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25.01.2022 Beautiful Poland Autumn is the perfect time to see Poland’s wildlife and taste regional products, like fish and mushrooms. Falling, bronze, red and yell...ow coloured leaves and views that are stunningly beautiful especially during sunny weather. When you visit Poland during your autumn holidays remember that September is mostly warm and sunny, but in November in eastern Poland and in the mountains it can be cold and even snowy. photo by Patryk Biegaski #PolandPresents #Polska #Poland #Pologne #Polen #Polonia # # #Польша #

22.01.2022 Gdyby nie On, nie byoby "Mazowsza". A gdyby nie byo "Mazowsza", wiat byby i smutniejszy i uboszy. Dzisiaj przypada 124. rocznica urodzin Tadeusza Sygietys...kiego, zaoyciela naszego zespou i kompozytora, którego dziea od ponad 70. lat stanowi fundament koncertów "Mazowsza". Dzikujemy Profesorze! See more

21.01.2022 Zapraszamy wszystkich zainteresowanych tacem i piewem inspirowanym polsk tradycj do uczestniczenia w wydarzeniu online. Bdzie mona podziwia kunszt tancer...zy i wspaniae, popisowe ukady choreograficzne. Zapowiada si uczta dla oka ze wzgldu na przepikne stroje, które bd prezentowane podczas taców z rónych regionów. Sowem, muzyczno - taneczny przekrój przez ca Polsk! fot. materiay Zespou lsk

16.01.2022 Jozef Chemonski - Kaczki nad woda (olej), 1886. #PolishMastersofArt

14.01.2022 Anna Bilinska-Bohdanowicz - Nad brzegiem morza (olej), 1886, Muzeum Narodowe w Warszawie. #PolishMastersofArt

13.01.2022 My PhotoVisions - Polish autumn -Inspirations... "The place is called "Las Warminski" - it is forest natural reserve near Olsztyn in north-east Poland. F...antastic natural landscapes with old woods, beautiful river and few lakes around. Beautiful destination all-year round. Thank You for watching, hope I have send You some inspiration, don't sit home! Just go out and try Your luck with camera! Oportunities are everywhere!" - SteemitWorldMap photo: photovisions #PolandPresents #Polska #Poland #Pologne #Polen #Polonia # # #Польша #

12.01.2022 Autumn has arrived (as from yesterday;) By Malgorzata Pawelczyk and Jerzy Rajecki Golden Polish autumn, (Zota Polska Jesie) that’s the phrase commonly used... to describe this season. Summer is gone, the winter is approaching but the weather is great and it is time to celebrate and ejoy the colors. The trees are golden and rusty. The first autumn month, September, is usually beautiful, sunny and warm I Poland. Sun shines bright, but rays at a different angle and so that it is not as hot as in June and July. In October some plants such as ivy and heather might still bloom. Numerous trees and bushes end their fruit season. Oak trees loose their ripe acorns. During this month a total change of colors takes place. Only coniferous trees retain their green color, other than that, the green disappears and gives place to bronze, red and yellow tones which create unique autumn aura of beautiful Polish golden autumn, especially during sunny weather. The period of leaves’ fall is prolonged in time, as different species loose their leaves at different times. Life in water also becomes still, as more and more often ground frosts cover the water surface of smaller reservoirs with thin layer of ice. November is the last month of the Polish autumn; it is definitely colder and more humid than e.g September. Fauna and flora period of vegetation is almost totally ended. On late bushes and trees, such as pines, junipers, spruces last seeds ripe; few trees carry leaves, and there are usually dried and brownish. Field works cease. The last bird the skylark leaves Poland for warmer countries. All nature in the middle of the month is usually prepared for the winter season. No flying insects can be seen; however, snowfalls and heavy frosts at the end of the month are not seldom to be seen. So, as you see,Polish autumn is truly beautiful and if you have a chance to visit during any of the fall months do it! Part of the text via On pictures: Narew, Hancza, Lipowy Most, Grady Suwalszczyzna All photos by And By Podlaskie Klimaty See more

10.01.2022 Stanisaw Witkiewicz - Brzozki (olej), 1904, Muzeum Narodowe w Krakowie. #PolishMastersofArt


08.01.2022 Let's create a world without waste, choose to refuse single-use plastic bottles and fill up at Sydney Water bubbler stations with our limited edition PolArt water bottles at tomorrow’s Children’s Day Winter Carnival. #sydneywater #refusesingleuseplastic

06.01.2022 Polish Spisz and Podhale photo: Kamil BakowskiKunszt Fotografii IR ART #PolandPresents #Polska #Poland #Pologne #Polen #Polonia # # #Польша #

03.01.2022 Cudownie spdzony ubiegy weekend Wrzosowa, Jasna Góra, Czstochowa wkrótce obszerna fotorelacja

02.01.2022 Stanisaw Masowski - Fontanna w ogrodach Palazzo Colonna w Rzymie (akwarela), 1904, Muzeum Narodowe w Warszawie. #PolishMastersofArt


01.01.2022 Drodzy Panowie! W Dniu Chopaka eska zaoga Zespou Pieni i Taca lsk yczy Wam mnóstwa artystycznych wrae i spenienia wszystkich marze!

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