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Positive Birth Doula


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25.01.2022 Would you believe this incredibly powerful woman was in second stage (pushing) here!? Reframe how you view birth

24.01.2022 In 2012, the year Caroline Lovell died, there were 27 maternal deaths in Australia. It is an absolute tragedy that Caroline died, particularly given the circums...tances, and she left behind a beautiful family who absolutely did not deserve what eventuated. I can't comment on what happened at that birth. I don't know whether the midwives were negligent, though the reports come across that way. What I do know is Caroline died during her birth at home and it was tragic, and that the midwives who attended her birth are being held accountable for her death via the legal system, but also by the Australian population in general - the midwives are being demonised, along with homebirth, everywhere you look. However, what of the other 26 women who died in 2012? Did they die in hospital? Does that make it ok? Are their deaths not splashed all over the media because there's noone being held to blame? Or are those deaths not addressed because they happened within the hospital system? Why does every maternal death reported by the media happen to be one attended by a private midwife, when the reality is that the vast majority of adverse outcomes actually happen in hospital, often under the care of obstetricians? What about the countless women who end up statistics of maternal suicide, because of the birth trauma they sustained in the system? Do their deaths not count? Should we not demand reporting on them? One such example of the discrepancy in reporting between obstetric and midwifery led care was when, within the same year, two women safely birthed twins. Both sets of these twins were 'undiagnosed' (i.e. their care providers did not know the mother was carrying twins). One set of twins were born safely at home, under the care of a midwife, and the other set birthed safely in hospital, under obstetric care. The difference? The private midwife was reported, suspended and eventually forfeited her registration, while the obstetrician was applauded for dealing so well with a twin birth. Are we not yet done burning midwives at the stake? How much longer will we allow this to happen?

22.01.2022 Membrane Sweep / Stretch and Sweep / Stripping the Membranes A membrane sweep is an intervention and the first step of the induction process. However, it is ...commonly done towards the end of pregnancy without clear indication or informed consent. A membrane sweep (also called membrane stripping or stretch and sweep), is a procedure in which the care provider inserts a finger through the cervix and firmly moves their finger around in a circular motion, separating the membranes of the amniotic sac from the cervix. It aims to stimulate the body’s production of prostaglandins which can soften the cervix and trigger labour. The cervix would need to be at least 1cm dilated for a sweep to be performed. If the procedure is successful, it can result in spontaneous labour and possibly not having to undergo the rest of the induction process and a cascade of interventions. However, a sweep is commonly done without clear clinical indication or simply after 40 weeks in an attempt to avoid post-dates pregnancy. Or can be done by a HCP during a vaginal examination without clear informed consent. You should ALWAYS be told the benefits and risks. A membrane sweep can result in an irritable uterus and an intense latent phase of labour. This can lead to lots of contractions that do not change the cervix, increased chance of exhaustion and a cascade of interventions. There is also the change of bleeding or accidental rupture of membranes. Accidental releasing of the waters would not be an issue prior to a planned induction as this would be the next step of the induction process anyway. However, if not wishing to be induced, then there is now a time pressure as most guidelines recommend birth of baby within 48hrs of membrane rupture. Video by @wisewomenhelpedmeout Captions for video : So I’m one of those weird midwives, I see birth in everything. And I was getting ready to eat this perfect beautiful lilikoi. And so I cut off the top and then I noticed that the membrane inside is almost exactly like amniotic membrane. So I decided to film this. So that you can see, like... See how the edges come away? That’s like stripping the membranes. If I run my finger along inside, I feel these little poppings as the membrane lefts go from the uterus and then if you do it vigorously you have accidental rupture of membranes. Which has happened here... and this is why stripping the membranes should be used very judicially. Haha, so with that... cheers!

21.01.2022 In modern birth we may hear all about how there needs to be intervention in something as natural as birth itself. We are told it is dangerous and scary to birth... how we were made to. We get told that we need Episiotomies, like our Perineum was made poorly. We are given alternatives to natural birth before natural as an option. We are told to numb our bodies. We are told to hurry the process. We are told that the babies we create won't fit. We are told so many scary stories and everyone has a way around doing things as they were meant to be done. . I'm here to tell you a different story. A story about the divine feminine. The body knows how it flows like the ocean knows when to crash. All we have to do is nurture her and let her do what she does best. Our wombs, filled with life and health and energy itself. Beating to it's own drum it cradles your baby, embracing them like you wish you could already. We must trust her. Allow her to shine In a way that will alter our honor of the womb we all came from. A blessing. A gift. A curse to some. The truth is, it is rare to have a body that needs intervention in birth. The truth is, some of the scariest stories come from trying to change a natural occurrence. . I refer to the womb as she/her because to ME she is the divine feminine inside of me. You can name yours whatever pleases your soul. .

