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PlushPlay | Party supply and rental shop

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24.01.2022 Happy 1st birthday Addison, enjoy your Plushful play #1stbirthdayideas #softplayhirecanberra #softplayhire #plushplay #canberramobileplaycentre #canberramuns #canberrapartyentertainment #canberraparents #canberradads #toddlerparty #toddlerpartyentertainment #fun #firstbirthday #keepthekidsentertained #play

24.01.2022 Happy 1st birthday Penelope. Hope you have a lovely day and a plushful play #plushplay #ballpit #fun #1stbirthdays #partyhirecanberra #partyentertainment #toddlerpartyentertainment #toddlerparty #rainbowbridge #overandunderbridge #stepnslide #buildingblocks #party #powerofplay

24.01.2022 As we approach a new year we reflect on the year that has been! 2020 was no easy year, with the devastating bushfires to the Corona Virus, this year has in some way changed our lives forever. Starting a business during a global pandemic was no easy task, but we have come through. Yes, the virus made us stop for months, but it did not stop us from having fun altogether!! With the support of our community we have managed to put together some amazing soft play setups ...for birthdays, baby showers, christenings, mother's groups, childcare centres and Christmas parties. As we move into the year 2021 with hope and anticipation, we can not forget the memories we made in 2020. Here are just some of the amazing PlushPlay setups this year and we can't wait to do all again in 2021. Happy New Year everyone, we wish you all a very safe and happy 2021. Lot of love, from Olivia and Rikus xx

23.01.2022 Indoor setups are perfect for cold Canberra days! Happy 1st birthday Audrey, have a Plushful play! #rainbowbridge #overtherainbow #buildingblocks #ballpit #softplay #safeplay #indoorplay #indoorplayground #coldcanberraday #birthdaypartyhire #toddlerbirthday #canberrapartyhire #canberramums #canberradads #canberraparents

23.01.2022 Bumper cars and all things fun! Happy birthday Ciaro we hope you enjoyed your Plushful play! Why not clear your garage for some bumper car fun. The kids will love you for it :)... #bunpercars #indoorandoutdoorplay #plushplay #games #fun #keepthementertained #canberramobileplaycentre #canberraminibumpercars #kidsparties #toddlerentertainment #toddlerparties #toddlers

22.01.2022 What an awesome package for an awesome boy celebrating his 2nd birthday! Hope you enjoyed your Plushful play today Reed. We absolutely loved setting this up for you #plushplay #canberramobileplaycentre #canberrasoftplayhire #2ndbirthdays #canberraparties #fun #toddlerparties #toddlers #keepthementertained #makingmemories #funindoors #party #birthdayideas #kidspartyentertainment

22.01.2022 HAPPYPLUSH HIRE GIVE-AWAY ANNOUNCEMENT Thank you to all who participated in our give away, we had over 200 entries across Facebook and Instagram!! Congratulations to SANDRA MEI REFUERZO you have won a 4hr hire of our HappyPlush package!! ... Please contact us through Instagram or Facebook to claim your prize. #giveaways #happyplush #plushplay #plushplaygiveaways #softplay #free #fun #softplayfun

22.01.2022 UPDATE: Due to shipping restrictions related to the COVID-19 Pandemic we are unable to get these bumper cars in the country this year. Hopefully these cool bumper cars will feature in a PlushPlay package in 2021 - we will keep you all updated!! ____________________________________________________________... Let us know (by liking this post) if you would like to see these bumper cars feature in a PlushPlay package? If we get over 20 likes we will bring these to Canberra :) For toddlers between 1.5yrs and 3yrs, parents will be required to use the remote control to move the bumper cars. Children over 3yrs of age will be able to move the bumper cars using the joy stick.

