Physique Performance Specialists | Sport & recreation
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25.01.2022 Shoutout to our very own Customer Service Magician @aussielex - pictured with her Coach and PPS Wanneroo Head Hancho @jatzraz She competed at the CAPO/WAPA State Powerlifting Championships in the weekend Coming 2nd place in the -75kg Women’s weight class with a:... 150kg Squat 92.5kg Bench 170kg Deadlift Totalling 412.5kg at 71.8kg Bodyweight Amazing lifts from an amazing member of the PPS Community #PeopleofPPS #PPSProud
25.01.2022 Ridges Transformation 118kg 96kg 35% was 14.3%... Full retention of lean-body mass Ridge is an online client who lives in Bunbury and travels to Morley for check-in’s with his Coach. He originally joined PPS during the Covid Lockdown, and vibed with his Coach so much, that he stayed on board as an online client. , when gyms re-opened. Along with working full-time, and studying, he’s also a father. Many barriers were overcome to achieve this epic transformation in less than 6-months, Which is a credit to him his work ethic & dedication. #peopleofPPS #PPSProud
25.01.2022 PPS South-Perth is Now Open And our new community is thriving at our 4th location. Our first intake is full and our next waiting is now open!... . Its important to note that PPS is NOT a franchise or faceless corporation. . We are locally owned and our vision is that you can walk into any one of our locations and expect the quality coaching experience as another. Although we have multiple Transformation Facilities across Perth, we want you to think of us as one big STRONG Community made up 4 smaller families! We are excited to now be able to build a new lifting community in the South-Perth, Vic-Park & Perth City area... Helping to close the gap between our already famous Morley & Yangebup Communities. If you live or work near South-Perth and want to learn more about The gym for people who arent gym people, . Drop us line to secure a spot on our waiting list @ South Perth, Western Australia
24.01.2022 Deconstructing the Deadlift Is it a Push or a Pull Movement? And why does this matter...... Feel discomfort when Deadlifting and not sure why? An understanding what type of movement the Deadlift is, and where to feel certain parts of the movement... Will help to maximise performance and minimise injury Watch this video to find out more:
24.01.2022 Habit vs Motivation We've been told it can take 21-days to create a new habit, but studies show it actually takes 66-days to make these habits stick. That's almost 10-Weeks to actually start developing a routine, that can guarantee you results that last in the Gym.... Where most people fail in the gym (and maybe you can relate) - Is relying on 'Motivation' to do the work... 'Motivation' is great and is what got you through the door... But how many times have you or someone you know, started a new exercise or fad and given it up after 4-6 weeks, because they "Lacked Motivation"? When it gets cold in the mornings... When work gets really busy... And if you are having trouble at home... It's not Motivation that is going to get you to the gym, when you would rather be at home binging on Netflix It's your Habits.. It's not Motivation that will help you stick to your nutrition plan when you just want to dump your face in a tub of Ice-cream after a long day... It's your Habits! If you truly want to see long-term change and you don't want to be in the same place you are right now in 12-months time... It's time to commit to building these new habits and breakthrough this initial Motivation phase... You may have just started a new training routine or you could be about to get back into it after another spell on the sidelines... But this is just the beginning. Don't make this another fad you were 'Motivated' to take part in Make this a habit... Make this a lifestyle... Prove to yourself that you can make a long-term change... You got this!
24.01.2022 Here’s one for the FIFO workers: My name is Chris (Kit) Moulding and I am a FIFO engineer. I was not particularly upset with my body even though I would describe it as a potato with skin over it, considering years prior I had dropped from 125kg to 85kg with mainly crash dieting (pure desperation) and copious amounts of being on the cross-trainer (all I knew), however I was always a bit nervous around weights and lifting. I had no strength and the balance of a new-born d...eer, so I would actively shy away from it. I unfortunately also got myself into a habit of hiding from carbs and fasting to try keep what weight I had lost from returning and let’s say it wasn’t getting me anywhere in the long term. I had a friend who I knew used PPS in the past and I saw an advert for it this year after delaying a month and building my courage to commit, I decided to step through the doors and met my coach (Dylan). I explained my initial goals and he got me straight into it - I ended up eating more than I ever usually did, but with the workouts on top I was losing weight fast and noticing quick wins each time I checked in with the strength increases coming thick and fast. PPS has a way of making you want to get back to the hanger as soon as possible with an; open gym environment, friendly patrons, extensive equipment and the space to complete your workouts without waiting or hassling others. What more could you ask for! As much as I first thought I wouldn’t fit in with these gym bunnies, I was proven completely wrong and by taking on this challenge with the support of PPS, it has proven to be the best decision of 2020 I have made. Thanks to the PPS team and Dylan for my less doughy body and the fun still to come. #PeopleofPPS
23.01.2022 MEET BRAD #PeopleofPPS Stories Hi my name is Brad, I am a 32 year old construction glazier. ... I joined PPS because I wasn’t happy with the way that I had let myself go physically and it was starting to have an impact on my mental health as well. PPS has helped me reset my focus. In the short time I’ve been there it’s had a positive effect on my life. I’m really enjoying the team atmosphere and starting to lift big weights. I keep coming back because of the coaches, the staff and the people. The one thing I would say to anyone thinking about joining is, DO IT! Honestly, you won’t look back! #PPSProud
23.01.2022 Mum of 4 Leah underwent a massive transformation this year at PPS. Slicing her body-fat in half, going from 42% to 21% And competing in a state level powerlifting competition. Here’s what she has had to say about her PPS Training Experience ... I’m Leah, I’m a mum of 4, competitive cheerleader and now thanks to PPS a power lifter with national records. I started at PPS just over two and a half years ago. My mum struggled with weight all of her life and unfortunately 15 years ago passed away from cancer of undetermined origin. She was overweight for a long time before that and had several health issues. I will always wonder that if maybe she had of been in better health perhaps her cancer would of been picked up earlier, or not even of existed in the first place, then she may still be alive today. My biggest fear is history repeating itself. I joined when I was having trouble losing the remaining weight from my fourth pregnancy. I realised as I was getting older my body wasn’t responding to my normal methods for weight loss and all the things I usually did just weren’t working. I’ve always done a lot of competitive sports and I’m not