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24.01.2022 2020 Hindsight-Foresight Visions It’s my turn this week to host P3, the Aura card subscription group I co-host with my sister and daughter, and today’s Card is Fantasy in the heart chakra. Yesterday’s card was Shaman in the throat Chakra, which is all about the stories we tell, stories rich with the magic of reframing problems as gifts and being able to find light in the darkness. So I began a story, an autobiography, a fairy tale, about a maiden who dreamed. Me. In today’s... instalment of the story, the maiden had a dream about a bear... bear who has been showing up strong this past week for those who have this animal as one of their guides... bear who knows all about the wisdom and nourishment of hibernating, isolating and dreaming up new realities during the winter, that might be birthed with the spring. Bear, who know when it’s time to re-emerge and turn those dreams into reality. My story is retrospective and yet, I feel the ripples of an echo... last night I dreamt about travelling into the past to change the future, a classic shamanic dream. And for the past 24 hrs we’ve been grieving lost dreams, remembering what we’ve lost, looking at old photos, and digging deep past the pain for the courage to dream anew, to find new visions for our future, and venture forth again, all the while knowing we could lose it all. Again. But life is full of loss and if we only look at it through this lens (as per the Loneliness Green Aura colour we have in our third eye this week) we stay blind to the beauty and blessings, the wisdom gained and treasures discovered hiding in the shadows of loss, endings, tragedy and challenging times. My dear friend Phil just sent me this video and I adore it. As a storyteller with heart, a maiden who loves gentleness and beauty, a shaman who revels in tales of power that blur the lines between past, present and future, this kind of story telling resonates with me far more deeply than any of the boring, soulless paranoia and conspiracy crap doing the rounds. If you love this too, let me know Let me know I’m not the only dreamer of beauty, kindness, and shamanic 2020 vision. Love Om

14.01.2022 Shaman and Playful Solar and Belly Sunday and Monday 5th and 6th April 2020... The shaman reaches for the bolt of lightening that strikes her, drawing it into her womb, shedding her old skin as the seeds implant and the quickening begins...

11.01.2022 I had no idea where this visual art journey would take me... All of creation is a mystery. Following the unknown is an exercise of trust. Be present, listen/wa...tch/feel/know and do. A white canvas fills with circles, followed by lines, colour and energetic coding. Even if I have an intention for the art piece, I still don't know exactly how it will turn out. I see each as an individual entity, and as such their personalities differ. Some are louder, and speak to me sooner. Others take a while to 'open up,' and I have to prompt them more by asking questions. Every single piece of my art has a name and a message to share. I, as a channel through which these energies manifest on a physical plane refine my process by paying attention to patterns. It's always interesting meditating with a few pieces and assessing their similarities. Languages in shapes and light... I'm learning a lot through this visual art journey. Photo: Sergiy Ledovskykh

11.01.2022 Courage, hope and rebirth... I have the most beautiful whispers from Spirit swirling through my light body about courage, hope and rebirth; little visionary sp...arks flying up from my dragons belly, my Phoenix wings flexing, sunlight fairies planting daffodils of hope in the garden of my heart... I hear the lions roar I feel the ember-heat As the the Phoenix rises Grey ashes fall away to reveal light shining at the end of the dark night Winter gives ways to Springs rebirth golden rays break through dark clouds And a silver lining of sisters hold hands Anyone else want to join us for the Awaken your Courage webinar tomorrow at 11.30am?

