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22.01.2022 Sometimes chiropractic surprises even us... Mom was in labor for nearly 3 days. Her cervix was tilted posteriorly, swollen from prolonged pressure, and stall...ed at 4cm for the past 24 hours with no change. When her midwife started talking about a potential cesarean, mom called to get adjusted. Dr. Nina made a gentle correction to the alignment of her pelvis, releasing tension in the uterine ligaments and pelvic floor muscles, and less than 2 hours later she was 10cm with an anterior cervix progressing soon after to a vaginal birth. This is why chiropractic should be available at every birth, for every parent and baby, everywhere. But the story doesn’t end there... After seeing Charley’s hips locked in flexion (picture 1) and hearing a loud clicking when moved, she was diagnosed with bilateral hip dysplasia by 3 doctors, confirmed by advanced imaging before leaving the hospital. While mom and dad waited for the hip brace, they brought Charley in to get her first chiropractic checkup. Dr. Ian made a gentle correction of the top bone in her spine, releasing tension in the nervous system that had built up following the physical forces on her neck during birth. Within moments, her legs stretched more easily and without any clicking (picture 2). By the time they got home they noticed her legs were relaxed, hanging down and moving normally (picture 3). They brought her back to the orthopedist who confirmed she no longer had hip dysplasia and no longer needed months of wearing a brace. The adjustment had allowed the muscles throughout her body to relax, changing the biomechanics of her hips and letting her develop appropriately. Chiropractic did NOT treat mom’s stalled labor, nor did it treat Charley’s hip dysplasia. Rather, chiropractic adjustments restored normal neurobiomechanics, allowing each of their body’s to work the way it should. Chiropractic is not a replacement for medicine, but chiropractic should be a routine aspect of perinatal care to ensure optimal health for both mom and baby. Find a perinatal chiropractor for your family at icpa4kids.com/find-a-pediatric-chiropractor EDIT - Today (9/24) the mom reminded us that she originally came to our office because she was 36 weeks and baby was breech. Her doula referred her to our practice to help restore balance to her pelvis and release tension in the uterine and pelvic muscles so Charley would have more room to turn - which she did, after just a couple visits. THE STORY KEEPS GETTING BETTER! #chiropractic #icpa4kids #pathwaystofamilywellness #baby #mom #birth #pregnancy #orthopedics #obgyn #obstetrics #midwife #shtulmanfamilychiropractic See more
21.01.2022 Pitocin: Say no to the *routine use* of the synthetic drug commonly used to induce labor, to augment labor, and to prevent postpartum bleeding that hasn’t happe...ned. Many reasons. It screws up your natural hormonal flow. When Pitocin is used during labor, it takes more pit postpartum to stop the bleeding because your body already isn’t producing it’s own oxytocin or the other hormones that your body needs for the natural process of birth. Yes. We like that pitocin exists and is available for the times when other methods don’t stop a hemorrhage. But the facts are that not only do hospital births often CAUSE the bleed, but also that they over diagnose hemorrhage AND they give pit routinely, wether you need it or not! There are other things (herbs, acupuncture, pressure from hands) to stop bleeding and help the uterus contract. We should save pit for ONLY when these things don’t work. This drug is not a hormone. It’s artificial. Your brain doesn’t know what it is. It does not act the same as your natural hormone, oxytocin. It should not be used as a rule, but as a tool when other methods don’t work.