afraid of training hard but now I needed more than just that. I needed the whole nutrition/lifestyle/training approach. I love the group training and community vibe at PPS. The atmosphere in the gym is always so welcoming, friendly and supportive. The accountability for our nutrition and training is a great motivator to stay on track but it’s the ongoing support and encouragement and genuine pride shared in our achievements, from both the coaches and other members, that makes PPS such a great place to be. The focus is on your overall health. At PPS you don’t push through injury and cut calories to punish your body. Instead your coach helps you to listen to your body, altering your training and nutrition around injuries and lifestyle, providing you with the tools to fuel your body with the right nutrition, so you can build your body up instead of run it down. Since joining PPS I am now in the best shape of my life ever! I’ve literally halved my body fat. Going from 42% body fat down to 21% body fat. I’ve built muscle and strength which supports my other sports and helps keep me healthy and injury free. I’ve competed in powerlifting events with amazing support from my coach and have come away with massive personal bests and national records. I have more confidence in my appearance and I feel finally how I look on the outside reflects how I’d always felt on the inside. At PPS you will transform your body, your health and achieve your goals! - Leah #PeopleofPPS
23.01.2022 Anas PPS Story My Partner Jason, started coming to PPS late last year, and was so impressed with the facilities and environment, that he encouraged me to come down and try it out. Initially I just started attending bootcamps on Saturday mornings with him, and could immediately see and feel the community vibe - after a few weeks I signed up.... Since coming to PPS, I have gained so much confidence in myself with the support and encouragement from the coaches and other members. I have started to realise how much potential I have and how string I actually am. I can squat more then my own bodyweight & I have deadlifted almost double that! I would never of had the courage to even attempt that before coming here. The physical and mental changes I have experienced since I started training at PPS have been incredible, and it has over flowed into my personal life. What keeps me coming to PPS is the people and the community. I have tried out a lot of different group fitness classes over the year, and usually youre just one of twenty or thirty other people in the class which made me feel like I was just a number. Noone would notice if you werent there, and because of that I would find myself getting bored, and losing interest pretty quickly. At PPS youre in a group of 5 or 6 other girls and eventually you start to bond with them and your coach. We support & encourage each other and we become stronger together. I would encourage anyone thinking about giving PPS a go to do so. Gyms can be really scary and intimidating when you dont know anyone. At PPS it doesnt take long for you to start to feel like you belong, and even though you are training in a small group, the coaches still treat you like an individual. #peopleofPPS #PPSProud
23.01.2022 No BS* at PPS! Weve all been guilty of chasing the shiny objects in the Fitness Industry, The gimmicks & the fads...... (I know I have) A lot of training principles out there have taught us to measure our success in the gym based on the amount we sweat, or the pain we induce... Measuring calories burned, rather than performance, or the weight on the bar. Usually in an effort to 'punish the body' instead of 'building the body'... But behind it all, theres one training principle that has lasted the test of time - with proven results... As Body Composition Specialists, this is the training style that we are experts in - and have stuck to over the years... And thats Strength-Training... Nothing fancy or sexy, but it works! Why do we believe in Strength-Training and why dont we do a tonne of HIIT or Cardio at PPS? Watch this video to find out more
21.01.2022 "Long Term Consistency, Trumps Short-Term Intensity" - Bruce Lee We're all familiar with the tale of the Tortoise and the Hare. The sexy fast Hare,... The slow boring Tortoise... When it comes to fat-loss; the Hare is hell-bent on losing 1-2kg on the scales each week... The Tortoise is happy to only lose 300-500 grams on a consistent basis. The Hare loses 12-15kg in 12-weeks, The Tortoise only loses 4-6kg. If we had to choose, we would want the results of the Hare right!? But what you don't know is that the Hare spend most of their life in the Gym, alienates themselves from friends and family, while following a very restrictive diet. The Tortoise only trains 3 - 4 x per week, and enjoys a social life, as well as a balanced lifestyle. Now it's not so clear who's actually winning this race... After 12-months, the Hare has gained all of that weight back on... Binge eats and is burnt out from training... The Tortoise is still plugging away and those results will now stick! At the time, the Hare laughed at the Tortoise for losing so little each week... Now the Tortoise has crossed the finish line and the Hare isn't even in the race The moral of the story? Consistency Trumps Intensity It's better to lose a sustainable and achievable amount of body-fat then to try and lose it all each week Do what you can stick to, align your lifestyle with your goals and set a realistic time-frame Then most importantly... Trust the Process! . #peopleofPPS #PPSProud
21.01.2022 It may sound silly to some... But there’s an art to successfully Un-Racking the bar from the correct pin height when Bench-Pressing... Get it wrong, and your Bench-Press is going to be wobbly and over before it even began...... Get it right, and you’re set-up for success on the Bench! Why is Un-Racking the Bench-Press Correctly so important? Watch this video to find out more:
21.01.2022 48-Year Old Leslies PPS Testimonial: PPS is not just a gym it is a community. At the age of 48 I was at a loss of what would actually make a difference to my health, weight and general well-being. After trying other gyms, diets and fitness regimes my general wellness was not thriving. ... Then I found PPS... The coaches are nothing short of amazing. They care and really want to you to succeed in whatever your goal. Today I am stronger and leaner than I have been since my thirties. I feel supported, encouraged and now have the knowledge to sustain my body in good form for the long term. #peopleofPPS #PPSProud
20.01.2022 Would you like fries with that? When you go out for a delicious burger, you typically have to order your fries and drinks separately right?! Who even eats a burger without some crispy golden fries...... When you join a gym, you also have to invest in personal-training separately The same goes if you want help with your Nutrition... As well as Accountability & Assessments to measure your progress etc They are all as important as each other just as the chips & drinks, are just as important as the Burger At PPS you get the full supersized combo as well as Dessert bundled into an economical weekly assessment. Personal-Training Nutrition Private Gym Access Bootcamps Body Composition Scans Accountability Everything you need to see results, tailored as one package... Because whats the point of getting the Burger, without fries or something to wash it down with?!
