Port River Sailing Club in Largs North | Sport & recreation
Port River Sailing Club
Locality: Largs North
Phone: +61 8 8449 1818
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25.01.2022 Reminder that tomorrow, 10th November, Heats 5 & 6 of the Club Championship are being run; 2 pm start. Sail training at 10:30. Also General meeting at 11.00-11.30. ... So busy day, though not much wind again. it would be nice to get a stiff sea-breeze.
25.01.2022 I note that only Port River SC had any results for Saturday 9/2/19 listed in the Sunday paper. I assume therefore that we were the only club to get out on the water. It was windy (around 20 to 25 knots), although with flat water manageable for the sabre fleet. Over 4 short races, with a "hairy" jibe mark, there was close racing, a screaming reach, but no "swims". We welcome anyone from the other Adelaide clubs to come sail with us when their races get blown out.
24.01.2022 2019-20 Season Opening Day is programmed for 12/10/2019. Invitation notice below:
22.01.2022 Another interesting extract from the Minutes of Meeting book. This one from meeting dated Friday 12/11/1965, where it was moved to restrict membership of the Club and limit the number of boats permitted to compete in Club events. Gone are those sailing boom times, when people seemed to have more time, and the skills to build things.
22.01.2022 A Message from the Commodore: Thanks to the helpers at Port River. Quality not Quantity is the position Port River see itself in, in the current climate. We are one of only a few sailing clubs that runs on volunteers. Our society is or has changed and this change does effect clubs like ours.... I like the quote. Dont ask what the country can do for you. Ask what can I do for my country. When the need arises members and volunteers seem to come out of the woodwork to help. The very best example is our school team sailing events. Members know this has proven to be our Financial life blood. Thank you one and all for your much-appreciated assistance. Just a special note of thanks to Carol Sprake for her help in the Canteen, Susan will miss you. Dave Godden is moving to Port Lincoln, we wish him and family all the best and we all thank him for his contribution to the club over many years. Lets hope the coming season will be as enjoyable as the past. There are some new members coming this season.
21.01.2022 Sailing this coming Saturday, 2nd March, has been cancelled due to the forecast 40 C maximum temperature and extreme UV. This is disappointing as the wind forecast looks pretty good. However, a relatively cool change is coming through on Saturday night, so Team School sailing is still scheduled for the next day (Sunday 3rd). So see all the helpers on Sunday......
20.01.2022 I am looking for a fairly experience crew for my F16 Viper to sail in the Milang to Goolwa race on Sunday 27tth. This race is a lot of fun. In the cat divsion we will be sailing against A class, F18s, Taipans, Nacras and Hobies, with a few boats from interstate. Give me a call on 0402965645 or email phile(at)energyfocus.com.au if interested.
19.01.2022 I am sure I speak for all members in wishing Dave Godden (Club Treasury and Life member) a speedy recovery, and that he will soon be back on his Fireball.
19.01.2022 Results (1st, 2nd, 3rd) for the 2019/20 season to date are located here: https://portriversailing.club/2019-port-river-sailing-club/ We have been pretty lucky with the weather so far, with some good winds and close racing throughout the fleet. Adrian on "Goldfinger" 2007) has sailed very well and won the majority of races. New member, Chris on "Gert Lush", has also been very competitive.
19.01.2022 Schools Team Racing mark rounding with umpire on the job
18.01.2022 A reminder that the season recommences tomorrow, 12/1, after the New Years break. A handicap start, stern chaser, race is programmed. The weather looks good, not too hot, and a good wind. Word has it that the old fox, John Gratton, one of the best Sabre sailors in SA/AUS, is coming up from Brighton. Should be fun.
17.01.2022 Queen of the River Regatta scheduled for April 6th is the last race for the 2018/19 season. The wind forecast is relatively benign (19 km/hr). It would be good to get a good roll-up for one last sail up and down the Creek. The Port Adelaide SC fleet will be starting at 1 pm; our start as normal will be 2 pm. The after race dinner will be a nice chicken meal.
