Polish Association of Newcastle in Broadmeadow, New South Wales, Australia | Community centre
Polish Association of Newcastle
Locality: Broadmeadow, New South Wales, Australia
Phone: +61 2 4961 5249
Address: 122 Chatham Street 2292 Broadmeadow, NSW, Australia
Website: http://www.polishassociationnewcastle.org.au
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24.01.2022 Each year the Poles of Newcastle gather together at the Polish Cultural Centre in Broadmeadow to celebrate the anniversary of the Constitution of the 3rd May. Unfortunately this year we cannot attend the traditional luncheon held at the Polish House. However, we can still commemorate the occasion, from our homes, as will 40 million Poles living around the world.
23.01.2022 Mija 81 lat od wybuchu II wojny wiatowej. Pochona 78-85 mln ofiar #onet100
23.01.2022 Zapraszamy na uroczysty lunch z okazji obchodow Swiata Konstytucji 3 Maja.
22.01.2022 Wszystkim dzieciom zyczymy, aby ich dziecinstwo bylo jak najlepsze i aby trwalo jak najdluzej.
22.01.2022 Sprzeda wdlin w Domu Polskim Z przykroci zawiadamiamy, e zawieszona zostaje, do odwoania, sprzeda w Domu Polskim w Broadmeadow wdlin firmy "Krakus" z Sydney. Decyzj o zawieszeniu sprzeday podjto w zwizku z sytuacj pandemiczn w Sydney i zwizanych z tym zalece rzdu stanowego.... Re: Sale of of cold meats in the Polish House We regret to inform you that the sale of "Krakus" meats from Sydney at the Polish House in Broadmeadow is suspended until further notice. The decision to suspend the sale was made in view of the pandemic situation in Sydney and the related recommendations of the State Government.
19.01.2022 Krakus Delicatessen will be at the Polish House on Thursday 25 June from 2.30 pm.
19.01.2022 Zapraszamy na spotkanie i kolacje ($15.00 pierogi) 14 Listopada 2020 na godz.17.00. Wiecej informacji ponizej.
16.01.2022 Consul General of RP for the Children's Day message for our children. Szanowni Pastwo, Z okazji Midzynarodowego Dnia Dziecka wszystkim Maym i Duym Dzieciom przesyam najlepsze yczenia wszystkiego co najpikniejsze! It is said that Children carry the hopes for our brighter tomorrow and dreams of our happy future. (Monday) 1st of June marks International Children's Day which is a celebration for kids, babies, teenagers and adults alike; we are all someone’s children. ... Wishing you all an enjoyable day, and I hope your hopes, dreams and wishes come true! Happy International Children’s Day.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tCj2mFF2lfo&feature=youtu.be See more
15.01.2022 Krakus Delicatessen is returning to the Polish Centre at 122 Chatham Road Broadmeadow on Thursday 29 October 2020 at 3.00pm. Restrictions apply upon entry to the Polish Hall: 1.5 metre distancing rule applies. Customers must sign in upon entry and follow entry and exit signs
14.01.2022 UPDATE on Polish Masses The Polish Masses will not resume on Sunday 7June 2020 at Sacred Heart Cathedral at 11.30. Masses will resume instead on Sunday 14 June 2020. St Mary's Chapel Maitland will still remain closed until further notice. This is due to the fact that the Cathedral is undergoing preparations to resume Masses in the Cathedral.
14.01.2022 Hi everyone On behalf of Ks. Tomasz Zaremba, I am pleased to announce that Polish Masses are to resume this Sunday 14 June 2020 at Sacred Heart Cathedral Hamilton at 11.30am and St Marys Chapel Maitland at 9.00am. These Masses will be held with restrictions of up to 50 people at Sacred Heart Cathedral and 10 people at St Marys Chapel. This excludes essential staff (priest, volunteers, altar boys and readers). To ensure the smooth running of procedures, it will be essential t...hat those who want to attend will need to register with Ks. Tomasz by ringing him on 49 67 1104 or mobile phone 0417 295 542. Names and phone numbers will be taken and will be put on list to ensure that we do not exceed the number of people attending. On arrival at Mass, you need to go through the main entrance where someone will check you off the list. You will need to use the sanitiser provided and collections will be at the beginning and end of Mass. If anyone has any questions they can ring Grayna Wójcik on mobile 0432 222 818 or Ks Tomasz on the above numbers. Thank you for your understanding and co-operation during this period.
14.01.2022 Wszystkiego najlepszego z okazji Dnia Ojca . Wasze zdrowie
13.01.2022 Zarzad Zwizku Polskiego w Newcastle pragnie zoy wszystkim mam duo zdrowia i szczcia. yczymy miego dnia.
10.01.2022 Pierogi Festival. To buy tickets please click on below link https://www.eventbrite.com/e/pierogi-newcastle-tickets-1499
09.01.2022 Zarzd Zwizku Polskiego w Newcastle w zwizku z ograniczeniami spowodowanymi COVID 19 , w tym roku organizuje witeczny obiad tylko dla Polskich Seniorów. witeczny obiad odbdzie si 6 Grudnia 2020 o godz.13.00 w Domu Polskim w Broadmeadow. Rezerwacja miejsc obowizkowa, poniewa liczba osobowa nie moe przekroczy 100. Rezerwacje telefoniczna u Eli Radnej pod numerem telefonu 0423 272 045.
09.01.2022 Wielkanoc to czas otuchy i nadziei. Czas odradzania si wiary w si Chrystusa i drugiego czowieka. yczymy wszystkim aby wita Wielkanocne przyniosy rado oraz wzajemn yczliwo. By stay si ródem wzmacniania ducha. Niech Zmartwychwstanie, które niesie odrodzenie duchowe napeni Was pokojem i wiar, niech da si w pokonywaniu trudnoci i pozwoli z ufnoci patrze w przyszo... ... Wesoego alleluja See more
09.01.2022 Krakus Delicatessen will be at the Polish House this Thursday 27 May at 2.30pm for your smallgoods needs.Krakus Delicatessen will be at the Polish House this Thursday 27 May at 2.30pm for your smallgoods needs.
06.01.2022 Konkurs na logo Polskiej Szkoy w Newcastle zosta rozstrzygnity i oto nowe logo szkoy, które zostao zrobione przez uczennice Ol Plut. Gratulacje
03.01.2022 All tickets for PIEROGI FESTIVAL are
02.01.2022 If you would like to pre-order any goods from Krakus and pick up on the day 25 June, please see below .
02.01.2022 Jakie to jest prawdziwe
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