19.01.2022 Hi, my name is Shenae and I’m a 30-year-old Primary School Teacher. I reached out to PPS in Dec 2019. It had been a hectic end to the year at work and I had let my diet, exercise and mental health run into the ground. ... I wanted to form a healthier lifestyle, but had no idea where to start! I decided to join PPS because I loved the idea of semi-private coaching and having a dedicated coach to help develop meal plans and keep me accountable. The PPS community has completely changed my life! Physical training sessions aside, the coaches also help you build a disciplined yet sustainable lifestyle that helps you achieve your long-term goals. I used to dread going to the gym, so when I joined PPS my biggest wins were simply showing up I didn’t even care what weight I lifted! Malcolm and the girls I trained with were so positive and encouraging that eventually showing up became the easy part and I began making solid progress. My mindset has now shifted completely and I look forward to coming in after a long day and challenging myself to lift heavier weights. PPS keeps me coming back because I’m finally achieving results I never thought were possible. I love that the coaches are genuinely invested in helping you achieve your goals and every success is celebrated. There are also no egos from other members the community vibe is strong and we all want to see each other succeed. Getting results is so much easier now that training no longer feels like a chore! My advice to anyone who feels scared to join would simply be to show up and give it a go. You will amaze yourself with what you’re able to achieve when you surround yourself with knowledgeable coaches and a community of like-minded people. @shenaenaee__ #PeopleofPPS #PPSProud
19.01.2022 What does Katie enjoy most about training at PPS? The friendly community, lifting weights, constantly learning, or the way it has shifted her perspective on her body? Were some of her answers...... However, her last response is our favorite! Watch this video to learn more about 31-year old Katies PPS experience
19.01.2022 KYLIES TRANSFORMATION & TESTIMONIAL I decided to join PPS in February 2020. I quickly noticed weight falling off as well as my strength increasing each week.... PPS has defiantly changed my lifestyle and habits. I have achieved goals I never thought were possible and have made some great lifelong friends in the process. I always look forward to my time spent in the gym at PPS. I look forward to smashing more goals in the coming months with a major one, competing on stage now 100% within reach." - Kylie #peopleofPPS #PPSProud
19.01.2022 SUPERSIZE YOUR SQUAT - PT 2 [How To Breath When Squatting] Do you focus on your breathing when Squatting?... An improved focus on correct breathing patterns when Squatting can lead to: Improved Tightness Reduced Risk of Injury Greater Performance But what’s the correct breathing pattern? *Hint* It’s NOT to breath in and out ‘during’ the movement... Watch this video to learn how we cue our clients to breath during the Squat to improve their Performance when lifting: . #squat #powerlifting
18.01.2022 Congratulations to PPS Yangebup Winning our 3rd annual Interclub Powerlifting Competition @englishliam82 winning the Men’s Overall and Men’s Pound for Pound... @___fobby___ coming 2nd in the Men’s overall and 3rd Men’s Pound for Pound @chappa69 coming 2nd in the Ladies Overall @niamh.clarke85 coming 3rd in the Ladies Overall and 2nd in the Ladies Pound for Pound #PeopleofPPS #PPSProud
18.01.2022 A 2-year journey for Dave that PPS Yangebup has a played a part in over the past 18-months Dropping almost -40kg Going from 120kg - 82kg on the scales ... Consistency is what transforms average into Excellence . #PeopleofPPS #PPSProud
17.01.2022 Only 75 calories per serve - this recipe serves 6 Ingredients: 2 x Large Spudlite Potatos... 1 x Onion 2 x TBSP Large Flour 1 x TSP Paprika Pinch of Salt & Pepper Fresh Chives 1 - 2 x Large Eggs Coconut Oil Instructions. Step 1: Scrub the potatoes and coarsely grate on a box grater. Step 2: Dice onions, add grated potato and onions to cloth or sieve and drain excess water. Transfer to bowl. Step 3: Add all dry ingredients and stir through, crack eggs and stir through until mixed. Step 4: Add a dash of coconut oil to pan and add mix. Leave cooking on one side for approx 5mins until golden brown before tossing & repeat on other side. Macros Protein: 2.6g Carbs: 8.9g Fats: 3.5g ENJOY!
