Playgroup Tasmania Inc | Businesses
Playgroup Tasmania Inc
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25.01.2022 Thank you to Bridget Archer MP - Liberal Member for Bass for recognising the important contribution playgroups make to local communities through creating connections and providing support for Tasmanian families.
24.01.2022 National Childrens Week, 24 October- 1 November 2020! Childrens Week will look a bit different this year. Calling all community groups and organisations to register their in-person or online activities and events. Please join with us to celebrate Tasmanias children! Register here: For more information send us a message or email: [email protected]
24.01.2022 During PANDA week, we raise awareness of perinatal anxiety and depression during pregnancy and the first year after birth. With 1 in 5 mums experiencing perinatal anxiety and/or depression, as a community we need to find ways to care for and support new parents. If you are struggling with your mental health, you are not alone. There are places and people who can help you. Reach out to your GP, Child Health Nurse or call the PANDA Helpline on 1300 726 306. For informatio...n please visit #tellsomeonewhocares #pandaweek2020 See more
23.01.2022 Calling all Dads!! Did you know there is a Dads' Playgroup happening in George Town this Sunday? Why not bring your little ones along for a play?
23.01.2022 Its not to late... The 2020 Playgroup Tasmania Survey has two days left and we would love to hear from you! Go in the draw to win one of three $100 Gift Cards to a local business of your choice! We want to hear from you! We want to know what we can do better! We want to know what you would like to see here in Tassie!... Click on the link below to share your thoughts with us. See more
23.01.2022 Board Vacancies Playgroup Tasmania has been supporting playgroups in Tasmania for over 40 years. Our purpose is to support family connections, strengthen communities and foster learning through play for all children. Governed by a highly dedicated Board, Playgroup Tasmania is seeking to appoint 3 new Board members to strengthen their team.... It is an exciting time to be joining the Board with the growing policy focus on the importance of the first 1000 days in a child’s life. The Board is seeking individuals who are interested in being actively involved in the next phase of Playgroup Tasmania’s journey. In particular, the board is seeking individuals who have skills in the following areas: * Organisational development * Strategy development * Strategic marketing * Legal Previous Board experience would be viewed favourably. For more information please visit: Alternatively, please contact Kathryn Fordyce Chair, Playgroup Tasmania [email protected] 0427 739 397 Or Jacinda Armstrong CEO, Playgroup Tasmania [email protected] 0432 852 055 Nominations close Monday 9 November.
23.01.2022 Sounds like a fun outing - why dont you pop along and join a wonderful bunch of playgroup families
22.01.2022 We might be distant but we dont need to be disconnected! On behalf of the Starting Point Neighbourhood House, this special FREE online series makes it easier (and funnier) than ever to connect with some of your favourite experts (who are as great online as they are in person). No matter where you live, Mentally Well will help you learn some simple skills and tips to support you and those around you look after your mental health during isolation, and for the future. For more... information check out the attached flyer. The first session starts this Wednesday! See more
22.01.2022 Come along and join in the fun at this fabulous, free event. We will be there with active play, sensory activities and a special PlayBaby space for our littlest people!
22.01.2022 We are excited to let you all know that our first online PlayBaby session is on this Thursday 4th February from 1.30-2.30. PlayBaby groups are open to all expecting parents and families with a baby under 6 months. They are an opportunity to meet other new parents, support each other through those early months, and get some great ideas for playing and connecting with your baby. If you would like to attend our first session or to join the private Facebook group please email [email protected] for more details. Everyone who registers their interest will receive a FREE PlayBaby Activity Booklet.
22.01.2022 In case you didn't know Playgroup Tasmania has regional Facebook pages. This helps to ensure information is shared more locally and is relevant to you. To find out what is happening in your area please follow our regional Facebook pages! Share with your friends!! North: South: North West: See more
21.01.2022 Playgroup Tasmania is a huge supporter of unstructured PLAY and the incredible benefits that it brings to children. .
