Port Macquarie Surfing Museum in Port Macquarie, New South Wales | Non-profit organisation
Port Macquarie Surfing Museum
Locality: Port Macquarie, New South Wales
Phone: +61 407 221 643
Address: Lighthouse Plaza, Ocean Drive 2444 Port Macquarie, NSW, Australia
Likes: 868
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25.01.2022 Our Museum opening hours are 10 to 3 Monday to Saturday Closed on Sunday Gone surfing We are always looking for people to help out in the shop If interested just drop in or give us a call Alan 0407221643
24.01.2022 Some photos from Port Macquarie’s rich surfing history, including a piece of genuine automotive surf transport !!!
23.01.2022 It is time to renew your membership as renewals are due on 1st July Those members who renew by 1st August will receive an entry in the HUDS SURFBOARD RAFFLE which is due to drawn in August All members renewing do receive a Museum key ring and copy of Pacific Longboard magazine Your membership fee represents great value
23.01.2022 We are gradually reopening to the public with all COVID -19 procedures in place So next time you are down town call around but we are only here at limited hours HUD SURFBOARD will be drawn soon Tickets are $5
23.01.2022 The good old days
22.01.2022 We have expanded our section on Women in the Surf Thanks to Robyn Harvey who has helped out with some great photos from the 60s Robyn has been associated with surfing all her life being a Crescent Head local and sponsored many young ladies through her Women in Waves Call into the Museum and see this new exhibition which includes some of our original photos of the local Port girls
22.01.2022 We were planning on reopening the Museum on Monday as all our friendly VOLUNTEERS were keen to get back to work However,due to the recent flare ups with Covid 19 We had to postpone Hoping to open early next month Dont forget to get your membership renewals ins so that you can be in the draw for the Surfboard
21.01.2022 The Spoon made famous by the great George Greenough and the film Crystal Voyager . George was a master of design and philosophy, surfing with bakery lights strapped to his back to get the first film of inside the barrel .Drop in and view this gem on display.
20.01.2022 Don’t forget to vote on the Essential Energy vote for us please You are able to cast one vote per day till the end of the month Thankyou
20.01.2022 Just arrived in time for Xmas are new stock of T-shirts ranging from 3XL to small and range of colors Also a range of dress Collar t-shirts and Sloppy Joes Limited stock of casual jackets Bird Rock Caps as well as Surf Museum and casual shoulder bags
18.01.2022 The Museum is now open Monday to Saturday from 11 to 2 at present.Big day on Sunday as we will be drawing the raffle of the retro Huds surfboard Last chance to get your lucky ticket
18.01.2022 A couple good old photos of surfing in the 60"s. The 1st and last photos were down at Diamond Head, in the times when it was like a days trip to get there.
18.01.2022 We have applied for a grant through Essential Energy Good 2 Give community grants to support volunteer organisations In order to get the grant, we need you, our community, to vote! Simply open the link below, http://voting.essentialenergy.good2givegrants.org... Type 19 in the zone number and look for "Port Macquarie Surfing History Museum Inc "You can vote once a day, it only takes a few minutes We would really appreciate it Keep our doors open and our extensive surfing history going on our way to building a Surfing Museum in Port Macquarie Thankyou share with all your friends
18.01.2022 We now have a great exhibition of 1970 surfboards shaped by John Lewis including his Shady Mountain Shooters John set up 1 of the 1st surfboard shaping business here in Port in 1972 Call into the Museum and also see other new additions
18.01.2022 We thank John Brassen from Pacific Longboard for the article in this months magazine about our Museum It is a great mag with excellent photos and stories about surfing.
16.01.2022 On Saturday we went down to the Bonny Hills Rural Fire Brigade to present.the cheque being the donations that we received earlier this year.It is just on 12 months since the fires were in our area These volunteers do a great job and were very appreciative of our small donation Thanks to all those people who donated
15.01.2022 We will soon have a limited edition of retro T-Shirts Derek Crisp Surfari Surfboards Derek was making boards here on Port in 1957 T-Shirts will in white and tan Hopefully available at end of month We are taking orders
15.01.2022 We now have available a limited range of this year's Bird Rock Memorial Caps for sale Blue Brown & Pink Also arriving next week will be new stock of our own T-Shirts & Caps plus collared shirts Call and check out our Bird Rock display
14.01.2022 We now have on display 4 old timber boards including 2 Tooth picks from 1940s These go well with our collection of timber 1950s ply boards Come down and see the collection
14.01.2022 Hohensee (Laurie Hohensee) Gold Coast 1967-68. 7’10 V-bottom ,square tail , with a large raked fin . The Fantastic Plastic Machine started a revolution in surfboard shaping .