16.01.2022 Chamaths PPS Story After being initially annoyed that his mum brought him a 12-Week Package to train at PPS; Chamath found himself, feeling the most comfortable he had been in a gym, and has now been a member for over 18-months... This is his PPS Story:... "I knew that I was overweight for when I was starting out at highschool. I tried joining a few other gyms but after a while, I lost the motivation to go back. I became complacent and lazy. Then my mum signed me up for PPS. At first I was mad; I thought that Id only stay for the first 3 months and then give it up. But over a year and a half on, and Im still here! PPS is a place that motivates you to continue to work your butt off in every session, with a great team of coaches and mates who pushed me to do better. Within a year of joining PPS, I was feeling more confident in myself and more comfortable in the gym than I had in a long time. I love the atmosphere that PPS provides, where youre always supported and encouraged by the friends around you doing the same things as you. I believe that PPS will help me achieve my weight loss goals, and Im just getting started!!" #peopleofPPS #PPSProud
16.01.2022 Ana's PPS Story Have you ever walked into a big commercial gym and just felt Lost So you decided to sign up for group classes instead and ended up feeling like Another Number?... Thats exactly how Ana felt... She realised she needed something more... So she came to PPS seeking a personal touch to help her to take her results to the next level... With the accountability from our Coaches and support from our community, shes now the strongest & fittest shes ever been. This is her PPS story
16.01.2022 37-Year Old Business Owner Jimmy had fallen out of shape, due to his travel & business commitments Although he was hesitant to join another gym... He soon realized that PPS wasnt just another gym... Over the last 12-months, hes seen massive increases in not only his body-composition, but also his strength & confidence; which have had a positive impact on his business. This is his PPS Story
16.01.2022 17-year old (now 18) Arin, joined PPS to get in shape for his school ball. After a year at PPS, hes completely transformed his body, mindset & improved his self-confidence. This is his PPS story:... . My first year at PPS has changed my life, training and involving my self in the PPS tribe has not only changed my physical appearance, but made me a more confident person. These challenges turn into life styles which is my favourite part about this gym. When first starting, I was a bit nervous, but the vibe of the place and the friendliness of the people kept bringing me back for more. This includes the banta while training, to the positive feedback and compliments on progress given by the tribe that just motivates me even more. Seeing changes on the scales and in the mirror, is the most addicting thing. I have been taught so many things about nutrition, health and my own body by the trainers at PPS that I would have never learnt staying lone wolf at a commercial gym. Ive also met so many more interesting people through training and the inter-club competitions with their own self motivation being contagious. I cant thank Jatz enough for everything he has helped me with over this past year, and I cant recommend this place enough to any one looking at taking on these new endeavours. Arin #peopleofPPS #PPSProud
15.01.2022 It's the accumulation of Small-Wins over time that make the all the difference #PeopleofPPS
15.01.2022 What is the best way to describe PPS and who we are suited to helping in the Gym?? Due to the amazing success with helping people get stronger and feel more confident.... It can be a misconception that we are a 'scary' gym that only helps serious athletes ... That couldn't be more futher from the truth! Watch this video to learn if PPS is the right fit for you
15.01.2022 ICYMI: PPS South-Perth is opening soon After popular demand, we are opening our 4th location; to help transform the lives of those of you who live in South-Perth, Como, Vic-Park & Surrounds through Strength-Training. Since first opening in Morley 4-Years ago, and then expanding our community to both Yangebup & Wanneroo, there has a been a lot of demand for us to expand, as everyone SOR is getting PPS FOMO seeing all of our epic results & testimonials we post!... If you fall into this category, sit tight.. we are almost ready. We are taking our first pre-sale consults this coming Monday 3rd August. As you may already know, we offer a very personal service and can only accept limited numbers into our training facilities. We are capping our exclusive pre-sale consultations to a max of 50 people. If you wish to be one of these lucky people, please comment below and we will be in touch to learn more about your goals in the gym, and to help you decide if PPS is the right fit for you. Stay tuned as we post more exciting updates about the newest addition to the PPS family. #PPSProud #PeopleofPPS #PPSSouthPerth
15.01.2022 Considering Strength-Training for Fat-Loss, but afraid you may get 'too bulky'? Or worried you wont get the same results, or burn as many calories as doing cardio? Don't be!... The benefits of Strength-Training can include: Increased lean-muscle gain Sustainable fat-loss Faster metabolism Greater energy levels And at PPS we use Strength-Training as a tool to help empower women to become more confident inside and outside the gym. In this video, some of our lady lifters discuss the impact lifting weights has had on their lives... Why they enjoy it over cardio-based training... And how it makes them feel Watch this video to learn more about the benefits of strength training for Women
14.01.2022 PPS South-Perth Update Progesss update on our 4th PPS location; anticipated opening date and info on our pre-sale opening offers... If you live or work near South-Perth, Vic-Park or Como, this is for you
14.01.2022 Shift-Worker (Nurse) Ellen’s Transformation since joining the crew at PPS Wanneroo Ellen joined in November last year, dropping from -29% to -16% body-fat, while retaining lean-mass She’s been consistent the entire time, including during the lockdown period m, while juggling her shifts as a Nurse ... Congrats Ellen and the team at PPS Wanneroo #ppsproud #peopleofpps
13.01.2022 What does your dream house and your goal body composition have in common? Both need to be built on top of a strong foundation if they are going to stand the test of time PPS Podcast Episode 008:... THE IMPORTANCE OF STRONG FOUNDATION In this episode, I discuss the importance of a strong foundation when transforming your body in the gym and why one of the biggest mistakes I ever made in the gym was not spending enough time working on my foundations. CLICK THE LINK IN THE COMMENTS BELOW TO LISTEN OR SUBSCRIBE TO THE PPS PODCAST ON SPOTIFY
