POD Fitness Boutique | Businesses
POD Fitness Boutique
Phone: +61 408 936 033
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25.01.2022 12 kilos down The ‘after’ after After completing stage 1 of our 6 week Challenge this little beauty has kept up all of her hard work We’ve finally got this girl lifting heavy weights (whoop) Training x 2 PT a week and boxing sessions and today with a 12 kilo weight loss Meagan’s smile says it all! So proud of this girl for being an absolute ‘doer’ . . . #healthylifestyle #healthyhabits #liftweights #weightsforwomen #everyday #awesome
23.01.2022 This beauty Weight down 6.8 K Bust down 10cm Waist down 10cm Stomach down 12cm Thigh down 4cm @sallymcmac what a legend you are - have loved seeing your smile grow and grow . . . #pod #6weekchallenge #fitness #journey #beautifulwoman #weightloss #happy #healthy
23.01.2022 Monday PSC (Strength and Conditioning Class) fabulous start to the week . . . #strength #conditioning #psc #grouptraining #monday #functionaltraining #goodvibes #pt
21.01.2022 In light of everything happening right now in this crazy little (but wonderful) world of ours, we will be sure to include a special relaxation session at the end of class tonight May we please ask you bring your own mat (if you have one - we have clean spares if you don’t) and wash your hands on the way in to our beautiful space! We also ask that you bring your best vibe, biggest smile and grateful heart to share some love - we could all use a little more right now xx ...Tonights class is now FULLY BOOKED - hope to see you on the mat Wednesday 4:50pm if not tonight! Love Bea xo . . . . #pilates #love #staypostive #lengthen #strengthen #chill #betheman #washyourhands @pycsamhealthandfitness
21.01.2022 Making shapes This gal . . . #pod #pt #oneonone #gaintrain #shoulders #strongwomen #fitness #tuesday #motivation @pycsamhealthandfitness
20.01.2022 Meanwhile Wednesday 6am @bestbodyaustralia Launceston . . . #pilates #reformerpilates #reformer #humpdayvibes #launceston #rainyday #beautiful #studio
19.01.2022 Missing my gym family so much I can’t wait to be back at it with you all really soon If you haven’t joined us already - request *PYCSAM - Stay Connected* on Facebook and our team will add you to help keep our members fit, happy and healthy online . . . #pycsam #healthandfitness #psc #strength #conditioning #2020 #fitness #coach #gymfamily #reachout #connect #allyouneedisgym
19.01.2022 PSC Group Strength and Conditioning Training at its best Starting to build some good gains with this lot, our music is a tad gangster and we love some good banter! This Monday come along and try it for yourself 9:30am (limited numbers - 20 spaces) @bootybea @pycsamhealthandfitness . . . #psc #strength #conditioning #strengthtraining #fitness #ganster #goodbanter #boutique #equipment #nee #fresh
16.01.2022 ... AND... She lifted Heavily Ever After . . . #stolen #quote #createyourself #moodbooster #heavy #healthylifestyle #weightsforwomen #fitness #fun #mateswithweights #heavilyeverafter
16.01.2022 It does appear everyone has the same isolation goals @munro_bree Sorry about my big ass up close! It would surprise you to know I don’t have a big kick ass @ home gym (yet ) so calisthenics and coffee it is for me . . #iso #challenge #iusetohandstandliketheboss #thenigotold #waaaaaaa
12.01.2022 A little freshen up thanks to my girl @lotuswhitesugito . . . . #pod #pt #personaltrainer #matpilates #grouptraining #oneonone #selfbelief #goals #goalsetting #blackandgold #16yearsold
11.01.2022 This crew smashing todays Boxing/HIIT session @pycsamhealthandfitness . . . #groupfitness #boxing #fitspo #kickboxing #kickingass #team #goodvibes #fitness #fun
09.01.2022 NO spray tan here due to Covid-19 our clients couldn’t have their usual ‘end of challenge’ tan BUT as you can see here from Meagans amazing results she doesn’t need it! Smashing our 6 Week Pod Challenge on and off the scales - with a total weight loss of 8 kilos More importantly feeling happier and healthier I’ve loved training this woman x2 a week face to face (when restrictions eased) as well as online with her partner John - stay tuned for his amazing results soon . . . #transformation #pod #6weekchallenge #online #facetofacetransformation #notan #noworries #happy #healthylifestyle
09.01.2022 Today will be what YOU make it . . . #hiit #weightsforwomen #outdoors #freshair #fitness #lifeiswhatyoumakeit
09.01.2022 Always Learning our Pod Trainer @kahliaperry_aep engaging with @actionalexa on the weekend during our Creating Curves for Women Workshop - I promise I’m pictured here in the front taking notes not texting on my phone #fitness #workshop #education #ep #pt #instructor #pod #boutique #gym #launcestonsboutiquegym #love
06.01.2022 This woman looks 10 years younger - I’ve had my eye on her since she first set foot in the gym @pod_fitness_boutique - a shy and very sweet human with the passion to learn and willingness to train hard! Starting weight 67.65 - today 61.4 amazing! Next step for @clarehorsman is building muscle WTS this girl has shown me a thing or two these past 6 months and more so these past 6 weeks *also with 3 children homeschooling and isolation Clare you should be so proud of yourself! . . . #beautifulmum #pod #6weekchallenge #weightloss #confidence#nodieting #healthyeating #fitness #dedication #soulful
04.01.2022 Getting ready for our 6 week challenge A little snippet of what’s to come! . . . #6weekisochallenge #6weeks #home #challenge #weights #cardio #fullbodyworkouts
04.01.2022 What goals are you currently chasing? Gym, work, play or other? The idea will come to you, acknowledge it, make a plan, set strict goals, be prepared to go off track, be prepared to work hard, stay focused, keep pushing boundaries, because the reality is there’s enough room on this planet for everyone to be their own kind of wonderful This young girl did all of the above @fitwithizzi and made one of her dreams come true WTS . . #she #can #powerliftingwomen #powerlifting #young #amateur #smashinggoals #pb #personaltraining #coach #launcestonsboutiquegym #pod #fitness #setgoals #workhard
03.01.2022 The silent killer Pilates @memmybleathman . . #mybabygirl #pilates #sunshine #buildingstrength #core #silentkiller #fitness
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