey Park at Throsby today.
10.01.2022 Come and join us in exploring the Aranda Snow Gum Nature Reserve
09.01.2022 SIGN LANGUAGE IS A DANCE WITH WORDS. TO BE ENJOYED FROM BABYHOOD THROUGH CHILDHOOD TO ADULTHOOD... Happy International Day of Sign Language #Actplaygroups #playgroups #sign #signlanguage #playgroup #ASL #deaf #community #everyoneisincluded #children #family #act #canberra
09.01.2022 Celebrate World Letter Writing day with ACT Playgroups You can write a letter with a typewriter, a pencil or a crayon. What you have to say is the important thing ~ Paul Strisk #actplaygroup #canberra #playgroups #lettersandnumbers #letters #numbers #childrenactivities #children #earlylearning
09.01.2022 Are you a Grandparent looking for a great activity to enjoy with your grandchild? Then look no further...
09.01.2022 This years International Literacy day focuses on " Literacy teaching and learning in the COVID-19 crisis and beyond" We have some exiting news from Libraries ACT. Canberrans who are having trouble accessing their local libraries can sign up to receive a mystery Box of Libraries ACT goodies, as part of a new trial service. To sign up for this free trial, Visit or call helpline 02 6207 7265 #actplaygroups #playgroups #learningthoughfun #reading #librariesact #literacyday #early learning #act #canberra
07.01.2022 Celebrate World Photography day by capturing some fantastic family memories. Time moves so fast - We blink and our children have grown! The impact of a photograph and what an image really holds transports you back to another time you hold dear. Share your memory from today with us!... #actplaygroups #playgroup #canberra #photography #familyfun #naturemounth #moments
07.01.2022 If you can dream it you can do it.
05.01.2022 Even busy bees stop and smell the roses. Happy world honey bee day #actplaygroup #canberra #worldbeeday #worldhoneybeeday #scienceweek2020 #exploreyourworld #flowers
04.01.2022 ACT Playgroups wishes all families, friends and members, the very best for the holiday season. Our office will be closed from 2:30pm today, and will reopen on the 18th of January. We thank you all for your support through 2020. ACT Playgroups
04.01.2022 Tips 9 and 10 for Families Week. How do you spend your time together as family without technology? #familiesweek #actplaygroups #play #playroups
02.01.2022 A reminder our Evatt Nature Play Playgroup for all abilities will be on tomorrow at Evatt Primary School. Please note the new start time of 9:45am. Don’t forget, you can still enjoy outside play in winter, we just need to dress appropriately. ... #actplaygroups #natureplay #nosuchthingasbadweather
02.01.2022 It’s and but the fun is still going ahead at Franklin Park and Play this morning. Throw on your jacket, pop on a hat and we’ll see you there!It’s and but the fun is still going ahead at Franklin Park and Play this morning. Throw on your jacket, pop on a hat and we’ll see you there!
01.01.2022 Monday was International Day of the Honey Bee and in honour of this, and this weekend’s predicted blizzard weather conditions, we’ve put together this short video on how to make your own bees at home. We’d love you to share in the comments your bee creations!
01.01.2022 Hi Families! We're working with Playgroup Australia on a national research project to understand what Australian families know, think and love about playgroup, as well as any barriers that may exist. Whether you're a current, past or potential playgroup member a parent or a grandparent we'd like to hear your thoughts during our ACT focus group and survey. And we'll provide a gift card for your time! To find out more, simply email [email protected]
01.01.2022 You made it to the weekend, go out and dance!
01.01.2022 We are so excited to start week 10 of Playgroup Come join us at a Paint and Play Monday - Boundless 10-11.30 Tuesday - Southern Cross, Scullin 10-11.30... Thursday - Park and Play, Franklin 10-11.30 #paintandplay #actplaygroup #playgroups #act #canberra #monday #schoolterm #children #familyfun #paint #outdoor #friendship
01.01.2022 Getting our Satellite Selfie on. The satellite flyover will occur for only a few minutes between 10am and 11am on Monday, Wednesday and Friday to account for weather conditions and cloud cover, and to capture the clearest images. #satelliteselfie #Actplaygroups #canberra #scienceweek20202 #Playgroups #play #outdoors #gettinginvolved
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