12.01.2022 Swipe to see Results Drews undergone a huge Transformation over the past 12-months at PPS He even managed to win scoop up a cash-prize for winning our in-house 16-Week challenge ... Swipe to see the epic difference #peopleofPPS #PPSProud
12.01.2022 I’ve always loved getting a PB... Challenge is, I used to think it stood for peanut butter. My job in technology kept my mind busy, but my body was receiving unnatural levels of daily snacks and not much exercise. ... The breaking point was realising that putting on my old suits and jeans proved almost impossible without looking like someone poured me in to them but forget to say when. Almost didn’t see it coming since most of my day-to-day clothes were elasticised waists whilst I was working from home over the winter COVID restriction time period. It was time to make some lifestyle changes. In the short time that I’ve joined the team at PPS, I’ve lost 5kgs of body fat and added muscle. The feeling of accomplishment from increasing my strength and endurance on a week to week basis fuels my drive to keep coming back. I have more energy than I had before and my belt loops are tightening as is my body. The real advantage is the engagement from your trainers. Walking in to a larger 24/7 commercial gym is daunting. What are all these machines? How do I use them? What kind of weight should I be lifting? The PPS team work with you on building out a nutrition plan, but more importantly, tailor the beginning of your training to suit your current fitness. My improvement in my lifting technique and strength wouldn’t be possible without the support of the amazing personal trainers. As I transition my understanding of a PB from getting a daily peanut butter sandwich to getting a personal best, my home and work life is better for it. The only thing that prevented me from doing this sooner was my doubt in my abilities to be fit again. I didn’t want to be the unfit guy in a room full of gym junkies. How wrong I was! The PPS team will accept everyone at any fitness level and will make you feel welcome in the process. The family that trains together, gains together. Come join the fam! - Kai #PeopleofPPS #PPSProud
11.01.2022 Those PB’ Deadlift feels It’s the final strength week of 2020 here at PPS and we are looking forward to seeing many more of these! Did you hit a personal best this week?... Comment your numbers below #PPSProud #PeopleofPPS
11.01.2022 Over the weekend we celebrated 4-Years of PPS. 4-Years since PPS Morley first opened its doors in 2016... In 4 short years, our community had achieved so much together...... We have shared many ups and downs, and countless lives have changed... 4-Years and now 4 facilities - with the up & coming opening of our South-Perth location... As we continue to grow our tribe, One thing has remained the same since day-1, our culture and community is what truly makes PPS special... We cant wait to share many more years of PPS across Perth, with you all #peopleofPPS #PPSProud
11.01.2022 PEANUT BUTTER PROTEIN CHEESECAKE Macronutrient breakdown may vary due to your choice of protein powder. 185 calories per serve.... 18g of Protein. 8g of Carbs. 14h of Fat. Ingredients. 1/2 Cup Extra Light Cream Cheese. 1/2 Cup Plain Yopro Yoghurt. 1 Tablespoon Mavers Peanut Butter. 1/3 x Cup PB2 Powdered Peanut Butter. 1 x Scoop Protein Powder. 1 x Tablespoon Artificial Sweetener. 1/3 Cup Almond Meal. 1/2 Teaspoon Vanilla Extract. 1/4 Cup Almond Meal. Heres the recipe for our No Bake - Protein Cheesecake. Directions. 1 Melt coconut oil for 30 seconds in microwave proof bowl. 2 Add Amond meal & half of sweetener. 3 Press mixture into silicone muffin tin and place in freezer. 4 Add Cream Cheese, Yoghurt, Peanut butter and vanilla to mixing bowl and beat. 5 Once mixture is incorporated and creamy add Protein powder, other half of sweetener and Powdered Peanut butter, beat for 2 mins until combined. 6 Pull moulds out of freezer and evenly distribute Cream cheese mixture into muffin tins. 7 Place back in freezer for 30mins, once set pop out of moulds. These can be kept in freezer and defrosted slightly before serving, or if you prefer soft can be kept in fridge. Served with a side of Peters Low-Fat Vanilla Icecream (Optional)
11.01.2022 Transformation Thursday Mum of 2, Dallas has dropped -11kg & -13% body-fat, while training at PPS. Here’s what she has had to say about her PPS training experience:... In late 2019 I remember myself being miserable with my mum bod after two kids. I have always been a fit and active person but the training that used to work was no longer producing any results , I was lost and the weight kept creeping on. It was my husband who mentioned PPS. He said a work mate’s wife had just recently undergone an incredible transformation, so naturally, I proceeded to instagram stalk and was blown away with, not only her results but all members. I signed up to start in January 2020 and I have not looked back. Yes, it was intimidating to begin with, I had never trained in a strength & conditioning environment before, I needed to learn everything from scratch but was it the best decision I ever made?, yes! The programming is motivating, the nutrition is tailored to fit within your lifestyle and the coaching support is above and beyond. Every aspect is simple so you can successfully achieve your goals. Most importantly, the PPS community is so welcoming. Both myself and my children, feel it is a home away from home. I have made some wonderful friendships, these are the types of friends that make you want to train harder, achieve more and stay focused. They are always there to celebrate when I succeed and help me rebuild when I fail. My journey is nothing without them. I am truly grateful for my coaches believing me but most of all I am grateful for them helping me to believe in myself. It is safe to say that this is just the beginning of my journey with PPS! #PeopleofPPS
11.01.2022 Although we don't always like to admit it, we can all lack confidence from time to time Whether it be a lack of confidence with our shirt off at the beach... A lack of confidence in the gym or public spaces...... Or more, a lack of internal confidence or self-esteem... These issues can be common amongst men! And Jason's PPS Story is based around his journey to increase his self-confidence... He recognised his confidence wouldn't just hold himself back, but would hold his partner back aswell He came to PPS to help change that so he and his partner could enjoy their lives more, without feeling self-concious or fearing judgement. If this story resonates with you, watch this video to learn more:
11.01.2022 How not to stronger in the gym = Maxing out each week How to get stronger in the gym = Consistent practise and skill-building overtime New to the gym in 2021?... Comparing yourself to what others lift? Learn and practise good Technique Be patient And Stay consistent The loads will follow It ain’t sexy, but it works . #peopleofPPS
11.01.2022 One for the FIFO Lads My name is Mark and Im 41 years old 1 joined Army at 17-years of age. But after 9 years in the military as a infantrymen, I discharged and have been working FIFO ever since. I came to PPS to get back into a training routine, which Ive been missing since leaving the army. And Ive never really done any type of weight1lifting before - As Ive mainly done cardio type training. ... PPS has changed my life so far, by giving me more energy and helping to put me back into a good head-space. I keep coming back to PPS as Im starting to get results and feel better about myself inside and outside the gym. If you where thinking of joining, I would recommend it - once you get through that first month it just gets easier and better. - - Mark . #peopleofPPS #PPSProud
10.01.2022 BENCH BOOSTING TIP - BAR PATH Is the Bench-Press your Arch Nemesis in the Gym? Every other lift seems to progress, but Bench seems to be stagnant?! ... Check your ‘Bar Path’ to bust your Bench plateau... By arching our back, we change the angle of our bar-path. But if we don’t adjust for this, we risk pushing the bar away from our body. Making it heavier and harder than it needs to be! If you want to Dominate the Bench-Press in 2021, watch this video to learn more
10.01.2022 BRIANS PPS TRIBE TESTIMONIAL Hi, my name is Brian. I am 32 years old and I work as a design engineer in the manufacturing industry. I have been training at PPS for 9 months now....Continue reading
10.01.2022 Andrews PPS Story Andrew Here, Working hard, and playing harder was what I used to do, until I was at my heaviest weight and decided I needed to change. ... Ive been to commercial gyms prior to joining PPS and thought it was an easy fix, pick up the weights, do the exercises and become ripped and fit. Easy right? WRONG! I liked the idea, it sounded so easy. But it wasnt! In a commercial gym, I felt intimidated and unmotivated to go, i felt that no one had the time of day to help you or guide you - and being new to all of it, you just give up, and thats what I did - kept paying the membership and never went, until I heard about PPS from my sisters. At PPS, they care for you, look after you and definitely there to help you. If you have any questions theyre there for you! The coaches at PPS are amazing and the camaraderie from the boys are second to none. Thats what makes me go back, you just feel so welcomed and know that theyve got your back and will always support you! Theyll push you harder than anyone else, and a little friendly competition never hurts right? That in itself makes me motivated to keep coming and try to be the better version of myself. I recommend PPS to anyone and everyone! They will welcome you with open arms, and so will every other member. We are a family, we argue, we bicker, but at the end of the day, were here to be the best version of ourselves. It starts with, Love yourself before you love anyone else - and this is self love. - Andrew . #PeopleofPPS
09.01.2022 Gareth joined PPS on the day before Gyms were shut down due to COVID... However this didn’t stop him from transitioning into Virtual training with us, and then finally getting to train in our Community when we re-opened He since made all kinds of gains and even competed in a Novice Powerlifting Comp!... This is what he’s had to say about his PPS Experience so far: My name is Gareth. I'm a camera operator, videographer and filmmaker. I came to PPS as I knew I needed to make a change in my lifestyle, as my current method of exercise and health wasn't working. Since I joined PPS, I've made steady progress towards the strong and healthy version of myself that I envisioned, and have noticed I have a lot more energy and confidence! What keeps me coming back is the support and community at PPS, and my own drive to do better and be consistent. I'd say to those unsure or scared of joining, that you should take the plunge! You'll feel a lot better about yourself for it. I know the moment I walked in, I was welcomed and given key advice right from the word go. I have no regrets! #peopleofPPS #PPSProud
09.01.2022 SUPERSIZE YOUR SQUAT - PT 1 [Un-racking the Bar] A quality Squat starts here... The quality of your Squat will be dictated by the quality of your set-up Treat the bar with respect when un-racking the you will be rewarded with Squat PR’s Disrespect the weight when un-racking and suffer the consequences Watch this video to learn how we prepare for Squats at PPS and why your set-up is so important
09.01.2022 MALCOM’S PPS STORY What do you do when life punches you in the face? Give up and cry about it?... Or knuckle up and do something about it? In this special Podcast episode, Coach Malcolm shares his story about how life punching him in the face (literally) kickstarted a positive chain of events, leading him to become the Man and Succesful Coach he is today. This Podcast is a great story and lesson for all of us about how we can always turn negative situations into positives and learn lessons from our losses. CLICK THE LINK IN THE COMMENTS TO LISTEN OR SEARCH PPS PODCAST ON SPOTIFY . #PeopleofPPS