21.01.2022 How fantastic for them

21.01.2022 Sweet mama- put down the book. Stop your frantic google searches. Take a deep breath. Everything you need is already within. You are held by the great mother of... us all. Her gentle winds carry your breath. Her sacred waters flow through you - cleansing tears and holy milk. Her power pulses through your veins. You are softness and strength. The universe dancing in ecstatic motion, galactical stardust in a tender, tired body. You nourish a new beginning, born into the infinite web of life, ancient wisdom coded into every perfect cell. You are mama nature and she is you. See more

20.01.2022 41 week twins, born at home

19.01.2022 How beautiful

19.01.2022 The traditional early birthing of twins is under question as new Australian research shows that while preterm births have soared there is no evidence of a drop foetal deaths or stillbirths. Obstetric intervention before 40 weeks gestation has long been considered the best way to keep babies safe but a study out today in the Australian and New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (ANZJOG) shows the benefits of prolonging pregnancy should not be overlooked. Read the August edition of ANZJOG here:

16.01.2022 I frequently hear and see mums talking about not wanting to have sex, maybe that they feel uncomfortable at the thought, or sometimes even repulsed. That’s So, so normal. Often your hormones are supressing ovulation, so the physical drive to have sex simply isn’t there. Then add on top the long term crippling exhaustion, mood swings, possible pain from the birth still, a baby being on your breast or in your arms all day, maybe difficulties with feeding, not even managing a pee alone you don’t even get time to be ‘you’ at the moment, let alone be a sexual partner. You may well feel completely up in the air about who the new you even is, and it’s all massively overwhelming. Sex is at the bottom of a long, long list right now, and that is absolutely fine. What upsets me, is that women actually feel guilt about this. They feel that they should, despite all that’s going on, want sex! They feel bad for their partner, who let’s remember is likely to be getting more sleep, isn’t recovering from pregnancy or birth, isn’t dealing with the difficulties that can come with lactating (night sweats anyone?), more time to be themselves, and aren’t dealing with rampaging emotions. Please, tell me, why on earth are we feel we owe anything to anyone? Can you hear how absolutely worthless and second rate women feel, without even realising? That despite growing, birthing, and caring for a baby, one of the hardest and most important things you will ever go through in your life, that we still aren’t enough. That we should still be doing more, wanting more. That we somehow should come out the other side into this new life as the same person. In my eyes, all humans are equal. But at certain times throughout life one partner, and that’s the key word right here, partner, may need prioritising for a while. And right now, that is the mother. Please don’t misunderstand me, we want the closeness, the intimacy, the connection with our partner. We probably miss the relationship we had before too. But the quality of a relationship is not measured by sex. Love and intimacy can be expressed in many different ways. What we need at this point, when we can find a moment, is probably hand holding, a cup of tea together and some reassuring words about being beautiful and worthwhile. Some adult conversation that doesn’t revolve around nipples and colours of poo. We need to be valued, heard and loved. You are enough. You are MORE than enough. Please don’t ever devalue yourself. See yourself for how truly incredible you are, that your feelings, or lack of, are valid. Your sex life will come back, when the time is right for you BOTH xx Oh, and PS, if you do want sex that's fine and normal too! X

13.01.2022 Repost @themindfulbirthgroup Visualisation is such an important part of keeping calm and relaxed. It helps to take our mind off of what is out of our cont...rol, and in this case it’s the mother’s natural expulsive reflex to birth her baby. This incredible video shows mum’s body and baby working together to birth baby in the most comfortable way for both of them Some women find it helpful to visualise baby moving in this way at the birthing stage, others find the letter ‘J’ helps them to direct their breathing, and some like a waterfall visual. Choose something that works for you and use it when you start feeling the natural urge to bear down #visualisation #birthvisuals #mumandbaby Unknown - #bringbirthback #shareddecisionmaking #drbootstaylor #midwives #doulas #birth See more

12.01.2022 If you’re not angry, you’re not listening.

11.01.2022 IG: momsdoitbetter

05.01.2022 This mama gorilla rocked a vbac It’s amazing what happens when you leave birthing mums alone and let them listen to their bodies.

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