21.01.2022 Dads have you heard of 'Digital Dads Group'? A wonderful opportunity for fathers to connect nationwide! Join Dads Group to find out the all times and details to join...don’t forget to bring your baby, toddler, infant, child(ren).... What an awesome way to stay connected and inspired during ‘Covid-19’ isolation!
21.01.2022 National Children's Week, 24 October- 1 November 2020! We are excited to share with you over 50 fun free activities for National Children's Week 2020. Check out the Children's Week Activity Guide, grab your friends and have fun! Don't forget to follow the event guidelines to register. #childrensweek2020 #cwtas2020
21.01.2022 On behalf of Their Excellencies General the Honourable David Hurley AC DSC (Retd) and Mrs Linda Hurley, you are invited to participate in a live reading of Whitney and Britney Chicken Divas (written and illustrated by Lucinda Gifford) as part of this years National Simultaneous Storytime. The reading will take place at 11am tomorrow 27 May 2020 Click the link to join and select Going on the event post.
21.01.2022 PROJECT OFFICER - SMS4dads Pilot 15 hrs p/w to June 30, 2021. SCHADS level 5. Playgroup Tasmania have an exciting opportunity for an experienced project officer to join our team in the Burnie area. ... This role will lead the SMS4dads Pilot project funded by CatholicCare Tasmania through the Communities for Children Initiative. SMS4dads provides new fathers with information and connections to online services through their mobile phones. It also provides a conduit for new fathers to be connected to relevant programs and services. The pilot is being conducted in partnership with University of Newcastle. For more information please see our website:
21.01.2022 We know many of you are eager to get back to playgroup - we certainly are too! However we are not quite ready to meet in-person just yet. We are currently creating our COVID-safe approach to ensure everyone stays healthy and safe when we resume. We are developing material to guide playgroups in the best possible way, ensuring that playgroup gatherings are held in a safe and healthy environment.... We thank you for your patience and look forward to the day when we can all meet again in person. For more details please head to the Playgroup Tasmania website at In the meantime, we encourage you to join our Playgroup at Home Facebook group to help you stay connected and play at home.
20.01.2022 The Teddy Bear Hunt at the Botanical Gardens is a wonderful Children’s Week activity that is proving to be very popular indeed!
20.01.2022 We are really excited to have Australian picture book author Penny Morrison joining us live on Monday morning at 9am to read her latest book A Perfect Little Monster live at Playgroup At Home Tasmania! Get ready by checking out the trailer for the book here: For more info on this book: ... This is a really exciting opportunity and we hope you can join us Monday at 9am!
20.01.2022 Want support connecting to your village? Please visit to find out more or contact Playgroup Tasmania to connect with your regional PlayConnect facilitator at [email protected]. #PlayConnect #InclusivePlay
19.01.2022 Not sure how to keep your little ones busy this week? Visit National Families Week for some wonderful activities and templates: #strongerfamilies #strongercommunities #playgroupathome #buildbackbetter #ittakesavillage #nfw2020 #creativeconnections
19.01.2022 PANDA Week is here! For the last fifteen years PANDA has been using a week in November to raise awareness about perinatal mental illness and to reduce stigma so... those affected can seek help. The theme for PANDA Week 2020 is ‘Tell someone who cares’. Now more than ever it’s vital that the 100,000 expecting and new parents who are affected by perinatal mental illness every year know they’re not alone and can reach out for help. You can help our campaign by sharing important information about perinatal mental health with your networks. Explore our digital toolkit for more info: If you can help us reach just one extra expecting or new parent with important information; or help one extra family know how they can seek support, then together, we will have made a real difference. #PANDAWeek2020 #tellsomeonewhocares Image - An illustration of a couple and their baby. There is text over the image that reads: tell someone who cares, PANDA Week 8 - 14 November, let's tackle perinatal anxiety and depression together.
