Port Pirie West Children's Centre in Port Pirie, South Australia, Australia | Public & government service
Port Pirie West Children's Centre
Locality: Port Pirie, South Australia, Australia
Phone: +61 8 8633 0077
Address: First St 5540 Port Pirie, SA, Australia
Website: www.preschools.sa.gov.au/port-pirie-west-childrens-centre
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25.01.2022 KUPSCH BAKERY FUNDRAISER Order forms for our fundraiser are in the foyer. Forms need to be returned by Wednesday the 26th of August.
24.01.2022 Positive Connections Therapy (PCT) provides services from the Port Pirie West Children Centre on First St, Port Pirie. https://www.facebook.com/positiveconnectionstherapy/
23.01.2022 Do you have a baby under 12mths? Come enjoy the sunshine and join Baby Fun playgroup @ the Solomontown Beach. Tomorrow at 1:30pm. Phone Emma on 86330077 for more info.
23.01.2022 FAMILY ACTIVITY WEEK PACKS Centacare have created these FREE activity packages for National Families Week. The packs are full of some wonderful fun activities that families can do together.... The packs are free, all families need to do is contact 1800 759 865 to register.
22.01.2022 FREE ONLINE SLEEP EDUCATION Coming Up this Wednesday Evening! FREE ONLINE SLEEP WORKSHOP VIA ZOOM. To register, please call Steph on 0429 912 762 or email [email protected]
22.01.2022 Especially for Dads! Support For Fathers Network are running FREE Online Workshops for Dads every month from August until December... Get on it and register Dads! Youll be glad you did!... https://www.trybooking.com/book/event
22.01.2022 Whats on at the Port Pirie West Childrens Centre in Term 3, 2020 Playgroup Playgroup re-commenced on Monday, 27th July from 9.30am -11.00am. Playgroup will be held every Monday of the school Term. ...Continue reading
21.01.2022 Playgroup Monday 9:30-11am Come enjoy some time with your child and explore our outdoor area that is now open! We also have environmental health coming for lead testing in a relaxed calm area. Any ideas for Fathers Day is greatly appreciated we will look to follow our families lead! Always remembering maintaining our social distancing and covid practices
21.01.2022 Are you already running out of ideas to keep your little ones entertained during lockdown? Here are a few ideas below to get your kiddos moving - and hopefully tire them out! Have fun playing & stay COVID safe!
21.01.2022 Please see links below for information and support with Parenting through COVID. Parenting through COVID: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dAjNQiGBaMs A free 48 minute webinar presented by the DHS Parenting team providing information and practical strategies to support families at this time.... Family, nature and COVID-19: https://natureplaysa.org.au//Nature-Play-SA-Family-Nature- A ‘Nature Play SA’ free online guide for families with a focus on nature-based activities (even though we can’t do the neighbourhood activities right now there are lots of fun backyard things to do). Parenting SA COVID resources for families: https://parenting.sa.gov.au/parent-infor/covid-19-resources A variety of links to specific information and support. Stay safe and take care everyone.
19.01.2022 Hi All Baby Fun parents - Due to the new government restrictions Baby Fun Playgroup will now be capped at 10 parents to adhere to the 1 person per 4 square rule. If you would like to attend this wednesdays group, please call the centre on 8633 0077 and we will add you to the list! See you Wednesday for some more Christmas craft! ... Ebony & Emma
19.01.2022 NO PLAYGROUP NEXT MONDAY Although the restrictions have been lifted we will not be having playgroup next Monday the 23rd. Hopefully we will see you the following Monday for a Christmas themed playgroup!... Keep an eye out on the Port Pirie West Children’s Centre page for more information next week. Stay safe everyone!
19.01.2022 A FREE PARENTING WEBINAR NOT TO BE MISSED TONIGHT 12th MAY 2020 @ 7.00pm (Please note: If you cant attend the webinar live, dont worry! You will be sent a link to the recording if you register) ... Follow link below to register. https://www.happyfamilies.com.au/parentingsa/
19.01.2022 It’s normal to feel worried during times of uncertainty. If you need talk to someone about how you are feeling, please reach out to our network of specialist se...rvices who are here to help. Visit our COVID-19 Mental Health support web portal for resources, including online chat services, and more information: www.sahealth.sa.gov.au/COVID19MentalHealthSupport.
