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Poems by Jovo | Public figure

to load big map

Poems by Jovo


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to load big map

25.01.2022 I am not a death statistic Born before the great depression I have experienced much on mother earth Some say I have seen all there is to see... From my very first day since birth I saw the Berlin wall go up Hatred for so many was in store Life as I knew it had changed for ever After the end of the 2nd world war I even tried LSD and marijuana In my day it was seen as cool Now so many children are addicted Before they reach high school Words of wisdom I have imparted To my family and those closest to me Live life well and collect your moments There are so many things for you to see I had married and raised my tribe Survived the good times and the bad Yet somehow my message it was lost And that’s what makes me really sad So many battles I have faced and won Real and mental scars make me strong Now forsaken by YOU my grand children How did I get my message oh so wrong I see you marching on my television Life’s passage be it a youthful rite Unfortunately your actions have consequences Choose wisely the battles that you fight I never had a say in many things A retirement village did seem wise I am too old to outrun the Covid virus Seeing my mates die before my eyes This virus is but a cold to you It won’t kill ME I hear you cry But it’s invisible so contagious If I catch it I WILL DIE! I was fortunate enough in my lifetime To witness the demolition of the Berlin wall Surviving terrorism even climate change Leaving my legacy for you all I don’t fear death or dying myself It is those of you I will leave behind Will get no chance to say goodbye It will really mess with your mind From the moment I was born My body in slow progress began to die Give me a chance to live out my life As it passes in the blinking of an eye Poems by Jovo

13.01.2022 Eric was like a second father to me in my late teens Written from the words of his son Clyde... read at his funeral last Thursday RIP Eric George Whitehand ... I stand up here before you With no sadness only joy I'll tell you about my dad Eric Through my eyes ... his second eldest boy Between the date of passing Way back to his date of birth There's a little line called the dash Only those who knew and loved him Would know that lines true worth That dash represents every single Moment collected in his life From the proud way he raised 4 sons To coping with losing mum ... his beautiful wife A well travelled adventurer He spent some younger years In Europe where he met my mum Her loss still brings on tears Supporter of Melbourne football club Not a footy player in his day Enjoying the freedom of running and riding But back then it didn't pay Numbers were his fort Accounting kept him out of strife Spending many of his moments at Gillette You could say it was a job for life But outside work he had a passion Small part acting became his friend Blue Healers to Hey Hey it's Saturday Even with Russell Gilbert near the end Over many years of acting Dad met many a TV star A young gentleman named Hugh Jackman Dad had a feeling he'd go very far I remember buying a one way ticket A no plans trip to the USA As a father he threw a hissy fit Though he did the same back in his day After a gall bladder operation He bellowed through the door "Make sure the bins go out tonight" Couldn't tell him ... bin night was the night before He loved the occasional tipple Fabulously funny as a drunk With dad it was all in moderation Never saw him polluted as a skunk Always quick to start a project He was all eager at the start Many projects were left unfinished When his enthusiasm fell apart When trying to fix our clothes hoist He fell and was hanging down Mum said "don't you dare help him till I get my camera" In that photo he wore a frown He's slowed down in the past few years But not through his own choice If left to him he'd be in his garden Or out for dinner with his boys To his grand and great grandchildren He'd say to you don't cry I am with you every day I'm the brightest star in the night sky As the angels whisk you away Dad from me it's "Fare thee well ... say hi to mum" The Whitehand legacy lives on forever Sharing some of your dash with you was fun Poems by Jovo

12.01.2022 The fires burning Australia I love a sunburned country A land of sweeping plains Of ragged mountain ranges ... But God we pray for rain Firestorms seem endless Devouring all within their path 1000s of homes lost already Choking smoke makes you want to barf Imagine for a moment All the animals we've lost Domestic, farming and wildlife Can you fathom what's our cost? For as far back as I remember Aussies have dealt with drought Often followed by massive flooding It's what makes us strong and stout It is but human nature That we find someone else to blame Polly's taking holidays during crisis Should bury their heads in shame Let's not forget the Greenies Conservation that's gone mad Preventive back burning being thwarted Some policy decisions are just bad Oh then there is our love affair With that black stuff from underground It takes balls to stop coal mining Whilst clean alternatives abound Who'd have thought 20 years ago When Y2K bug was our greatest fear That we'd be debating climate change In this millennium's 20th year As volunteers give their precious time Fighting fire, saving all they can We struggle to find amongst our leaders The attitude of the CAN DO MAN A leader on the front foot Making decisions that will stand Long after they've left politics A strong mind ... a steady hand To everyone who has helped fight these fires You're hero's one and all Take our thanks and accolades Walk both proud and tall To the people who've lost so much As you slowly rebuild your home Please know we all truly care You shouldn't feel alone Time for me to walk my talk A donation I will make $200 for the bush fire survivors It's the right thing to do for heaven's sake Poems by Jovo

09.01.2022 Very true today

02.01.2022 How our world has changed Yes in the blinking of an eye A virus less than 20 weeks old And over 10,000 people have died... It was born in China A wet market that sells live bats These stressed out poor creatures Are not to blame for where we are at It's not only human behavior Which has helped the virus spread It's our ability to travel Now causing so much dread From a wet market in China To any major town or city Jump on a plane with 300 people You get a picture that won't be pretty I can't believe whole countries Will soon be in lock down Europe had free borders Now a thorn in their mighty crown But another contagion Which has been fast to spread Is the panic hoarding of food Be it milk, pasta or bread When the media keeps saying That in a lock down we will be Except when buying food and medicine Then you can wander free It is with much confusion And a healthy dose of fear That people are stressing out Self medicating with spirits, wine and beer Stop and look around you You finally get to work from home You can have a virtual happy hour With friends on FaceTime You are not alone Imagine all the industries That will pop up overnight When consumers are stuck in their home What can you offer to ease their plight? Another major side benefit Of moving people around Is the benefit to global warming From climate denyers you won't hear a sound The canals of Venice Are now crystal clear With fish, swans even dolfins Not seen there in many years Maybe this coronavirus Is mother nature way of saying Stop raping and destroying your planet Or a heavy price you'll be paying Social distancing may be needed No hand shakes with out a glove But hopefully it can bring you closer To the ones you love Take care and wash your hands As many times as you can Stop buying all the bog rolls And be nice to your fellow man Poems by Jovo

01.01.2022 If it doesn't kill me it'll make me stronger I am home in isolation Oh poo oh whoa is me Walking around with a long face... I'm just glad my friends can't see Soo many boring hours Stuck at home with mum n dad If either ask "have I washed my hands?" I will go truly mad I'm over the crap on Facebook On Instagram I pout no more Twitter is now full of twits All tallying up the score And then a penny drops A light bulb moment you can say I ask myself what did my parents do Back in their year of yesterday 1000 piece jigsaw puzzle They were all the rage Before our phones became smart With dumb people on a worldwide stage Where the family would play UNO Or yatzee, charades, Monopoly Or the joy of Twister Smiles as far as the eye can see Oh the simple joy they'd get Endless hours talking on the phone No email, sms or social media Which just make you feel more alone So I guess it's up to me really To stop acting like a tool Instead of seeing my cup half empty I'll see it's actually half full I see myself as fortunate For I am in good health Even if on the other side I come out with reduced wealth What ever doesn't kill you Makes you stronger in the end So if you like my message here Please share it with a friend Poems by Jovo

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