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Powered Naturopathics

Locality: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Address: 2-8 Lake Street, Level 1 3023 Melbourne, VIC, Australia


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25.01.2022 Afternoon walk finds Nature instantly grounds me and gives me so much joy. This afternoon I went for a walk and saw these beautiful flowers and it instantly put a smile on my face Who feels the instant difference after being in nature? ... Love and light always Lucinda xxx

25.01.2022 Pea-nutty bliss balls If your a peanut butter junkie youll love these peanut butter bliss balls! Packed with nutrients, protein and things to make your taste buds dance! ... I try to incorporate as many foods as possible to make them as nutrient dense. This will provide you with sustained energy throughout the day without the crash afterwards. (Win win I say) You can coat them in coconut flakes as I have or in some cacao power to add some extra antioxidant kick! What is your favourite flavour bliss balls? Love and light always Lucinda xx Pssssss- Comment below if youll like the recipe!

25.01.2022 Nutty Pear Salata Eww, you cant put fruit in salads!. Ummmm YES you can! This salad is a wonderful salad to have in the summer! It is light fresh and super tasty! ... The recipe to my Nutty Pear Salata is below. - 1 whole pear thinly sliced - 1 teaspoon of flaxseed/linseeds - 1/2 cup of crushed walnuts - 1 generous handful of parsley roughly chopped Mix all ingredients into a bowl ensuring before hand that your vegetables and fruits are washed (wash the chemicals and gems away). For dressing you can have it plane or add some olive oil and salt. I hope you enjoy my Nutty Pear Salata as much as I do! Love and light always Lucinda xx

23.01.2022 Turmeric and Veggie Lentil Pasta This pasta dish was very delicious and pack with herbs and vegetables. I created this recipe by adding stuff together whatever I had at home and it turned out a success. ... My Turmeric and Veggie Lentil Pasta recipe is below: - 1/2 cups of frozen peas - 1 small brown onion thinly sliced - 2 blocks of Macro Organic @woolworths_au frozen kale - 1/2 capsicum roughly chopped - 1 carrot thinly sliced - 2 broccolini stalks roughly chopped - Pinch or a little more of salt, cumin powder, ginger powder, paprika powder - 1/4 of a teaspoon of turmeric powder - 2 tablespoons of olive oil - @keepitcleaner Red Lentil pasta 1/2 packet - 1 chicken breast diced (can add any other protein source) 1. Heat pan and add olive oil. Add onions, carrot, chicken and capsicum. Cook until brown. 2. Add boiling water into pot and cook pasta. Directions on packaging. 3. Add broccolini, peas and kale. 4. Cook for approximately 5 minutes and add in your herbs and spices. 5. Add pasta into the pan of veggies and stir until all combined. Add a little drizzle of olive oil and serve. 1 pot, 1 pan, 1 knife, 2 chopping boards (one for chicken one for veggies). Easy and quick. Let me know if you like this recipe! Love and light always Lucinda xx

22.01.2022 Investigations for Endometriosis Although definitive diagnosis of endometriosis is only achieved from laparoscopic investigation a number of other assessments can be beneficial in earlier stages. Laparoscopy is the gold standard for diagnosing endometriosis in the abdomen and pelvis and is the visual identification of lesions. ... Physical examination performed by a GP can be difficult for a clinician to elicit. Endometriosis nodules on the uterosacral ligament or in the recto-vaginal septum can be found. They are most reliably palpated if the examination is undertaken during menstruation. Endometriosis invading through the vaginal mucous a may be visible on speculum examination. Laboratory studies such as the CA125 marker is considered a primary initial investigation for women with endometriosis. Other pathologies need to be conducted once the results have been examined. Transvaginal ultrasound can detect large masses and can be useful alternative to exclude alternative pathologies or assist in the diagnosis of endometriosis if greater than stage 3. MRI has been of use in diagnosing the extent of deep nodular disease. Histopathology is the diagnosis and study of disease of tissue and involves examining tissues and cells under a microscope. If you are experiencing any menstrual difficulties have a chat with you GP or your naturopath who can refer you on for further testing and support! My approach is a collaborative system involving working with practitioners for the benefit of the patient. At the end of the day my priority is the health and well-being of every single patient! All modalities are useful and will provide a patient with the best level of care if we are all playing for the same team which equals = team patient! Love and light always Lucinda xx

22.01.2022 Spring Spring is in the air and Im so happy about this! SUNLIGHT! Ive seen so many flowers on my walk today and Im obsessed with how wonderful nature is to create these pigments of colours. ... What is your favourite thing about spring? Love and light always Lucinda xx