19.01.2022 Calling all treasure hunters Come join Bec and Rach on Monday 16/11 from 9:30-11am as we go searching for special treasures!! Hope to see you all there
19.01.2022 If you were unable to connect to the Sensible Sleep ZOOM Webinar last night, please find below a pre-recorded session and the powerpoint presentation thats only available until for viewing until next Tuesday 23/6. TO VIEW CHILDREN & SLEEP VIDEO 1. Click on this link - https://vimeo.com/430207899 2. Enter password - Children&Sleep1706#... We suggest you open the video and allow some time for the file to load so that the video streams smoothly. Another option to increase the load speed is to lower the resolution of the video. To do this, select the cog icon on the bottom right of the screen and choose a lower resolution. For any other assistance or information about Children & Sleep please visit us at websitewww.sensiblesleep.com or instagram account - https://instagram.com/thesensiblesleep/
18.01.2022 Looking forward to seeing all our bubbas down at the Solomontown Beach today at 1.30pm for some Baby Fun!
16.01.2022 Its National Volunteer week and we would like to acknowledge our hard working volunteers here at our Centre. A big thank you to Leah, Alex, Julie, Georgie and Adam. You are all amazing !
16.01.2022 PLAYGROUP Playgroup is on tomorrow at the Port Pirie West Childrens Centre, 9.30am - 11.00am. Come along and have some fun while making some fathers Day gifts. Always remembering maintaining our social distancing and covid safe practices FREE & ALL WELCOME... See you there Bec and Rachael. See more
15.01.2022 P L A Y G R O U P We are so excited that playgroup will finally be back next term! Unfortunately we wont see you until week 2 due to renovation happening in the school holidays. The kindy staff need the time on the Monday to get the kindy room ready for term 3!
14.01.2022 Feeling cooped up at home with your bubba since COVID? Come join us tomorrow at 1:30pm for Baby Fun playgroup in Woodward park! Looking forward to meeting you all!... **please bring a rug and a toy for your bub to play with. Due to COVID-19 restrictions we are unable to provide toys/seating.**
13.01.2022 Port Pirie Regional Council are at the beginning of trying to understand the challenges faced by those who identify as having a disability. In response to requests the survey close date has been extended to close of business on Monday 7 September. The survey can be accessed via this link - https://www.pirie.sa.gov.au//community-engagement-disabili
13.01.2022 Dont forget intent to enrol forms are due tomorrow!!
13.01.2022 How is everyones little ones going with drop off? It can be tricky saying goodbye at the best of times, but after a bit of time away from Kindy/School or Care drop off can be a bit harder. Some of our little ones just need a bit of time to re-adjust and others show behaviours that come under separation anxiety. Separation anxiety is when our little ones become excessively worried about saying goodbye and separating from their parents/ caregivers and struggle to go to other...s for care. Children are more prone to separation anxiety especially during times of stress (such as whats happening in the world due to Coronavirus) Its important for us as parents to be mindful our kids may be struggling more to say goodbye and showing signs of worry at this time. But dont worry feeling a bit of anxious about going to a new place is normal, and we can gently support our little ones to separate from us. However, If your childs separation anxiety is severe, long-lasting and interferes with your childs life, consider chatting to a professional. Here are a few tips below to support your little ones through those tricky drop offs.
12.01.2022 Need Help! Can anyone help put some shelves together? We have 2 to assemble so any help will very much appreciated
11.01.2022 Peter performs live from his home during the SA lockdown!
09.01.2022 We have missed all the bubbas around the centre! And cant wait to reconnect for a meet and greet with Baby Fun in the Park! We would love to see how all the bubs have grown, and meet all the new additions and their caregiver for a fun outing at Woodward park on the 12th August at 1:30pm. Please call Emma or Ebony on 86330077 for more information. ... All COVID-Safe procedures will be followed.