22.01.2022 We can take care of your shading needs with our gazebos- a must have for outdoor spring/summer setups. Happy 1st birthday Asha, hope you have a Plushful play #shadefromthesun #springsummersetups #plushplay #softplay #superplushpackage #1stbirthdaypartyideas #partyideas #bungendore #canberraandsurrounds #canberramobileplaycentre #canberrasoftplayhire #toddlers #kidspartyentertianment #canberrapartyhire #canberramums #canberradads #canberraparents #funinthesun #fun #ballpit #minijumpingcastles

21.01.2022 A lovely day for a back yard party! Happy 1st birthday Matilda, enjoy your Plushful play #plushplay #backyardparty #softplayfun #softplayoutdoors #canberrasoftplayhire #canberramobileplaycentre #1stbirthday #1stbirthdaypartyideas #toddlers #babies #keepthementertained #fun #play #canberraparents

21.01.2022 Bring the fun to your child's birthday party with our FunPlush package. We take care of it all with free delivery, setup and packup within Canberra! Contact us at PlushPlay today to secure the FunPlush or one of our other awesome softplay party packages. For more info visit our webiste

20.01.2022 Heatwave? We have you covered! Happy birthday Celia, enjoy your Plushful Play #publicholiday #australiaday2021 #softplayinthepark #outdoorsetup #outdoorplay #plushplay #canberramobileplaycentre #canberrasoftplayhire #toddlerparty #kidspartyhire #keepthekidsentertained #shadefromthesun #canberramums #canberradads #canberraparents

20.01.2022 We managed to fit the SuperPlush package and the unicorn hopper in a standard double garage! Perfect space for those Winter days!! #superplushpackage #unicorn hopper #playinside #indoorplay #toddlerparties #softplayhire #canberrapartyentertainment #canberrapartyhire #powerofplay #fun #party #play

20.01.2022 Review us on Google for your chance to win $50 off your next hire with us!

20.01.2022 Luckily the weather cleared up and the sun came out! Happy Birthday Mia and Ayla, we hope you enjoyed your Plushful play! #plushplay #outdoorsetup #outdoorplay #superplushpackage #goodweather #canberramobileplaycentre #canberrasoftplayhire #canberramums #canberradads #canberraparents #toddlerplay #toddlerpartyideas #keepthekidsentertained

18.01.2022 And that's a wrap for 2020! Thank you Precious Momentz Childcare for inviting us again - this time to entertain the kids at their Christmas PJ themed Christmas Party! Hope the kids enjoyed their Plushful play! #awrapfor2020 #christmasparty #softplay #plushplay #childcarecentre #fun #christmaspjparty #endofyearcelebrations #canberrasoftplayhire #canberrapartyentertainment #happy #ballpit #canberraparents #canberramums #canberradads

17.01.2022 Our first setup for 2021, and what a gorgeous setup it was Happy 1st birthday Leyla, hope you had a Plushful play #firstsetupfor2021 #outdoorsetup #outdoorplay #plushplay #playatthepark #powerofplay #canberramobileplaycentre #canberrasoftplayhire #canberrakidsparties #1stbirthdayideas #keepthementertained #canberramums #canberraparents #canberradads

17.01.2022 Having the party indoors because September weather is so unpredictable Happy 1st birthday Ava, enjoy your Plushful play #indoorsetup #ballpitfun #1stbirthdayparties #toddlerpartyideas #canberrapartyentertainment #fun #party #kidsbirthday #jumpingcastles #softplay #softplayhire #canberraparents #powerofplay #happykids

17.01.2022 From all of us at PlushPlay we would like to thank you for your support this year. Your ongoing support has allowed us to get this business up and running during what has proved to be an unprecedented year! From our family to yours, we wish you all have a lovely Christmas and a happy and safe New Year! Bring on 2021!... Photo credit @figandchi #christmaswishes #hopingforabetteryear #plushplay #christmas2020 #Newyear #family #familyphotoshoot

17.01.2022 Hi everyone Just a friendly reminder that voting closes this Thursday! Grateful if you could follow the link and vote for us as 'best new business for 2020' in the Canberra Region Local Business Awards. We would be honoured just to be a finalist in this category, but for us to get there we need your vote!!... Thank you to all our supporters, you have made this year so much fun for PlushPlay - we just love creating fun play spaces for your little ones!! Remember to confirm your vote by email! Feel free to share with family and friends :)

17.01.2022 Happy 1st birthday Oscar, enjoy your Plushful play! #indoorsetup #BubsPlushpackage #1stbirthdays #canberrapartyentertainment #toddlerparty #fun #play #playinside #softplay #happy #canberrapartyhire #canberraparents #canberramums #canberradads