22.01.2022 Journaling to younger self Last year in September I posted on my Instagram how I had written a letter to my younger self. Little Lucinda. This letter shifted the energy within my body and made such a profound change to my life. A heaviness was lifted. My world changed a couple of months after.... I am writing this post today to inspire you all to write that letter to your younger self. To speak the words needed to give that little boy or girl the very things you needed to hear or needed to be done. I open you all to a safe space for letting go of the past and making peace and creating Spence within your body for more happiness, love and light. Let this letter be the start of something new. A new chapter in your life. A new way of feeling. A new way of seeing. Dear (Little) Lucinda, I am so bloody proud of you and how far you have come. Love and light always little and big Lucinda xxx

22.01.2022 Powering Light Collective ft Ayami @holayoga_au Stay tuned for our Instagram Live this Friday 21st August 11am Melbourne time Can not wait to create magic with you Ayami ... Love and light always Lucinda xx

22.01.2022 Reiki Reiki is a natural, hands on energy healing originated in Japan. Reiki means universal Life Energy. The flow of Life Energy is what keeps us alive. This flow can become uneven for many due to the stressors and tensions of daily living and our thought patterns. These can create blocks and imbalances to the flow. These blocks are reflected in the body and can manifest as dysfunction or dis-ease. ... A reiki practitioner can channel Life Energy through their bodies to the receiver. This means a person does not use their own energy rather they use Life Energy. The receiver gains the Life Energy which goes to where it is needed returning the mind, body and spirit to balance. Reiki empowers the receiver to take the next most appropriate steps in their growth and development, their highest soul purpose. If reiki is something that interests you I offer one on one sessions in person and online to anyone work wide. Ill love to connect with you and help you on your journey. Message me for more details. Love and light always Lucinda xx

21.01.2022 Healing can hurt I came to this earth to share my light to heal. Its what I choose to do and I look forward to seeing where this journey takes me. My name Lucinda means bright light which for me confirms this. Im on my own healing journey. I can understand and empathise that healing can hurt. It can bring you back to dark and painful places where you have to relive the experience you never wanted to relive. ... It takes courage, strength, bravely and an unconditional love for ones self to heal. Healing is freeing yourself of any limitations and creating a space within that is light, airy and peaceful. Healing is a process and can take as ever long as you need. Healing has no due date or deadline too meet. Always remember if you are going through healing to be as nurturing and as gentle as you can be to yourself. This is the time of weeding out old memories, old habits, old thought patterns and holding a new space for yourself in your life. Healing can be a wave of emotions. Intense highs and intense lows all navigating ourselves to meeting our true self. You are strong, you are brave and you are so deeply loved. Love and light always Lucinda xx

20.01.2022 It didnt start with you A new book for me to read @markwolynn ! Looking forward to getting into this book and seeing what it is all about! Ive realised that Im really into psychology and Ive got a strong interest in wanting to know the WHY we express our physical symptoms. ... This book caught my interest when I saw someone post it on there stories and I was hmmmmm! I will let you guys know how I go with it! Does anyone else have a few books that they are reading at the same time? Love and light always Lucinda xx

20.01.2022 Forgiveness One of my missions is to help educate my clients in the connection between emotions and dis-ease. Forgiveness is one of those things that will help unlock the emotional and physical blockages.... Depending on how you were raised and the experiences you have had personally forgiveness might come easily or not at all. You might hold grudges. When we hold onto emotions such as anger resentment, guilt, grief, sadness, hurt and pain we store it all into our body. These emotions on an energetic level block energy from flowing through which manifest into physical symptoms. Ive included in this post how FORGIVENESS can transform your life. Give it a read and let me know what you think and if any of these tips are of benefit to you. Love and light always Lucinda xx

18.01.2022 Breakfast This morning before a long day of clinic I made myself a very lovely breakfast! Its packed with nutritious foods to sustain me throughout the morning! I wake up hungry and find starting off the day with a fulfilling breakfast makes all the difference to my blood sugar levels and energy.... This dish includes: eggs, broccoli, zucchini, onion, carrot, beetroot and ginger souerkraut, and beetroot dip! What is your breakfast looking like this morning? Love and light always Lucinda xx

