Portland Bowling Club in Portland, Victoria | Amateur sports team
Portland Bowling Club
Locality: Portland, Victoria
Phone: +61 3 5523 2032
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25.01.2022 Hello Members The Board has received complaints from some members regarding some members not fully complying with restrictions, both outside and in the clubrooms, relating to Covid-19. Some members are not coming to the club for practice and social bowls due to these breaches.... The Board executive has considered these complaints and decided: To reiterate the requirements * 1.5 metre distancing must be maintained at all times, both outside and inside the clubrooms. This includes: * Outside when sitting on seats, on the green, waiting for social bowl. * Inside when sitting at tables and return to your seat immediately a drink has been purchased. * A maximum of 4 players on a rink when practicing, 8 players at social bowls. * No handling of other players bowls. * Only playing on the marked rinks * Social bowls rinks must be a minimum of 1.5 metres apart. * Washing hands before and after playing. * Sign in and sign out. Failure to follow present requirements then stricter measures will be put in place such as suspending members breaching requirements, only allowing individual practice when a member has booked a rink as other clubs have implemented, cancellation of social bowls, closure of the club. Present requirements are those advised by Bowls Victoria following their negotiation with the Department of Health and Human Services to meet government requirements for the health and safety of individuals. Breaches are subject to fines both for individuals and the club. Remember if you are feeling unwell you should not attend the club under any circumstances. Executive Board of Management.
25.01.2022 To all Members We have received permission from Glenelg Shire Council today, Friday 18th, for a return to bowls plan. The Board is to meet on Monday to go through all requirements needed for this to happen. After that meeting. all members will be informed of all Stage 3 Restrictions along with Bowls Vic. Regulations.... regards Secretary of the Portland Bowling Club Inc. Board of Management.
24.01.2022 Hi All Members Today, Tuesday, 22nd @ 11:46am, we received permission from Glenelg Shire Council for our return to bowls. You have all previously (yesterday) received an email outlining the Bowls Vic., Government, and Health Dept. Regulations, to please follow.... ROLL UPS The greens will be open daily, between 9am and 4pm. Practice to be for 2 hours Max. per member. SOCIAL BOWLS Mixed Social bowls, Wed. and Sat., 1:00 pm Start, 3 bowl pairs. Summer bowls committee to organize. Toilet Access only to Club Rooms Please sign Bowls Vic. tracing register OUTSIDE Please pay through OUTSIDE window Please refer to all information sent Monday 21st regarding Restrictions and Regulations. Regards Secretary of the Portland Bowling Club Inc. Board of Management.
21.01.2022 Hi Members Please find included latest information from Bowls Victoria flowing on from weekend changes announced by State Government. If you have any questions please give me a call.... Kind Regards, Paul Jackson | Regional Bowls Manager (Western Victoria / Nth Territory) Bowls Australia Ltd. | PO Box 52 | Northcote Vic 3070 UPDATE: Tuesday June 23rd 2020. With regard to the Victorian Premier’s latest announcement on Saturday June 20, Bowls Victoria has one change to the previously communicated Stage 3 advice. Clubhouses with licensed venues can operate for no more than 20 people and not the previously advised 50 people as per the State Government guidelines for bars and clubs. Please continue to follow the ‘general around the green hygiene’ advice below as we all continue to do our bit to stay safe on the green. As per the ‘non-contact competition’ advice from the Victorian Government & VicSport, the Metropolitan Pennant Divisional Finals (Weekend & Midweek) will proceed as advised. Secretary of the Portland Bowling Club Inc. Board of Management. Email : [email protected]
18.01.2022 Hi Members At the last Board meeting there was a long discussion regarding club finances in relation to the lack of income during the 3 months of lockdown. During this time the club income was down $16,000 compared to last year. The Board was also concerned about the cost of supplying coffee and biscuits to members who socialize at the club after practice/roll up and have a coffee and biscuit. The decision was taken that an honesty box be placed in the kitchen and, except...Continue reading
18.01.2022 Hi Everyone, The Portland Bowling Club is selling Bags of Pink Lady Apples as a fund raiser for the club. 1.5kg @ $5.00 3kg @ $10.00... Orders taken Phone 0419323060 Can deliver Also will be selling bags at the club Saturday June 20th and 27th between 10.00am - 1.00pm
17.01.2022 | COVID-19 | Revised Restrictions: Metropolitan Melbourne (Step 3) & Regional Victoria (Step 3A) UPDATE: Revised 30th October, 2020.... Bowls Victoria today participated in a number of meetings with various departments and the State Government, which have resulted in confirmation of a number of changes to our previous advice. This advice is current as of today, 30th October 2020, and affects clubs in both Metro Melbourne and Regional Victoria. There are 3 key areas of change: MASKS Masks are now mandatory, and all conflicting information has been corrected. This is a Victorian Government directive. Further detail can be found in the Return to Play Guidelines below. ACCESS TO CLUBHOUSES We have received clarification that access to clubhouses is permitted where there is a bar, café or restaurant. Clubs which only have a clubhouse, with no hospitality offering, are only permitted to open toilets and changerooms. PLAYER NUMBERS & GREENS Groups of up to 10 people are permitted outdoors on greens, but groups must now be 10m apart. This rule does not apply to pennant, pennant practice or other state events. Information on this change can be found in the sections titled Number of Players and Types of Competitions. We understand that the ongoing changes will be causing frustration, however clubs should be prepared that there will be more to come, and quite likely prior to the next round of major changes due to be announced on the 8th of November. We must stress that the content above is current at the time of publication but is subject to change, as the situation is still fluid. OCTOBER RETURN TO PLAY GUIDELINES (V5) Additional Resources: For the latest State Government COVID-19 update, please click here. Links to the latest COVID-19 information and resources, including current restriction levels, are available from the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) here. As COVID-19 remains a rapidly changing and evolving global situation, we will continue to work with relevant government authorities to provide the Bowls community with new and updated information as it comes to hand. Please stay safe and look after each other. Kind regards, Team BV. For the sport of bowls, a mask must be worn and should only be lowered to enable a player to play their shot, communicate game play (tactics or instructions), to momentarily regain composure if a player is short of breath or any other valid safety reason. Wearing a face covering protects you/your community by providing an additional physical barrier to COVID-19. Where a person has a lawful excuse not to wear a mask, the club takes no responsibility in any fine or sanction applied under law to the individual (e.g. by the Police).