19.01.2022 If you have a look online for messy play and sensory activities it can feel like they all involve food, and all that food ends up in the bin at the end of a session! Some families can find this disrespectful. Families may be dealing with food scarcity, and for lots of people it is culturally very important to not waste food. The good news is there are ways to incorporate messy play into your child's life without having to feel like you are wasting food. If you child is s...till putting things in their mouth, it will be best to stick to food-safe products. You might choose to use expired food or allow them to explore the food they are served at meal times. Another great option is cooking together. We all know that cooking in the kitchen with kids always ends up being messy play anyway! Other options include using natural found items such as sticks, leaves, flowers and of course dirt, mud, sand and of course, water! If you do want to use food items, consider products that can be reused rather than be only used a single time. For example, a batch of homemade playdough can be played with again and again. It is worth thinking about what you are trying to achieve with a specific activity and whether there is a way to provide that same experience without a lot of food waste. There is no one right answer. Everyone needs to do what feels right for them and their families, but it is always worth considering the impact that our choices might have on others and the messages it sends our children.
19.01.2022 The 2020 Playgroup Tasmania Survey is now OPEN! Go in the draw to win one of three $100 Gift Cards to a local business of your choice! We want to hear from you! ... We want to know what we can do better! We want to know what you would like to see here in Tassie! Click on the link below to share your thoughts with us.
19.01.2022 Playgroup Tasmania is looking for your input into how we can best celebrate Children's Week this year? Please answer the short survey below and let us know what you think your children would enjoy the most. All respondents will go in the draw to win a $50 gift card
18.01.2022 Its Mothers Day tomorrow. Things are going to look different for us all this year. No craft from childcare or playgroup, no brunch with extended family. I always save all the Mothers Day cards I receive, and I am a bit sad I wont get any this year. I thought it might be nice to have something to keep from this lockdown time to celebrate being a mum in 2020, because it will definitely be a unique one! Its a handprint craft that can be as simple or complicated as you like. You could add photos, pet paw prints, or family names if you like. When we are old and going through our boxes of papers, we will have a reminder of our time as mothers during a global pandemic and just how tiny our childrens hands were!
17.01.2022 If you haven't yet, jump on and join our Playgroup at Home Tasmania group! We have a special guest joining us live at Playgroup at Home Tasmania tomorrow at 9am. Allison Davies is a registered music therapist who uses music to regulate brain function, support behaviours and manage anxiety. If you haven’t yet check out this ‘Music In Isolation’ episode. Ep. 16 - Breathe in and Hold. Allison has a wealth of knowledge and we are incredibly excited to have her join us to share some information and answer any questions you might have!
17.01.2022 National Children's Week, 24 October- 1 November 2020! Children’s Week will look a bit different this year. Calling all community groups and organisations to register their in-person or online activities and events. Please join with us to celebrate Tasmania’s children! Register here: For more information send us a message or email: [email protected]
16.01.2022 These are not normal times. Many of us are experiencing stress, anxiety, worry, fear and a sense of helplessness because of the pandemic. If you are struggling please reach out. Lifeline Tasmania has set up a new phone service so there is someone to talk to about our worries during this time. They can help with any issue you might be struggling with, from social isolation, loss of employment, the impact on mental health or the financial challenges.... We are all in this together, you are not alone
16.01.2022 We are so excited for National Simultaneous Storytime next Wednesday 27th May at 11am. We would love for you to pop it on your calendar and enjoy the story with us. We will have more information coming soon including a link to join us. In the meantime if you havent heard of National Simultaneous Storytime or would like to find out more, here is some info!