15.01.2022 https://www.facebook.com/TrofeoPrincesaSofia/videos/811814485847655/UzpfSTEwMDAwMjY2Njk0Nzk0NDoxMTk4NzQ0NDk2OTY2MjUz/ "Sailor Girl" gets a little bit excited at approx. 1:17
14.01.2022 Port River Sailing Club Inc. AUSC Aquatics Up Ship Creek What a great day we had on Sunday the 17th of March 2019. Enough wind and Plenty of sun.... The Management Team of Port River Sailing Club and Australian Sailing would like to thank the following people, but not limited to the list below. On Water Helpers. Gary Loughhead. Escort boat Southern. Gary Silby. Finish Boat. Chris Rehn. Escort boat Northern. Geoff Main. Usually in Escort but away on the 17th. Rod Moule. Start Boat and timing operator. Phil Edwards. Missing in action on the 17th but usually there to help later in the day. On Land Helpers. Wendy Gibson. Nicole Adam. Dianne Moule. Sue Robertson. Anne Main. Carol Sprake. Margret Robertson. Joan Blenkle. Susan Hayter. Jenny Lees Commerce ( The tuck shop) We sold 20 Pies, 20 Pasties, 20 Sausage Rolls, 18 Hot Dogs, 20 donuts, 6 finger buns, 10 toasted sandwiches, lots of chocolate bars and made 60 rolls. The Coffee machine worked over time and the drinks were in great demand. Hardware. There were 3 fleets of 6 boats provided from Ocean View College, St Peters College and Brighton Seacliff Yacht Club. Thats a total of 18 Pacers. Sails for these boats were provided by Walford College, St Peters College and Westminster College. Three power boats were supplied by Port River SC and three from Australian Sailing Ltd. Other Helpers on the day. Tim Went. Race Officer. Tracey Heritage. Scorer co-ordinator on finish line. Wayne Thompson. Chief umpire. Tristan Neumuellar. Umpire. Bronwyn Thompson. Team Marshaller. Mikayla Thompson. Assistant Team Marshaller. Katrina Bosworth from Ocean View College. Scorer. Emma Short. Australian Sailing co-ordinator. The actual teams that sailed. The were 18 teams of six students. Thats 108 young people out sailing. They were from 10 different schools. Other activities in the Snowdons Beach Area. The Loreto College brought their rowing sculls down to the beach and used the water to the North. (most of the time) Port Adelaide Sailing Club brought out their Sailability fleet and used the river to the south. The Girl Guides also had a weekend at Snowdons Beach. They did their sail on the Saturday and only looked on during the Sunday. It took a bit of swift talking to organise the carparking and all went very well. Alex Hayter Your Commodore.
13.01.2022 Attached a nice letter of appreciation from the Metropolitan Fire Service referencing the period over last Xmas when the fire persons stayed at the Clubhouse while the Largs North Fire Station was being decontaminated. [cant spell accommodation though, not that you need to be a good speller to fight fires]
13.01.2022 Club Championship results (yardstick only) for the Sabre fleet after 8 heats can be found here: http://www.sailres.com/view.php?s=993 Heats 9 and 10 are scheduled for 1/12/18.
12.01.2022 Thanks to the efforts of Alex and Gary, the flagpole has been mounted in front of the rescue boat shed. It is in a much more prominent position than before in front of the Club house. The plan is for a commemoration on Opening Day.
11.01.2022 Club working bees We have had two successful working bees in the past month. Lots have been done around the Club house, boat sheds, and on the rescue boats motors in readiness for the forthcoming season. The foundation and mounting is in place for the flag pole to be craned into place. The plan is to have a small ceremony to coincide with the long awaited erection of the pole. Stay tuned for when the erection is to occur. Well done to all the enthusiastic members who contributed to the working bees.
11.01.2022 During the recent clean up of one of the store rooms at the Club, I came across the minutes of foundation meeting of the PRSC, held 28/4/1964, 55 years ago. The minutes are attached. 15 people attended.