17.01.2022 Calendula officinalis Calendula is also known as marigold and is a very therapeutic herb used in naturopathy. The part of the herb used in herbal medicine is the flower as seen in this picture. ... The main actions of Calendula include: Anti-inflammatory Antimicrobial Antiviral (topically) Anti fungal (topically) Vulnerary which means it helps enhance sound healing Lymphatic The key indications of this herb for internal treatment include: Peptic Ulcers Enlarged lymph glands Acne Sebaceous cysts Spasmodic dysmenorrhea Topical indications of Calendula include: Insect bites Nappy rash Mouth ulcers Dermatitis (eczema) Varicose veins Haemorrhoids Wounds This beautiful herb is one of my favourite and I have just recently had it bloom in my garden! In growing this herb from a tiny seed I’ve seen how resilient it is and how beautiful the process of it blooming truely was! When using herbs please always consult with a practitioner to ensure it is the right fit for you as there can be cautions and interactions when used with other medications. Love and light always Lucinda xxx

17.01.2022 GRADUATE 2021 @endeavourcollege Today the countdown finished and I have officially and finally completed my degree! This means I’m a qualified NATUROPATH!!!! (a massive wohoooo) ... This journey has been so fulfilling and I have put so much sweat, tears and passion into this degree. I’ve experienced some of the greatest and most difficult times of my life completing this degree and feel incredibly proud to have finished it successfully. If this degree has taught me anything about myself that is that I possess a deep sense of resilience. I can not wait to put my unique, creative and professional spin in my consultations with my patients and be the best practitioner I can be. Healing others is my souls purpose and I can not wait for the lifetime of fulfilling my dream. A special thank you to my family for your support and help you know exactly who you are and I wouldn’t have been able to do this without you! To my friends who have been so understanding in being missing in action for way to long thank you for your patience! To the love of my life my, fiancé and husband to be. Thank you for supporting me in every aspect of my life and this degree. Late night studying, reading over my work, building my confidence, nurturing me and being my rock. I wouldn’t have been able to complete this if it wasn’t for you. I love you with all my heart! To my patients current and to come I can not wait to connect with you and guide you to optimal health and wellness. And lastly, little Lucinda, my goodness I am so proud of you. You did it. We did it. Giving you massive hugs for all the times you didn’t think you were enough your enough and your an intelligent women. To all the peeps out there wanting to start there dreams. This is your sign to jump right in and do it. Love and light always Lucinda your Naturopath xx

17.01.2022 She is ready to let go and grace the earth with her beauty When you bloom share it with the world just as flowers when there petals fall to the earth. Love and light always Lucinda x

16.01.2022 Reiki Principles Mikao Usui a Buddhist monk created the spiritual practice of Reiki. He believes the Reiki Principles are key to living a happy life.... These principles are focused on the here and now and encourage us to embody the reiki energy throughout the day and everyday. The 5 principles of Reiki can be incorporated into mediation, a morning intension or when ever you need them is no right or wrong. Can you see these Reiki Principles being something that you can incorporate in your daily routine and mindset? If your interested in having a reiki session DM for more details. Love and light always Lucinda xx

15.01.2022 Crown Chakra Todays post is all about energetic looking particularly at the Crown Chakra. When you flick through the pictures it explains the following:... What is it? Where is it located? Symptoms indicating an imbalance Ways to bring balance Comment below your thoughts and your experiences on working with this chakras! Love and light always Lucinda xx @ Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

15.01.2022 Note to Self Healing is not an overnight process. It takes time. Sometimes youll feel like youre finally over something and happy again, and the wound will reopen. Dont give up, dont get discouraged. Take each day 1 step at a time. Just try to be in a better place mentally and emotionally than you were yesterday. - Unknown This beautiful picture was taken on a trip in 2016 on a beautiful island in Croatia Lastovo. ... Love and light always Lucinda xxx

15.01.2022 Bloating You dont bloat your to thin too. Things people would tell me when I tell them I get bloated. Last year I experienced some very uncomfortable bouts of bloating to the point where I looked pregnant. It was uncomfortable, it messed around my head space because I felt like I looked a certain way, my clothes didnt fit properly and it just didnt want to go away. ... There are so many reasons contributing and causing a person to experience bloating. Some of these can include: - Stress - Gut dysbosis - Medications - Thyroid disorders - Constipation - Food allergies - Food sensitivities And there are so many more. If your experiencing bloating you can talk to a naturopath who will help you find your cause rather than treat it symptomatically. When you are feeling bloated be gentle with yourself and show your body love. There is always a reason why it is reacting. Dont put yourself down with your thoughts or words, give your body care whether it is through having a warm bath, a warm herbal tea or resting by watching a movie. The reason why I have shared this is to shed light that just because Im going to be natural healthcare practitioner it does not mean that my own health is perfect. My health is one of the reasons why I chose to study and be in this profession Plus Im keeping it real and transparent so people dont feel like they are the only one experiencing this. Who else has experienced bloating? How does it make you feel? Love and light always Lucinda xx