16.01.2022 PlayConnect is a facilitated, supported playgroup for children 0-6 years old, who may have autism like characteristics, developmental delays in communication and social skills and/or behavioural or sensory challenges. No diagnosis is needed to attend PlayConnect and parents can self-refer. Families who are on the waitlist for a diagnostic assessment, as well as children who have been formally diagnosed are welcome to attend. It is a free playgroup and all family m...embers including siblings with or without autism are welcome. There is a PlayConnect Playgroup in each region of Tasmania: South: Goodwood Community Centre, Goodwood Monday 12.15pm - 2.15pm contact: Nicki Playgroup Tas North: 35 Holbrook St, Launceston Tuesday 9.30am - 11.00am, contact: Bec Playgroup Tas North West: Macs Place, 32-36 Valley Rd, Devonport Monday 10.00am - 11.30am contact: Felicity Playgroup Tas If you feel like this might be a good playgroup for you and your child, please get in touch :)
16.01.2022 This month is all about sustainability at playgroup. This month we we look at ways to buy less, use what we have and reduce waste. At playgroup this might mean saving cardboard boxes and tubes to use in craft and imaginative play, and using natural materials like leaves and sticks, or taking scraps home to compost. Some playgroups meet next to a community garden, and are able to spend time digging and growing plants. One of our playgroups planted a sunflower wall and watched as the flowers grew taller than the children! By spending some time thinking and talking about sustainability, and doing some simple activities at playgroup, we can give our children the opportunity to start caring for and protecting their environment.
16.01.2022 A huge thank you to all of our volunteers! You are all stars! The theme for this National Volunteer Week 2020 is Changing Communities. Changing Lives" and that is exactly what you all do. ... Playgroup Tasmania thanks all of our volunteers and playgroup leaders. Your support of families and children all across Tasmania, from Strahan to King Island to Falmouth to Dunalley, are able to access play based experience and invaluable social connection with other families. Our Playgroup Board also comprises of volunteers whose combined skills and experience ensure that Playgroup Tasmania can continue delivering valuable support to families through regular Playgroup sessions across our state. As we begin to grow from all that 2020 has brought to our communities, please remember to thank those volunteers who give freely of their time, skills and dedication.
16.01.2022 Thank you Rosemary Armitage MLC for your continued support and advocacy of Children’s Week and the value of playgroups.
15.01.2022 Are you concerned about your childs behaviour or development at the moment? Does your child struggle with sensory or behavioural issues? Do you think your child might have autism? Are you waiting for an appointment, or an assessment and are feeling a bit isolated? Playgroup Tasmania hosts private Facebook groups just for you!... Send us a message and we will get in touch about how to join. You dont need to do this alone.
15.01.2022 Today is International Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day. Today we honour, celebrate and remember babies who have died as a result of miscarriage, stillbirth, neonatal death, and other causes of infant loss. Our thoughts are with all our playgroup families today who have experienced a pregnancy or infant loss.
15.01.2022 Children's Week 2020 is now over, we hope you were able to attend an activity or two during the week. If you attended an event we would love to hear from you! Please take a minute to complete this short survey. Your feedback will guide future planning for Children's Week in Tasmania.
15.01.2022 P L A Y I S I M P O R T A NT
14.01.2022 Its all about Messy Play in May! Messy Play is important for our children's development. Children learn about the world through the sense of touch, and messy play helps them develop fine motor skills and hand/eye coordination. It can encourage confidence and build daily life skills and independence. It is also lots of fun, and lots of children love messy play!!
14.01.2022 Check out the events happening at the Playgroup Tasmania Holbrook Street venue in Invermay next week to celebrate National Children's Week. (Monday and Tuesday). The attached links have all the information you need. There are limited spaces and registrations are essential. It's going to be so much fun! ...
14.01.2022 Today is International Day of the Midwife! This years theme is ‘Celebrate. Demonstrate. Mobilise. Unite.’ Midwives now more than ever deserve to be celebrated! Right now they're working in an incredibly challenging environment, long hours and with limited resources. Let's show Midwives globally just how grateful we are for their incredible efforts during, and beyond, the current pandemic.
13.01.2022 Are you concerned about your child's behaviour or development at the moment? Does your child struggle with sensory or behavioural issues? Do you think your child might have autism? Are you waiting for an appointment, or an assessment and are feeling a bit isolated? Playgroup Tasmania hosts private Facebook groups just for you!... Send us a message and we will get in touch about how to join. You don't need to do this alone.
