Pormpur Paanthu Aboriginal Corporation | Community organisation
Pormpur Paanthu Aboriginal Corporation
Phone: +61 7 4060 4211
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25.01.2022 Zandaya with her big catch!
23.01.2022 Today we celebrate Mabo Day. A significant day celebrating the achievements of Eddie Mabo, a Torres Strait Islander Elder whose campaign for Indigenous land ri...ghts led to a landmark decision of the High Court of Australia to overturn 'terra nullius' (land belonging to no one). Today we honour and recognise the contribution of Eddie Mabo's legacy to the rights of all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples across Australia. #HappyMaboDay #QAIHC #Aboriginal #TorresStraitIslander #wellbeing #community
22.01.2022 Unfortunately we’ve had to cancel the movie night tonight. Due to power issues. But a big thank you and congratulations to everybody who joined in for the fishi...ng comp. The winner for the 10 and under was Zendaya with a 63cm The 15 and under winner was Jurarl With a 56 cm fish. The Opens winner was Anne Marie with a 130 cm The winner of the family gathering comp was Brenton Kepper And familywith a 5 g Pippi. The winner of the family fishing competition was Anne Marie again with 25 kg of fish. See more
21.01.2022 STOLEN WAGES HELP Cape York Partnerships are here on the Island from Monday -Wednesday this week and Monday Tuesday next week to provide any assistance with ...questions relating to the distribution scheme. They also provide Free & Confidential Financial Counselling services and other services as per below. They are set-up outside the supermarket and/or at the IKC. Palm Island visits: Next visit: Monday 16th and Tuesday 17th November
18.01.2022 ‘Have a cup of tea and a yarn’: Nunga Guru Lainey aka shares her tips for dealing with isolation.
17.01.2022 This NAIDOC Week, take time to check in with your mob and ask R U OK? Learn how by using the Stronger Together campaign resources and find out how asking R U OK...? can change a life. Visit www.ruok.org.au/strongertogether Let’s talk, we’re Stronger Together.
16.01.2022 The team at Apunipima's Mossman Gorge Centre are keen for tonight's decider! What's your origin? State Of Origin #queenslander #OuHealthInOurHands
15.01.2022 Pormpuraaw White Ribbon Day at the Boomerang Building. Thank you for all the support!
15.01.2022 All young people in Cape York are doing a deadly job keeping COVID Safe, but this pandemic is not over yet! Remember if your sick, go to your closest clinic an...d get tested for COVID-19. Queensland Health Kowanyama Notice Board Aurukun Shire Council Pormpuraaw Pormpur Paanth Aboriginal corporation Pormpuraaw State School #Ourhealthinourhands #COVID19Update #Keepsafegettested
12.01.2022 Message from some of our Cape York Mayors. "We all play a part in our community to protect our people from Coronavirus" Janita Motton, Mayor of Napranum Reme...mber: If you feel sick, go to the clinic and get tested. Let's keep our communities safe from COVID-19. Napranum Aboriginal Shire Council Pormpuraaw Notice Board Pormpuraaw Aboriginal Shire Council Mapoon Aboriginal Shire Council Aurukun Shire Council Kowanyama Aboriginal Shire Council Queensland Health Torres and Cape Hospital and Health Service #OurHealthInOurHands #COVID19 #CapeYork #GetTested
12.01.2022 White Ribbon Day continues.. Women’s group yarning session at the women’s shelter. Thank you ladies for the good work
10.01.2022 Today we commemorate Eddie ‘Koiki’ Mabo, a Torres Strait Islander man, whose campaign for Indigenous #landrights led to overturning 200 years of Terra Nullius. ... On 3 June 1992, the landmark High Court Mabo Decision granted land rights to the Meriam people, the Traditional Owners of the Murray Islands (which include the islands of Mer, Dauer and Waier) in the #TorresStrait. The ILSC was established in June 1995, in response to the #MaboDecision, to assist Indigenous people to acquire land, water and water related rights and manage it to provide economic, environmental, social and cultural benefits for themselves and future generations. The #Mabo family as well as the other Mabo Decision plaintiffs, Reverend David Passi, Celuia Mapoo Salee, Sam Passi and James Rice, dedicated their lives to the land rights of their home #MurrayIsland and the ILSC are proud of the achievements that they have all made for Indigenous Australians, past and present. Australian Geographic #IndigLandSea #MaboDay #aiatsisSUMMIT #FootprintsForFuture #NRW2021 #MoreThanAWord #NativeTitle SA Native Title Services Reconciliation Australia
08.01.2022 Tropical cyclone Imogen has recently crossed the coast just to the north of Karumba. #CycloneImogen http://bom.gov.au/cyclone Recommended Action: People betwe...en Burketown and Kowanyama, including Burketown, should remain indoors until the cyclone has passed and listen to the next advice at 2am Monday. For cyclone preparedness and safety advice, visit Queensland's Disaster Management Services website (www.disaster.qld.gov.au) For emergency assistance call the Queensland State Emergency Service (SES) on 132 500 (for assistance with storm damage, rising flood water, fallen trees on buildings or roof damage). http://www.bom.gov.au/products/IDQ65002.shtml
08.01.2022 And so far the cutest catch from the cutes catcher!!
07.01.2022 This week we celebrated NAIDOC week. The Jellies and Turtles worked together to complete our NAIDOC poster. Come and have a look at it in the undercroft.
06.01.2022 ‘This is a great way of reaching into the minds of those that are struggling’: Uncle Jack Charles is the new soothing voice behind Smiling Mind meditation outreach program.
04.01.2022 Today, is the start of #NAIDOCWeek 2020 (8-15 November). The ILSC celebrates National NAIDOC Week and its theme, #AlwaysWasAlwaysWillBe. This year’s theme recog...nises that First Nations people have occupied and cared for this continent for over 65,000 years. The ILSC are committed to assisting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to realise the economic, social, cultural and environmental benefits that the ownership and management of land, water and water related rights can bring. In all our activities the ILSC pays respect to the Traditional Owners and Custodians of the lands and waters on which we work. We wish everyone a happy and safe #NAIDOCWeek2020. Visit www.naidoc.org.au to learn more and get involved. #NAIDOC2020 #IndigLandSea #IndigenousX #Australia
02.01.2022 First fish of the day caught be Anne-Marie Foote! And WHAT A CATCH!
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