14.01.2022 The Stages of Endometriosis The American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) classification is currently the most widely used staging system. Point scores are assigned based on the number of lesions, lesion size and their bilaterally. ... This classification system is a fairly accurate system of recording laparoscopic findings. Staging endometriosis can help physicians formulate a treatment plan and evaluate response to therapy. If you need support with a diagnosis of endometriosis you may want to get into contact so I can help you in the very best way in feeling the best version of yourself. Love and light always Lucinda xx

13.01.2022 Cortisol and Melatonin levels and the Circadian Rhythm What is the Circadian Rhythm? The Circadian Rhythm is described as our body clock and helps determine our sleep patterns. Our Circadian Rhythm is our physical, mental and behavioural changes in response to light and darkness.... The Circadian Rhythm controls our internal temperature changes, sleep and eating patterns. Below I will highlight the meaning of the picture illustrated: Cortisol (brown line) spikes in the morning and reduces throughout the day. Cortisol production drops to its lowest point around midnight and peaks around 9am. This rise is cortisol in the morning is called the awakening response. Melatonin (grey line) starts to spike around bedtime beginning the onset of sleepiness. Throughout the day sunlight stops the pineal gland from producing melatonin- the sleep inducing hormone. Adenosine another sleep hormone increases during the day in parts of the brain that control wakefulness. Darkness however, helps increase melatonin levels and with the accumulated adenosine in the brain this helps induce the feelings of sleepiness. During sleep adenosine lower. The reason some people experience difficulties falling asleep after caffeine is because it blocks adenosine receptors. Too much stress during the day elevates cortisol levels, which can remain elevated into the night causing insomnia or poor sleep. Exposure to light increases the secretion of serotonin, while darkness increases the secretion of melatonin. It is so important to reduce your light exposure during the evening to ensure your body produces sufficient amounts of melatonin to have the best sleep quality. There are so many things involved in the sleep process this is only a brief explanation. If you are having troubles with your sleep naturopaths can defiantly help. Personally it is one of my favourite things to treat in student clinic @endeavourcollege . Sleep is so important to me as with lack of sleep I do not function optimally. I think sleep is one of the most important things to have functioning correctly to maintain homeostasis within the body. How is your sleep? Love and light always Lucinda xx

13.01.2022 Today was the last session with my gorgeous Thursday clinic class! This means 2 more classes for me to go before I officially finish ...... This class has whole heartedly brought me so much love and joy. The friendships and bonds formed have been life changing for me and I can not thank each and everyone of you for being so supportive and encouraging. I hope I have been able to help provide you all with a memorable experience just as you all had done for me! ... May the next clinic block be filled with new learnings and give you the confidence to shin all your bright light that each of you possess. To the friends graduating I can not wait to connect and support you in the big wide world! We have done it!! I’m going to miss you all so so much and can not wait to see what the future holds for each and every single one of us. Sharon our supervisor, your words of wisdom, nurturing and unconditional love to each of us will be something I’ll never forget. Human inside and out and I feel so blessed to have been mentored by you- role model and angel all in one!! Tears in the car after today and I haven’t even finished yet... Love and light always Lucinda xx

12.01.2022 Affirmation My body heals. Every single cell within my body heals. My healing takes me the duration my body needs. ... I love my body and every single cell that works for me. Everyday my body is filled with unconditional love, peace, kindness and happiness. My body works in harmony. I am in harmony. Say this affirmation 3 times per day: morning, afternoon and before bed. Repeat it 3 times. Love and light always Lucinda xx

11.01.2022 Wishing all my wonderful patients, clients and followers a VERY Merry Christmas from my family to yours May it have been filled with lots of love, peace, happiness and lots of yummy food! Sending you so much love and light as always Lucinda, my fiancé and our fur baby Jett

11.01.2022 Yogurt topping inspo When Im feeling like some yogurt one of my favourite things to have with it is some fruit!! My go to fruits are kiwi, strawberries, passion fruit and occasionally bananas! I usually also add some sort of nuts and sees mix to power pack it with nutrients! ... I personally use dairy free yogurt like coconut yogurt due to being dairy sensitive but you can use any that you like. Ensure you check the ingredients list to see if they have any preservatives, colours or artificial flavours! What are your favourite toppings to add to your yogurt? Loves and light always Lucinda xx

