Pnev-ma | Yoga studio
Phone: +61 412 555 233
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25.01.2022 Hi Beautiful Souls , I have 2 spots available for Slow Flow Yoga every Thursday morning @9:30am. Small intimate classes This class is suitable for all levels with lots of options. The focus will be moving mindfully with the breath, building strength and flexibility in mind , body and spirit. Clayton South location Can't wait to share space with you. ... If this resonates pls inbox me for more info. See more
24.01.2022 Can you take a few minutes today to sit in stillness. Bring awareness to your breath and notice you are breathing. If it feels ok, take some beautiful conscious breaths, inhaling and exhaling. Soften, open and relax. Shoulders away from the ears, spine lengthened. Chin tucked slightly to elongate the back of the neck. ... Muscles in the face relax, jaw , area between the brow soft. unfurl your fingers. Muscles around the hips , soften, belly relaxed. Allow yourself to feel into your heart space. Allow that space to grow and expand. Drop into that space. Feel Divine Love, Divine Light , Divine Healing frequencies flowing in and around your body. Filling up your physical, your etheric, your emotional, mental and spiritual body. Can you feel yourself light up with even more Love, even more Light . Welcome yourself home and breathe . You are Loved Blessings dear ones. Meditations , Activations, Channeled messages and Healings going live soon. Xxxx @tina_pnevma @pnevma_healing #meditation #channel #activations #activate #breathe #yogateacher #energytherapist #love #lover #higherconsciousness #starseed #lightwarrior #starylanguages #counciloflight #unviel #sacredlightcodes #remotehealing
24.01.2022 Hi beautiful souls, I'm so very excited to be back doing what I love. From November 1st in person Energy Healing sessions recommence and from November 9th Yoga sessions A very big thank you to all my loyal clients and students for all the love and support durning the restrictions. Zoom and remote sessions will still be available also ... To make an appointment send me Dm . Can't wait to physically share space with you. With love and blessings Tina xxxx #reiki #pellowah #energyhealing #lightlanguagehealer #intuitiveenergyhealer #selflove #selfcare #balance #elevate #ascendedmasters #angelichealingpractioner #yogateacher #breathe #heal #truamaaware #chakrahealing #channeledmessages
24.01.2022 Hi beautiful souls , thank you so much for your interest in the new classes starting this Thursday 9th of July at Pnev-Ma Yoga Studio . Yin Yoga & Sound Healing is fully booked. I have 2 x spots available for Yoga Flow 6pm (4 x week commitment required ) . Now is the perfect time to look after your mind , body , spirit through practices such as Yoga. Pls message me if you would like join xxx
23.01.2022 Lunar Eclipse Nov 30 : Transmutation of Poison Eclipse gateways , as we are now at, are The Winds of Change blowing away the old remnants of an way of being can no longer be carried forth ( Lunar eclipse Nov 30/ Violet Flame) into the new Age of Aquarius (Dec 21/ Solstice/ Jupiter -Saturn Conjunct) and bringing in the Seeds for the New Establishment (Solar Eclipse Dec 14/ Golden Light). We enter this Eclipse Gateway via Transmutation on Steroids...and what I’m getting constantly is Transmutation of Poison !!! Seeing’/ working with Violet Flame much?!? The Violet Flame is the bridge to the Age of Aquarius , and it is this Violet Flame that the SPIRITUAL WARRIORS (777) - The Wise Women ,The Wisdom Keepers , The Keepers of The Creation Codes of GrandMother Spider lineage are interfacing with at present. They are TRANSMUTING THE POISON of eons gone by. The poison of Patriarchal Beliefs , Attitudes and Attributes . The Poison of ancestral Karma carried via their Blood lineage from the past. For they are the Circuit Breakers , ensuring that the Trauma of the past is Transmuted and healed Now and Not passed onto future generations. As the future generation has the big job of Creating a whole new Way of Life in the Age of Aquarius and comes equipped with the Blueprint / codes for the same and can not expected to be diverted from their purpose with the Dismantlement and Transmutation of the Old.hence the Wise Women/ Wisdom Keepers/ Keepers of Creation Codes of GrandMother Spider ..YOU!!! Solar Plexus under pressure / erratic eating / strange cravings etc ?!?! It is our Solar Plexus that is providing The Fire/ energy for this Transmutation and our Physical Bodies are the cauldrons of this Transmutation ( issues with skin...sudden itchiness, dryness etc) Drink plenty of Water and spend time in the Sun in nature and honour the needs/ demands of the Body right Now. Use the Energies of This Lunar Eclipse To Transmute , Heal and Release All Beliefs, patterns that Do not honour and protect the intrinsic interconnectedness of all Sentient Expressions of Life Force Energy ( ie Gaia and her offspring’s- flora, fauna, human beings) as One. Ask for the Winds of Change to blow away all attitudes and attributes that work for self serving agendas via Power control, entitlement , subversion, manipulation, untruths and domination. Call upon The Violet Flame To Transmute Ancestral and Karmic disease, distortions , conditionings and curses. And call forth the attributes of Forgiveness and Compassion to set you Free from the past. ..And lastly call forth The Sword of Truth (Blue) ( to cut the cords of illusions that have had us blinded and captive for eons) and The Shield of Courage (Golden). Courage as YOU The Wise Women, The Wisdom Keepers , The keepers of The Creation Codes of GrandMother Spider need to HOLD SPACE as the old foundations crumble like a pack of cards all around, as the quicksands of shifting foundations exacerbate anxiety and confusion in the collective for they are hanging on with dear life to the remnants of the dysfunctional Old with a false sense of security of the Known .. YOU are their piggy back rides into the New. Take Care of YOU.remember the Butterfly ( ultimate symbol of Transmutation, transformation and transfiguration) transmutes and transforms hidden from sight in a Cocoon!!! Aerodynamically the Bee( representative of The Divine Feminine Energy) is incapable of flight.But Fly It Does..YOU are the Miracle Workers...The Sentinels of The God/Goddess Source Light!!! Be Light ,InLight ,InGrace Currently unavailable for sessions Gratitude To Artists Amethystmoonsong and others Unknown , pls tag if you know #eclipse #lunar #ageofAquarius #spiritualWarriors #wiseWomen #wisdomkeepers #grandMotherSpider #Transmutation #windsOfChange #SwordOftruth #ShieldOfCourage #violetFlame #goldenlight #circuitBreakers
23.01.2022 Hi beautiful souls, A very happy Monday to you all. I have added some beautiful new items to my little online store. Also reminding you all that I can create little personalized hampers as gifts. Thank you for supporting small business I'm so grateful Click on the link below to have a little browse and Pm with any questions.