13.01.2022 A wonderful article by Playgroup Queensland about sharing music and songs with our babies.
13.01.2022 Playgroup Tasmania believes that all Tasmanian children should have access to material basics, including safe, affordable housing, clothing, food and health care. Living in poverty can impact a child’s overall wellbeing and outcomes in life. This anti-poverty week, we want to see affordable housing prioritised. Increased payments have provided families with temporary relief, but many more families will face poverty due to the impacts of Covid. #antipovertyweek #EverybodysHome
13.01.2022 Have you or someone you know had a baby in 2020 who would like to attend a Baby Playgroup? A Baby Playgroup has started in Launceston on Mondays 1.00pm-2.30pm. Join their Facebook page for more info.
13.01.2022 A Childrens Week 2020 Update Each year we work closely with community partners to coordinate activities and events across Childrens Week, which is the last week in October. Traditionally we have celebrated the week with the much loved Teddy Bears Picnic events across the state. Unfortunately, due to CoVid-19 the Teddy Bears Picnic events will not be going ahead this year. This was a difficult decision for us to make, however it is one that feels right for us and our par...tners. Childrens Week celebrations will still be going ahead this year, it will just look a little different. We are anticipating smaller, more local events around the whole of Tasmania. Over the coming weeks, we will also be asking children and families for their ideas about how they would like to celebrate Childrens Week. Its time for us all to start thinking about what we can do to promote and celebrate the rights of Tasmanian children.
13.01.2022 We are excited to announce that Playgroup Tasmania is currently taking registrations to join our online PlayBaby groups. Sessions will start in early 2021. PlayBaby groups are open to all expecting parents and families with a baby under 6 months. They are an opportunity to meet other new parents, support each other through those early months, and get some great ideas for playing and connecting with your baby. To register your interest email [email protected]. ...Everyone who registers their interest will receive a FREE PlayBaby Activity Booklet.
12.01.2022 We are getting excited about all the Children's Week events happening right around Tasmania next week. What activities will you be attending? Check out the Children's Week Activity Guide to find an activity near you!
11.01.2022 If you havent yet, jump on and join our Playgroup at Home Tasmania group! We have a special guest joining us live at Playgroup at Home Tasmania tomorrow at 9am. Allison Davies is a registered music therapist who uses music to regulate brain function, support behaviours and manage anxiety. If you havent yet check out this Music In Isolation episode. Ep. 16 - Breathe in and Hold. Allison has a wealth of knowledge and we are incredibly excited to have her join us to share some information and answer any questions you might have!
11.01.2022 In Music Month we are exploring the world of music and sound. This video is a great introduction to how easy it is to connect with your child through making sounds and listening together, and best of all no fancy instruments or equipment is required. Making sounds is the first step to making music. Check out the video below!
11.01.2022 Do you have a child aged 0-6 years with Autism, developmental delays or behavioural concerns and would like to join a supported playgroup? Join George Town PlayConnect Playgroup on Thursday mornings 10.00am-11.30am at the George Town Child and Family Centre. Join the closed Facebook group to find out more PlayConnect provides a supported space for children and their families to engage in developmentally appropriate peer-group play. It is a free service that is available to families without a referral or a diagnosis
11.01.2022 Playgroup Tasmania has published our Annual Report for 2019/2020. It showcases all the hard work of the Board, the staff, and our playgroup volunteers and members. You can check it out on our website here: Even though it has been a tricky year, our playgroups have stayed strong and had a boost of new families over the last term. ... Thank you to all our playgroup leaders, volunteers and supporters. With your dedication and commitment over a difficult year, our playgroups will be heading into 2021 ready to connect, support and play.