11.01.2022 Easy Pea-syy Green Salad Salads can be more than lettuce and your usual toppings. Its time to get creative and increase the amount of vegetables your having every day. As you all would know I like to have an many vegetables and nutrients as possible with each meal and this goes for salads! ... Below Ive added the recipe for my Easy Pea-syy Green Salad: - 6 green peas roughly chopped - 1 whole tomato diced - 1 cucumber diced - 1/2 a capsicum diced - 1 carrot diced - 1 hand full of spinach roughly chopped - 1 had full of parsley roughly chopped * Reminder to wash your vegetables prior to chopping them up ( clean off the chemicals and germs)!! Add all ingredients into a bowl and mix together. For dressing add Apple cidar vinegar or combine olive oil with salt and the juice of half a lemon. You can also add some protein to this such as: beans and lentils, tofu, meat sources or fish. I hope you enjoy this recipe as much as I do! Love and light always Lucinda x

10.01.2022 Its time to open. Open to the sweetness of life. Bloom with grace. ... Its time now that you open up and show the world who you are. You have been training for this for lifetimes. - Lucinda Spring is in the air and it is a reminder for all to bloom. This beautified tree I believe is a magnolia tree. On my walk a couple of weeks ago I caught this moment when these flowers were so still and strong before they opened up and bloomed there beauty and wonder to the world. It was gentle reminder for me to do the same. How much power is in stillness before blooming. Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished- Lao Tzu Love and light always Lucinda xx

10.01.2022 Things Im still learning There are a number of things Im still learning. I am defiantly not perfect and Im happy to take responsibility for that. I love how my imperfections are ways to help me grow and learn. Over my time here on earth Ive had experiences that have in some way spaced me into who I am today. To move through those experiences I did the very best I could and implemented thought patterns and ways of being. Some of these are not helpful and Im working ...on changing them to ways coming from love. Each day we are constantly learning things about the world and ourselves. We will never know it all. What are some things that you are leaning? Love and light always Lucinda xx

10.01.2022 Change Rebirth Transition ... Coming into the new Growth Paving the way for light Being the light The process of love, light, peace and kindness. A butterflys journey is one of growth and change. I believe humans are always growing and learning. Some people learn their lessons right away and some need to repeat the lesson a few times to understand what is being taught in order to grow and expand in life. Change is necessary for evolution. Change is required for growth. We change so much physically during our lifetime and this is too the same with everything else we encounter. Relationships, friendships, places of work, love, travel, finances, health, age, were we live, our spiritual self and so much more. Change is required to get us to the next stage of our evolution and forming a more deeper and meaningful connection to ones self. Change can be scary. Especially if there isnt a plan or the plan changes. But if we can learn to accept and be open to change with loving arms there will be less resistance, less fear, less anxiety, more happiness, more peace and more love for ourselves and others. Butterflys are a representation that some of the most beautiful rebirths in life take time, require love to be directed in wards and that the most beautiful transitions occur behind closed doors (within the cocoon). Once this process takes place and all is accomplished ready all we are given our wings to fly so we can enjoy life and progress into the next stage of our growth and evolution. Remember to always be kind to yourself, be patient and know you are being supported by a higher power! Love and lights always Lucinda xx

10.01.2022 Powering Light Collective Introducing an extension to @powered.naturopathics Powering Light Collective The Powering Light Collective is your dose of all things wellness, health and spirituality. We connect with many people to share the ways that they have powered themselves to share there light in the world. ... We discuss all things from the heart with the intention to inspire and bring bright powering light into your world. If your ready to unlock the very things that are holding you back and craving things that just make sense then this collective is the very thing you have been looking for and I welcome you with a massive hug If you like to be apart of the Powering Light Collective please message me as I would love to hear all about your story and what brings light into your life I look forward to connecting with you!!!! Love and light always Lucinda xxx

09.01.2022 Long Term Physiological Responses to Stress If you are constantly stressed for a long period of time physiological processes within the body are compromised. Stress is one of those things many people dismiss as it is something we are all expected to know how to manage. The truth is many of us dont have healthy tools on how to manage stress. There are so many people that are consciously or even unconsciously using tools to cope with stress that maybe more damaging to health then good. There is no doubt that we live in a very fast paced and highly stressed world. Our modern lifestyles expose us to increasing levels of new stressors that we had not previously encountered. Things such as decreased rest, inflammation, more information, increased toxin exposure and burden, more technology, increased financial pressures, more noise, lost connections with nature and the breakdown of family and support systems contribute to dysregulation in our stress responses which can lead to disease imitation or progression. Many people are not even aware that they are stressed as it has become the new normal way of feeling. We are in a middle of a pandemic and even if you think this hasnt been a stressful time for you we are all collectively stressed and in some way whether your aware to it or not it can effect you. You maybe expressing stress in a different way than others. The image above highlights the physiological processes during long term stress response activation. There are many resources, tools and therapeutic treatments that a naturopath could recommend to help support a healthy stress response. Take time today to connect in wards and check into whether your mind and body are feeling stressed. Love and light always Lucinda xx