21.01.2022 Not all flowers bloom at the same time So, why do we expect all birthing people to give birth at the same time? Your estimated due date is just that, an estim...ate. It is calculated based on the baby's size at your 12 week scan. Scans are fairly inaccurate, with a margin of error of +/- 10 days. Then comes the age old question of where did the big 40 come from? Why 40 weeks? If you were in France, your due date would not be until 41 weeks and even longer in other places of the world. You are biologically no different to someone living in France! Infact, it is healthy for your baby to be born anywhere between 37 and 42 weeks, so you should give yourself a due month instead. Only 4-5% will be born ON their due date and a whopping 75% after this, so the focus needs to change. You are not early before 40 weeks and late after this! Some people will birth all their babies at 37 weeks, others by 42 weeks, with the average being 41+3 for first time parents and 41+1 for subsequent births. Your mindset needs to alter! (And that of medical professionals too). I have spoken a lot about induction for 'postdates' and the research or lack of, but will do some more posts soon. So, next time someone you know, or yourself, is coming up to their 'due date', don't keep asking if the baby is here yet. It puts stress on the pregnant person and can make them feel like something is wrong. After all, they will tell you when the baby is born! How many weeks were you when your baby was born? @jennifermasonphotography
18.01.2022 Let me just say, when I see a photo of your newborn baby with shiny goop in their eyes in your birth announcements on social media, the FIRST thing I think is y...ou either have gonorrhea or chlamydia OR you're uneducated and just let the doctors do what they please with your baby with out looking into the topic. I wanted to share this to hopefully encourage mothers to look into the topic. Routine antibiotics being given to prevent neonatal ophthalmia is absolutely asinine when you learn what it's used for. (Same with treating GBS, 100% unnecessary. I wrote an article on this as well if you would like to read it) Its just another way to get money from your insurance company. "The eye treatment is antibiotic eye ointment meant to prevent neonatal ophthalmia, which is essentially conjunctivitis (pink eye) contracted during birth, if the mother has gonorrhea or chlamydia." So why are they putting it on your baby? We have good bacteria that colonize in our skin and mucous membranes and help control the bad bacteria. If you put eye ointment on, you kill ALL the bacteria including the good stuff, then if the bad bacteria is either introduced first/in large amounts or is resistant to that antibiotic ointment, it takes over and you have infection. "Welcome to the world sweet baby, here's some risk of infection and increased risk of clogged ducts! " After using ANY antibiotic, you need to heal from the damage it does to your body. This process can take many months to recover from, internally. It's not harm free, as it kills all of the NEEDED good bacteria. Antibiotics should only be used on a ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY basis only. Not routinely, as the risks outweigh the benefits. I mean, unless you have gonorrhea or chlamydia. If you don't have either of these, you don't need to clog up your newborns eyes with crap that's actually not good for them. Research Research Research!
17.01.2022 Bedsharing love Such a beautiful illustration. {Artist Mom is Drawing}
17.01.2022 Another Instagram steal! He loves it haha been sat here 30 minutes and anyone who know Archie knows how quickly he gets bored of things Who thought a sandwich bag, some water and glitter would entertain him this long Most likely pop soon
15.01.2022 Children are unable to effectively regulate their own emotions; they are dependant on the adults around them to soothe and co-regulate their feelings. It is thr...ough this process of emotional connection with us, that children naturally develop the capacity to effectively regulate their own emotions as they grow towards adulthood. Shutting down a child’s feelings, expecting them to hold their emotions in, or demanding that they stop crying is not emotion regulation; in fact, these responses to children’s emotions thwart their attempts to communicate their emotions and needs. Children who are not given the necessary freedom to express their emotions, and who do not have an adult help them organise and make sense of their emotional experience, do not develop the ability to effectively regulate their emotions or tolerate distress as adults. Children’s emotions and emotional needs are innate, natural, necessary, and something we can trust completely. . . @australianpsychologist See more
14.01.2022 Beautiful positive affirmations to build resiliency in parenting. Say them to yourself, write them out over and over, post them on sticky notes around the house..., meditate on them... whatever works for you! Repost via Wildflower Breastfeeding Maternal Mental Health Utah
12.01.2022 Needs are needs.