08.01.2022 Hi, my name is Jess and Im a 46-year-old working professional and mother to two girls. I am really motivated, and consistent with my exercise; finding that it helps me both physically and mentally cope with life. Working with weights has always been my thing, but like a lot of people, I had crossed to the dark side of HIIT training 4-6 times a week. ... I really enjoyed it, but my body to me didnt look like someone who worked out all the time. Recently divorced as well, and not having to cook for a big family, food became less of a priority. So, I was essentially over-training, undereating, and starting to look and feel hormonally unbalanced. I came to PPS to find a gym that would give me structure; not only to my programming but also to hold me accountable to my food intake. So that I could first start to feel healthier and secondly, get back the body I had when I was 30. I honestly can't believe how easy it has been to start kicking goals at PPS. Feeding my body enough of the right food, and combining that with a considered weight program; while working out in a family-team environment, that is all about support, has made achieving my performance and aesthetic goals totally within reach. I keep coming back because there is no reason not to! The mum bod is almost gone, Ive made a bunch of cool friends and I am feeling pretty damn good! The trainers are alright too!!! There is absolutely no need to feel intimidated about coming to PPS. This gym is inclusive for everybody. The tools, structure, support, and people are there to make sure your gym experience is something you look forward to doing each day. - Jess #peopleofPPS #PPSProud
08.01.2022 Transformation Thursday 100kg 95kg 80kg Great progress from Rhiannon who has been at PPS Yangebup for over a year now ... She’s about to participate in her first photoshoot with the team and we’re excited to see the shots! . #peopleofPPS #PPSProud
08.01.2022 When you want specialist health advice, you don't see a GP - So when you need Specialist Strength or Recomp Coaching, you shouldn't see a general PT. At PPS, we are specialized Strength & Body Recomposition Coaches. We help people build; leaner, muscular, stronger physiques without spending hours in the Gym or following restrictive diets - even if they have no gym experience.... If you: Want to go beyond basic Weight Loss Need more than a "Gym Membership" Enjoy training with like-minded people in a Private and Professional environment And would love to feel more Confident inside and outside the Gym Click the LEARN MORE button below to register interest via our website, and we'll reach out to discuss your goals and find out if we are a good fit to work together. . #PeopleofPPS
08.01.2022 Exclusive PPS Mens and Women’s Tanks now in stock for Summer Suns out... Guns out! Comment below if you want one ... P.S. By Tanks, we mean the Tops... Not the models #PeopleofPPS #PPSProud
08.01.2022 32-Year Old Mechanic and Business Owner Cameron’s epic results at PPS so far! Over the past 18-months he’s: Gone from 26.5% to 9.7% body-fat... Reducing his fat-mass by 16.3kg Maintaining his lean-body mass along the way #PeopleofPPS #PPSProud
07.01.2022 What helps us achieve such amazing results at PPS? Is it the expert Coachs? Premium Facilities?... Custom Nutrition and Programming? It all certainly helps! But we cant take all the credit... Its the People of PPS! The Culture & Community make us special... Having an environment where everybody knows your name and story... Like-minded Non-Gym People who get your struggles; Who will support and push you to achieve your goals Its all about the people at PPS, youll come for results but youll stay for the relationships Watch this Video to Learn more about the People of PPS #peopleofPPS #PPSProud
07.01.2022 34-Year Old Workshop Manager and Father of 4 Steve, has been training at PPS South-Perth for 16-Weeks now... Coming on board to strengthen his back, and become a healthier role-model for his family. He’s gone from having severe back-pain in the past (to the point where he took 6+ months off work) to Deadlifting 220+ kg and competing in an Inter-club Powerlifting Competition.... Here’s what he had to say so far about his PPS experience so far: From the very beginning, PPS has been so encouraging and supportive you becoming the best version of myself. Johnny and the team have invested a lot of time and passion into creating a very ‘family-like’ culture. They cover everything from the hard work needed in both the gym and lifestyle without any of the judgement that is commonly felt in the traditional gyms. Never intimidated, only encouraged. Progression, not perfection. Love these guys! - Steve #PeopleofPPS #PPSProud
06.01.2022 How Do We Build Confidence In The Gym? Confidence is like a muscle and to get stronger, it needs to be constantly loaded over-time. In the early stages of your health & fitness journey, you are probably still finding your Confidence in the gym.... Whether you are a confident person at work or at home.. Most people still struggle for confidence when outside their comfort zone... Ironically the gym's purpose is to get help people get Stronger... But for most people, it is a symbol of internal weakness... Causing anxiety, self-doubt, and fear! This self-doubt can hold us back from realizing our potential in the gym and achieving our goals... How do we become Gym Confident? Set Achievable Goals Build momentum by setting and achieving weekly goals that are a balance of being realistic but also challenging Competence builds Confidence Maintain consistency, be patient, and develop the skills you need in the gym to become more confident You can't just be confident, you need to become more competent first Your Tribe is your Vibe Confidence can be contagious - Surround yourself with other uplifting people and you'll soon catch the bug Together you can help each other to become more confident #PPSProud
06.01.2022 STEVES PPS TRIBE TESTIMONIAL Hey - Im Stephen but you can call me Steve, Stevo or Stevie-J. Im a Primary School Performing Arts Teacher passionate about dance and giving kids the opportunity to shine! I saw how much PPS had changed the life of my friend Eugene. He was so passionate about his routine and his eating regime and he looked damn good because of it. ... I thought...well if I even have half the chance of looking like that and feeling that kind of confidence in myself - I need to give this a go! I always WANTED to feel better about myself but lacked knowledge to know how. Its so much about routine and mindset. I dont feel like Ive ever been in a better head space. PPS forces you to take responsibility for all your actions inside and outside of the gym. They teach you ways to make the gym, your eating and your lifestyle places of habit. In the end - its easier to stick with what you know because you feel better for it. At PPS, its about the constant accountability which pushes you to small wins. If you dont show up, people notice because they genuinely care. They care about how you are as a person as well as how you are going to reach your set goals! Its an awesome atmosphere because everyone there is on their own path individually however also working to move in a common direction! Every step is celebrated - even if that step means you just showed up! The hardest and scariest part is your preconception of you what it will be. The moment you walk in, meet the staff and get to know the people in the PPS community - you realise everyone is exactly like you. Just looking for a way to be a better version of themselves. Dont judge this gym based on other gyms. Try it for yourself. - Steve. #peopleofPPS #PPSProud