16.01.2022 Happy birthday Stevie, wishing you have a fun day and a Plushful play! PS you looked so cute in your Emma wiggle tutu #funplushpackage #plushplay #softplayhire #toddlerpartyentertainment #toddlerparty #play #canberrapartyentertainment #canberramums #canberradads #canberraparents #fun #powerofplay #ballpit #emmawiggle #wigglesparty

16.01.2022 Rain, hail or shine - we party!! Happy 3rd birthday Albie, have a plushful play! #softplayhire #plushplay #toddlerpartyentertainment #toddlerparty #birthdayhire #toddlers #fun #play #powerofplay #rainhailorshine #weparty

16.01.2022 Happy 1st birthday Santiago! Enjoy your Monster party and have a Plushful play! #happyplush #toddlerparties #birthdays #softplay #plushplay #fun #happy #powerofplay #canberrapartyentertainment #canberrapartyhire #1stbirthdays #toddler #canberramums #canberradads #partyhire

16.01.2022 Happy 1st birthday John! Regardless of the rain have a Plushful play!! #softplay #livingroom #softplayindoors #happyplush #plushplay #1stbirthdays #birthdayentertainment #toddlerpartyentertainment #toddlerparty #canberrapartyentertainment #canberramums #canberraparents #canberradads #happy #canberra #fun #powerofplay

14.01.2022 Happy 1st birthday Bastion! Have a great day and a Plushful play! #funplush #birthdayentertainment #toddlerpartyentertainment #plushplay #rainraingoaway #canberrapartyentertainment #canberramums #canberradads #canberrawomen #birthday #softplayfun #softplay #softplayhire #powerofplay #motorskillsdevelopment

14.01.2022 A back yard play centre made possible by PlushPlay! Happy birthday Charlotte and Jaxon enjoy your Plushful play! #4thbirthdayparty #5thbirthdayparties #toddlerpartyentertainment #toddlerparty #fun #playcentreathome #canberrasoftplayhire #canberrapartyhire #canberramums #canberradads #canberraparents #canberraplay #canberramobileplaycentre #birthdaypartyentertainment #ballpits #rideonrollercoaster #jumpingcastles

14.01.2022 Happy birthday Gabriel ~ have a Plushful play~ #bounce #animalhoppers #airtrampoline #tumblerumble #plushplay #2ndbirthday #partyhirecanberra #toddlerpartyentertainment #play #fun #canberrapartyentertainment #canberramums #canberradads #canberraparents

14.01.2022 Thank you to all our clients, supporters, family and friends who voted for us! We are overjoyed to become finalists in the 'new business' category of the Canberra Region Local Business Awards. There are a number of amazing 'new' businesses who have been chosen as finalists in this category, and we are just elated to be considered among them. From all of us at PlushPlay, thank you, we are so lucky to have your support and we look forward to continue bringing the joy of soft p...lay to you all xx #bestnewbusiness #canberraregion #localbusinessawards #finalist2020 #happytobehere #thankyou

14.01.2022 Happy 2nd birthday Judah! Hope you have an exciting day and a Plushful Play! #ultimateplush #softplay #softplayhire #plushplay #fun #birthday #birthdayparties #birthdayentertainment #toddlerparty #toddlerpartyentertainment #powerofplay #play #playdanceagency #canberrapartyentertainment #canberramums #canberradads #2ndbirthday @ PLAY - The Dance Agency

14.01.2022 Our BubsPlush package is so much fun! Happy 1st birthday Ellie, have a Plushful play! #thursdayparties #BubsPlushpackage #fun #1stbirthdays #funforhours #funfortoddlers #funforbabies #canberrapartyentertainment #canberraparties #play #powerofplay

13.01.2022 Indoor setups are just as nice Hope you had a great day and a Plushful play Isaac #indoorsetup #jumpingcastles #plushplay #toddlerpartyentertainment #toddlerparty #1stbirthdays #birthdayentertainment #canberrapartyentertainment #canberramums #canberradads #powerofplay #playtime #funfortoddlers

13.01.2022 Our popular BubsPlush package all set up for Gwen's 1st birthday. Enjoy your Plushful Play #bubsplush #1stbirthdayparties #keepthementertained #fun #babythings #toddlerfun #1stbirthdayideas #kidsentertainment #canberrakidsparties #canberramobileplaycentre #canberrasoftplayhire #softplay