09.01.2022 FREE Parenting Webinar For parents / caregivers of teenagers aged 12-18 Join this FREE 1-hour parenting Webinar to learn about:... Whats going on developmentally for young people Understanding their behaviour Positive approaches to guiding and supporting young people Staying connected Managing Conflict Thursday, 11 June 1.30pm https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_5pSPStSOTLCyEbeOBOpcww Wednesday, 24 June 7.00pm https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_-Kd8D0JERFGjN6vg2PnDwQ
09.01.2022 Playgroup is on tomorrow at the Port Pirie West Childrens Centre, 9.30am - 11.00am. Come enjoy some time with your child and explore our outdoor area that is now open! Always remembering maintaining our social distancing and covid safe practices FREE & ALL WELCOME
09.01.2022 Parenting through COVID-19 Need support with routines, technology safety, understanding your childs behaviour or talking to your child about COVID-19? The Parenting and Family Support Program have created this webinar to help you with your parenting at this time and for you to refer to in your everyday parenting. ... The webinar will be offered 4 times over the next few weeks so that you can choose a time that best suits you. The webinar will cover the following topics and you will have the chance to submit your own questions to the team at the conclusion: Predictability, Routines and Traditions Technology Safety Talking to your children about COVID 19 Understanding your childs behaviour. Times available are: Thursday 7 Thursday, 7 May 7pm https://us02web.zoom.us//register/WN_2H304alMQ6irPQ-kaslEnw Saturday 16th May at 10am -11am https://us02web.zoom.us//register/WN_DmKBpq4YS36kF8OWrWSVPA Wednesday 20th May at 1.30pm - 2.30pm https://us02web.zoom.us//register/WN_opEuH_z3QiOgEW0f3gNISw Friday 29 May at 10am - 11am https://us02web.zoom.us//register/WN_5ucjYIeWQYmjBLbCCd2QAQ Please click the link to register.
07.01.2022 Join Bec and Rach this Monday to help celebrate NAIDOC week and remember there are lots of other activities on around the community to celebrate this special event
07.01.2022 My Child and Me Workshops Connecting, Understanding, Guiding. Everyday parenting My Child and Me is a FREE workshop that helps you as parents and carers build an understanding of your child and their healthy development.... The Parenting and Family Support Programs workshops are full of helpful information with a choice of simple, practical strategies that each family can adapt for their own parenting situations. Topics to support your parenting include: Brain & child development Understanding behaviour Parenting styles Positive approaches to guiding childrens behaviour Light refreshments and crche provided. (Bookings essential) Where: Port Pirie West Childrens Centre When: Part 1 Wednesday 19th August Part 2 Wednesday 26th August Time: 9.30am - 12.30pm To book: Please contact the centre on ph. 8633 0077, email [email protected] or message the Port Pirie West Childrens Centre facebook page.
06.01.2022 Do you have an old dinning set or timber bookcase? The kindy is looking for dinning sets or tables to use for lunch time. We are also looking for timber bookcases to create a community library for all families in the Childrens Centre foyer. We are looking for donations of these items or to buy for cheap. ... Please comment if you have any of these items or call the Centre on 8633 0077
06.01.2022 It was great to see many of you at our Baby Fun the Park this afternoon. We apologise the weather wasnt kind to us, and we had to finish earlier than expected. Baby Fun Playgroup will be back next Wednesday 19th at the Port Pirie West Childrens Centre, 1:30pm-3pm. For the next 2 weeks we will be be doing Fathers/Father figure Day craft for the special men in your life. We look forward to re-connecting with you all! ... Ebony & Emma
06.01.2022 Dear Families and Community, In light of the recent COVID-19 cluster in Adelaide we wanted to keep you updated with operational matters at the Children’s Centre. Please note, there will be some changes to the centre to continue to adhere to the new government restrictions. Our programs will continue to follow the COVID-19 safety measures that we have been following since the initial COVID-19 outbreak earlier this year. ... We do ask that you follow these safety measure to keep our community healthy and safe :- During Centre Activities we please ask: All parents to sign in on the contact tracing sheet provided, with a current contact phone number in case we need to contact you. Everyone to wash or sanitise their hands on arrival, there is a community toilet located in the foyer and hand sanitiser at the door and located around the centre. Adults to maintain social distancing, 1.5m apart. Please adhere to the taped area of the reception desk, to allow 1.5m between people signing in. If you or your child are at all unwell (cold, runny nose, cough, etc.) PLEASE stay home and help protect our community and staff. Community groups are now required to follow 1 person per 4 square metre rule. This limits the number of people in our community space. To adhere to this, we ask you to book into Baby Fun Playgroup on wednesdays on 86330077. Monday Playgroup will ensure there is lots of outdoor activities for social distancing. We are here to support you, if you have any questions please contact the centre on ph. 8633 0077. Stay COVID safe!