23.01.2022 I just wanted to share this beautiful art work from Infinite Healing Codes. Maria a very talented code artist received this vision whilst listening to my Light Language healing Transmission yesterday
22.01.2022 Advise from Maria Sabina, Mexican curandera (medicine woman) and poet. Cure yourself, with the light of the sun and the rays of the moon. W...ith the sound of the river and the waterfall. With the swaying of the sea and the fluttering of birds. Heal yourself, with the mint and mint leaves, with neem and eucalyptus. Sweeten yourself with lavender, rosemary, and chamomile. Hug yourself with the cocoa bean and a touch of cinnamon. Put love in tea instead of sugar And take it looking at the stars Heal yourself , with the kisses that the wind gives you and the hugs of the rain. Get strong with bare feet on the ground and with everything that is born from it. Get smarter every day by listening to your intuition, looking at the world with the eye of your forehead. Jump, dance, sing, so that you live happier. Heal yourself, with beautiful love, and always remember ... you are the medicine. " See more
22.01.2022 One of my favs that I would like to share with you.
22.01.2022 You are beautiful because you let yourself feel, and that is a brave thing indeed Shinji Moon #rosemedicine #rosecodes #heal #feeltoheal #feelings #divinefeminine #rose #heartawakening #womban #wombhealing #brave #newearth #5dconsciousness #newbeginnings #reikihealing #pellowahpractitioner #lightwarrior #lightlanguagehealer #activator #activations #breathe #yogateacher
21.01.2022 Before I could ease the weight of grief and sorrow. I had to first meet those parts of me. The parts I had pushed out onto the wastelands. The parts I had trea...ted with neglect and fear. These parts of me, born from moments of pain and trauma, had become monstrous to my mind. I was scared of greeting them, seeing what I had done from shutting them away and tearing out their tongues. Fearful of the guilt and shame these monstrous parts of me might make me feel. Guilt for my actions, words and deeds. Scared of being filled with shame, as the smears of dirt still held in my fibre are revealed in all their shitty glory. Yet, when I entered the wastelands, to call these ugly parts of me back, waiting to be filled with disgust at the mere sight of them. I saw instead, broken parts of me, in need of love and care. Each needing to be seen, heard and felt; no longer neglected. To be, instead, acknowledged in love. I no longer felt to push these parts of me away. But only to hold these pieces of myself; the broken child, the lost woman, the distorted teen; holding them into my heart. Hugging them with tenderness and strength, until they started to melt back into me, filling my heart and making me whole again. No longer fragmented. No longer fearing the monster, instead feeling me. ~ Brigit Anna McNeill: [Art: Polly Nor]
21.01.2022 Fully grounded in the earth, aspiring toward the divine, ever blooming from within towards the light- Masaru Emoto #lotus #grounded #lightwarrior #lightcodeactivator #divinelight #bloomfromwithin #elevate #bloom #heal #lightlanguagehealer #reikimaster #pellowahpractioner #yogateacher #light #breathe #love #melbourneenergyhealer #quotes
21.01.2022 In any dark time, there is a tendency to veer toward fainting over how much is wrong or unmended in the world. Do not focus on that. There is a tendency to fall... into being weakened by dwelling on what is outside your reach, by what cannot yet be. Do not focus there. That is spending the wind without raising the sails. We are needed, that is all we can know. And though we meet resistance, we more so will meet great souls who will hail us, love us and guide us, and we will know them when they appear. Didn't you say you were a believer? Didn't you say you pledged to listen to a voice greater? Didn't you ask for grace? Don't you remember that to be in grace means to submit to the voice greater? Ours is not the task of fixing the entire world all at once, but of stretching out to mend the part of the world that is within our reach. Any small, calm thing that one soul can do to help another soul, to assist some portion of this poor suffering world, will help immensely. It is not given to us to know which acts or by whom, will cause the critical mass to tip toward an enduring good. What is needed for dramatic change is an accumulation of acts, adding, adding to, adding more, continuing. We know that it does not take "everyone on Earth" to bring justice and peace, but only a small, determined group who will not give up during the first, second, or hundredth gale. One of the most calming and powerful actions you can do to intervene in a stormy world is to stand up and show your soul. Soul on deck shines like gold in dark times. The light of the soul throws sparks, can send up flares, builds signal fires, causes proper matters to catch fire. To display the lantern of soul in shadowy times like these - to be fierce and to show mercy toward others, both, are acts of immense bravery and greatest necessity. Struggling souls catch light from other souls who are fully lit and willing to show it. If you would help to calm the tumult, this is one of the strongest things you can do. There will always be times when you feel discouraged. I too have felt despair many times in my life, but I do not keep a chair for it; I will not entertain it. It is not allowed to eat from my plate. The reason is this: In my uttermost bones I know something, as do you. It is that there can be no despair when you remember why you came to Earth, who you serve, and who sent you here. The good words we say and the good deeds we do are not ours: They are the words and deeds of the One who brought us here. In that spirit, I hope you will write this on your wall: When a great ship is in harbor and moored, it is safe, there can be no doubt. But that is not what great ships are built for. This comes with much love and a prayer that you remember who you came from, and why you came to this beautiful, needful Earth. ~ Clarissa Pinkola Estes [Image: Catrin Welz-Stein]
