Pony Club Australia | Sport & recreation
Pony Club Australia
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24.01.2022 What a great career opportunity and leg up into all aspects of the racing industry. #explorercadetship #horsemanshipcourse #PassionForRacing #CareersInRacing
23.01.2022 If you are thinking of working in the racing industry, this scholarship program gives you a huge boost to kick off your career. This webinar will show you what is involved. Godolphin Flying Start #alifewithhorsesstartshere
22.01.2022 Well it seems we've been outdone for Crafty Tuesday. We love this photo from Lyn White with a very practical use for a stirrup. It might help some other country folk out there. Lyn says: A friend's partner repurposed this stirrup iron for her. She is too short to reach the rail to get in the back of the Ute. Problem solved." ... Keep sending in your crafty ideas and your photos for the re-using of horse gear please. #craftytuesday #stirrupuse #utestep
22.01.2022 Six lucky Pony Club Australia members have each won an inspirational A4 print from Joanne Verikios at Winning Horsemanship, based on their highly commended entries for our #winningwithwhiskers photo competition. Sit back and enjoy this slideshow of all the wonderful whiskers photos. The winners are (in random order), Emma Ward (for Bella) from Mountain Pony Club in SA, Rebecca Gray (for Isabelle) from Smythesdale Pony Club in Vic, Ronel Blanchard (for Kian) from Charleton Pon...y Club in Vic, Sam Dawson (for Saffron) from Cedar Creek Pony Club in QLD, Lyn White from Mareeba Pony Club in QLD and Rachael Edwards from Seville Pony Club in Vic. Congratulations to all the winners and thank you to our very generous judge (who really is a judge - and rider, trainer, author, breeder and Pony Club alumnus!), Joanne Verikios Winning Horsemanship. Don't forget, we have been running #winningwithwhiskers to coincide with Movember. If you haven't already donated, you can find links on our whiskers posts. #winningwithwhiskers #horse #welfare #movember #hipsterhorse #ponyclubaus
22.01.2022 One of the best things about being a Pony Club Australia member is having fun and developing your skills and knowledge together with friends, but we make sure you get some great savings too. Did you know that Members save with Equitation Science International - ESI, The Riders Pod and Feed XL Horse Nutrition Calculator? #memberbenefits #membersonly #morethanriding #horsecare #riderhealth #horsetraining #alifewithhorsesstartshere
22.01.2022 Here's a good option for a Tetrathlon day, especially if you don't have easy access to laser guns and an instructor - why not try a darts section in place of shooting? One follower tells us her club always had a pentathlon (five events) every year when she was in Pony Club - running, swimming, darts, showjumping and an obstacle course on your horse. Riders were in a team of five and everyone could choose four of the five options. That's thinking outside the box If you try te...trathlon over the next few months, or a variation, send us in your photos; we'd love to see them and use some in our newsletter. https://ponyclubaustralia.com.au//10-Tetrathlon-Disc-of-th #tetrathlon #varietyofsports #gameswithhorses #alifewithhorsesstartshere
19.01.2022 Growing Old at Pony Club PCA is in the process of acknowledging 100 long-serving Pony Club mounts - thank you everyone for all your wonderful submissions. Ponies like the Otton family's Phantom, seen here in his early and (much) later years at Bega Pony Club, are priceless.... Caroline Otton tells us, "We purchased him for our son Tom who was 10 years old at the time. He competed at PC state events with Tom (left photo) and Bega Pony Club, then when Tom grew out of him he passed him onto his sister Kate who also rode him at Pony Club, and now our six year old granddaughter Sophia (Tom's daughter, right photo) is riding him at Bega Pony Club. Phantom is turning 32 years old and not ready to retire just yet." Phantom is a true treasure. Where would Pony Club be without long serving ponies and horses who help bring on young riders over and over again? Thanks for sharing Otton family! NOTE: If you have been notified your pony is one of our top 100, make sure you reply to our email or message with your address for your prize. If you didn't see our message, but you sent in a photo and details of your mount, please email [email protected] to see if your pony is being acknowledged. Include the name of the person who contacted us, the club, and the pony or horse's name and how you sent your entry in, so we can match the details up and post your prize - a pack of low sugar Smoochies compliments of Hygain. #longservingponyclubmounts #alifewithhorsesstartshere #oldponies #ponytreasures #carolineotton #begaponyclub Hygain #hygainaustralia #smoochies