09.01.2022 15 Cool Facts About Breastfeeding 1. Human milk boosts a baby’s immune system big timehelping baby fight viral, bacterial, and parasitic infections, including...: Respiratory tract infections Ear infections Bacterial meningitis Pneumonia Urinary tract infections Infant diarrhea Common colds and flus 2. Breastfeeding can actually reduce baby’s risk of disease later in life, including: Type I and II diabetes Hodgkin’s disease Leukemia Obesity High blood pressure High cholesterol levels Crohn’s disease Ulcerative colitis Asthma Eczema 3. Breastfeeding reduces mama’s risk of ovarian and breast cancer, heart disease, and osteoporosis. The longer she breastfeeds, the higher the benefit. In fact, a woman who breastfeeds for 8 years has nearly a 0% risk of breast cancer. Get thisbreastfeeding a baby girl actually reduces her lifetime risk of breast cancer by 25%. 4. Breastfeeding saves a family approximately $2 to 4 thousand dollars annually (compared to cost of formula). 5. Breastfeeding helps mama heal faster in the postpartum, helping her uterus return to pre-pregnancy size faster and lowering overall postpartum blood loss. 6. Breastfeeding can help mama return to her pre-baby weight. It takes 1000 calories a day on average to produce breast milk. Women are advised to consume an extra 500 calories a day, and the body dips into reserves it built up in pregnancy to make the rest (it’s important to consume those extra calories or the body actually goes into starvation mode and holds onto the reserves). 7. Producing breast milk consumes 25% of the body’s energy; the brain only uses 20% by comparison. 8. On average, babies remove 67% of the milk mama has availablethey eat until fullness, not until the breast is emptied. 9. Almost 75% of all moms produce more milk in their right breast, whether they are right- or left- handed. 10. Mama’s body is constantly making the perfect milk for baby. Milk changes its nutritional profile as baby grows (milk made for a 3 month old is different than for a 9 month old). Milk can even change day to dayfor example, water content may increase during times of hot weather and baby-sickness to provide extra hydration. 11. Human milk contains substances that promote sleep and calmness in babies (who doesn’t love that?) Breastfeeding also calms mama and helps her bond to baby. 12. Breastfed infants are at lower risk for sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) 13. Mama’s breasts can detect even a one degree fluctuation in baby’s body temperature and adjust accordingly to heat up or cool down baby as needed. This is one reason skin-to-skin contact in the early days is so crucial. 14. Breastfeeding reduces baby’s risk of cavities later on and may lower the chance they will need braces as kids. 15. Breastfeeding mamas sleep on average 45 minutes more a night, compared to those who formula feed. http://healthfoundationsbirthcenter.com//15-cool-facts-ab/ Photo- Woman nursing two babies, Alaska. Date: [ca. 1903-1908] Photographer/Illustrator: Lomen Brothers, Nome, Alaska / Dobbs, B.B.
07.01.2022 Frequent feeding is quite normal. It's how babies are designed to feed. . The gastric emptying time for human milk is 48 minutes. This is the amount of time it... takes for the milk to leave the stomach. So it needs to be refilled frequently! . A baby's sleep cycle is between 40-50 minutes. They go from light sleep, into deep sleep and back into light sleep again and then rouse. Sometimes you may be able to encourage them to join 2 sleep cycles together with movement (buggy, car, pram, rocking etc) or cuddles. Often it will take a feed to send them back to sleep. . The more frequently you feed your baby, the more milk you will make. So for milk supply purposes, lots of feeds is a good thing! . As long as your baby is latching on well to the breast and feeding efficently, doing lots of wet and dirty nappies, and weight gain is steady, frequent feeds are considered quite normal. . And after all, it makes you sit down and rest when you feed your baby. So it is protective of recovery after birth. Try to get other people to help you with the other things as much as you can. . The night feeds are a bit more tricky! Learning to feed lying down and safe bed sharing can make it more doable. But once babies develop their circadian rhythm and can tell the difference between night and day, they begin to sleep a little better and are a bit easier to settle. . As babies get older they do tend to stretch their feeds out a little, and they often get far more efficient on the breast so feeds become much shorter. This helps you get a bit more of a gap. But they still like to feed lots. See more
06.01.2022 I have shown this to almost all of my Mamas! How amazing is this illustration by @motherboardbirth ! The Forward-leaning Inversion! ... Create room in the lower uterus. Baby will use that space, with the natural pull of gravity, to snuggle into a more ideal position for birth. @spinningbabies #spinningbabies #naturalbirth #naturalchildbirth #birthing #naturalbirthing #birthwithoutfear #forwardleaninginversion #fetalpositioning #childbirth #midwife #akronmidwife See more
05.01.2022 Vaginal examinations do NOT determine the length of your labour! As a midwife, I have seen women have a 4cm dilated cervix and give birth 5 minutes later and on... the other end of the spectrum, have a 9cm dilated cervix and not have given birth 4 hours later. Your body is not a machine! An examination can only tell you what is going on right that second. Even during the examination, things can change. For a first time mum, guidance says your cervix should dilate 0.5cm per hour and for subsequent births, 1cm per hour. Your examinations are plotted on a graph and if you do not follow the line, you may be told you have 'failed to progress'. You haven't FAILED anything - you just aren't following the line on the piece of paper. Your cervix wasn't aware it had to fit into a chart. Everyone will have a different length labour and that is ok. It is things like this that no one tells you about birth. We have got you covered though - the amount of information we cram into our sessions will amaze you! Click the link in the comments to find out more about your local hypnobirthing classes @isabellsteinertfotografie
04.01.2022 I don't know who needs to hear this... but you don't have to sleep train. The End.... -Short story by The Milk Meg. Meg Nagle, IBCLC
02.01.2022 Labor Positions Whether you are looking for pain relief, to move baby down or to get some rest there are lots of positions you can try in labor. Swipe to see a few of our favorites! Motherboard Birth
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