20.01.2022 Who's with me ? Drop an emoji below lovers . . .... . . . . #alignment #sovereign #heal #healthyboundaries #heartawakening #awaken #breathe #lightwarrior #lightactivations #lightworker #energyintuitive #pellowahpractitioner #reikimaster #lightlanguage #energyhealing #yogateacher #bethelight #growth See more
19.01.2022 You are Pure Magic
19.01.2022 You were not born empty or broken, you have always been and you will always be whole and complete -Quote be me Tina Sardellis #pnevmahealing... #healing #complete #whole #shineyourlight #lightbeings #enegytherapist #breathe #elevated #awareness #raiseyourvibration #raiseconsiousness #lightlanguagehealer #pellowahpractioner #reikimaster #shamballamultidimensionalhealing @tina_sardellis See more
18.01.2022 Hi beautiful Souls, I've just uploaded some beautiful organic smudge sticks on my little online store. They are beautifully tied with natural thread. Their scent is amazing and beautifully intense. Please be aware that this is a 100% ethically grown product, the supplier is committed to growing and harvesting sage in a completely sustainable manner and as a result the quality and love shines through in this amazing product. They are approx 22-24cm long so you will get lots ...of use out if it. For hundreds of years, white sage has been considered a sacred, cleansing, purifying, and protective plant. Smudging is the ancient ceremony of cleansing yourselves and others with smoke form certain herbs. White sage can be used for welcoming in the new day or cleansing the body, home or workplace, but is also used in ceremonial occasions. By smudging with respect the symbolism goes beyond the physical to enhance your spiritual connection. I have full instructions on my pg on how to use smudge if you are newbie . Native Australian smudge is also available on my online store Link in bio xxx #whitesage #smudgestick #cleanse #clear #breathe #energyhealing #spiritualoffering #pnevma #reiki #pellowahenergyhealing #starrylanguages #spirit #positivevibes #alchemist
18.01.2022 EDIT - Monday appointments still available . Tuesday booked out . Hi beautiful ones, I know I've been very quiet on here but I've been working on something really special. My new healing/yoga space . I've also been taking this inward time to work on more workshop offerings, yoga classes , one on one healings and meditations. I have a just a 4 spots left for the rest of June. If you are feeling the call, pls contact me. Love and infinite Blessings to you all. Times available in the pic
18.01.2022 Do not be afraid to lose that which no longer serves you. You are a forest of love. Let the old growth fall.... ~Amelius~ See more
17.01.2022 Drop in to the heart , let go of fear and separation. Magnify and expand the vibration of Love , be kind and have compassion for yourself and others. We are in the Aquarian Age . Unification and Oneness . We rise together and share our gifts and wisdoms as one . Shine with your sisters and brothers . We rise together #riseup... #unify #oneness #lightwarrior #lightactivations #lightcodes #heal #breathe #heartawakening #heartchakra #expand #elevate #uncover #reikimaster #energyintuitive #pellowahpractitioner #awareness #awaken #unlearnandrelearn #lightbeings #transmute #transcend #truthconsciousness #sisterhood See more
16.01.2022 I often receive clear telepathic messages whilst in the shower. This beautiful message flowed through me last night. Most if it was through Light Language. I don't usually translate Light Language into English as there isn't really a direct translation. I have shared the message below Every time you experience Joy in your reality, even if it's just for a split moment, allow your entire being to be fully present to it, to the lightness that it creates within. The more y...ou allow your awareness to it , the more you remember it. Welcome Joy , allow Joy to flow through you, lighting up all your cells. Joy is innate in you but some of you have forgotten and have disconnected from the Truth, because you get caught up with Earthly matters. Some of you take this reality very seriously . We come to remind you to Lighten up if you will. Allow each moment of Joy to light up your heart with even more Love. Each time you remember Joy , you remember Truth and it activates your original blueprint. You are Joy, Love and Peace With Love and Blessings your Galactic Brothers and Sisters of Light
15.01.2022 Pellowah Healing Pellowah is an Angelic word for ‘a radical shift in consciousness’ Pellowah is a high vibrational frequency energy that helps us make an energetic shift. By connecting the 12 strands of DNA ready for activation. Pellowah enables us to achieve an expanded level of consciousness and awareness. ... The purpose of Pellowah is to help you achieve your highest potential. Pellowah empowers you and increases your personal capacity for positive change. Pellowah works particularly well on deep emotional issues, which may be the underlying cause of physical ailments. It also works well on those with very busy mind, gives clarity and often a client will receive an answer to their question or find a path forward while on the table. Pellowah healing energy expands consciousness and unblocks and realigns all meridians within the body, giving you a feeling of well-being and connection to the true self. Many find they feel optimistic, inspired, find purpose in their life where there once was no direction, have a greater sense of empowerment, inner strength and confidence. The healing effects are a wonderful by-product of the shift in consciousness. Because Pellowah creates such a shift, one can experience a new expanded perception and a more objective understanding and outlook on life. Pellowah is similar to other healing methods such as Reiki in that it allows energy to be channelled directly from Source to heal. It uses a ‘higher’ (lighter and finer) energy vibration, than say Reiki which is more earthy. ‘Higher’ does not automatically mean ‘better’, but for many chronic or long term issues, Pellowah will often get results where other methods don’t. Pellowah works on the mind and spirit (rather than the physical body), so conditions that have a (mind / body connection) such as depression, will often respond very well. Pellowah addresses the root cause of the condition rather than the symptom. To book an appointment PM me xxxx