19.01.2022 Bot flies, be gone! Head over to our Horse Resource page to check your knowledge of bot flies and horse management. https://ponyclubaustralia.com.au/horse-resource/ WormCheck #horsecare #welfare #management #botfly #insects #WelfareWednesday
19.01.2022 There's so much great work being done by our members. That's why we introduced the PCA Values Awards. There's still time to nominate a member and surprise them with their national award at your end of year celebrations. Just click on the 'nominate' button at https://ponyclubaustralia.com.au/members/awards/ #rewards #recognition #values #horse #welfare #community #social #environmental #sustinability #ponyclubproud #ponyclubspirit #ponyclubcitizen #bethechange #changemakers
18.01.2022 This week's crafty Tuesday is about your horse, and making him a treat - for now, or for Christmas. Most of the time, you can make delicious horse treats with the items sitting in your pantry. Make sure to choose ingredients that are safe for horses. Homemade Oatmeal Horse Treats... Ingredients: 1 large Carrot 1 large Apple 1 cup Molasses 2 1/2 cups Oat Flakes (ie for porridge) 2 Tablespoons Oil Directions: Shred the carrot and the apple into a large bowl. Add in the oil, oats, and molasses. Stir to combine well so that all the oats are covered in the molasses. Pour the mixture into a greased 20cm30cm baking dish. Pat the treats down with a spoon or with your fingers so they are flattened into the pan. Bake at 200C for about 40 minutes or until they begin to get crispy. Remove the treats from the oven and let them cool for a while. The treats will harden slightly as they cool. Once they are hardened you can cut them into pieces. Alternatively use a knife to start to cut them, and when they cool they will snap apart. Recipe: Saddlebox. #craftytuesday
18.01.2022 Finished school this year? Wanting to work in the racing industry?
18.01.2022 Hurry up!!! Only 10 days left. Click on the below link now, fill out a quick survey, and be in the running to win $50 playstation gift cards. https://form.jotform.com/202718649082056 Pony Club Australia wants to hear from all the boys. ... #WinWithPonyClub #ALifeWithHorseStartsHere
17.01.2022 ANNOUNCING . . . The winners and finalists of the PCA Photo Competition, brought to you by the PCA Youth Advisory Council. The judging was very difficult, with almost 1000 entries over five categories. Do you or your Club/Centre feature here? Finalists will receive a certificate in the mail, and the five winners receive a prize pack from the sponsors. ... https://youtu.be/E9lpsBTt9DU #pcaheadshot #PCAConcentrationFace #PCAFancyDress #pcaactionshot #pcaglowup EQ Saddleworld Heiniger Equine - Australia & New Zealand Ranvet @bushponymedia Horseland
16.01.2022 Call for nominations for a Virtual International Dressage Competition. You could represent Australia on your own horse! Pony Club Australia are excited to be a part of an opportunity for members to take part in an International Virtual Dressage Competition alongside members from other Pony Club International Alliance (PCIA) countries (Hong Kong, USA, Canada, UK, NZ, South Africa). There are five classes and PCA will select four competitors for each class from nominations rece...ived via an online form by midnight, Sunday, 6 June, 2021. Selection will be based on the horse’s past results and the rider’s highest current proficiency certificate. Riders who are selected will THEN be required to submit a video entry. This competition is open to any Pony Club Australia member who has been a member for at least two years and has achieved their C* Proficiency Certificate. For further information, go to: https://ponyclubaustralia.com.au//PCIA-International-Virtu