05.01.2022 Dear Families and Community, As you may now be aware SA is going into a lockdown from 12 midnight tonight for 6 days. During this time The Port Pirie West Childrens Centre will remain open as it is considered an essential service. However Childcare and Kindergarten services are open for essential workers. All programs including community groups, playgroups have ceased. The Public toilet, & Baby weigh station are also closed. Remember if you are required to come into the cent...re to drop off/pick up your child :- All parents to sign in on the contact tracing sheet provided, with a current contact phone number in case we need to contact you. Follow hand sanitising procedures before entering the centre Maintain 1.5m social distancing when dropping off or picking up your child from the centre. As Government guidelines change and hopefully be lifted in the future, please continue checking the Pt Pirie West Childrens Centre Facebook page for further information about re-opening the centre and re-starting groups. We are here to support you, if you have any questions please contact the centre on ph. 8633 0077. Or alternatively please call the COVID information line on 1800 253 787. Stay COVID safe! And we will see you around the centre when lockdown concludes. The PPWCC Team
04.01.2022 Simultaneous Reading Day! Today we were lucky enough to have Margie from Megs Book Shop come in and read Chicken Divas by Lucinda Gifford. Simultaneous Reading Day is when everyone is invited to read the same book at the same time all over the world. This celebrates reading aloud and a love of books!
04.01.2022 MyTime MyTime is a FREE Program for mums, dads, grandparents and anyone caring for a child up to the age of 18 with a disability, chronic medical condition, or special needs. The Program provides carers time out relax and socialise sharing ideas with others in similar situations. Creche available - Bookings essential ... Call Nicole to register mob. 0447 778 597 Start date: Monday, 17th August, 9.00am - 11.00am Location: Port Pirie West Childrens Centre
04.01.2022 PLAYGROUP Playgroup is back next week with a new time! We will see you on Monday at 9:30 until 11am.... Please remember your social distancing practices when outside the home.
03.01.2022 Don’t forget about our Kindy & Childcare Christmas Raffle! There are over 20 amazing prizes to be won! You can purchase tickets from the Centre please pop in during the week to purchase! Tickets are $2 each or a book of 10 for $20
03.01.2022 NAIDOC WEEK NAIDOC week has officially started!(rescheduled because of COVID). Please see attached flyer to see what is happening around Port Pirie. On Monday come down and watch our very own kindy student Keely as she will be raising the Aboriginal Flag.
03.01.2022 How are we all doing parents? Gosh its been a busy stressful time hey? When was the last time you had a moment to yourself, without the kids, your phone or a screen and just sat? Or you cant turn your mind off thinking about daily worries? Its time to take a moment for yourself. Lets have a #destressmonday moment and focus on the video below. Just by focusing your breath and taking a moment to clear your thoughts, your mind is more able to focus and take in information,... your mind stops jumping between thoughts and you can calm your bodys stress response. Lets all take a moment and breathe. https://giphy.com/gifs/monday-destress-xThuWqxgKOhbutFyCY
02.01.2022 Hey Baby Fun Mummas: we see you! We see you at home with your bubs, We see you getting through the day, We see you feeling like this isnt what you wanted your first year of your bubs life to be. We see you missing out on special events and times with your family.... We see you missing out on baby groups, walks, or days that connect you with the outside world. And now having your first Mothers Day in isolation. We see you! And we have a Mothers Day pack for you (and your bubs) because we want to make it special for you in what way we can! Come and pick up from the Port Pirie West Childrens Centre, or DM us on Facebook to organise a delivery!
01.01.2022 RECONCILIATION WEEK Yesterday marked the last day of reconciliation week this year which started on the 27th of May until the 3rd of June. Each morning as a part of our morning meeting we recite our Acknowledgment to Country, where we acknowledge and thank the Nukunu people for their connection to the land. We make a promise each morning to respect and look after the animals, plants and people too. This is only a small part we do everyday to support the ongoing goal of recon...ciliation for the traditional people of Australia. This year as apart of reconciliation we explored the meaning of friendships with the children and how we can be a good friends to everyone. We explore how our actions can effect others and the feelings that can be attached with these actions. As these children are our future we strive to create young people who are socially aware and have an understanding of empathy and inclusion.
01.01.2022 PRESCHOOL ENROLMENT FOR 2021! Enrol now!! Find a preschool link ... https://www.education.sa.gov.au///find-school-or-preschool
01.01.2022 PRESCHOOL ENROLMENTS ARE OPEN FOR 2021!! Is your child turning 4 before the 1st of May 2021? If so it is time to enrol your child in kindy! Pop in today and see Robyn at the front desk or give us a call on 86330077! ... We cant wait to hear from you!
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