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Plexus Personal Training

Phone: +61 2 9188 0804

Address: 971 Pacific Highway 2073 Pymble


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07.02.2022 Core training is not limited to sit ups, crunches, and Russian twists! Shoulder taps are a fantastic core exercise that helps you build anti-rotational strength and strengthen the smaller stabilising muscles of the core. The key to executing shoulder taps well is control. In the first part of the video, you can see that there is a lot of hip shifting and swaying in Natalie’s hips - you want to limit movement as much as possible. As the video progresses you can see that Nata...lie’s hips are very still and there is limited movement, this will allow your core muscles to load and stabilise the hip. Things to remember: 1. Start from your knees and move up to your toes as needed. 2. Feet should be shoulder width apart but if you are feeling off balance take your feet slightly wide. 3. Keep the movement slow and controlled. 4. Hands should be stacked directly under your shoulders. Do not underestimate the difficulty of the shoulder tap - they look simple but are actually quite difficult when done well. You can use this exercise as a finisher to your session or as an activation exercise to your bigger lifts.

04.02.2022 Feeling your traps when doing lateral raises? A lot of people out there do lateral raises for their shoulders but don’t end up feeling their shoulders, they just feel their traps and sometimes even pain in their shoulders. Tension needs to be placed adequately on the delt for the movement to be effective.... Just swinging your arms by your sides doesn’t cut it and usually ends up looking like the first demonstration I gave you in the video or worse. When this happens, the arms have been taken too high in an excessive range and the load ends up being positioned behind the delt, therefore there’s no gravitational force being placed directly on the delt for it to be effective, and the upper traps take most of the load instead because they now become shortened which means they contract. If you want to actually feel your shoulders working, start with a lighter weight and focus on taking your arm away from the body as if you’re reaching out towards your sides, or if someone was pulling your arm away from your body. You can also utilize an adjustable bench, setting it on a high incline, and perform the lateral raises with a supported chest. This really inhibits any cheating and really places a lot of tension on the delts. Again, the same cues apply to take the arms away from the body. See more

31.01.2022 Believe it or not, being strong is not about looking toned or jacked for the ‘Gram. Rather, strength serves as a foundational building block when it comes to our health in life. In a nutshell, more muscle means more support for your body - for ease of movement in everyday activities, as well as helping to protect our internal organs. It has been said that muscle helps us to age successfully, and to that, we could not agree more.

25.01.2022 We believe that everyone should be strength training, regardless of their experience or age. In our latest blog post, we go through the 5 main reasons why everyone should be strength training. Check it out!

23.01.2022 COVID-19 update from our studio. Two persons who attended St Ives Shopping Village on Monday 24 August between 2:30pm and 3:30pm and Wednesday 26 August between 5:30pm and 6:00pm have tested positive for COVID-19. We are doing everything we can at Plexus Personal Training to provide a low-risk environment and help minimise the risk of transmission within the local community. We ask our clients to stay home and get tested if they develop any symptoms. ... Stay safe, everyone!

22.01.2022 With a huge range of dumbbells in our studio from 1kg all the way up to 50kg, we’ve got you covered.

20.01.2022 In accordance with the latest NSW Health requirements for gyms, we have formally registered our existing COVID-19 Safety Plan, and will have a COVID-19 Safe Hygiene Marshal on duty at all times. We are still committed to providing a safe, low-risk environment to everyone who enters our studio. Stay well, stay fit, and stay home if you’re feeling unwell.

20.01.2022 Seventeen point five. That’s the number of weeks that we expect our clients to see a significant shift in their lives after training with us new habits are formed, sleeping habits are improved, energy levels have increased... and that’s without mentioning the progress we would’ve already seen in strength and body composition. Where do you see yourself in four months time?

19.01.2022 It's always good having a laugh with our wonderful clients between sets. Train hard, laugh harder!

17.01.2022 What is the value in one-on-one coaching? Commercial gyms are convenient, but they often display a large number of people engaging in random movements with insufficient technique, and a lot of trial and error when it comes to discovering a good personal exercise program. People can, and do, spend so many years in these environments without much reward. At Plexus we want our clients to have the best experience possible from the minute they walk in the door, and to avoid the af...orementioned discouraging experiences found in commercial gyms. Our 1 on 1 approach includes: - A friendly and welcoming environment - Exquisite customer care - Attention to detail - Customised programming - Customised advice and accountability with nutrition - Most importantly a whole lot of fun! We're really proud of what we offer here at Plexus, and we think you'll like it too.

17.01.2022 How much do you bench? It’s one of the most common questions thrown around the gym. Let’s drop the much from the equation, and consider how do you bench instead. The three most important things to consider when you’re setting up for the bench press are: 1. Scapular retraction 2. Wrist and elbow placement ... 3. Leg position Throughout the entire movement of the bench press, the shoulder blades should stay back and down to place them in a strong and stable position. The barbell should remain stacked directly over the wrist and elbow joint, to maximise your force production and stability. And the legs? You should push your heels to the ground to create leg drive and facilitate rigidity in the upper body. Next time you find yourself under the barbell, try and apply these cues to help improve your bench press!