15.01.2022 Now is your chance to try FeedXL free for a month! If you want to keep using FeedXL after the trial period, you can use our PCA Member 10% Discount. Put your horse's feed to the test and tell us what you discovered. You might be surprised by how much money you could save, how many supplements you don't need or what your horse's diet is missing. Let us know in the comments below. https://feedxl.com/free-month-promo Feed XL Horse Nutrition Calculator #horse #welfare #care #feeding #fodder #management #memberbenefits
14.01.2022 Quick COVID-19 Survey This five-minute survey could help horseowners receive more targeted assistance - please consider filling it in. 'At the end of March 2020 we ran a survey to understand the impact of the COVID-19 Coronavirus Pandemic on horse owners across the world. Six months further on from the first survey we want to understand if and how the situation facing Australia and New Zealand horse owners has changed.... This survey should take no more than five minutes and no personal data is collected. With this information we will be able to develop a better understanding of the effects of the ongoing situation, with the aim of being able to produce more targeted advice and support for horse owners, yard managers/owners and equestrian professionals. The survey is available at: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/COVID-19_Horse_Impact_Sept
14.01.2022 It's Crafty Tuesday and it's all about sculpture this week. Even if you don't care to try sculpting a model horse, this is a real eye-opener seeing how it is done. And you start with some wire . . . #craftytuesday #horsesculpture ... https://www.youtube.com/watch See more
14.01.2022 Free Poster - Footfalls (Reloaded version) Do you know the order in which a horse uses his legs in walk, trot, canter and gallop? It's a handy skill that helps with your riding (see your certificate manuals).... Please note, the walk starts with a foreleg as per this video clip provided by Dr Andrew McLean: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EaufEDMuumE He added that this idea of the hind leg first stems from the dressage concept of the hindquarters being the powerhouse of forward movement. That is true, they provide the power for forward movement, but the first leg to move to walk from halt is always a foreleg. The only time a hind leg is ever the first to move is when it so far behind that it's almost in Swing phase itself. Certainly a horse standing square or even remotely square-ish moves the front leg first. You can download a clear copy of the poster from the PCA website under 'Horse Resources' by following this link: https://ponyclubaustralia.com.au//Footfalls-of-the-Horse-n #horsepaces #footfalls #trot #canter #gallop #footfalls #alifewithhorsesstartshere
11.01.2022 Thanks Gorgi Coghlan for telling the world how important horses are to you and your family. Especially this year! Proud to have you as members of Pony Club #worldmentalhealthday How do your horses help you out?
10.01.2022 Always was, always will be. The PCA team work from Wurundjeri and Dja Dja Wurrung lands in Victoria, and Peramangk land in South Australia. Let us know below what land your Pony Club or Centre is on. #naidoc Sport Australia Australian Institute of Sport https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=401407474271426
09.01.2022 Have you met our new experts yet? Dr Jacqui Panozzo (top) is a former Pony Club member and graduate of the Sport Australia 'Women Leaders in Sport' program sponsored by Pony Club Australia. She now runs her own company 'WormCheck' offering faecal egg counts to horse and other livestock owners. Dr Jennifer Stewart is an Equine Veterinarian and Consultant Nutritionist. Part of her work is developing premium formulas for studs, trainers and feed companies... In the November PCA Newsletter, they offer excellent advice on bots and laminitis. https://tinyurl.com/PCANewsNov-2020 #bots #laminitis #pcaexperts #PCAnewsletters #asktheexperts
07.01.2022 Oats are considered to be the only cereal grain that horses can digest when they are fed whole, uncooked or unprocessed. Other cereal grains need to be cooked or processed for the horse to gain any benefit. Still, processing oats through cooking, cracking, steaming will increase their digestibility and nutritional value to horses. Find out why, and how to tell if your horse is capable of chewing and digesting whole oats at: https://feedxl.com/18-feed-cooked-grains/ (Hint: !)... If you want to analyse your horse's diet to find out if their nutritional requirements are being met too little, too much or just right, don't forget that Pony Club Australia Members save 10% off subscriptions to the FeedXL Horse Nutrition Calculator via: https://feedxl.referralrock.com/l/1PONYCLUBAU59/ #welfarewednesday #horse #feeds #feeding #oats #memberbenefits #grain