08.01.2022 Physical Examinations Physical examinations are one of the most important aspects of a naturopathic consultation. They help gather clinical information to monitor the progress of our patients and determine whether there maybe any abnormalities. ... During my studies we had been taught a number of physical examinations to help deepen our clinical understanding of a case. Some of the examination techniques that I am able to complete are: Blood pressure Pain assessment Peripheral pulses Mouth and throat examination Thyroid examination Lymph node palpation Ear examination Respiratory examination Abdominal examination Neurological examination Musculoskeletal examination & much more!!!! We must not forget the importance of these physical examinations in our clinical practice. Physical examinations help us get the most amount of information from our clients about there health but also allows our patients to feel like they are being taken seriously with the complaint they have come in for us to help them with. It shows them that we have time to care for them rather than just always sending them to get a pathology test completed. It shows them that we are looking at there health at all angles and that we will help find the root cause of WHY they are presenting with a dis-ease within there body. A lot of the time due to limited time our medical practitioners are not able to investigate and perform physical examinations. Performing these examinations may give patients the missing piece to the puzzle allowing them to feel like they are heard and not going crazy. After all we know our own bodies best. How do you guys feel about physical examinations? Do you feel like they are an important part of your clinical practice? Love and light always Lucinda xx

08.01.2022 Holy Cacao I recently tried the @locolovechocolate Holy Cacao Medicinal Mushroom and Cacao Blend. Now many of you might be like eww chocolate and mushrooms = No. Let me tell you I was one of those people and now Im a believer chocolate and mushrooms = YES!!... I was truely impressed by the quality and taste of the product. Now to make it clear I do not eat mushroom. For me I dont like the texture and Im working on loving them more. But this blend doesnt have a mushroom taste at all! What got me super excited about this was that when I made myself a hot chocie it had fine shavings of chocolate it in (are you drooling yet?) which was delightful! For anyone that love a hot chocie and uses products that have a whole lots of preservatives and added sugar its time to find replace it with something like this. Not only is your body to love it for it but the environment is to as the ingredients are sourced ethically. I genuinely felt an instant different when I had this. More energy and clear mental focus. I only realised this once my fiancé asked me if I got all the things I usually dont get done in a day completed after I had this. This post is not sponsored just sharing my love for great quality products that you will enjoy too! Love and light always Lucinda xxx Ps: if you havent tried there chocolate range you havent lived- changed my life forever

07.01.2022 Supporting a loved one with Anxiety Its important to support those people you love with anxiety. Sometimes people find it hard to understand why anxiety is playing such a profound impact in someones life. Its important to understand that everyone is wired differently and there is a valid reason for them to be reacting in the way that they are.... Provide helpful support and ask them what can you do to help. Often it is a shoulder to cry on, an ear to be listened too, a space for silence, a hug or it might not be anything straight away. Tag your loved one to show that you see them and that your here to support them. Love and light always Lucinda xx

06.01.2022 Intuitive Reading Tonight 7pm on Instagram live Can not wait to connect with you! Love and light Lucinda xx

06.01.2022 Today I affirm My life is full of happiness and every situation I encounter attracts happiness and comes with ease. My life is a happy and an abundant one. I love my life and life loves me! Lets all manifest and affirm happiness into our day today! Write this down and keep it close to you so spark some extra magic! ... Love and light always Lucinda xx

