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25.01.2022 Want to join us as we premiere our Facebook videos on parenting, teens and alcohol? Click "going" on our Facebook event to get all the updates and reminders http://ow.ly/zjpl50Bt592 Visit our Facebook page at 3pm on the 12th & 13th October to watch as these videos premiere! Interact live by commenting ... This series will cover what parents can do to prevent their teenager from drinking, common myths about parenting teenagers when it comes to alcohol and practical strategies for starting the conversation about alcohol with your teenager.
25.01.2022 Visit http://ow.ly/PlB150B98di to get involved with The Illicit Project trial in NSW schools! This innovative online program aims to minimise substance use related harm and promote wellbeing in young adults
25.01.2022 Today we're celebrating International Translation Day ! Check out our resources for school communities and families, translated in Arrernte, Warlpiri and Torres Strait Islander Creole. Visit: https://positivechoices.org.au/resources-in-language
24.01.2022 Why is drug and alcohol prevention important? Which school-based prevention programs work? Read this NEW factsheet series to find out http://ow.ly/UukT50BKqOI! This three-part series covers what you need to know about choosing and delivering classroom resources and programs
24.01.2022 Discover Strong & Deadly Futures - a culturally inclusive program co-designed with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and non-Indigenous students. Watch our behind the scenes video on YouTube https://youtu.be/YdZCrRMVMDM
24.01.2022 NEW PAPER from researchers The Matilda Centre for Research in Mental Health and Substance Use found that any amount of alcohol use during pregnancy impacts the development of a child's brain. This is the largest study examining the effects of low alcohol use and indicates that there is no safe level of alcohol consumption during pregnancy. Watch this video to learn more! Sydney Health
24.01.2022 A new study found that Australian adolescents have a lower intention to drink alcohol and stronger anti-alcohol attitudes when they have less friends who use alcohol, stricter parental rules and unfavourable parent attitudes towards alcohol use http://ow.ly/la5b50B81BB
23.01.2022 Anxiety & alcohol use disorders often occur at the same time. A recent study by researchers from The Matilda Centre for Research in Mental Health and Substance Use found that treating both conditions together produces better outcomes than treating alcohol use disorders alone. To learn more, visit: http://ow.ly/MUAn50ByC2G This important study guided the development of the free, online Inroads Program for young adults with concerns about anxiety and drinking. An open trial of Inroads will be launching soon! If you'd like to be involved, register your interest here: https://inroads.org.au/register
23.01.2022 Looking for tips on how to talk to a young person about alcohol and drugs? Want to learn more about ways that parents can protect against drug use and related harms? Order your FREE copy of the parent booklet today: http://ow.ly/6E9J50zWiW4
23.01.2022 Join us for the for a special Youth Mental Health Forum on 14 Oct 7pm AEDT. Journalist, television presenter and mental health advocate, Jessica Rowe, will be... facilitating this interactive Q&A on the current issues surrounding the mental health of young Australians. For more information and to register head to: https://tinyurl.com/ymh2020 #youthgotthis
22.01.2022 The Supporting Teenagers LDAT Toolkit is a resource that can be used for upskilling parents to talk with their child about alcohol and other drugs, and working with parents and others to encourage safe partying during adolescence. https://fal.cn/3bhKK
21.01.2022 LAST CHANCE | We’re developing drug education factsheets for multicultural communities. They will help parents talk to their teenagers about alcohol and other drugs. If you’d like to get involved, complete this survey (closes Wednesday 26th May midnight) Survey for multicultural health workers: https://bit.ly/3tigAh8 Parents survey in Arabic: http://ow.ly/fKaU50EbRfR Parents survey in Hindi: http://ow.ly/UZ9J50EbRfQ... Parents survey in Simplified Chinese: http://ow.ly/M49I50EbRfP Diversitat Ethnic Community Services Co-operative Victoria Transcultural Clinical Center Federation of Ethnic Communities' Councils of Australia - FECCA Centre for Multicultural Youth (CMY) Multicultural Communities Council of SA Multicultural Communities Council of WA Multicultural Hub Canberra Migrant Resource Centre Tasmania Multicultural Centre for Women's Health Multicultural Council of the NT Multicultural Families Organisation Inc. Multicultural NSW Victorian Multicultural Commission MySA Western Sydney MRC
20.01.2022 Are you the parent of a young person aged 17-30? Many young people experience anxiety and drink to cope. The Inroads Program is a free program to help young people think about their use of alcohol and overcome anxiety. Visit https://inroads.org.au/register to get involved in the free trial
19.01.2022 The Poche Centre for Indigenous Health is hosting their Annual 9th Aboriginal Health Research showcase next week! The Poche Indigenous Health Network works with communities to improve the health of Aboriginal children and families. To register for this FREE online event, visit: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/poche-indigenous-health-net