10.01.2022 Do you think your toddler might have autism? Are you struggling with managing their behaviour and their needs during this time? Did you know we have online Facebook groups just for you? We have one private Facebook group for each region of Tasmania. It is a space to ask questions, and get support from other families. We post the latest information about NDIS and accessing support, as well as being a listening ear when things are a bit tough. To find out how to join please send us a message telling us which region of Tasmania you live in.
10.01.2022 Happy Grandparents Day to all our playgroup grandparents. A big thank you to all the grandparents who take their children to playgroups, are wonderful playgroup helpers, and are such an important part of our playgroup community. All caregivers, including grandparents are very welcome at playgroup. Intergenerational relationships help create strong, diverse and tolerant communities.
10.01.2022 Playgroup Tasmania and local playgroups are working hard to ensure that playgroups continue to be a safe space for families to play. Things might look a bit different, but playgroup is still a chance for children to play and parents to talk and connect. There are ways that we can all help to make playgroup a safe place. Check out the video below :)
10.01.2022 If you haven't had a chance to complete our Children's Week survey yet we would love to hear from you. It closes at 12pm tomorrow!
09.01.2022 Our friends at the ASELCC are looking for a qualified Early Childhood Educator to join their fabulous team!
09.01.2022 Welcome to Music Month at Playgroup! This month we are exploring the world of music and sound, and how to make music a part of our every day life.
09.01.2022 Its National Families Week so lets celebrate! When we suspended our face to face playgroup sessions back in March we joined together to support, play, share, connect and grow at Playgroup at Home Tasmania We would love for you to join our Playgroup at Home Tasmania group and share a picture of something fun you and your family have been doing at home, and lets celebrate our special and unique playgroup families during National Families Week. #strongerfamilies #strongercommunities
09.01.2022 Have you heard about PlayConnect? PlayConnect is a supported facilitated playgroup designed for children who may have Autism or Autism like characteristics such as developmental delays in communication, social skills and/or behavioural or sensory issues. No diagnosis is needed. Anyone can come along who feels their child would benefit. ... It's FREE! A great opportunity to practice social skills and meet other children in a safe nonjudgmental environment. Connect with support services, ask questions and meet other families going through similar experiences. Find a PlayConnect near you: Hobart: Goodwood Community Centre, 20 Acton Crescent, Goodwood Monday 12.15pm- 1.45pm Message Nicki Playgroup Tas to find out more Launceston: Tuesday 9.30am - 11.00am 35 Holbrook St, Invermay Message Bec Playgroup Tas to find out more Devonport: Macs Place, 32-36 Valley Rd, Devonport Monday 10.00am - 11.30am Message Felicity Playgroup Tas to find out more
08.01.2022 We’re celebrating World Refugee day today.
08.01.2022 The launch is tomorrow Don't forget to register to attend our free play session!
07.01.2022 This week is National Families Week and it is a chance to celebrate the important role that families play in our community. If you would like to do something to celebrate this week with your family why don’t you try a new playgroup or check out some of the activities here: Playgroup Tasmania celebrates and supports all our playgroups families :)
07.01.2022 Playgroup Tasmania is looking for your input into how we can best celebrate Childrens Week this year? Please answer the short survey below and let us know what you think your children would enjoy the most. All respondents will go in the draw to win a $50 gift card
06.01.2022 A Children’s Week 2020 Update Each year we work closely with community partners to coordinate activities and events across Children’s Week, which is the last week in October. Traditionally we have celebrated the week with the much loved Teddy Bears' Picnic events across the state. Unfortunately, due to CoVid-19 the Teddy Bears' Picnic events will not be going ahead this year. This was a difficult decision for us to make, however it is one that feels right for us and our par...tners. Children’s Week celebrations will still be going ahead this year, it will just look a little different. We are anticipating smaller, more local events around the whole of Tasmania. Over the coming weeks, we will also be asking children and families for their ideas about how they would like to celebrate Children’s Week. It’s time for us all to start thinking about what we can do to promote and celebrate the rights of Tasmanian children.
