PositiveBirth | Businesses
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25.01.2022 Mind the Bump is a free Mindfulness Meditation App to help individuals and couples support their mental and emotional wellbeing in preparation for having a baby and becoming a new parent.
25.01.2022 Big things, happen in small moments. When something huge or overwhelming happens, all you can do is take it moment by moment, one step at a time, one breath at ...a time - Whether it's birth or anything else. You just keep on going. Sophie x Heartbeats only happen one at a time. One at a time. @pregnancysecrets . : You can’t rush a moment so don’t even try. Don’t even try. There’s a symphony you’re missing. If you only listen you’ll find big magic in the mundane. The big picture and a small frame. Everything is sacred when you take time to notice. Big love happens in the small moments. #Repost @mymidwives @jjhellermusic #positivebirth #birthvideo #hypnobirthing #mindfulmamma #mindfulhypnobirthing #mindfulbirth #takethingsonemomentatatime #onebreathatatime #birthstory #womenarestrong
23.01.2022 Acupuncture, a doula, and, yes, hypno-birthing will all play a role in the duchess’s birth plans. Can’t wait to hear about her positive birth experience!
22.01.2022 More than 90% of Australian women start breastfeeding soon after the birth of their baby, but only 15% are exclusively breastfeeding at six months, despite national and international recommendations. Here are 5 things that will make a difference.
20.01.2022 For a family to thrive and not struggle to survive following distressing birth experiences, the trauma experienced by birthing partners must also be taken seriously. Partners are often in protector and provider modes peri-natally and tend to put on hold their own feelings and needs...
16.01.2022 Birthing inspiration for today.
16.01.2022 Are you at risk of being diagnosed with gestational diabetes? It depends where you live... Rates of gestational diabetes diagnoses in Australia have increased from 2% in 1990 to nearly 14% in 2017. Some of this is due to the increasing age of women becoming pregnant, more women being overweight, more testing, and better recording. But much of the rise has occurred since 2014 when the Australian definition changed.
15.01.2022 A new study confirms the link between vitamin D deficiency in newborns and an increased risk of schizophrenia later in life. Researchers report those born with a vitamin D deficiency had a 44% increased risk of being diagnosed with schizophrenia as adults.
14.01.2022 These are anxious times for all of us...so what's normal and when do we need to seek help.
13.01.2022 Knowledge about the short-term and long-term benefits of ‘delayed cord clamping’ is finally making it into practice. Good summary of the Cochran data base findings in the article.
11.01.2022 Australian Breastfeeding Association information on Coronavirus and Breastfeeding
11.01.2022 It has been an honor and so much fun to be part of the maternal and child health team teaching childbirth education in Kathmandu, Nepal. We have met an amazing array of midwifery educators, midwifery professors, nurses and midwifery students, community health workers and obstetricians and have felt welcomed with open arms.
09.01.2022 I know there are a lot of questions regarding coronavirus and its impact on pregnancy and caring for newborns so I thought I would provide an update. ... What we know about the virus is that it is a new strain of Coronavirus labelled Covid-19. It was identified originally in China in December 2019. Pregnant women are not at increased risk of getting the virus. If a pregnant woman does get the virus, the disease appears to be mild. In the small number of women who are pregnant who are known to have been infected with the virus, vertical transmission to the foetus does not appear to be an issue with the information currently at hand. At present, there is no evidence the virus is carried in breastmilk and so breastfeeding continues to be recommended. To protect you and your family the following is recommended: - Wash your hands frequently with soap and water - Cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze with a tissue and dispose of the tissue or use the inner aspect of your elbow. - Avoid contact with others if you are feeling unwell - Do not attend large social gatherings - Stay at home as much as possible with your new baby and limit your visitors. If they are unwell or their children are unwell, they should not visit at all. In terms of attending for appointments to my rooms or visits to hospital: - please call ahead if you have fever, cough, sore throat or shortness of breath - please call ahead if you have been overseas in the last fourteen days - please limit the people you bring with you to appointments. For further information or advice please go to the https://www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/coronavirus or contact the Coronavirus Information line on 1800 020 080. See more
09.01.2022 So many words of wisdom! Loved hearing this chat with Rhea Dempsey... definitely worth a listen.
09.01.2022 Managing your anxiety and supporting your psychological wellbeing is incredibly important during this time. Below are some strategies to help you cope:
09.01.2022 New Canadian research shows exercise is not only safe during pregnancy, but also beneficial in preventing complications. Included in the recommendations for women who are pregnant is 150mins accumulated over a week.
06.01.2022 At times the safest and best option for you and your baby is to have a Caesarean section. Sarah Buckley talks about closing the hormonal gap and having a positive cesarean section.
05.01.2022 Interview with Dr Sarah Buckley sharing her insights. Encouraging us to be fully informed in our decision-making as the real experts in our bodies and our birth choices. Her work on the hormonal physiology of pregnancy, birth and breastfeeding has enhanced our understanding of physiological birth in so many ways.
05.01.2022 I have learnt a huge amount since becoming a mother. About the limits of my patience, Emma Wiggle, pureeing vegetables, holding small hands, holding small hearts, the power of the Band-Aid. I have developed my own go to sleep shush, met a small but bloody brilliant group of likeminded parents, increased my coffee intake threefold. Grown, held, kissed, rocked, walked, giggled, skipped, climbed. I have two beautiful kids. And yet, I often feel lost in myself. I am a food love...r who rarely eats out. I am an ambitious career woman who works part-time. I am a world traveller for whom a day trip is now a big deal. I am a morning person who craves a sleep in. Our identities change, our perception of ourselves shifts... why do we not talk about finding ourselves as mothers..
04.01.2022 Coronavirus info if you are pregnant or will be giving birth in the near future.
03.01.2022 A Good Birth is more than the baby being born alive. The World Health Organization (WHO) believes a good birth is one where women are placed at the centre of their care. Seems so simple and common sense but women are not always placed at the centre of our maternity care...
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