18.01.2022 Want to make a difference to alcohol and drug use in your community? The Alcohol and Drug Foundation are looking for 40 new Local Drug Action Teams to make an impact around Australia. Find out more: https://community.adf.org.au/
15.01.2022 Did you know the biggest issue facing Australians aged 15 to 24 is mental health? Join the "Let's Talk - Youth Mental Health Matters" event! Hear the Honourable Bronnie Taylor, NSW Minister for Mental Health, Regional Youth and Women + our Project Manager Dr Smriti Nepal, discuss effective strategies for youth mental health prevention
15.01.2022 More than a word. Reconciliation takes action. National Reconciliation Week runs from 27 May to 3 June each year, and reminds us there is still work to be done. Find information and resources to help you and your students take action. #NRW2021 #MoreThanAWord
14.01.2022 Positive Choices is supporting the trial of The Illicit Project! This innovative harm-minimisation program has been developed for students in grades 10-12. The program focuses on the neuroscience of substance use & mental health. Learn more here: http://ow.ly/WOIc50B98er
14.01.2022 What are the effects of caffeine & energy drinks? Long term effects can include difficulty sleeping & cardiovascular problems. It is recommended that teenagers should not exceed 2.5mg per kilogram of body weight per day. Access the caffeine factsheet here: http://ow.ly/DvpE50Ejmps
14.01.2022 Researchers at the Matilda Centre have co-designed a web-based program to prevent 6 key lifestyle risk factors for chronic disease among secondary school studen...ts. Learn more about the development and user-testing of Health4Life in JMIR Publications Inc. https://formative.jmir.org/2020/7/e19485/ Head to the program website https://health4life.org.au/
14.01.2022 October is Mental Health Month! Mental health and substance use disorders are among the most common disorders for young people, and frequently occur together. Watch this webinar to learn more http://ow.ly/2YG250BjxF5
14.01.2022 Are you a NSW teacher or school staff member? Find out more about The Illicit Project: an online, neuroscience-based program for year 10-12 students, being trialled in NSW schools. Visit http://ow.ly/QDuI50B98dP to find out more!
13.01.2022 This week is NAIDOC week! The theme of this year 'Always Was Always Will Be' recognises that First Nations people have occupied & cared for this continent for thousands of years. Learn more about #NAIDOC2020 here: http://ow.ly/JzWo50BKrYG
12.01.2022 In Episode 1 of our Facebook Premiere Videos, Dr Jacquie Bowden will discuss common myths about parenting teenagers when it comes to alcohol. Jacquie is the Deputy Director of the Health Policy Centre at SAHMRI. Her research investigates ways to reduce parental supply of alcohol to teenagers. Join here to watch the video premiere: http://ow.ly/30KT50Bt6xL
12.01.2022 Thank you to everyone who took part in the #youthgotthis Youth Mental Health Forum. If you missed the event you can find out more and watch the recording at htt...ps://www.sydney.edu.au///youth-mental-health-forum.html Jessica Rowe Sydney Health PESA - Positive Education Schools Association Ravenswood School for Girls - Official Site Tiny Terrors headspace Black Dog Institute
12.01.2022 Research finds that a quality parent-child relationship can reduce adolescent cannabis use. In contrast, a teenager's association with deviant peers can cause increases in drinking, tobacco use and cannabis use. Read the paper here: https://www-clinicalkey-com-au.ezproxy1.library.usyd.edu.au
12.01.2022 Carefree. Loved up. Wide awake. MDMA (ecstasy) boosts the feel-good chemicals in your brain, but any amount is risky. Find out more about how MDMA affects the adolescent brain in the #RespectYourBrain animation https://positivechoices.org.au/teachers/respect-your-brain
12.01.2022 International Family Drug Support Day draws attention to the importance of families affected by alcohol and other drugs. The Parents & Families portal on Positive Choices provides information and advice on how to approach situations related to teenagers, alcohol and other drugs. Visit https://positivechoices.org.au/parents/
11.01.2022 Should I give my teenager alcohol? How do I talk to my child/teenager about alcohol and other drugs? These are some of the common questions that parents & families have about their teenagers & alcohol & other drugs. Find the answers at https://positivechoices.org.au/parents/
11.01.2022 Primed for prevention: a consensus statement on the prevention of mental disorders. This new publication highlights the importance of evidence-based programs that prevent mental health & substance use conditions in adolescents. Check out the statement here: http://ow.ly/9HM450C6Kvm #PreventionCoalitionAU #MentalHealth The Matilda Centre for Research in Mental Health and Substance Use
09.01.2022 Want to get involved with the Illicit Project trial? Researchers from The Matilda Centre for Research in Mental Health and Substance Use are evaluating an innovative drug education program to test its effectiveness in upskilling young people towards positive health behaviours. Contact [email protected] to learn more!