07.01.2022 PHOTO COMPETITION! How about a round of applause for all the judges who put welfare over presentation, like Joanne Verikios! Joanne rode at the former Downs Pony Club near Toowoomba, Queensland. and went on to become an accomplished rider, breeder, trainer, assessor and author. Some of you may remember her Warmblood stallion Highborn Powerlifter. To win a copy of Joanne’s book ‘Winning Horsemanship: A Judge's Secrets and Tips for Your Success’?, all you have to do is:... 1) Share a picture of your horse’s whiskers. 2) Include the hashtag #winningwithwhiskers 3) Like Pony Club Australia 4) Like Joanne Verikios Winning Horsemanship Joanne will judge the best whiskers photo from all entries meeting these 4 criteria. This competition is for Pony Club Australia members only. Winner will be announced next Welfare Wednesday, 25th November. To find out more about Joanne’s book, visit https://www.winninghorsemanship.com/aboutwinninghorsemanshi #welfarewednesday #winningwithwhiskers #hipsterhorse #membersonly #memberbenefits #ponyclubaus #welfare #responsible #judging #horseownership #bethechange #movember
06.01.2022 In the rider manuals for our Proficiency Certificates, we recommend that riders use a metronome to help them learn about finding and keeping rythm and/or increasing and decreasing tempo. But what does using a metronome actually look like when you are with your horse? Find out in this video by PCA Board Member Dr Andrew McLean. This would also make a great activity at your Club or Centre. Have you used a metronome with your horse? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1iSTZt3xrP4 #ponyclubaus #horse #riding #training #learning Equitation Science International - ESI
06.01.2022 Salt Ash Pony Club, NSW, had a great idea for their 2020 Christmas Party - they set up a Photo Booth so riders and their horses could get a lovely Christmas photo together, complete with props! How awesome, and a great way to end a not so great year. What are you planning for your end of year Christmas parties?
05.01.2022 Have any pallets lying around? Upcycle these beauties to organise and store your brooms, rakes and shovels! You could even paint them in your favourite colours... We'd recommend securing the top of the pallet to the wall behind where possible.... #craftytuesday Source: Pinterest
05.01.2022 Special Offer for Coaches and Riders For the month of November, PCA Members can receive 20% off Equitation Science International’s Training Toolkit. Now only $20 plus postage!... This booklet of flip cards is perfect to store in your tack-room, by the arena, or in the glovebox of your car. It is suitable for all riders and coaches as a quick reference to all things equitation science, with a complete summary of the basic responses, their aids, equitation science definitions, gait specific information and much more. It all ties in with the new PCA Syllabus and manuals. Why not put a copy in your Pony Club rooms. Use coupon code: PCA_TK at checkout. www.esi-education.com/product/training-toolkit/ #alifewithhorsestartshere #helpforyourhorse Equitation Science International - ESI
05.01.2022 June PCA Newsletter out now! Here's the latest on: PCA Awards nominations now open - could your Club have a rider, coach or volunteer of the year? Feeding horses in Winter - advice from a vet... Long serving PC mounts - we found the top 100 International virtual dressage - entries close soon Equitana Club of the Year - your club could meet an Olympian at Equitana https://tinyurl.com/PCANewsJune21 #winterfeeding #heinigerequine Heiniger Equine - Australia & New Zealand #alifewithhorsesstartshere #virtualdressage #pcanews Hygain Jenquine Polymaster Group 10,000 Steps Volunteering Australia EQUITANA Australia #hathairdontcare