15.01.2022 Do you struggle to fit a bit of training or exercise into your daily routine? Before you answer yes, ask yourself these questions: 1. What time do you get out of bed each day? 2. How much time do you spend on social media? 3. How much time do you spend watching TV? 4. Can you squeeze in some exercise in your lunch break?... 5. Is your health a priority? We all have the same 24 hours each day. How do you spend yours?

12.01.2022 The Dead Bug is an exercise that is not meant to be overly taxing and there are many progressions/regressions of the Dead Bug that almost everyone should be able to find a variation that suits them. The Dead Bug is an exercise that we prescribe to our clients a lot here at Plexus. It is a simple exercise that incorporates core stability, trunk control, and coordination that carries over to all of the fundamental movement patterns (squat, lunge, hinge, push and pull). The common issue that we see when performing Dead Bugs is when the pelvis moves into an anteriorly tilted position ie. lower back lifting off the ground (you can see an example of this in the first phase of the video). If you feel your lower back loading when performing Dead Bugs that is an indicator that your pelvis is anteriorly tilting. In order to combat this issue, think about pressing your lower back down into the ground and tilting your hips towards your ribs (this will put you into a posteriorly tilted position). This is the position that you want to be in to maximise core loading. When performing Dead Bugs the goal is to move the opposite arm to leg at the same time whilst keeping your lower back pressing into the ground. It is important to not move the same side arm and leg as this is not a Dead Bug. Have any questions? Drop them below or send us a DM. Happy Dead Bugging

11.01.2022 The Bench Press and Overhead Press are key movements in any good resistance program, and one of the important steps is how you grip the bar. Let’s first identify what you don’t want when you set up: a false grip or "thumbless" grip, and bent wrists once you grip the bar. This can lead to accidents, and leakage of force production when you press. Here are some starters for the right set up: - Use a thumbs-around grip at all times to secure the bar in your hands. - Posit...ion the bar in the heel of your palm, not towards the fingers. By gripping the bar in the heel of your palm (over the ulna bone) you’ll have the bar sitting directly over your forearm bones, allowing the transfer of force from the body to the barbell most efficiently. Just these two simple steps will reinforce a good grip set up and assist maximum force production.

10.01.2022 Understanding the essentials of nutrition can help give you the tools you need to build a lifestyle that you love. We break down the basics into a three-part series, starting with understanding macronutrients and micronutrients. Check it out!

10.01.2022 Injuries don’t have to hold you back from training. In fact, it should be a reason to commence training with the aim to become stronger and more resilient. Thanks for the review Raph

10.01.2022 We have clients from all different age groups and backgrounds at Plexus, but they all want to achieve one thing to be better. Whether it’s to better their body composition, strength, pain or quality of life we help them achieve it. Photographed is 19 year old Heather, who has been working with Rachael since January 2019. Heather has lost 17kg over the past 18 months and recently squatted 105kg for 6 reps. What do you want to be better at?

07.01.2022 It’s been great having Kylie join the studio after lockdown. She’s becoming a crowd favourite, with only a handful of spots left before her schedule is full. If you’d like to book in a consultation, visit We’d love to hear from you!

07.01.2022 Ab rollouts are a great way to train your core. They’re Doron’s favourite. What’s your favourite ab exercise?

06.01.2022 Occasionally we get people in the studio that want to get serious about their training and compete in powerlifting. Rory is one of those people. He’s been training with Ben for the past 5 months, and competed in the 75kg division at Strength Nation yesterday. Rory walked away with a 225kg squat, a 130kg bench press and a 220kg deadlift to secure a 575kg total and first place in his weight class and third overall. We’re proud of you Rory!

05.01.2022 Setting up for a deadlift! A common mistake I see a lot of people making when setting up to deadlift is that they think of it as a squat and initiate the movement by bending the knees. The deadlift is a posterior chain exercise, not a squat! Whilst it still requires some knee bend, and the quads are still used during the movement, it’s not the main intent we want when doing the lift.... Set up to load the posterior chain effectively by hinging at the hips. Keep your arms straight down by your sides, pulling your armpits down to your pelvis. When your hands are at the knees, now you can knee bend. Grab the bar, taking the tension out, keeping the armpits locked down towards your pelvis this is a lat cue and will keep your back straight. Use your feet to spread the floor laterally so your knees push out towards your elbows these are glute cues. When all of the above is combined, you will have now created sufficient tension through your whole body and you can hold that position, then push through the floor as if you were doing a leg press to utilize your legs along with your whole posterior chain, standing up to efficiently perform a deadlift. See more

05.01.2022 The plank is an isometric exercise that helps develop strength and stability in the core. When we refer to the term isometric, we mean that muscular tension is developed as a static contraction. There are many different variations of the plank, but our favourites include: front planks, side planks and bench planks. What’s your favourite plank variation, and how long can you hold it for?

02.01.2022 Deadlifts or their variations are a staple in our studio. They replicate similar movement patterns to what we do in everyday life whether it’s picking up the laundry basket or holding a few bags of groceries. We don’t only use them to increase our clients overall strength, but we also use them to teach our clients how to move safely and efficiently.

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