15.01.2022 If you enjoy the fragrance of a rose, you must accept the thorns which it bears - Isaac Hayes #unconditionallove #unityconsciousness #beauty #acceptance #acceptyourself #loveyourself #shadow #light #bethechange #lightactivations #wisdom #heal #yoga #enegytherapist #breathe #newearth
14.01.2022 When All Hell Breaks Loose. There has been a great deal of foretellings about this month of August. One Astrologer called it "the month Hell breaks loose." Thi...s is what I know for sure. We are Beginning to Walk a New Path, the path of our Soul. Our Soul with its Infinite wisdom has prepared for this moment in our existence. We are in New Creation Energy, on steroids, becoming a New Human and re-defining ourselves with a lot of help. And, we are beginning to establish a New Earth benefiting the whole of Humanity and the Cosmos. For a task such as this, the conditions had to be ripe. They are. And difficult as it has been... may well be, I sense blessings beyond measure coming after 'this part.' We have already set an almost mind-bending example of fortitude and exceptional courage in the face of great obstacles, blindsides and deep and oftentimes undefinable physical and emotional purging. We'll most likely add to those scenarios. As the August energies amplify, undoubtedly we have to find our zones of peace and go there... and know what brings us to center and go there in any moment... as well attend to the balance of our vertical and horizontal alignment daily. It's important as well to remember we are alchemizing the densest of energies of our own, the collectives and our ancestors through our bodies, going back thousands of years where the 'trouble' began. However these energies play themselves, I know in my Heart we shall come out the other end and marvel at who we've BEcome or perhaps of equal measure 'how' we BEcame. As well we shall realize the amount of Love, Compassion and Kindness we can easily generate toward ourselves and each other. For those concerned about what's next, You will be shown when it's 'time,'... we all will. For now we must focus on embodying the Higher Aspects of OurSelves and not give our energy to anything that will drain, confuse, rile us up nor distract us. This Reset is Monumental and has many moving parts. By now we Know that our roles we have played in this lifetime are Over and every belief and distraction that went with them as well. The conditions we chose for this lifetime and All others are Over. Our human wit and will are invalid. The stories we have concocted about ourselves and made to believe are irrelevant. Keep in Heart: When all Hell breaks loose....Truth Rises. When all Hell breaks loose... We Rise. When all Hell breaks loose... Light fills the Void. And when all Hell breaks loose...We Gain. And then, with all things neutralized we have a blank slate unmanipulated, unformed, unplanned, unrehearsed and karma and interference free to create Our Lives as we choose through the Wisdom of our Hearts and Souls. So when it breaks loose, let the Hell out of wherever it has landed or has been surpressed inside and stay with it until it all parts company with you. You will Be Blessed in ways you or I can't even imagine. And when it comes from the world external, the hell I mean, leave the theatre. My Higher Self just said: We are about to write a Love Story. A Love Story of how the New Human came to be and how Earth became a Sacred Holy Place. It is of No coincidence this is the Infinite Month of 8...and the Lions Gate...and when the Lions and all their Majestic qualities of Strength, Courage, Fierceness, Bravery and Confidence come forth for human adoption. In this month, when/if all Hell breaks loose let it, don't attach to it, don't resist it, don't make of it what it isn't and don't let your frequency down. Hold onto The Love, The Light, and The Power of God I AM. Let God Rise through you every step of the way. And don't forget...WE are in this Together. Blessings, Love and Gratitude, Maureen
13.01.2022 Me: Hello God. God: Hello... Me: I’m falling apart. ... Can you put me back together? God: I'd rather not. Me: Why? God: Because you're not a puzzle. Me: What about all the pieces of my life that fall to the ground? God: Leave them there for a while. They fell for a reason. Let them be there for a while and then decide if you need to take any of those pieces back. Me: You don't understand! I'm breaking! God: No, you don't understand. You're transcending, evolving. What you feel are growing pains. You're getting rid of the things and people in your life that are holding you back. The pieces are not falling down. The pieces are being put in place. Relax. Take a deep breath and let those things you no longer need fall down. Stop clinging to pieces that are no longer for you. Let them fall. Let them go. Me: Once I start doing that, what will I have left? God: Only the best pieces of yourself. Me: I'm afraid to change. God: I keep telling you: YOU'RE NOT CHANGING! YOU'RE BECOMING! Me: Becoming, Who? God: Becoming who I created you to be! A person of light, love, charity, hope, courage, joy, mercy, grace and compassion. I made you for so much more than those shallow pieces you decided to adorn yourself with and that you cling to with so much greed and fear. Let those things fall off you. I love you! Don't change! Become! Don't change! Become! Become who I want you to be, who I created. I'm gonna keep telling you this until you remember. Me: There goes another piece. God: Yes. Let it be like this. Me: So... I'm not broken? God: No, but you're breaking the darkness, like dawn. It's a new day. Become!! Become who you really are!!"~ ~John Roeden Hey God. Hey John.