12.01.2022 Happy birthday Harry and Leo we hope you enjoyed your Plushful play #twinsbirthday #kidsactivityideas #plushplay #softplay #birthdaypartyideas #keepingthekidsentertained #bestbirthdayever #fun #toddlerbirthdays #canberramobileplaycentre #canberrasoftplayhire #canberrapartyhire #canberraparents

12.01.2022 Happy 1st birthday Ivy. Have a Plushful play with all your animal hopper friends #partyatapark #parksetups #animalhoppers #1stbirthdays #toddlerpartyentertainment #toddlerparty #play #fun #canberrapartyentertainment #canberrapartyhire #canberraparents #canberramums #canberradads

11.01.2022 Happy 1st birthday Cooper. Have a Plushful play! Our client utilised their warehouse for party space and with our safety fence, the kids can play safe and sound. #kids #safeplay #party #1stbirthdays #partyinawarehouse #safetyfence #softplay #ultimateplush #minijumpingcastle #powerofplay #fun #partyentertainment #plushplay #canberrapartyhire #canberramums #canberradads

11.01.2022 To celebrate the launch of our new logo we have teamed up with Piece of Grace to bring to you these delicious cookies. These yummy cookies will be given to all our customers that have booked us in the month of November (lucky you!!). #newlogo #softlaunch #yummy #cookies #plushplay #customertreats #soyummy #desserts #sugarcookies #sugarush #getinmybelly #sweetooth

10.01.2022 Happy 1st birthday Vivaan! Wishing you and your friends have a fun day and a Plushful play!! #softplayisback #softplayhire #plushplay #1stbirthday #fun #toddlerparty #canberrapartyentertainment #canberramums #canberradads #powerofplay #play #party #houseparty #happy #funplush

10.01.2022 Sneak peak of our new 'ActivePlush' package for ages 3-6yrs. The ActivePlush will come with 20mm eva foam gym tiles and the following items: - Jumping Castle (comming soon) - Ball Pit (coming soon)... - Ride on roller coaster (available now) - Gus the caterpillar tunnel (available now) - Large foam block Jenga and dice (available now) - Connect4 (available now) Items pictured can now be hired as add ons Stay tuned for the photos of the ActivePlush package coming soon! #actionpacked #activeplush #plushplay #fun #activetoddlerplay #powerofplay #games #outdoorplay #partyentertainment #toddlersbirthdays #canberramums #canberradads #canberrapartyhire

10.01.2022 Happy 1st birthday Thea, enjoy your Plushful play x If you are pressed for space we can always mix it up with some indoor and outdoor play like we did here (weather permitting). #plushplay #ballpit #toddlerpartyentertainment #toddlerparty #1stbirthdays #powerofplay #playtime #canberrapartyhire #partyhire #birthdays #toddlers #softplay #safeplay #kidsentertainment #fun

09.01.2022 Our mini jumping castle is the perfect add on to our BubsPlush package! The kids will love it #addon #minijumpingcastle #bounce #fun #play #jumphigh #entertainingkids #toddlerparty

08.01.2022 Play is the highest form of research! #softplay #fun #play #explore #research #learn #canberramobileplaycentre #canberrasoftplayhire #1stbirthdayideas #cute #tutu

07.01.2022 Such a beautiful backdrop! Happy 1st birthday Louis, have a Plushful play #partyinapark #parksetups #toddlerpartyentertainment #toddlerparty #1stbirthdays #canberrapartyentertainment #plushplay #funplush #rainbowtunnel #fun #play #park #party #canberralocal

07.01.2022 Happy 1st birthday Zoe! We absolutely loved setting up the BubsPlush package for you and your friends. Have a great day and a Plushful play! #softplayindoors #winterfun #toddlerplay #plushplay #BubsPlushpackage #bubsplay #toddlerfun #powerofplay #1stbirthday #partyentertainment #partyhirecanberra #canberramums #canberradads

07.01.2022 For a limited time only we are adding these building blocks in our large ball pits - just because we know how to have fun!! #ballpit #fun #softblocks #buildingblocks #ballpitparty #colour #play #powerofplay #partytime

07.01.2022 Another one !! - DJ PlushPlay {mic drop} Happy 1sr birthday Zalia, enjoy your Plushful play #overtherainbow #airtrampoline #softplay #softplayhire #1stbirthdayparties #toddlerparty #play #fun #powerofplay #canberrapartyentertainment #canberraparties #canberraparents #keepthekidsbusy #indoorsetup