08.01.2022 We're proud to present to you a video collaboration between Outloud, Drug and Alcohol Multicultural Education Center (DAMEC) and Linked Up which highlights seve...ral effective ways for high school students to refuse drug use. Linked Up's work with culturally diverse students in a Sydney high school found a common thread, in the experience of peer pressure, when it came responding to offered drugs. Thanks to Filmotion Australia for producing this video! You can find these videos & more @Positive Choices
07.01.2022 What are the risk factors for teenage alcohol and other drug use? Here is what you need to know: https://360edge.com.au//2017/01/Risk-and-protective-factor
05.01.2022 Our term 4 e-newsletter is out now! In this issue we'll be sharing exciting news and an important update. Check your inbox or access the newsletters below: School staff http://ow.ly/8xq350CbXVE Parents and families http://ow.ly/LYbE50CbXVD
05.01.2022 High. Stoned. Baked. Cannabis mimics our brain’s internal systems to alter our experience of the world. It can also mess with our memory, judgement and coordination. Share the 'Respect Your Brain' video in your next health education class: https://positivechoices.org.au/teachers/respect-your-brain
04.01.2022 Did you miss our latest webinar on planning and delivering effective drug education? The webinar is now available on demand at https://positivechoices.org.au//webinar-lesson-planning-po. Catch up now! The Matilda Centre for Research in Mental Health and Substance Use
03.01.2022 As Schoolies/Leavers' Week approaches, many parents may be wondering how they can keep their teenagers safe. Whether your teen plans to go on a trip or celebrate at home, it's important to start a conversation about alcohol and other drugs. Visit http://ow.ly/482q50C4AUb. It's also important to talk about how they can keep safe by social distancing and checking the current restrictions in the location they are visiting (visit http://ow.ly/5zhi50C4AUc)
03.01.2022 A recent paper reviewed the existing research on the factors that increase the risk or protect against alcohol and other drug harms among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples https://www.sciencedirect.com//artic/pii/S2211335520302357. This review informed the development of the Strong & Deadly Futures program. To learn more, visit: www.strongdeadly.org.au
03.01.2022 A new online peer-led intervention is being tested to help young people better support their friends through tough times and we want you or your school to get i...nvolved! We are looking for Year 9 to take part. Your school will be randomly assigned to deliver the online Mind Your Mate program, or to the control group. Both groups will be asked to complete 3 short (approx. 30 minutes each) surveys and students will be given access at the end of the trial. Participating students will have the option to enter a draw to win a $50 gift voucher. Sign up or get more information by emailing [email protected]. All aspects of this study have been approved by The University of Sydney Human Research Ethics Committee (2020/054).
02.01.2022 In Episode 2 of our Facebook Premiere Videos, A/Prof Tim Slade from The Matilda Centre for Research in Mental Health and Substance Use will discuss the status of alcohol consumption among Australian teens. Tim's research looks at the predictors of substance use and mental health problems in teenagers. Join here to watch the video premiere on October 13th! http://ow.ly/gRRv50Bt6ye
02.01.2022 A recent study analysed Australian alcohol advertisements for common themes that are attractive to children/young people. Humour was the most common theme used, often co-occurring with themes of friendship & partying. Read the summary here: http://ow.ly/rkD350B833S
01.01.2022 What are illegal drugs? Get the basic facts about illegal drugs, classification of different types of drugs, and how they affect the body. Share this factsheet in your next drug education class! https://positivechoices.org.au/teach/what-are-illegal-drugs