12.01.2022 Spring, a time for Rebirth, a time for new beginnings. Allow the light to transform you. Open your heart, water your spirit and fertilize your Soul . Allow more light into your Being the darkness will burst into Light. Let yourself grow towards the Sun blossoming like the most magnificent flower. @pnevma_healing @tina_pnevma #spring #growth #light #soulgrowth #soulhealing #transmute #newbeginnings #heartchakra #transform #september #sun #energyhealing #breathe #higherconsciousness #pnevma_healing #yogateacher #reikihealing
12.01.2022 Here is the reply from today's class if it resonates for you xxx
11.01.2022 Hi beautiful souls, sending you the warmest hugs. I've emailed and contacted those of you with appointments booked in the next 6 weeks. All face to face energy sessions , yoga classes and workshops will be postponed. A full refund of any monies paid is available if you choose or you will be credited for future. Unfortunately due to the restrictions I need to close my studio and healing room. Energy sessions are still available ONLINE and I'm offering these and distance healings and activations for $60. Online meditation and Activations coming soon. Blessings
11.01.2022 Hi Beautiful souls, if you have some time today I encourage you to join in this short video . Gentle stretches and meditation . Let me know how you go. Blessings
11.01.2022 A quick message for you today (8.8.20)
10.01.2022 My passion is empowering others to remember their own body wisdom. Reawakening and activating the Inner Healer that exists in all of us. Unblocking, unlocking and creating space within. My offerings are sacred, individual and unique depending on what resonance your bodies are requiring. This type of healing provides a beautiful re-balancing of energy and getting to the roots of the problem, be it physical, emotional, mental or spiritual. ... Intuitive Healing sessions may include, Reiki, Sound healing, Aromatherapy, Crystals, Oracle cards, Guidance, Messages , Yoga postures, Light Language and Pellowah . Homework’’ and tools are also offered. Remote / distance healings are available via Zoom or Skype. For further information DM or email me at [email protected] #reiki #ascendedmasters #ascensionreiki #reikimasterteacher #reikimaster #reikiislove #reikiworkshops #pellowahpractitioner #lightlanguagehealer #soundhealing #soulgrowth #aromatouchpractioner #yogateacher #traumaaware
10.01.2022 With each passage of human growth we must shed a protective structure [like a hardy crustacean]. We are left exposed and vulnerable - but also yeasty and embryonic again, capable of stretching in ways we hadn't known before." Gail Sheehy #vunerable #growth #protection #heal #higherconsciousness #higherfrequency #reikimaster #lightlanguagehealer #activator #alchemist #yogateacher #traumaaware #breathe #truth #flowers #divinefeminine #interrupt #unveil #uncover #lover
10.01.2022 Lionsgate energy this year has been supercharged and the most powerful for me to date. The portal opened on July 26th the date marked the start of the galactic new year. The peak of energy today August 8th is a time of great energetic influx and activation. With this alignment comes, an intense surge of light, Awakening our DNA, activating our human energy field. This is auspicious time of high frequency allows more light activations to align you to your highest potentia...l, activating your light body and awakening the harmonic frequency of your soul. As we let go of the limitations imposed by 3D laws and systems, old stories and attachments and fears, we manifest and remember our divine Light our divine blue print. Love and honour yourself for the courage to show up. Thank you for assisting this massive Awakening , remembering and returning into oneness and divine unity. Blessings and Love #lionsgate #awaken #remembering #lightactivations #realign #oneness #union #energyhealing #courage #leo #lion #heal #remember #energyintuitive #love #christconsciousness #breath #stargate #siruis #centralsun
10.01.2022 I'll be offering small in person yoga classes again from Thursday November 12th. 9:30am Slow Flow 6pm Yin Yoga & Sound Healing 7:30pm Yin & Sound Healing Only 3 spots available in each class offered. ... 4 week commitment DM for more info . More classes coming soon . Tina offers a range of different teaching styles that stem from Hatha yoga appropriate for all levels. Tina is Hatha, Vinyasa, Yin Yoga and Restorative Yoga trained she has also completed 20 hours of training in Trauma Sensitive Yoga with the Center for Trauma and Embodiment at Justice Resource Institute (JRI). Through her own personal experience, she developed a unique teaching style which allows participants to drop into an internal journey of self-discovery, through connection to the body, awareness of breath, moving slowly and mindfully providing a much needed re-balancing of the nervous system. Her classes invite students to surrender and listen to their own innate wisdom with a non-judgmental self-exploration. Tina’s classes work on creating space for self-healing, by activating the parasympathetic nervous system (our rest and digest). By creating these conditions, participants have the opportunity to release deeply held tension in the body and mind, along with any unresolved emotions that are stored and retained in the tissues. What is Yin Yoga? Yin Yoga is a quieter more passive practice where the postures are held for several minutes (3- 10). This allows the muscles to soften around a specific area of the body we are focusing on. As the muscles soften around the focus area, the joints, ligaments and deep connective tissues (fascia) benefit from a healthy amount of stress, enabling them to open and release tension. On an energetic level, when we remodel and manipulate our fascia through our Yin poses, it allows chi (energy) to flow more freely through the meridians (energy channels) unblocking any stagnated energy. By allowing the chi to move freely in our body we allow our organs and tissues to be nourished and in harmony. Yin Yoga opens our body, creating space for self-healing, by activating the parasympathetic nervous system(our rest and digest). comments