16.01.2022 Hi Members Due to the press release from Victorian Premier, Daniel Andrews, Saturday 20th June with the push back of restrictions, and contacting Paul Jackson, Bowls Australia Regional Rep. Restrictions prior to Saturday will still apply until further notice from Bowls Victoria. ... Secretary of the Portland Bowling Club Inc. Board of Management. Email : [email protected]
12.01.2022 5kg bags of potatoes $10 each Contact Phillip on 0419323060 Will deliver.
07.01.2022 Hello Members The club has received the email below from the Glenelg Shire Council. Our club is on Council managed property so these restrictions apply.... Under Covid-19 Stage 3 restrictions the club will be closed from 11:59pm Wednesday. Under no circumstances is entry allowed to the clubhouse, bowls including practice isnot permitted, and work around the club is not permitted. Board members are able to access the club email from home and undertake necessary work for the club. The Board will keep you updated when any changes are made Council email: Dear User Group, We trust that you are staying safe and well during this difficult time. We are touching base to provide an update on changes to Council services and the impact of Stage 3 Restrictions on sports and exercise. From 11:59pm, Wednesday 5 August, for a six week period, there are only four reasons to leave the house: Shopping for food and essential items; Care and caregiving; Daily exercise; Work and study if you can’t do it from home. Otherwise, you need to stay home. This will impact sport and recreation, and the following restrictions will be in place: All community sport will be cancelled this includes any competition or training for both adult and junior sport. All indoor and outdoor sporting facilities closed - this includes any competition, activities or training for both adult and junior sport. Informal exercise only Council managed ovals, grounds and courts will remain open only for informal exercise only (e.g. running, walking, stretching). With your household, or one other person(Buildings Closed) Club officials and volunteers will not be permitted to undertake any works at any facilities or grounds during this six week period, as this is not a permitted reason to leave your home and therefore Council Owned Recreation facilities will be closed for these types of activities. Your peak sporting bodies and league officials will no doubt be in touch with you over the coming days to provide further clarification on these new measures. In the meantime, please do not hesitate to get in touch if you have any further questions. As circumstances are changing we may find that any current return to play forms that have been approved may no longer be applicable upon returning to use facility. We will continue to work with Recreation Groups and current government advice to ensure we can all return to use the facilities safely in the future. If you have received this email please ensure you communicate it to this rest of the club or any other user groups that sits within your organisation. Secretary of the Portland Bowling Club Inc. Board of Management. Email : [email protected] Phone: 0438392318
05.01.2022 To all members The club has submitted the required form to Glenelg Shire to reopen the club. Once the Council has approved reopening members will be informed of the opening date. Initially the club will only be open for practice and mixed social bowls on Wednesday and Saturday.... The clubhouse remains closed and can only be used for toilet use. Below are the regulations that must be followed upon reopening: State Government Summary of Restrictions Move to Step 3: Outdoor non-contact sport can resume for adults. Non-contact sport is any sport where you can maintain 1.5 metres between yourself and others while playing. Spectators are not allowed. ________________________________________ Revised Stage 3 Guidelines Summary for Clubs: Although no written confirmation has been received, until further notice Bowls Victoria interprets the current Step 3 restrictions, and the above points, to include Bowls. Therefore the following revised Step 3 Guidelines apply. Clubs must receive approval from their local council to open their Club (only if they are Council owned). Members must contact their local club as to when they are open. Shared equipment (jacks & mats) must be cleaned and disinfected before and after use. Outdoor toilet facilities can be used. Clubs must update all signage at the club to advise members on the new General around-the-green hygiene: Refrain from shaking hands, high-fives or any contact with others, and keep 1.5 metres apart. Refrain from handling other people’s bowls. Mats and jacks must be handled by one person only. Please keep your hands clean by having sanitiser readily available at the club. Wash your hands before and after play. Wear a clean uniform. If you are feeling unwell then you should not attend the club under any circumstances. Members in a high-risk category should strongly consider whether they should or should not be playing as per their own circumstances and/or medical advice. If a member is sick or comes into contact with someone that may have tested positive to COVID-19, the club must let Bowls Victoria know immediately.
04.01.2022 Hi all the AGM that was for July 6th has been postponed until the 3rd of August 2 PM at the club rooms. Men's President. Kevin Pye.
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