13.01.2022 We at the Museum were hoping to have had the doors open but have decided to delay our reopening until August We are still planning on drawing the Surfboard Raffle in August and we are selling our T-shirts Please get your membership renewals in
13.01.2022 Lake Cathie is flowing nicely
13.01.2022 Today the real estate agent has placed a large for Lease sign in the window. We will be still operating there once the Coruna Virus concerns are over. The Raffle draw has been delayed for time been If anyone would like to collect any item from the Museum please contact myself on 0407221643 Keep well everyone
12.01.2022 Prior to temporarily closing up we had a visit from Hillary Nicholson who came 3rd in ladies division of 1964 World Titles at Manly Hillary has kindly donated her collection of Surfing magazines which date back to 1964 When we reopen call in and have a read Great trip down memory lane
11.01.2022 Today Matthew Gray drove up from Sydney to collect his Raffle prize of the Black Square Logger 9 foot surfboard Matthew was hoping to surf it this weekend May have to wait due these weather conditions We now have tickets for the Retro 7 foot Huds surfboard on sale Call into the shop and check out the new arrivals especially John Lewis Shady Mountain Shooters
10.01.2022 We are down at the Little Shack for the morning Come along and inspect some of the boards on display Also the Ryan Chelman Logger Mal which is to Raffled in ext few weeks Enjoy a coffee at the Little Shack overlooking the river at the Breakwall
09.01.2022 We now have a new Raffle running being Retro 7foot single fin shaped by Huds- Graham Huddleston who has been making boards for local surfers for decades Tickets available at Museum
09.01.2022 Just to advise everyone that the Museum Will be closed tomorrow Friday due to work taking place on the building Open on Saturday So call in and check out the new vintage boards that have arrived this week
08.01.2022 Still looking at all those great old mags from 1963 and 64
08.01.2022 Today we went down to Town Beach and set up out 1 of new Marques Thank you PYCON HOMES for your generosity in providing the funds for us to purchase this essential equipment We will now be attending many outdoor events over Xmas Thanks to the guys who came down today and help set up Jim.Dave .Timo Ian and of course Sharon Town Beach was at its best except for lack of waves
07.01.2022 When at home all day I start looking at old surf mags Some follow photos from last week Cant wait to show people these great Surfing World and Surfabout Magazines we now have in the Library
07.01.2022 Ken Williams legendary surfer , photos between 1960 and 1965 , frequent visitor to the Port Macquarie Surfing Museum . If he is in there when you visit say hello he has some great yarns .
06.01.2022 We now have a new stock of T- Shirts and singlets in 6 bright colours Also full range of Janies Tie Dye tops Call in and look for yourself
06.01.2022 On Sunday we will be setting up our new Marques on Town Beach which were donated by Pycon Homes Call down and say Hello
05.01.2022 Today at Mal De Mer club day at Bonny Hills we drew the surfboard raffle Huds retro board Lucky winner was PAUL HOLCROFT Congratulations Paul who is 1 of the dawn patrol guys at Town Beach The Museum thanks everyone for your support
05.01.2022 We had a day down at Forster seeing surf legend Bob Brown Photo showing over 200 years of Surfing Bob with Ken Williams and Garry Taylor both Bob and Garry were Aust Champions and Ken has been a Judge since 1964 World World Titles at Manly
04.01.2022 Crouched called in over the weekend and dropped off 2 boards including some great photos and his personal notes on surfboard design and fins Call in and see all these items We even recorded an interview with Wayne Thanks Chrisso and Crouch
04.01.2022 Our last Raffle board is on the way to its new owner Thanks to his proud Grandfather Ian Goulding What a Xmas present to Bowen
04.01.2022 1964 - Why are women not surfing? Surfing was once quite a hostile environment for female surfers and like much of our brutal human history we can look back an...d think ‘how could people behave like that?’ Yes, women were not very welcome in the lineup. We know this. It is a fact. If you look at this photo and imagine being a learner female surfer, the very act of picking up a heavy 20-pound Dfin longboard and paddling out through the breakers with no legrope, that is quite intimidating in itself, let alone the potential wrath the lady surfer might experience from the experienced men. It was a different era. Some surfing spots were inclusive and welcoming to women surfers... however, getting started with surfing on a surfboard with no legrope was quite an undertakingeven for a man, who is inherently a much stronger swimmer. Indeed, before the legrope (1972 ish) you had to be a water-loving person with strong swimming skills to start surfing, or you would probably drown. Women surfers.imagery. While spending over a decade researching 35mm and other film stocks in my late 20s and 30s - I simply could not find any photos of females free surfing with no legrope. And I looked. I think I probably looked as thoroughly through the Australian archives as perhaps anyone prior or since - if I am kind to myself. The only photos I could find were from about 1965 onwards and they were all at surfing contests with numbers/jerseys and those photos were usually always contrived (in style) and/or shot in crappy waves. So, the photos don't exist. More recently I have read feminists slating Surfer magazine and other printed publications from the bygone era with the usual misogyny lark that seems to be so prolific in our current world; you know the conversation of ‘most men are horrible toxic misogynists and all women are divine and god-like.’ Women hipsters on Instagram complaining that these bygone publications didn’t publish photos and stories of women. From my point of view, the photos don’t exist, so they are complaining about something (in the past) that wasn't even possible. My opinion is when you are complaining about something in the past, that is not a good road to be on. Yes, there were some female surfers at that time, but there are next to no photos, in comparison to the men. Yes, there are some wonderful photos of females at the beach, and with surfboards from that era - Bob Weeks imagery (Kurranulla Wahines) springs to mind. But the fact is this, even in the 1970s at surfing contests many of the photographers downed their tools once the women paddled out. Why? Because if they took a roll of film it cost them money and when they spent that money and sent that roll of film to the fledgling magazines of the era - the magazine would not print the photos because there was not a large enough readership of people interested in seeing those photos. That is the historical truth. Photo Ron Perrott (rip) #ronperrott #womensurfinghistory Ron Perrott is an intriguing story in himself and potentially will run in TSJ in 2021 - the only known document regarding his career (which was cut short) was compiled by Bruce Channon about 15-20 years ago. Perrott was a roaming staff photographer for US Surfer magazine in the 1960s and 70s...Surfer Magazine, the original, which you have probably heard closed its doors this week. More on Ron Perrott here, https://hodaddy.com.au/search?q=perrott
04.01.2022 This week we have had some new exhibits arrive at the Museum 1970s single fin boards including a Simon Anderson 1980 Thruster
04.01.2022 We are having new items being dropped in which include a collection of Pacific Longboard magazines Jim Cain now has a recent purchase of an old timber Ockanui board which joins our other collection of timber boards
04.01.2022 We have set up a special exhibition to honour the 40th Anniversary of the Bird Rock Memorial Surf competition
03.01.2022 DON'T FORGET TO KEEP VOTING , on Community Choices Essential Energy ,we are a long way behind ,LETS DO IT and be winners.
03.01.2022 We are now stocking Hot Grommet Surf Star Challenge which is a Board Game about Beach Survival Ideal XMAS Gift Call into the Museum as we have a game on display and information
03.01.2022 Can you remember when you used to buy a set of roller blades and made 2 skate boards.Those wheels used to be lethal as they used to slide out and skid Let alone what would happen if you hit a pebble.
03.01.2022 Went to Town Beach this morning and meet up with Paul who now is the proud owner of the HUDS retro 7 foot board I am sure that it will waxed up tomorrow
02.01.2022 Our new Raffle board from Black Square Surfboards has arrived Ryan has shaped us a traditional style 9 foot 2 Logger with glassed in fin Great looking board Thanks Ryan Call into the Museum and get your tickets
02.01.2022 On Aust Day we set up down on the Town Green with a great exhibition of vintage surfboards.We also Raffled the Black Square Logger Surfboard with the lucky winner being MATTHEW GRAY from Sydney Thanks to all the guys who help out on the day and Pycon Homes who sponsored our great Marques
01.01.2022 Hi friends of the Museum, NSW Museums have decided to temporarily close museums across NSW. We have decided to follow their advice and close until they advise otherwise. If you need anything collected please phone me on 0407221643, otherwise happy surfing, regards Alan
01.01.2022 Photo of the draw for the Surfboard Raffle
01.01.2022 Now that we back open we are receiving new vintage 70s boards 2 recent ones include Red Surfboard by Bobby Cain and 1 shaped Col Smith Red Surfboard are 1 of the original board shapers here in Port Call in and enjoy a trip back to the good old days of Surfing
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