06.01.2022 Dads have you heard of Digital Dads Group? A wonderful opportunity for fathers to connect nationwide! Join Dads Group to find out the all times and details to join...dont forget to bring your baby, toddler, infant, child(ren).... What an awesome way to stay connected and inspired during Covid-19 isolation!
06.01.2022 Were celebrating World Refugee day today.
06.01.2022 During PANDA Week 2020 we are raising awareness of perinatal mental health and letting people know that there is help and support available. It's not just mums who can have mental health challenges during pregnancy and after their baby is born. In fact, 1 in 10 dads will experience perinatal anxiety and depression. If you or your partner are feeling down, or feel like something isn't quite right, there is always help available. ... Reach out to your GP, Child Health Nurse or call the PANDA Helpline on 1300 726 306. For more information please visit #tellsomeonewhocares #pandaweek2020
06.01.2022 Did you know that lots of everyday activities count as Messy Play and deliver the same great benefits as a more structured or organised messy activity. Sometimes it can feel overwhelming to set up a special activity, keep your little one engaged and then clean it all up at the end. Hanging out in the bath with some measuring cups and jugs, or some bubble bath is a great way to end the day. Letting little children use their hands when eating can also provide a lot of se...nsory feedback, and can help to reduce fussy eating. Putting a few icecubes on a tray and letting them explore the sensations of the cold and watching the ice melt is an easy way to introduce a new tactile experience. Going for a walk outside, digging in the dirt with a stick or playing with wet autumn leaves are all great ways for children to receive sensory feedback, engage with their environment, practice hand/eye coordination and physical skills. Incorporating Messy Play into your life doesn't have to be complicated or a lot of work. There are lots of little moments through the day where you can let your child engage and connect with their environment and learn more about their world.
05.01.2022 Today is International Fathers Mental Health Day. Did you know that around one in ten dads experience a mental illness in their journey to becoming a dad? So ...its actually really common to have difficult feelings about everything related to becoming a dad. There is support available. Visit for more information. COPE PIRI: Parent-Infant Research Institute Australasian Birth Trauma Association Peach Tree Perinatal Wellness Little Shadow Gidget Foundation Healthy Male Karitane The Father Hood PADA - Perinatal Anxiety & Depression Aotearoa Centre for Perinatal Psychology
04.01.2022 It’s Mother’s Day tomorrow. Things are going to look different for us all this year. No craft from childcare or playgroup, no brunch with extended family. I always save all the Mother’s Day cards I receive, and I am a bit sad I won’t get any this year. I thought it might be nice to have something to keep from this lockdown time to celebrate being a mum in 2020, because it will definitely be a unique one! It’s a handprint craft that can be as simple or complicated as you like. You could add photos, pet paw prints, or family names if you like. When we are old and going through our boxes of papers, we will have a reminder of our time as mothers during a global pandemic and just how tiny our children’s hands were!
04.01.2022 The Tasmanian Government wants to make Tasmania the best place for all children and young people through the development of Tasmania’s first Child and Youth Wellbeing Strategy for 0-25 year olds. They are seeking the views and ideas of Tasmanian children, young people, their caregivers, and the service sector to help develop the Wellbeing Strategy. There are multiple options for people to have their say and input ideas through digital or hard copy postcards, getting creative... by submitting paintings, stories or poems, ranking the wellbeing domains, completing a survey response and responding to the Discussion Paper. Playgroup Tasmania is a strong advocate and believes strongly in listening to the voices of families, children and young people. We are really excited to be a part of this consultation. You can be a part of the conversation now by visiting the website
04.01.2022 Sounds like a fun outing - why don’t you pop along and join a wonderful bunch of playgroup families
04.01.2022 Happy Christmas from all of us at Playgroup Tasmania.
04.01.2022 We might be distant but we don’t need to be disconnected! On behalf of the Starting Point Neighbourhood House, this special FREE online series makes it easier (and funnier) than ever to connect with some of your favourite experts (who are as great online as they are in person). No matter where you live, Mentally Well will help you learn some simple skills and tips to support you and those around you look after your mental health during isolation, and for the future. For more... information check out the attached flyer. The first session starts this Wednesday! See more
03.01.2022 Playgroup Tasmania are excited to be launching their new playground this Wednesday 28th October. You are invited to join us for a free play session from 1.30pm-2.30pm. The playground redevelopment has been made possible with thanks to the Tasmanian Community Fund, Rotary Club of Central Launceston and WD Booth Charitable Trust. If you would like to attend please register. Bookings are essential.