11.01.2022 Recently I returned to my home town of Ulverstone, Tasmania (population approx. 15,000 on the north-west coast) for a school 50 year reunion. A lot of kids from my year sailed at the local yacht club, the Leven YC. Thats what kids did back then to keep active and have fun on a Saturday afternoon. So while there I caught up with an old school mate and crew member (we sailed a Gwen 12 skiff), Andrew. The intention was to have a sail on the day of the reunion for old times sake, but the weather was atrocious. .Susan Hayter kindly made up a framed PRSC burgee which Andrew presented to the current LYC Commodore, Isaac Mearns, on my behalf. The burgee is now hanging on their club room wall. Phil Edwards (VC)
10.01.2022 This is the link to the 2020/21 Sailing Program, https://portriversailing.club/2019-2020-program/ even though the URL say 2019/20. "Not the Nationals" regatta is scheduled for Sunday 27 to Tuesday 29 December, and is open to any off the beach class. Not listed in the Program is Sabre training next Sunday, 27/9 starting at 0830.... Also, the first two heats of the Sabre State Titles are planned for a Sunday in November, date to be confirmed.
10.01.2022 Not the Nationals We are planning another "Not the Nationals" regatta this coming season. The regatta will be held over three days from Sunday 27th to Tuesday 29th in December. Given that it is likely not many people will be able to travel interstate for sailing due to border restrictions, this regatta offers anyone in any class of boat the opportunity to have some fun racing over Xmas. More details to follow.
09.01.2022 A reminder that Championship Races 13 and 14 are on tomorrow. The coolest place to be will be on the water (or in it).
08.01.2022 Sabre Training Its time to clear the cobwebs off your boat, because the SA Sabre Association is holding a training day on Sunday the 27th at the Port River Sailing Club. The day commences with measuring at 10:30 am, complete rigging boats by 11:30 am, start the BBQ at 12 noon and on the water at 1:00 pm. Craig McPhee will be a training instructor. We are considering some pairing during the afternoon, where one member sails and the other watches from a power boat. In this way coaches comments are shared. All members including Thumb Sailors are invited to attend and we require volunteers to operate the safety boats and BBQ. Please RSVP to Alex Hayter on mobile 0418 892 145 if you can assist.
08.01.2022 https://www.adelaidenow.com.au//f91d14bf84b52c25e34898c758 An excellent, but depressing, article on the Port River dolphins. [from SA Weekend, March 1 2019]. Extract from article: ... "Squeak is one of only two calves from 10 to have survived in the Port River in the past two-and-a- half years. A report last year by the South Australian Museum found that 17 out of 35 Port River dolphin fatalities in the past 13 years were caused by blunt force trauma impact". We need to report any idiot driving a boat over 7 knots.
07.01.2022 Hi All, It would appear that I have programmed a Mystery Tour for next Saturday not aware that it is the Adelaide Cup long weekend, therefore it has been decided that there will be no sailing for Saturday 7th March 2020. Championship Races Heat 9 and 10 were postponed due to inclement weather and these heats will be resailed on Saturday 21st March 2020.... The PRSC will be hosting the Metro Schools Team Racing on Sunday the 15th and 29th of March 2020, and require we volunteers on these days. Please advise if you can assist by return email or contact Alex Hayter on mobile 0418 892 145 so that we can organise a roster for the various duties. Regards Rodney Moule Secretary Port River Sailing Club. 0419 843 655.
07.01.2022 "Black & White Cookbook" 2004 Going through the records I found this great publication by the PRSC Ladies Auxiliary. Interspersed among the various recipes are the sailing background histories of some of the "old" individual and families going back to the 1970s. The entry relating to Life Member, Joan Blenkle (see attached) took my eye. Joan is of course still coming down to the Club every weekend, and helping out daughter Carol in the canteen.