05.01.2022 Unfiltered Not all days Ive lived have been easy. It is during challenging times that I have really been able to let myself truely feel every single emotion that arises. I remember this day vividly. I had my first panic attack after not having them for 4 months. Last year I was having them on a weekly basis. It felt amazing not having them. I never understood why I was having them but now I do. ... This picture makes me proud even though at the time I felt like complete crap. It has shown me how incredibly strong I am to face my fears. It shows how far I have come. It has shown me my vulnerability. It has shown me the truth. It has shown me how much I have been able to achieve. Just because Im a reiki practitioner it doesnt mean Im not having challenges myself or will always have my stuff together. The truth is I dont believe that Im meant too. Im a spirit having a human experience and with that comes lessons and growth. I have personally gone through a lot and have overcome them with all the uncomfortable and confronting feelings. These experiences are why I am able to empathise with so many and shine my light as bright as I do. I can share my wisdom in the best way I can and help people heal as I am doing the same. When your going through a tough time take that picture. Later on your going to look back it with a smile and see how strong, brave and deeply loved you truely are. I wrote this post a little while ago and thought it is fitting for #ruokayday today. It is most often the people that are the strongest, hide there feelings or look like that have there crap together that behind closed doors are carrying so much within. Ask these people are you okay even if it looks like they are or simply if let them know if they need anything that you are there for them. Trust me it will provide then so much comfort. To my people who have supported, loved me, been an ear to hear my thoughts and feelings and cared for me thank you for making sure Im okay. You know who you are. Are you okay? Love and light always Lucinda xx

04.01.2022 Depression #depression is more than just feeling down. Depression is a persistent and deep sadness that is felt intensely. Depression impacts a persons daily activities and way of life. Depression is a feeling of loss, anger, hopelessness, sadness and unhappiness. It can overcome someone for a short period of time or over an extended period of time.... Depression can occupy a space within your mind, body and heart that is un-welcomed. Depression is tiring, confusing, conflicting and exhausting. You just want to feel normal. Depression is real. It interferes with families, friendships, relationships, study, work and anything. Some behavioural symptoms of depression include: withdrawal from close family and friends replying on sedative and alcohol stopping going out and stopping their usual enjoyable activities Some physical symptoms include: being tired all the time feeling sick or run down frequent headaches, stomach or muscle pains sleep problems change of appetite significant weight loss or weight gain If you suspect someone or that you may have depression reach out and have someone support you. There are some amazing services such as: @lifelineaustralia @beyondblueofficial @kidshelplineau @saneaustralia and so many more to help you. You can also talk to a family member or friend who you trust who can be the person to support you towards your recovery. I believe mental health is a topic not widely discussed and I want to bring love and light towards this topic. So many people are not receiving the support they need and its so damaging to the person. They deserve to live the most amazing life. People with depression need all our help to shine the light in their tunnel of darkness. By shining the light we give them an opportunity to see that there is light at the end of the tunnel, recovery isnt scary and support isnt as far for them to reach as it has seemed. If you have or are currently experiencing depression I believe that your are so amazing. You are not weak and that you can get through this and I empathise with you. You are strong, you are brave and you are deeply loved. Love and light always Lucinda xx

04.01.2022 Triggers of the Stress Response Modern day stressors are unavoidable and exceedingly persistent part of everyday life. Stressors known to trigger and contribute to the function of the HPA axis can be grouped into key categories. ... Ive illustrated below some of these stressors which you can identify with yourself personally. Its important to work with a QUALIFIED professional that can help find the cause behind any dysfunction and also the factors contributing to them. Sometimes we are so used to the way that we live that these stressors become our normal making them something we dont identify as a stressor. Its important that your health care practitioner helps you manage these in the way that will work- in an individualised and collaborative approach rather than a one approach fits all. Thats were a naturopath can defiantly come into play! What are your triggers of your stress response? Love and light always Lucinda xx

03.01.2022 Afternoon snack inspiration These are some delicious snacks packed with chia seeds, flaxseeds and so much goodness!! Perfect size and taste to keep you going throughout the day! ... Who has a great recipe for bliss balls? Love and light always Lucinda xx

03.01.2022 Relaxation Baths The humble bath is a very relaxing and soothing therapy to relax the mind, body and spirit. If your feeling stressed and have access to a bath add this to your tool box as a way to relax and unwind. ... Taking a warm bath before bedtime helps increase passive body heat and increases the bodies perception of bedtime allowing a slow wave to sleep! Baths are a great self care practice to give thy self in times when we have emptied to much of our own cup. You can add to your baths 2-3 drops of high quality essential oils such as lavender which have relaxing, calming and anxiolytic properties. Perfect for those times where stress or anxiety are increased. Or add in some flower essence therapies! In this bath I added Epsom salts, Himalayan salt, rose petals and chamomile flowers with two drops of lavender essential oils. It was the perfect way to unwind from a busy and rather stressful day. What tools do you have in your tool box to help you in times when stress or anxiety are increased? Are they supportive to all areas of your body- mind, body and spirit? Love and light always Lucinda xx