05.01.2022 We can now announce not one, but TWO winners in our #winningwithwhiskers photo competition! Joanne Verikios has generously selected two major winners to each receive a signed copy of her book, 'Winning Horsemanship: A Judge's Secrets and Tips For Your Success'. Congratulations to Leah and Erin Brown from Berrima District Pony Club in NSW, and Amos Vagg from Barwon Valley Pony Club in Victoria. Joanne has also selected some highly commended entries to win runners-up prizes -... watch this space for another announcement! On behalf of Pony Club Australia, thank you to all the entrants who shared your wonderful photos. On behalf of horses, thank you for loving and leaving our wonderful whiskers Read more about Joanne's book at: https://www.winninghorsemanship.com/aboutwinninghorsemanshi #winningwithwhiskers #hipsterhorse #welfarewednesday #ponyclubaus #membersonly #memberbenefits #horsewelfare Joanne Verikios Winning Horsemanship
04.01.2022 Safety Tip Here's a handy road safety tip that is quick and easy to do. Even though your float may be white, that makes very little difference to how easily it is seen at night. You can make your float highly visible with five metres of self-adhesive reflective tape from a hardware store, like Pam Brookman did in this photo she has shared with us.... Pam rode with Meningie Pony Club in the early 1960s where she got her D and C Certificate. She says that in those days, nobody even thought of reflective stuff on floats. In fact, most ponies came in the farm trucks if they weren't ridden to the grounds, and every Pony Club venue had to have an unloading ramp. Don't just think it is a good idea, why not get out and brighten up your float for night travel or grab some extra tape and make it an activity at your club or centre. Thanks Pam! #horsesafety #roadsafety #safeontheroad
03.01.2022 Congratulations to Pony Club Australia member (Swan Valley Horse and Pony Club, WA) and Tetrathlete Nikita Mawhirt on this national scholarship.
03.01.2022 Congratulations to Sylvia Usher who was selected by The Riders Pod as the winner of a one year subscription for her entry to their first birthday competition. Congratulations Sylvia and a very happy first birthday to #theriderspod, an app developed by Pony Club Australia Member Hannah Basetti #itsyourpod #morethanriding #notjustsittingthere #fitness #goals #balance #coordiantion #awareness #memberbenefits
03.01.2022 Are you ready for your E, D or D* Proficiency Certificate Assessment? Find out with the new self-assessment tools loaded on the Manuals page in the Members area of the PCA website: https://ponyclubaustralia.com.au/certificate-manuals/ For a more detailed list of requirements for Proficiency Certificates head over to the Syllabus: https://ponyclubaustralia.com.au/syllabus/ If you are a Certificate Assessor, you can download certificate assessment sheets here: https://ponyclubaustralia.com.au/certificate-assessments/
01.01.2022 Here's a lovely story of how one sweet but slow Pony Club horse found his perfect, forever home as a vaulting horse and is still going strong at nearly 21 years old. In 2003, Clare Wheatley from Kilmore and District Pony Club purchased a 16.3hh grey Percheron/TB cross as a potential eventer. She broke him in for her K Certificate. Cricket was a quiet, comfortable horse to ride and they had some success together, but when it was found he just didn't have a top gear for eventi...ng, she sold him on for a slower pursuit. Cricket became a star vaulting horse for Alix Bell of Two Wells SA, eventually winning the EA Vaulting Participant horse of the year in 2017, 2018 and 2019! Alix Bell, 23, has been involved in vaulting for 18 years. She is currently a member of PHEVA Vaulting where her mother is the lunger and she is the coach. She assisted with the information for the DOTM. You can read more about vaulting in the October PCA Discipline of the Month. https://ponyclubaustralia.com.au/s/discipline-of-the-month/
01.01.2022 Pony Club @ Home Series - Episode 1 Professional Eventer & Horse Trainer Claire Deuten Eventing grew up in Dubai and now works in the horse industry in the UK for anyone interested in what "horse-life" is like overseas. Claire's interview with Lecturer, Horse Trainer and Author, Dr. Portland Jones from Equine Insight is being premiered on Pony Club Australia's Facebook and YouTube channel 20th November 2020 @ 7:30pm (AEDT)... #ALifeWithHorsesStartsHere #PonyClubAus #PonyClub #eventing #xcountry #dressage #showjumping #horse With thanks to Claire's sponsors: Fenlandz, Walnut Hill Equine Veterinary Clinic, Gatehouse Hats, Devoucoux, Annabel Brocks, Hawkins Organic, 1st Class Images, T.H.E Equine Edge Ltd, FLAIR Equine Nasal Strips, GAIN Equine Nutrition & Super X Country
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