10.01.2022 Aquarius Full Moon 4th August Aquarius ruled by Saturn before the discovery of the planet Uranus, holds the powerful energies for collective evolution whilst ...referencing ancestral wisdoms. Aquarius loves innovation but needs the structure of its ‘co-ruler’ Saturn to provide stability during creative upheaval. Aquarius isn’t about ’smashing the system’, it is about evolving into a new way, through a combination of sudden jolts of insight (Uranus) applied in practical ways with on-going commitment (Saturn). Rebirth is a process. On a social level, it is a group effort. Aquarian wisdom reminds us that we are all in this together. Attacking each other is never part of the real revolution. That is ego temporarily hijacking the process. Aquarius teaches us that the true revolution happens through inner evolution. Spiritual masters from diverse traditions teach us that we must become the change we wish to see in the world. Outer transformation begins with inner healing. Aquarius teaches us how to be an individual, unplug from societal conditioning, and operate in a collectively-minded way for the highest good. The empowerment of Aquarian consciousness is one of startling, healing change that brings benefit to all. May we receive the healing energies of this full moon, and we tune into our courage, creativity, and compassion. Happy full moon blessings, Alana Gratitude to @indg0 for image
10.01.2022 Many of you in service to this planet wish for this to be your last lifetime on Earth. You might believe that leaving Earth means you have risen & achieved the ...ultimate spiritual goal. We wish to assure you at this moment that it is a deep honour you were chosen as a spiritual volunteer to be in such a harsh density. To be here now means you are already highly advanced & able to handle such a mission to come through this way. As you ascend higher & obtain a greater level of self-mastery & living on Earth, you may or may not choose to return here after human death or transitions. We remind you that no matter the challenges, Earth is an incredibly beautiful place that many souls would love to experience because it is also like no other in the Universe. You absolutely can transform here & experience Heaven on Earth as you master higher consciousness. As a highly evolved soul, you chose to come here even though you could have lived in other dimensions, because you love humanity so much as well as Mother Earth. You did not come to Earth because you are too low to live in higher finer dimensions. Your Higher Self decided to send an aspect of itself into this dimension to master consciousness expressed as form & matter. You came here to offer your light & love. You came here to assist others in growth simultaneously to your own. You currently are learning how to love your humanity as you love your divinity. ~ Abigail Wainwright
08.01.2022 You are forgetting how far you have come ! #heal #healing #remember #reawaken #alignment #breathe #youareloved #yougotthis #goddess #mother #father #lover #gratitude #grace #flow #believeinyourself #reikihealing #lightactivations #lightwarrior #innerchildhealing #traumasensitive #intuitiveenergyhealer
07.01.2022 What a year!!! So best we celebrate it!!! This gratitude gathering has been created to bring us together (in person) so that we can be reminded of the true magical essence of the gift that we be... We chose to incarnate in this now time on earth and now more than ever is a great time to be reminded of this, to know within our hearts that we chose to be here to be the change and hold space for the chaos that has been playing out, it's easy to get lost in the narrative and the ...story ... seeing what's happening on the world stage can distract us from all the greatness that we have always been and are always creating. With the year of 2020 and the journey like no other, Tina and Simone have chosen to come together to offer this celebration as a contribution to all. An acknowledgement to you, and honouring of all that you have experienced and acknowledgement for transitioning through the year that has just been. Let's come together to celebrate, to give thanks to everything we truly are, to make a space in our worlds to celebrate the experience of the now, making time to remember the magic of connection, being grateful for each other, and a deep honouring and reverence for mama earth. We humbly invite you to join us for this experience and sharing. December 15th Tuesday 7pm-9pm St Kilda Botanical Gardens (more details to follow when spot is secured). Join Simone Demanuele and Tina Sardellis as they offer this magical activation and gratitude ceremony. Grounding the energy deep into the roots of mama Gaia and expanding out into the stars and beyond, Tina and Simone will be guiding and sharing some juicy embodiment of energetic deliciousness ... and giving thanks to all that be ...sounds like fun hey? This will be a picnic in the park so food will be provided (if you have dietary requests let us know at time of securing your spot)- weather permitting. alternate venue is also organised. Investment $88.00 (catering provided for this event) Please note spots are limited so payment in full will be required to confirm Once received you will be added to the whatsapp group for further updates or details We are so very excited to be coming together and offering this magic to you all Watch this space for what else we have coming in the not too far off future