07.01.2022 Evana was all smiles when she went into our step'nslide ball pit! You looked adorbs in your toy story outfit! Happy birthday to you and your brother Ethan! Hope you had a Plushful play x #ballpit #birthdayentertainment #funforhours #happy #kidsentertainment #plushplay #fun #animalhoppers #toystorybirthdayparty #canberrapartyhire #toddlerbirthdayentertainment #canberramums #canberradads #canberraparents

06.01.2022 Slide your way into your happy place! Happy 4th birthday Obie, hope you have a Plushful play #slideandbounce #preschoolagefun #ballpit #jumpingcastle #rideonrollercoaster #4thbirthdayparty #rideonrollercoaster #birthdaypartyideas #canberrapartyhire #fun #happyplace #canberraparents

05.01.2022 Happy 2nd birthday Natalija, enjoy your Plushful play! #2ndbirthdaypartyideas #kidsentertainment #kidspartyhire #canberramobileplaycentre #canberrasoftplayhire #canberrapartyhire #canberramuns #canberrapartyentertainment #canberraparents #fun #BubsPlushpackage #softplay #keepthekidsentertained

04.01.2022 Our new animated logo Thank you to E-Vulv Marketing @e_vulv for bringing it to life. We will slowly phase out the old logo and bring in the new. What do you think of our new look?

04.01.2022 COMPETITION WINNER ANNOUNCEMENT Thank you to all who entered our competition. We had 98 valid entries from both our Facebook and Instagram followers. But there can only be one winner! Congratulations to our winner AMY NOBLE. To claim your 4hr hire of the BubsPlush package please get in contact with us.... Thank you once again and stay tuned as we will continue to hold competitions and giveaways in the future. #PlushPlayCompetition #BubsPlushpackage #softplay #giveaways #funfortoddlers #birthdayparties #competition #winner #onewinner

03.01.2022 We just love park setups in Spring Have a Plushful play Evelyn! #funplushpackage #safetyfence #parksetup #fun #1stbirthdays #toddlerpartyentertainment #partyhirecanberra #canberrapartyentertainment #canberramums #canberradads #canberraparents #playtime #powerofplay #partyhit #springtime

02.01.2022 What a gorgeous day for a BubsPlush setup! Our fence is just so bright and colourful, such a complement to all our packages. Have a plushful play Ella ... #thesunisout #plushplay #BubsPlushpackage #safetyfence #toddlersbirthdays #fun #powerofplay #safeandsound #1stbirthdays #partyentertainmenthire #canberrapartyhire #canberramums #canberradads #canberraparents #toddlerplay #babyplay

02.01.2022 So wonderfully colourful Another gorgeous setup indoors!! Happy 1st birthday Henry. Have a Plushful play!! #colour #BubsPlushpackage #airtrampoline #fun #1stbirthdays #partyhirecanberra #toddlerpartyentertainment #toddlers #crawlers #plushplay #indoorplayground #indoorplay #play #canberramums #canberradads #canberraparents

01.01.2022 We just love having our clients hire us back the following year! We love it so much that we give all our repeat clients 10% off!! Happy 2nd birthday Liam, enjoy your Plushful play! See you again next year!... #repeatcustomers #plushplay #happyplush #lovewhatyoudo #canberramobileplaycentre #canberramuns #canberradads #canberraparents #canberrapartyentertainment #softplayhirecanberra #canberrasoftplay #toddlerparty #toddlerpartyentertainment #outdoorandindoorplay #play #fun #happy #softplay

01.01.2022 We are excited to announce that we have been nominated for the best New Business for the Canberra Region Local Business awards. It has been a rough year as a start up business during the COVID-19 pandemic, so please show your love and support by voting for us. It is because of our Canberra community that we continue to thrive and we hope that our community continue to provide that support so that we can grow and keep on bringing the joy of soft play to you for years to come.... Voting closes 17 September 2020. HOW TO VOTE: STEP 1) CLICK ON THE LINK STEP 2) CLICK VOTE FOR THIS BUSINESS STEP 3) ENTER YOUR CONTACT DETAILS STEP 4) CONFIRM YOUR ENTRY BY EMAIL

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