06.01.2022 Come and Join the Twilight Thumb Sailors at "Ship Creek"! Twilight Sailing at Port River Sailing Club Beginning on Thursday 17th October at 5pm the 2019/2020 PRSC-MLMYC Twilight Sailing Series gets underway. For ten evenings over summer you will get as much sailing as you can handle followed by as much food as you can eat. Registration is $30 for the full series or $5 per evening, and meals are only $12. Many MLMYC sailors ventured down to Port River last summer and they wil...l all tell you what a great time they had down there. Port River is a great place for twilight sailing for many reasons. The shoreline faces east so there is no sun glare on the water There is a huge sheltered and elevated deck for comfortable sailing especially on hot evenings 5pm is the best time to sail in summer. It is often past the heat of the day and there is frequently a cool southerly breeze With the Port Adelaide expressway it is easy to get to from Mawson Lakes The social and fun aspects of the sailing and eating experience will have you coming back regularly There is a well-equipped club house with bar and eating facilities and there are excellent bathrooms All classes of model yachts are welcome, and given sufficient numbers we expect to have separate starts for ML45s and RC Lasers Many of your familiar MLMYC faces will be there Refer to the Sailing Program for the Twilight sailing dates.
05.01.2022 2019/20 season sailing Program is now located at: https://portriversailing.club/2019-2020-program/
03.01.2022 Dinner and a show. #sagreat #southaustralia #portadelaide #adelaidedolphinsanctuary #portriverdophins #abcadelaide
03.01.2022 Some of you may have read in the paper today that Largs Bay North firemen are using our Club rooms over the weekend (maybe longer) while the MFS addresses the chemical contamination issue at the Fire Station and surrounds. Of course we couldnt refuse the request to use our facilities. It is the neighbourly thing to do, especially during the Festive Season. The positive aspect is that we dont have to worry about the Club house burning down while the "boys" are there on s...tandby. Re sailing news, (i) unfortunately Tony has had to hang up his sailing gloves due a major back problem. His absence from the Sabre fleet will be noticed. His boat is for sale, if any one is interested. However, (ii) it was good to see a trim and fit Nicole sailing her dads Sabre yesterday. All she needs is a new, flat main and no doubt she would be really competitive if she can find the time to race. (iii) Hannah did well in the Heats 9 and 10 re-sail a couple of weekends ago. She managed to hang-in and stay up with the fleet when conditions were relatively windy at times, and finished 2nd and 1st in both heats, respectively. (iv) Hannah had a bit of excitement last weekend though, crewing on the Viper. After a fast jibe at the top mark, she looked behind only to realise there was no one helming the boat. The skipper had decided to go for a swim. (v) Alex has made good progress rehabilitating his 470s. Hopefully we will see at least one on the water early in the New year. They will be valuable for advanced training and racing. (vi) For all those that read these rather infrequent posts, have a great Xmas and safe 2019! See all sailors back on the water on January 12th.
03.01.2022 Only about 6 weeks into the season and we are up to Heat 7 & 8 of the Club Championships tomorrow, 17/11. Last week Hannah picked up 2 good winds in light winds (again). Dad, Rob, somehow went for a swim in the first race but did really well to finish 3rd in the second. It was great to see 3 TS16 racing around the course. ... Forecast for tomorrow: Sunny. Winds south to southeasterly 15 to 25 km/h tending east to southeasterly 25 to 35 km/h during the morning.
03.01.2022 Sailing is still on this coming Saturday 21st. The re-sail of Championship Races Heat 7 & 8 is scheduled. We cant let this virus scare stop us from the enjoyment of sailing.
02.01.2022 The 2019-20 Championship & Handicap results have been published on the Club website at: https://portriversailing.club/handicap-championship-series/ The Championship series for Sabres, sailed over 14 races with 3 discards, was won by Chris Pritchard sailing Gert Lush, by one point from Adrian Knoop in Goldfinger. The Handicap series for Sabres, sailed over 20 races with 4 discards, was won by Rob Lees sailing Seniors Discount. ... Well done to Chris and Rob! There was close racing throughout the season, as indicated by the close series scores. The trophy presentation is planned for season 2020/21 Opening Day.
02.01.2022 Under the latest government regulations preventing hotels, clubs, bars, restaurants, etc from opening, we dont have any choice but to close the Port River Sailing Club and the sailing season early. We have had a good season and hopefully things will pan out soon so that we can get back to normal. ... So no more sailing until this virus is beaten. Stay well everyone.
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