07.01.2022 I'm so grateful for all the love and support you have showered me this year. My beautiful clients, students, friends and family. 2020 has been an amazing year of rapid growth for me. A freedom that I haven't experienced before on this Earth plane . It hasn't been easy but trusting in Mother/Father God and my Higherself has allowed me to flow with the energies. As my vibrational frequency elevated and is elevating some of my closest and dearest choose not to walk with me o...n my path. As uncomfortable and difficult that was for me , being in allowance of non attachment and allowing them to choose their own path has made this transition lighter. Seeing things through the lens of forgiveness, love , compassion and kindness lightened the load. During the lengthy lock down here in Melbourne. I wasn't able to host events, see clients in person or teach in person Yoga classes. This was a blessing in disguise as I delved into more study and became even more intimate with my body of bone and blood, Higherself, and the Divine. I rested, elevated and healed by listening deeply to what I required in every moment. Trusting , feeling and witnessing all that arose. . I feel so blessed to be here on Earth in this now moment being of service to the collective. have been given the chance to sit in quiet contemplation, prayer and remembrance. A time of deep reflection of healing and of letting go of anything not in resonance . On December 15th , I hosted the last event of the year alongside my soulsiSTAR @inbodyism It was a beautiful Gratitude evening celebrating the year that was the year that is. Thank you to all that attended I love you To all my beautiful friends and family you know who you are thank you. Thank for loving me just the way I am. We are one and all is within . I love you all beautiful souls . Blessings I'll be back being of service from the 4th of January xxxx #raiseyourvibe #healing See more
07.01.2022 Hi beautiful Souls , here is this mornings Energy Healing and Light Code Activation. With Love and Blessings xxx
07.01.2022 Just over a week to go so if you haven’t organised your spot I would highly suggest you do !!!! Here’s the link or contact Tina Sardellis or Myself to confirm your spot
07.01.2022 #Repost @les_esprits_libres @download.ins --- Woman are the most beautiful embodiment of empowered awakening. We breathe life into the world with the heave of our body, sing the sacred into song with our soul, and heal the deepest of wounds with our boundless heart. ... Our time has come. Love is calling us all to remember the eternal ecstasy of Being. Now is the time. Now is the place. Love is here pressing itself into the moment. Love calls us to remember the universal creative pulse. Love calls all of humanity to its embrace. Love calls for women to claim their deepest truth, to create their greatest gift, and to rise from the ashes of a yesterday gone, to rise to fulfill authentic self. We women are awakening. We women are empowering. We women are rising. I am a woman rising.~ ~Ani Kaspar
06.01.2022 Would love for you to join Simonè and I . This event will be so special Pm me to secure your spot. Xxxx
05.01.2022 One more sleep till we get to share this magical experience with you all.. Spots are now at capacity so thank you to everyone who is joing us The secret locat...ion will be shared in the whatsapp group ... Sunset ceremony and celebration so blessed to share ... Much love all and manoeuvre through these energies with ease joy and glory
05.01.2022 On the weekend I had the honour of attuning and facilitating Reiki 2. Six beautiful souls attended and I've been so blessed to have followed their Reiki 1 journey over the year . Each and every single Goddess, has not only empowered themselves by connecting with their Higherself but have empowered others around them by shining their Light . I'm so grateful to have shared this experience with them and can't wait to see how many new doors of opportunity and growth Reiki will open . #reiki #reikiworkshops #reikipractioners #energyhealing #lightwarrior #heal #soulgrowth #everythingisenergy #energyteacher #shine #sisterhood #empower #evole
05.01.2022 Do the Earth a favor, don't hide your magic -yung Pueblo #magic #gifts #shine #bloom #elevate #gifted #unique #unityconsciousness #newearth #spreadyourwings #wisdom #heartchakra #activator #activations #pellowahpractitioner #lightlanguagehealer #reikimaster #yogateacher #traumaaware
04.01.2022 Join Simonè and I on the 15th of December as we celebrate all you be and all you are. What a wonderful time to be in this reality How best can you use this opportunity to continue your growth and shine your light and expand your consciousness. Your souls natural state is that of evolution. As a collective together we are able to keep on anchoring the 5D reality. Lets expand and grow as one for each other, the entire planet and beyond. This gathering will also include a...n activation , gratitude practices and of course food . We are at half capacity and would love for you to join us. To secure your spot pls DM for further information. #5d #gratitudegathering #gratitude #consciousness #oneness #lightcodes #ceremony #awareness #awaken #celebrate #elevate #breathe #activations #lightbeings #lightlanguagehealer See more