03.01.2022 National Families Week aims to support strong families and strong communities, and to celebrate the vital role that families play in our society. Here are some great tips for creating lasting positive connections with your own family and with your broader community. Sometimes its the simple things that have the most impact.
02.01.2022 Separations of any kind are complicated. For parents with young children, this may be especially difficult. While everyones experiences may be different, each story and experience can support others navigate their own parenting journey. If you are a separated mother, you meet the below criteria, and are open to sharing your story, please contact Heather from Edith Cowan University and support her research thesis.
02.01.2022 Are you a first time parent? Have you had a baby in 2020? Would you like to meet other families with babies the same age? Come along on Monday to a Launceston Pop-Up Baby Playgroup! (Babies born in 2020) You will find out how you can be involved in a Baby Playgroup. This Monday 21st September, 1.00pm-2.30pm at 35 Holbrook Street Invermay. ... Please RSVP 'going' in the event if you are planning on attending See more
01.01.2022 Don't forget to register your event for National Children's Week, 24 October- 1 November 2020! Registrations close on the 11th September! Register here: ... More information is available on our website: Please join with us to celebrate Tasmania’s children!
01.01.2022 The Playgroup Tasmania Board would like to invite all members and supporters to our Annual General Meeting. Before the AGM, there will be an opportunity to meet the board and staff of Playgroup Tasmania. Children are very welcome, and there will be supervised activities set up for them during the event. The AGM will be held on Monday 23rd November at 11.45am, with the meet and greet starting at 11.00am. It will be held at the Playgroup Tasmania Hall, 35 Holbrook St, Inverm...ay. If you are unable to attend in person there will also be an opportunity to attend via Zoom. Please RSVP to [email protected] by the 20th November. The Staff and Board are looking forward to the opportunity to chat about all things playgroup with you all!
01.01.2022 Dont forget to register your event for National Childrens Week, 24 October- 1 November 2020! Registrations close on the 11th September! Register here: ... More information is available on our website: Please join with us to celebrate Tasmanias children!
01.01.2022 This week is International Multiple Birth Awareness Week. A global initiative to support the unique needs of families who have twins, triplets or more! The Tasmanian Multiple Birth Association runs playgroups in Launceston and Hobart. Check out their Facebook page to find out about all the great things they do. We would also love to support a Multiples Playgroup in the North West. If you are in the North West and would like to come to a playgroup, please send through a message and we will be in touch
01.01.2022 Playgroup Tasmania together with the Village Cinemas are running a like and share competition to win a family pass to see a sneak session of The Paw Patrol Movie on Saturday 29th and Sunday 30th August. To enter, please like and share this post and tag a friend you would like to take along. Dont forget to let us know your preferred cinema. We have 2 family passes (4 tickets) to give away for each cinema- Launceston, Eastlands and Glenorchy. Winners will be drawn on Thursday 27th August at 8pm and notified via Facebook message.
01.01.2022 Today is International Fathers' Mental Health Day. Did you know that around one in ten dads experience a mental illness in their journey to becoming a dad? So’s actually really common to have difficult feelings about everything related to becoming a dad. There is support available. Visit for more information. COPE PIRI: Parent-Infant Research Institute Australasian Birth Trauma Association Peach Tree Perinatal Wellness Little Shadow Gidget Foundation Healthy Male Karitane The Father Hood PADA - Perinatal Anxiety & Depression Aotearoa Centre for Perinatal Psychology
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