06.01.2022 Couples that train together... Being new to WA, Kelly and Kris were on the hunt for a new training community to call their own. After trialling various gyms they eventually found PPS South-Perth - joining as foundation members.... Since joining they have formed new friendships, seen huge body composition changes, and competed in our Interclub Powerlifting Competition! Both becoming key figures in helping to grow our newest community - with Kris even winning our Community Member of the Year Award for 2020 Swipe to find out what they have had to say about their PPS experience so far: . #peopleofPPS #PPSProud
06.01.2022 The great Albert Einstein once told us: "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results" Einstein was a smart man, but he was no Body Composition Coach...... So what does this have to do with us?! We all started out fitness journeys because we want to change something about ourselves... We are wanting to become a better version of ourselves - mentally and physically. It's important to understand that this won't happen if we continue to perform the same actions that we have in the past. Our old habits have brought us here... Leading us to feel less confident, lethargic and unhappy with who we are... And it would be pure insanity to think that we could transform our bodies & minds, if we keep taking these same actions. But our past doesnt have to be our future We have the power to rewrite our stories We just need to create new habits and take new action... New actions, new habits and a happier end to our story... Or no matter how hard we try Well end up in the same place all over again... Just like Einstein predicted @ppshq_gym #peopleofPPS
05.01.2022 Live from PPS South-Perth Would you like Fries with that?! The PPS Point of Difference ... and an Update on our Foundation offer at PPS South-Perth
04.01.2022 How it started vs How it’s going for Chamath who’s lost -30KG since starting training at PPS Yangebup Chammy originally came on board after his mum brought him a 12-Week gift voucher ... Many 12-Weeks later, he’s still going and hasn’t looked back!... **Our locations are all at capacity as we head into Xmas. To join our New-Year wait-list, please enquire through our website* #PeopleofPPS #PPSProud
04.01.2022 Prems transformed immensely over the years, inside and out; while overcoming many hurdles to get there. Here is just a small snapshot of her most recent progress which lead to her doing a photoshoot to show off her amazing results. #ppsproud #peopleofPPS
03.01.2022 Immas Tribe Testimonial Hi, Im Imma. Ive just turned 30, have two beautiful girls, and am an interior designer. I Love my job and getting my creative juices flowing!... Ive been through some pretty crappy health issues over the years, and have never seem to have any energy to do anything. Ive always been scared to work-out, or step foot in a gym. My husband Mark has been coming to PPS for a year now and has inspired me to start my own fitness journey. PPS has definitely been a great investment for myself. I feel so much happier and stronger and Im upset I didnt join sooner! The Coaches have really helped me believe in myself. Ive been able to build my strength up and lift weights Ive never thought were possible. I love how this is not just a gym its a community and everyone is so inspiring and encouraging. To anyone who has been thinking about joining a gym or getting into fitness and keep putting it off - Id say come join PPS because its definitely a place for everyone and youd absolutely love it. - Imma #PPSProud #PeopleofPPS
03.01.2022 My name is Mladen Petrovic, and I’m a pianist! I enjoy photography and since recently, I’m absolutely enjoying training at the gym with Luke. I initially joined PPS as I was looking to make some improvements to my physical and mental health and make some positive lifestyle changes. ... Since joining PPS I have much more energy, I feel happier, I have a lot more motivation to exercise, I’m enjoying work much more and my ability to cope with stress has improved dramatically. I’ve really come to enjoy training in the gym and feel as though I am making meaningful progress physically and mentally from week to week, having an intelligent PT who supports and guides you along the way has been very helpful. Since joining my proudest moment has been losing 12kg of body fat so far whilst increasing muscle mass and improving my cardiovascular fitness. To anyone you might be scared of joining I say once you make the first step everything becomes much easier and you’ll also have the support from the amazing PPS community, I highly recommend PPS as whole. #peopleofPPS #PPSProud
02.01.2022 PPS Podcast Episode 03 BALANCE - How to have Balance and see amazing results in the gym LISTEN HERE: A lot of us struggle with ‘Balance’ while trying to transform our bodies in the gym... We have our big hairy audacious goals on one side And we have our old lifestyle habits on the other Somewhere in between is that mythical thing we call Balance But can we truly have Balance while achieving our goals in the gym? Some of us can only achieve results by going ‘all-in’ and sacrificing everything they enjoy... Others never see results because they struggle to let go of past habits... Both aren’t what we would consider Balance So what is Balance and do we define it? In this podcast episode we discuss our thoughts on Balance in the gym; and I share my own struggles with Balance in the Gym, my personal and my business life over the years... Click the link in the comments section to listen or search PPS Podcast on Spotify
01.01.2022 Congratulations To two super Mums and Lady Lifters: Leah and Alexis from PPS Wanneroo who competed at the CAPO State Powerlifting Championships on Saturday . Leah placed 1st in her division (U90kg)... Squat: 135kg Bench: 95kg Deadlift: 180kg Total: 410kg (Equal highest Total) Topping the Bench and Deadlift for the female lifters of the day . Alexis placed 2nd in her division (U75kg) and 3rd Overall Squat: 140kg Bench: 87.5kg Deadlift: 165kg Total: 392.5kg An amazing effort from two super strong women! Role models for all the Mums and Lady Lifters our there. #peopleofPPS #PPSProud @ Perth, Western Australia
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