10.01.2022 Last night I did a Live Aura Card Reading in our private Facebook subscription group, Power of Three. It was a great Live, where I explored colours such as True... Love Pink in the heart chakra and Hermit Green in the crown, exploring themes such as auric entanglement and healthy independence in relationships. Sometimes, when it’s my week to host the Facebook subscription group I run with my daughter Mikiah and my sister Tashka, I share one of my posts outside the private group in a more public space. The colour I’m writing about today is Misfit Orange in the Brow Chakra and I thought I’d share this here with you! Misfit Orange Brow Chakra Wed 4th March 2020 Do you ever feel a bit sulky and rebellious because you think someone’s disapproving of you, blaming you, or judging you? Have you ever refused to do something simply because it’s the latest in/thing, the latest fad, and EVERYONE is doing it?! Have you ever felt like sticking your middle finger up and stomping off in the other direction, because someone tried to label you, control you, manipulate you, put you in a box, or tell you what to do? Have you ever felt like grabbing hold of your sister/brother/friend/s angelic perfection and tearing it to pieces because it makes you feel like an inadequate piece of shit? These are all Misfit Orange moments! Think of Misfit as your naughty inner child who can’t be manipulated or guilted into being good or your sassy rebellious inner teenager who’s rolling his/her eyes at all the conforming, people-pleasing, brown-nosing goodie two shoes. In some ways, Misfit can really help us be an individual, an independent thinker who refuses to sell out on themselves in order to be accepted, approved of etc. But this colour can have a dark edge, a tendency to be a bit defensive and defiant, as you can see from some of the examples above. And sometimes, Misfit can express in a sadly disempowered and wounded way too! What does that look like? Here’s some examples: You don’t go to the party because you’re convinced you’ll stand out like a sore thumb, no one will get you, you won’t fit in. You stop reaching out and making contact with friends because you’re convinced they don’t really like you. Everyone hates you because you’re a bad person, because you’re not perfect. You don’t apply for the promotion because you’ve been bullied before and it’s safer to just lay low and not draw too much attention to yourself: just blend in with the crowd! You wander from relationship to relationship, town to town, job to job... because it feels like you don’t really fit in anywhere. You’re a jack of all trades, master of none... and weirdly, whenever it feels like people are warming to you, you find a way to sabotage it, or you convince yourself you don’t really belong and being rejected or fucking it up is inevitable so you might as well move on sooner rather than later and save yourself the pain... Sometimes, this colour can function as a defensive shield like Defensive Purple: a slightly misguided protector self standing in place of healthy boundaries in its attempts to keep us safe from rejection and feelings of shame. It’s amazing the lengths we’ll go to in order to avoid feeling this kind of pain. Can this colour express is a healthy way? You bet! When it’s paired with healthy colours like the ones in this week’s spread, it can help us feel comfortable in our own skin, comfortable standing out from the crowd and being our own weird and quirkily beautiful selves, because we know our uniqueness is our treasure... and at the same time, we embrace and allow ourselves to be embraced by our community! Just watch out for that Blame energy hiding underneath it... Don’t let anger and self pity turn your Misfit energy into something dark or sad. Love yourself, and allow yourself to be loved by others, for who you are. Don’t be afraid to shine! Let yourself be perfectly imperfect ie human. Love Om

08.01.2022 At 12.30pm ACST today, I'll be hosting a Zoom streamed Live in the Healing with Om group, giving members an update on upcoming events... ...and you are welcome to join me <3 Come chat with me about online healing classes, webinars, mentoring, subscription groups and so on. Find out what's on offer and let me know what your needs and desires are: what would you would love to learn, through what medium, payment/time preferences, and so on.

07.01.2022 My turn to host the P3 Live tonight! I'll be co-hosting with my Aunt Kay, doing a read for the week to come, featuring my Aura Cards and Kay's Playground of Possibilities cards. If you would like to join us for the Live, check out this link and choose OPTION NO 1 or 2. Cut off time for payment is 5.30pm ACST

06.01.2022 Did anyone else see the double rings around the moon last night? A gorgeous double halo. I've always been a little sensitive to the odd full moon here and ther...e... just in terms of manic creativity kicking in and not wanting or needing to sleep so much. Which seems to be becoming the rule rather than the exception as I transition deeper into my wisdom years. During the last full moon, during our weekly Gaian Live broadcast in the Gaian subscription group, Gaia took us to the beach. Some of us communed with whales. Others, like myself, went into a cave on the beach. Mine had a scorpion carved into the rock around the opening, and once inside, a scorpion stung me repeatedly on my right arm. Then I was tattooed along my right arm with astrological symbols, met a star woman (Scorpio embodied, perhaps!) who gave me a book on star-magic... and I had a missing shadow reattached (like Peter Pan!). Thus began an epic journey back to my roots, back to a childhood full of astrology and astronomy, telescopes and constellations, star-sister stories and mythology... it brought me face to face with a buried passion which re-emerged as a desire to begin blending my clairvoyant aura reading skills with some astrology, as per yesterday's post! And then last night, by the light of the double-haloed Scorpio moon, everything became clear to me. I have been gently allowing a little time here and there to dream about the future and how to move forwards. Writing lists of what I love to do and what I don't want to do, what brings me joy, the old skins I wish to shed. How to honour the beautiful resources I already have and integrate them together as one whole. Last night, the puzzle pieces fell perfectly into place, in a calmly structured storm of clarity. Bless you Scorpio Moon! I do find it funny that one of my insights was a desire to let people know about the sexual healing work I do with clients. Classic Scorpio! As a psychic healer, I love helping people resolve and clear away old wounds and traumas, and sometimes, the focus is on sexual happiness, self-expression and self-empowerment. Last night I realised I want to develop this work further and focus on helping my sisters, other women, with their sexual healing. So many of us have such incredible stores of power and energy and light and joy locked away under layers of tension, pain, fear, sadness, neglect etc inside our lower chakras. It's such beautiful work to "come out" from the shadows of the past and stand in the light of our truth. Anyway! Thought you might like this blog about the Scorpio moon! Love Om

03.01.2022 Aura Card Reading LIVE Ask "Can I have a card?" to receive! First in, first served ;) 15% off necklaces on my Etsy store TONIGHT ONLY for viewers of this live stream.... Coupon code mentioned in video, so keep watching ;)

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