03.01.2022 Super nourishing breakfast oats Load your breakfast with healthy toppings. My go to options includes fruit such as strawberries or pumpkin seeds. I loaded these oats with fresh strawberries, peanut butter, pumpkin seeds, flaxseeds (linseeds) and roasted coconut flakes! ... What are your go to breakfast toppings? Love and light always Lucinda xx

03.01.2022 Make yourself happy Peonies are my favourite flowers- delicate, feminine, beautiful. These flowers represent so much about myself. ... This week I celebrate a milestone within myself and boy am I proud. My little gift to my higher self, to my inner child and to the person I am yet to be who ever she is Make sure you celebrate the little wins, big wins and to always fill your cup. You can not look after yourself or anyone else if it empty. What are you going to do to make yourself happy? Love and light always Lucinda xx

02.01.2022 Quote of the day Take this opportunity to reflect on your thought patterns and how they are impacting your life and relationship with yourself and others? Are there any changes that youll need to make? ... Love and light always Lucinda xx

02.01.2022 A big HELLO My name is Lucinda and I am the owner and creator of @powered.naturopathics Im a Naturopathics student @endeavourcollege in my final year of my studies. Im a reiki healer and provide intuitive guidance to my clients. Im so passionate about the emotional links behind dis-ease and implementing tools on how to work through them rather than suppressing them! ... I love gardening, getting creative with water colour painting, drawing, cooking but not the cleaning part that comes with it, writing, singing and humming (didnt realise I do it until moving in with my fiancé), going for long walks and eating!! I also love organising cluttered and unorganised spaces- Im weird like that but thats me. And above all of those things I love my fiancé more than I could explain! Isolation for me has been a BIG blessing as its allowed me to slow down a heck of a lot and really focus my time on myself and my studies which I have loved!! My eye brows have grown out of control during this time (can anyone else relate). If I could describe myself the words I would use are: strong, brave, kind, loving, empathetic and hardworking. Im finding the balance between rest, play and work as for a long time it was very go go go. Im also learning to say no when things dont serve me as I have always done things to make others happy and not being true to me and my own happiness. I can be at times stubborn (taurus) which Im also working on because lets face it Im not perfect. I believe everything in my life has happened for me than to me and that I have a bigger purpose than I know. Im finding it slowly each day and cant wait to help others find theres. My favourite shows and movies are Outlander, Gossip Girl, True Crime shows, The Crown, White Chicks, The Notebook and many more. I wont be in the same room if there is a horror movie on as I get terrified. So yes these are some of the things about!! What are 3 words that you could use to describe yourself? Love and light always Lucinda xx

01.01.2022 Movement & Exercise When I was a young girl I was very sporty and loved physical activity. As a teenager at school Ill compete in every sport I possibly could and would always push myself to do my best. My sport soccer was something I was so deeply passionate about. I lived and breathed the sport. I started playing soccer in primary school in grade 4. I was bullied a lot at in primary school and had no one to play with. I started playing with a group of boys on the pl...ay ground who then started to play soccer. I was only ever allowed to throw the ball into the field if the ball was kicked out. I was then allowed to be on a team and chosen always last. The boys taught me to kick a ball and I watched them and taught myself how to play. I played a long and successful years of soccer where I achieved many amazing things for my age. The world went completely quite when I played and it was my escape. I stoped playing due to an injury and due to a big loss of a friend I used to play with in 2012. I started yoga in 2018 inconsistency which was the first time I began to move my body properly again. I would go for walks and things of that nature but nothing really in this kind of way. Movement Ive noticed is one of the things that makes my body function optimally. I always thought that to do exercise it had to be a planned sport. Ive since learnt it doesnt need to be. I have fun when I move and exercise and have learnt not to take it seriously as I once did with soccer. I throughly enjoy my long walks in nature, cold air and the way my body feels with all the blood pumping into my legs. Movement is I think one of the most under rated ways of feeling good especially of your not feeling good. Move. Youll feel so much better when you do. I lose my balance in yoga due to my ankles still being weak from my injury but I laugh at those moments instead of beating myself down. Exercise and movement doesnt need to be perfect. I also stated running again and found that my world gets completely quiet. What are some ways that you move your body? Love and light always Lucinda xx

01.01.2022 Just for today, do not worry The first principle of Reiki is Just for today, do not worry. This principle will help ground you when you start considering the future and looking back at the past. This principle helps in tapping into faith and breathing into the present moment. This can create significant shifts in our individual and collective consciousness. ... Breathing into your lower abdomen is an excellent way to manage worry as your breath is always with you and can be used anywhere and at anytime. Love and light always Lucinda xx

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