04.01.2022 She once believed that the damage to her mind and heart was permanent, until she met wisdom, who taught her that no pain or wound is eternal, that all can be healed, and that love can grow even in the toughest parts of her being. - yung pueblo #wisdom #eternal #heal #pain #joy #alchemy #alchemist #heartawakening #light #shadow #growth #lightactivations #lightwarrior #higherconsciousness #breathe #yogateacher #youareloved #reikimaster #pellowahpractitioner #intuitiveenergyhealer #iamlove #transmute #traumaaware #traumasensitive #interrupt #healingcodes
03.01.2022 Her soul vibrates every web and every fabric of this universe. Her womb must be celebrated throughout eternity. She is the creator, giving birth to countless of stars.... Her wisdom is embedded in thousands of lifetimes. She is the soul master. Her womb is the birthplace of all universes. She is all desire, passion, and love; she is the driving force in all of nature. She carries with her the very gift of life. She is the creator. Her delicate soul, and soft sensitive being are her tools for breaking through every thing that is rigid, hard, and stubborn. She is a soft delicate blossom that can seduce the hardened branch into slowly opening up and letting her out, giving in to her beauty. This is the power the feminine beholds. Yes, she can move mountains. Yes, she can calm the oceans. Yes she can melt the sun. Yes, she can dance the fire. Yes, she can blow the winds away. She is the seed barer; her womb is the fertile soil and the birth place of all prophets. Yes she is the sacred feminine. Yes, she is the light. She is god's accomplice. She is here to bring peace, to spread love and to heal the earth. Let’s celebrate her; she resides within all of us. . . . Beautiful poem by Shirley Pourbaba Amazing pic from Gustav Almestal #divinelight #sacredfeminine #divinefeminine #magdalene #soulmaster #divinespark #soulgrowth #soulhealing #love #empoweringwomen #empower #sacredunion #lightactivations #lightworker #lightbeings #goddess #pellowahpractitioner #reikimaster #yogateacher
03.01.2022 Pnev-Ma Yoga Studio in Clayton South is currently offering small group Yoga classes on Thursday evenings 6pm Yoga Flow and Yin Yoga & Sound Healing 7:15pm. Starting from July 9th To register your interest and for more information pls email me on [email protected]
03.01.2022 Go Live @10am in the THRIVE - FREE WOMEN'S ONLINE WELLNESS CLASSES pg. See you there xxx
03.01.2022 So grateful for this custom order I'm preparing for a client. These ones pictured are Calm blends. They are made with 100% pure essential oils , love and reiki infused. $15 each plus post . Otherwise if you live in within 5kms of Clayton sth you are welcome to pick up . If you would like a custom blend or spray Pm me and I can make a blend to help support you. Blessings Tina
03.01.2022 Hi beautiful Souls, I'll be facilitating yoga for stress and anxiety tomorrow on the Thrive fb. Pls join if it resonates
02.01.2022 Reiki is a gentle yet powerful form of energy healing. REIKI (ray-key) is a Japanese word meaning "Universal Life Energy", or the energy all around us. Life force flows within our physical and subtle bodies through pathways called Meridians and Nadis.... Chakra centres are where the Nadis cross over and each chakra can affect many organs in our body if they get blocked. Life force also surrounds us in a field of energy called the Aura.For a healthy body and mind it’s very important that Prana, Qi flows in the body freely. Reiki encourages the positive flow of energy through the body’s emotional and physical energy centres, removing blockages, restoring balance and allowing the body to heal. Reiki is performed by placing the hands on or above the body while the client is relaxing fully clothed on a chair or massage table. Crystals, essentials oils and sound healing may be used during a reiki treatment. Reiki aids in relaxation, assists in the body's natural healing process, and develops emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being. It also induces deeprelaxation, and helps people cope with difficulties, relieving emotional stress, and improving overall wellbeing. Tina is Reiki Master and offers one on one and long-distance healing, Reiki 1, 2 and 3 workshops . Reiki is unconditional love and opens so many doors #ascendedmasters #ascensionreiki #reikiworkshops #reiki #reikihealing #unconditionallove #heal #healing #wellbeing #reikimasterteacher #reikimaster #angels #love #energyintuitive #energytherapist #unityconsciousness
02.01.2022 Dissolve Melt Rest in the arms of infinite consiousness . .... . . . Quote @pnevma_healing @tina_pnevma emavitale #dissolve #surrender #infiniteconsciousness #omnipresent #shadow #light #heal #introspection #breathe #shine #shanti #peace #unveil #unityconsciousness #uncover #lightactivations
01.01.2022 When we feel into the feelings that live beneath the triggers we begin to heal the root cause of the wound. It is my belief that when we gently bring awareness to these feelings, we witness them. We give the feelings space to be processed and then released with loving kindness. With this awareness we can compassionately reprogram old or negative belief systems that keep us from embracing our true power and liberation. #liberation #wounds #healing #feelings #awareness #kindness #held #breathe #feeltoheal #reprogram #love #space #bethelight #witness #triggers #heal #pnevmahealing
01.01.2022 I'm so blessed to facilitating on this beautiful group tomorrow. I welcome you all to join to receive frequencies of Love , Healing and Light . With love and blessings xxx
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